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I will put my vote on Winter


Why? Well, she was not active second cycle and being active on the third just to put a vote on someone who is already suspected by others seems a pretty chill way to pass the "contribution test"

I was a little less inactive on the second cycle because of real life issues. Also, just because I've only posted once, that was just because nobody responded after that on the thread until I went off line. Is it suspicious to vote for someone who's already been voted for? If everyone thought that way, then honestly we'd never lynch anyone because, duh, everyone would be too afraid of getting suspected and we'd tie all the time.


Alright, Zepher. I get not being good at being defensive- usually I have the same issue. (Will edit my first post)

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First off, no one visited me last night.


Second, to the person who visited me on Cycle 1, You're posts have made it obvious to me you're a seeker, and while I may have more evidence than others, in that I know you visited me, other people are going to figure out your role as well. I'm trying to figure out a way to confirm to you that it's you who I'm talking too, but I can't think of one just yet


Thirdly, a vote tally

Stink (2): Ripplegylf, Alfa

Ripple (1): STINK

Zephrer (2): Clanky, Wyrmhero

Only Jo (3): Sart, Kipper, Jo


Of those three, I'm most suspicious of Zephrer, but not for any good reasons. However, of the three that are tied for the lynch, lynching The Only Jo, would get the village the most info, as many have pointed out. Plus, he's not going to be very useful soon, as a lot of crem just hit the fan in his personal offline life, so while he'll try to maintain activity if he isn't lynched, it probably won't be happening.

Edited by The Only Jo
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I'd be more of the onion that if Joe wants to be lunched, lettuce do it.

The Only Joe

Who else likes to obsessively highlight posts? (cough cough Kipper Alva cough cough)


Fun times with such shenanigans

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I'm going to vote for Stink because of the reasons from last cycle.  I just want to put the hot water under him so he *might* have a lynch coming his way.  I still don't fully understand his reasoning, and his explanation didn't help all that much, either.

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I'd be more of the onion that if Joe wants to be lunched, lettuce do it.

The Only Joe

Who else likes to obsessively highlight posts? (cough cough Kipper Alva cough cough)

I do that, I'm afraid.

Thx luv u 2 phatt

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Hi guys. Apologies for being inactive the first few days I was busy writing essays all week.


Now to get down to the game.


I'm voting for Zephrer for a few reasons.


1) My biggest reads (based off the past few days of posts) on who I believe to be Inquisition would be namely the people who are currently voting for Zephrer    "****Zephrer (2): ClankyWyrmhero****" 


2) Zephrer's posts while it does seem like he's attempting to help and this is only his second first-ish game, his posts generally do nothing to help the Inquisition except state general things that we need to do EX: "So how do we propose to deal with the Skaa?" - Zephrer


3) While Joe is extremely suspicious for 1) Not giving us the name of who visited him and 2) Jo attempting to possibly sway votes by voting for himself to me is an extreme defensive maneuver, I believe Zephrer is more likely to be skaa based on my points earlier that I believe outweigh the points against Joe.

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Hmm, well now I'm not quite sure what to do. I've been suspicious of Joe for ages, but the fact that everybody is jumping on him now almost makes me want to reconsider. I was also becoming suspicious of Zephrer because of the reasons people have already said, in addition to the fact that Joe backed him up so quickly. Now that both of them are being voted on, and now that Joe wants to be lynched, I'm not quite sure what to think.


For now, though my vote goes on Zephrer, mainly because although lynching Joe might be helpful even if he is not a skaa, I really want us to lynch a skaa this round and I feel like Zephrer is the more likely candidate.

Edited by Meandbooks
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Ok, I'm really very sorry that I haven't been the most active this cycle - I had a 16 hour flight, and then some fairly hideous jetlag.

On those I find suspicious:

1) Creccio

I can't quite put a finger on it, so I will refrain from voting, but something seems really odd about Creccio's posts, and the way she is trying to get us to trust her. I'll have another look through should I survive, (probably can't get back online today), and see what I can find.

