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Everything posted by AerionBFII

  1. Hmmm i get the sense he might be your favorite character.
  2. I would find this interesting to see, I'd like to see how this would effect his character growth. Renarin has always been in the background but always highly supportive of Adolin never letting jealousy get the better of him, with Dalinar, Renarin, Jasnah, his betrothed Shallan and his friendly rival Kal all Radiants i want to see how he will react. Im sadly one of those that find Adolin a rather one-dimensional character, don't get me wrong i don't dislike him. I'm more neutral toward him than anything.
  3. Pehaps Helaran was just an initiate? He had just joined the Skybreakers after seeking them out and was under guidance until he could attract his own Highspren, until he could perform the Nahel Bond he was "loaned" a Shardblade. Heralds are considered deities, who could loan out a Shardlade without fear of them not returning it? The Answer: An insane immortal leader of a highly dangerous group of super powered vigilantes. Who you just stiffed.
  4. I check James Islingtons Updates weekly... even though his updates happen monthly.. thats how much I loved the first book, haha. Three sharders recommending a book should be enough to arm twist at least a few people into trying it right?
  5. YOU'VE JINXED IT!!! Im watching Fortitude, creepy happenings on a Norwegian rock haha
  6. Brent Weeks is amazing. Hope you love Black Prism as much as i did. Im currently reading:A Pattern of Shadow & Light series by The beautiful and highly talented Melissa McPhail.
  7. Zack Hemsey - The Way (Instrumental) on Youtube
  8. Im quite pleased with buying Kings Dark Tidings by Kel Kade. It's so hard to find a decent Anti-Hero these days and the Author is Self Pulished, so it's a nice Loved The Licanius Trilogy. Michael Kramer is awesome, i swear who needs Morgan Freeman to narrate their lives when you have Kramer.
  9. I've been stalking Youtube listening to: Zack Hemsey - The Way (Instrumental) among others tracks of his. You guys should check him out
  10. I don't think it could be adapted to movies very easily. I just don't think current movie equipment could do the series justice perhaps an Anime would be better, the fight scenes and Roshar would look exceptionally cool: something like avatar but with 10 seasons
  11. The people of Roshar (until recently at least) take everything he says with a pinch of salt. They know him as a enigmatic odd ball, who is known for making facetious comments and playing jokes on them. Which he excels at. I don't think it unlikely that they just write him off as being strange. Im sure he does use his allomancy on occasion but not fragrantly just when it's necessary. The things he says would only mean anything to the characters in hindsight which i believe would amuse him endlessly.
  12. It means If I recall correctly! Hahaha it's a real thing
  13. The guys a machine but continues to put in consistent work despite the fact that Brandon is working on a schedule with plenty of time to spare and continues to work diligently only makes me respect him more. The guys a phenomenon who cares a great deal for his fans. I check the status pretty much everyday, trust me your not the only one who has a case of fanboy Shivers haha
  14. Not a powerfully, Earth Shattering moment or anything really but a personally favorite which always makes me grin when it ever approaches on one of my many rereads. Another moment which is emotionally powerful for me personally is where the trust between Dalinar and Kaladin becomes chiseled in stone.
  15. It's the attempt that counts! I've never met him or been to a convention, there's always someone who has it worse Hahaha
  16. When the Lord Ruler took up Preseration's power in a desperate attempt to stop the Mists he moved Scadrial closer to the sun to burn them off, the planet grew insanely hot. I think when Sazed realigned the planets perhaps the Southerners happened to be on the South Pole. That's why everything froze over, i agree with you it wasn't malicious it simply needed to be done. I highly doubt however Saze just left it at that, im sure he did something, like he's the one who sent Kelsier is my theory.
  17. I think he was simply remembering something Axies once said. If he new him well maybe he expected he'd got himself killed by now, with his shenanigans.
  18. I think it was implied that the 16 were somewhat aware of the Shards they selected and it was specifically split into 16 pieces. The fact it was mentioned that it would have been 'safer' if Rayse had picked up Ruin is what's really interesting.
  19. I agree. His past would take a heavy toll, i'd say that's why he's on Roshar taking a hiatus with easy Investiture access. To me personally that quote he gives when speaking to Kal, speaks from long experience of guilt and regret, Vasher was focused in Warbreaker he had a clear job to do but it was clear he was riddled with self-loathing even then, it would be hard not to be with his track record.
  20. Ishi's Surges match the Bondsmiths Surgebinding, same goes for all Heralds and KR. Also: Doesn't sound like he gave them much choice.
  21. I thought Bonding with Sword-Nimi was giving him a stronger connection to the Cognetive Realm? Nale still has his Honorblade and Surgebinding so i'd guess that he is able too
  22. I'll be ripped by the time i finish reading this cinderblock, since i have no intention of putting it down until im finished.
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