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Sad but understandable, Kas.


Bit of an odd one for the Eliminators to kill. I don't think I've interacted with Alvom or been in any games he's been in, so is anyone else able to make suggestions about why this happened? ...Unless it's a case of mistaken identity, of course :P


I would very much like to know what Venture Mistborn's suspicions were for agreeing to lynch Araris. He said he agreed with the reasoning 'having read the whole thread', and then voted. I don't like this; It's an incredibly easy way to be able to vote without having to come up with your own reasoning, and it was a third vote on Araris within a very short space of time. Literally, right after the second vote. What made you so certain of Araris' death that you would place a third vote on him?

Edited by Wyrmhero
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Talking about what? A baseless vote?  Do you want to stirr trouble and make people talk? Poke voting me of all people wont do anything to make discussion happen. Kasimir and Alfa both voted and I believe i provided enough reason to not be suspicious.


Stink, if you really want to make people discuss, poke vote someone else, like... Orlok, Alvron, Joe, Ripple just came in again, I even made a list with my suspicions and thoughts, go get those names on the list, not me

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Stink, that was uncalled for. 


Edit for vote: You seem to be acting very sporadic, even for your typical playstyle, and comments like that are not okay.

Edited by RippleGylf
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Well, I wonder why you are so set on me.


If you don't think it's useful go ahead and make one yourself. You are the useless one here. Poke voting with no evidence, demanding people to talk and then telling them they are useless without actually doing anything yourself?


If you want to be useful then do something, I am a new guy here and I have done more than you. Prove your worth before calling names, I am done talking with you.

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Hey, hey, before we get all tense and angry with each other, let's think about this a little...I guess I can be the peacekeeper.


Here we have Stink who made a rather startling statement. I don't think he necessarily had any malicious intent behind his statement; it was just a bit off-putting. Try to look at the sentiment behind the statement. If he had said "Creccio, I don't think the list you provided adequately provided for the suspicion that should have been earned by Players X, Y, and Z, and I really don't think any of the people on the list are suspicious," it would have meant the same thing. So please let's not throw around downvotes for something that was probably just a lapse of self-control, and really wasn't offensive. Just the tone was off-putting. So, was the tone intentionally off-putting? Is it a strategy that STINK is employing? Who knows?! But let's discuss that, rather than how offended we are by word choices. That is a road that ends in happiness for exactly no one (trust me, I have firsthand experience with this in SE; forgive and forget :P)


Anyway, Creccio, I would challenge your assertion that you "have done enough to be proven innocent." How can one do that in a game with no safe/cop roles? Fyi, you're actually one of the three to four people I suspect most. I'll address that later, but for now I just wanted to come in and try to defuse a situation before it blew up. It was starting to resemble a certain exchange in games past...

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Meaning and wording are two different things, had he said what you said i would have tried to argue about it, or try to see where he is coming from, but words like those are coming from a closed mind that is not even worth exploring. Empty bowls of ice creams have more substance than anything he has provided.


If you think I am suspicious, go ahead. I am not, kill me and prove it yourself. I have said this to Kas and Alfa, I believe we are on the same side and we should make someone else not named me talk, I wont slip, I cant, I am a good guy, keep focusing me and the Skaa will move right by you.


Now, I do want to know how i got into that list, seems like an interesting thing to know about 

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Still, there are a lot of better ways to express that he doesn't agree with her list than just saying, "It's useless."

I agree, but being all angry isn't going to solve anything.




You're still angry, and insults are not a good way to respond to insults...but whatever, I've said my piece.

As I said, I will explain why I suspect you later, when I have more time. In detail.

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Grim looked on in amusement as tempers flared and the arguments began to become more heated.


Should probably lay off of the zinc, he thought, burning brass now instead of rioting everybody.

Just peeking in and giving a friendly reminder to keep things calm and civil! It never hurts to review the Etiquette Policy and remember this is all just a game and in good fun! :D

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I'm about to go to bed, so sorry for all the rude comments earlier.


Creccio, I didn't mean to make you feel so bad.


Ripple, this vote is mostly to draw attention to the fact that Ripple can still be evil, and don't feel guilty about her previously dying anymore as she has a different role and maybe alignment. 

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I'm about to go to bed, so sorry for all the rude comments earlier.


Creccio, I didn't mean to make you feel so bad.


Ripple, this vote is mostly to draw attention to the fact that Ripple can still be evil, and don't feel guilty about her previously dying anymore as she has a different role and maybe alignment. 


I am not sad, in fact, that's what i want!


I want people to challenge each other, see what everyone is made of(metal? Pewter?Steel?), and weed the Skaa out.


Don't take me for granted, I could be a devious Skaa( I am not...) I just want the discussion to ensue.


Stink, no hard feelings man, lets keep playing it fair and square.

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Welcome back Ripple. :)

Okay, let's get some discussion going. We have two more dead inquisitors and if things keep going like this, the Skaa will most certainly win.

Obviously this is not a good option (unless you're


So how do we propose to deal with the Skaa?

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Zephrer, a good plan to "deal with the Skaa" is to vote for people and look for inconsistencies or slip-ups in their posts. There isn't any overarching plan that can be made to find the Skaa beyond that not even a follow-the-cop strategy in this game. But you know that, another way I like to use when looking for eliminators is seeing who posts lots of anti-eliminator things that don't actually have any analytical value.


This works only for inexperienced eliminators normally, I was guilty of that in my first game as an eliminator but nobody called me out on it. Some examples of posts like this are your post above and this


Okay, adding my two cents:

Kas, I know what I said about instinct earlier, and I hate to go by it... but I'm still fairly inexperienced at this, so I'll take the advice given. Not to mention sometimes you just don't have enough evidence to justify a vote.

I really don't have evidence to justify my vote, and I don't think this based on any of the events that have occurred, but my instincts say that you are Skaa.

I realize this puts some measure of suspicion on me, and I expect that. But I assure you all, I'm an inquisitor.


(Emphasis mine)

and this




Sigh... Two gone...
Well storm it all everyone, we're suddenly a lot worse off than when we started. Let's get to evening the odds, shall we?

and also this


Let's get down to business, shall we? All Skaa step forward and raise your hands so we can kill you. Don't worry, We'll make it as painful as possible.

Edited by Clanky
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You have a valid point, And i'd be surprised if you DIDN'T suspect me. But what you indicated isn't my style of play.

I am an inquisitor, I assure you.

unfortunately... I have no Way to prove it... :(

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Venture Mistborn.

unfortunately... I have no Way to prove it... :(

Well, there's always one way, Zephrer.
I'm always suspicious of people who say stuff like this, particularly when if you really want to prove it, you can always put yourself up for the lynch. But aside from that, the best way to prove it is to discuss, vote and lynch, and hopefully lynch an Eliminator because of it. That is the only confirmation we can get in this game.

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