2) Joe

I'm not quite sure what to make of Joe. We have his plan in cycle one, which is a black mark on his name, but equally, he's just tried the vote on himself gambit - which was followed by others swinging the vote away from him. I think we gain sufficient information from his death that I'm going to vote on him without more concrete suspicions. Sorry, Joe

3) Wyrm

Just your regularly scheduled reminder not to trust anything Wyrm says, and to not allow him control of the thread. See QF9!

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Welcome back everyone! It looks like threatening to unleash coinshots on inactives sure did the trick. I don't really like that all we got was agreements with suspicions that were already widespread but it's a start. 


@Orlok. I see you viewing the thread. Any thoughts?


EDIT: Ninja'd by Orlok

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Ok, guys, really sorry I haven't posted much these last couple days. Doesn't really look like I can do much at this point. Joe's(or Jo now?) trying and succeeding at killing himself, which seems weird. I don't know what to make of Zephrer repeatedly "assuring" us he's good. I've never played with him before, but that doesn't seem like it helps us. Wyrm said he was going to remove his vote from Zephrer if he'd use his ability, but he hasn't removed it yet. Of course, I don't remember seeing if Zephrer agreed to do that or not, so maybe that's why he didn't remove it.


I can't really do anything with my vote except make a tie and that seems like it would be detrimental to the team since we would get little to no information, so I'm gonna leave it as it is.


I'm really gonna try to be a lot more actively posting now. The last couple days have been really busy for me. But this upcoming week is looking like it's going to be slow, so that means more time for SE!  :D

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"I want you to take me, sir."

That was something that Grim had never truly expected to hear. He checked to make sure he was burning tin and didn't misunderstand him.

He glared at the student who faced his death fearlessly. "You do realize The Inquisition chooses you, and not the other way around?" But the lines of steel that indicated where everybody else was standing showed that the student's peers were inclined to agree with him by how far back they had moved.

Grim ground his teeth together. He supposed there was nothing left to but to do it, and wordlessly snatched Jo up. As he moved to the doorway to the Long Hallway down he noticed everybody else trying to shuffle out of the room behind him.

"No," he said, stopping everybody in their tracks. "This time you follow, and you watch this one. See where self-sacrifice gets you."

It was many excruciating, blood-stained hours later and Grim was still hard at work. The Art of Inquisition required more than just physical incentive. Grim had always loved the slow and subtle use of emotional allomancy when performing. You of course couldn't negate or enhance the actual pain they felt, but Grim had come to learn the mind was a wondrous thing capable of many amazing feats. The emotional and traumatic shock that came from torture? Why, that was rife for manipulation.

Joel Tormander of course admitted to any and all crimes while under scrutiny. They all did. It was Grim's job -- or pleasure -- to shift through the lies and figuring out when they were just telling him what they wanted to hear. And with the tin he had confiscated from the poor noble when the inquisition began, Grim was able to hear and see plenty.

By the end of it, he could taste the iron in the air. And while Joel may have been guilty of many things, being a skaa was not one of them.


Mar had watched the gruesome process with growing trepidation. He knew he had supported the fool's bid to be interrogated as such, but he just couldn't shake the feeling that this is where they were all going to end up eventually. Picked apart, piece by bloody piece, by an obsidian ax wielding madman. He supposed a knife in the back from the skaa would even be a better fate than that at this point. He shuddered at the grim prospects, and continued on his way, unconsciously touching the vials of iron that were in his cloak pocket, inside a special tearaway pouch he had sewn in, just in case.

With a start, he realized that he found himself alone still in the tombs of the cavern somehow, as he had been mindlessly wandering and must have taken a wrong turn somewhere. He went to turn back around and retrace his steps when he heard a noise from up ahead of him, and the flickering light of the torches around the corner showed a pair of dancing shadows and then the light suddenly extinguished.

He went to go investigate, but in his moment of distraction he hadn't even noticed the person who had snuck up behind him until the cold obsidian dagger was pressed against their throat.

"Sacrifices to be made, eh?" They said, and then silently slit Mar's throat with one swift stroke before vanishing back into the shadows.


Citona Vinid found herself loving the small freedom she had found inside the tombs of the caverns at night. After watching the foolish Inquisitor butcher his people in spectacular fashion, she decided to just roam the various rooms and tunnels all hidden deep inside the earth. All of the secrets of the Canton of Inquisition for her to discover. It wasn't as if she had to worry about any of her fellow skaa sneaking up on and murdering her. She let out small laugh and went back to her exploring.

She check her supplies of copper, ensuring that they were still safely on hand. She had almost considered burning it earlier when in the room with Grim, as he toyed with the emotions of his subjects and students in that horrific display. But the fear of the rumors and stories of the Inquisitors made her hold back. She knew they were all just silly stories spread by the pathetic, groveling skaa back at home. That was why they had undertaken this endeavor. To find out the secrets of the Steel Ministry and help the skaa to get out from under their grip of terror.

She found herself looking at the intricate artwork that was etched into the wall, even as unsightly as it was. It was a delicately and precisely cut and carved out, the lines and shading magnificent. Even if was depicting a gory scene of a raging band of koloss raiding skaa plantations. She ran her fingers over the engraved caption, it was written in the same strange language that her invitation was written in, the mysterious alphabet of the Steel Ministry. Cracking that secret alone would surely help the cause.

Suddenly her torch went flying out of it's brackets, the flame sputtering as it flew through the air and casting wicked shadows before the torch hit a wall and the flame extinguished. Citona found herself plunged into darkness and frantically reached for her metal vials, only to have them ripped out of her hand. No, she thought, pushed.

She swore under her breath and tried to scramble out around the corner, but felt the stinging bite as coins punched into her back from behind and let out a gasp. She fell to the ground, her body giving out on her as the burning pain became too much. Spitting up a lungful of blood and with her dying breath, she cursed The Lord Ruler one last time.

Joel Tormander was an Inquisitor Tineye!
Mar was an Inquisitor Lurcher
Citona Vinid was a Skaa coppercloud!

Stink (3) - Ripple, Alfa, Polk
Ripple (1) - Stink
Zephrer (4) - Clanky, Wyrm, Deathclutch, Books
Jo (5) - Sart, Kipper, Jo, Phat, Orlok

Day 4 Begins! It will last 49 hours until 9PM EST, Wednesday October 28th! Another apology for the super lengthy wait on this rollover, as I was in no state to get it done last night! :P
This thread will NOT autolock on this rollover at the exact time, however, as I realize that it's an inconvenience for players who maybe want to get some RP in between long rollover times. So just as long as players do not post new votes or edit their posts after the cycle is over, RP posts will be allowed.

Edited by Alvron
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I am going to put my vote back on to Zephrer. He managed to put off the lynch without really having to do anything because of Jos deathwish and the kindhearted amongst us accommodating him.


EDIT: Colour

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Okay. I am so sorry for my inactivity this past few days. My sister accidentally locked her room with her keys inside... along with our laptop and tablet. It took us a few days before we got to open it.

I'm gonna reread the entire thread now and see what I've missed.

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Nice job, whoever got Citona :)


Nothing I can say will help me. I've explained that the reason I posted what I did (outside of my accusation of Kas) was to promote discussion, because activity was low on the thread. Yet no one has believed my explanation. I burned a charge of my metal last night in case a seeker was watching, but I doubt this happened.

I don't see what good any further defense would do. If you truly wish me dead as proof, go for it. You will have lost another inquisitor.

But no hard feelings :)

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@Polking: I asked the coinshots to start taking out people who were lurking to promote activity. I am not sure if that was the case but Shallan certainly fit the lurker part.


EDIT: Clarification

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I asked the coinshots to start taking out people who were lurking to promote activity. I am not sure if that was the case but Shallan certainly fit that

  It could also be a Zinc user that found a coinshot user and a funny interaction happened

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@Clutch Considering you haven't been active this entire game, I wonder how you can sound so confident in your accusation of polking. 


I honestly don't know what to make of last round. I haven't had the time to go through and analyze it all, but hopefully I'll find some time. Eventually. Good job to whoever got Citona, by the way.

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@Ripple Activity has nothing to do with deduction based on previous days. Anyone can read any post from any time at any time.

In other news are there any investigative roles that want to come forward and shed some light on the game?


Also can anyone tell me what we learn from Joe's death?

"I think we gain sufficient information from his death that I'm going to vote on him without more concrete suspicions. Sorry, Joe" - Orlok

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