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Everything posted by AerionBFII

  1. The wait for SA3 is soul crushing. I feel your pain Maxal! Part of me wants to moan about it but the sheer amount of books constantly released by Brandon make it hard haha .It has always been my fave of the Cosmere Series. Im always checking that 44% bar.
  2. Ok Also just finished Last Mortal Bond and was rather impressed with it. Deep in The Blinders Knife by brent weeks Graphic Audio re listen. Loving it! Lies was a fun read im eager for Thorn of Emberlain. Im planning on finishing brent weeks Lightbringer Series on Graphic Audio then his Night Angel series.
  3. Given Shallans previous Boyfriend was Bald...It might have just been by comparison..
  4. White Sands looking pretty Slick. I just listened to The Stormlight Archive Graphic Audio Sample....OMG IT SOUNDS AMAZING!! Kaladin sounds EXACTLY like i thought he would.
  5. Im just happy he's no longer crippled. Although i feel bad he will be spending his off duty hours coming up with new material..
  6. God Hammer (Book 9 in Demon Accords series) by John Conroe. Next on my list is, Last Mortal Bond (Book 3 in Th Unhewn Throne Trilogy) by Brian Staveley.
  7. Except GRRM wont allow anybody to finish his work if he dies. I do find the question a little disrespectful though.. If you have the opportunity to ask Brandon questions you don't want to kill the mood...You want to make sure he slips up and gives more info
  8. Haha!! No worries really i was just messing around
  9. There is a technical term for people who have no self doubt. Douche bags. I'd prefer a hero with self doubt, there's no fun in having a protagonist who never questions if what he/she is right or if they are doing the right thing. It adds depth and lets us relate to them. I think it's more the fact of the nature of investiture than strictly denial, now please i don't have a 17th Shard Masters Degree or a Cosmere PHD but investiture seems to need that crack in the spirit web to function, like Allomancy needs you to snap, SurgeBinding needs that but it seems to be emotional like Kaladin being emotionally crippled by slavery ad everybody constantly dying or Shallan and Lift by their own past, the death of Gavilar for Dalinar seems to be his turning point also and Renarins constant feelings of self doubt and uselessness..
  10. Is Theoryland still updated?
  11. Wow.... Thought it was a genuine Cosmere revelation... You Son of a Chull...
  12. I thought he just learned how to Weave reality, like he did when fighting the Dark One.
  13. Do you think it is possible to physically enter Dreamshards like it is to enter Tel'aran'rhiod?
  14. Gave up Codex Alera during book two... I loved the idea but it just didn't do it for me.. Never got into Hunger Games either, just couldn't really care about it. Although i might watch the movies one day.
  15. Ahhh i get you!! Personally i loved the way it was done but sometimes it works for people and sometimes it doesn't!! I just couldn't get into Robin Hobb i have tried several times but i just couldn't care about any of the characters... but a lot of people who have the same taste as me LOVED it. No sweat I do Love Brent Weeks works though they always hit the right buttons for me!! haha I have read Patrick Rothfuss' works like 4 times and loved it every time but on the fifth everything Kvothe did just got on my nerves.. Thats what i love about books, i read Elantris and hated it and Brandon Sanderson then read Stormlight and turned out i loved him XD Obviously i reread it just because i love the Cosmere though
  16. Hahah i will keep an eye out Finally!! Somebody who understands!! I hate when people recommend a book and im like "No thanks that's not really what im into" and they get all offended.. Im not really interested in SciFi honestly it's just Space Stuff bores me.. Or Non Fiction.. I hate clean cut stuff, although Brandon's Cosmere is a great exception i Loved Stormlight, Warbreaker was good but i wasn't fond of Elantris or Shadows for silence and the 1st Mistborn was good but i felt like i was slogging through it.. I like a bit of grit and blood shed, more adult theme stuff.
  17. Jasnah killed those Rapers/Thieves and was perfectly honest about why and gave a good argument for it. She also assassinated members of the Ghostbloods who are what? A group of people with goals they are willing to kill to achieve and is also willing to take severely lethal actions to protect her family. Personally i see logic behind everything she has done according to the information we have been given and im personally not really bothered by her actions. Amaram killed Kals crew because he wanted the Shards. He gave reasons for why he did what he did but realistically he just wanted the shards. He broke a promise regarding tien's safety and he wants to bring about the return of demons to hopefully reinstall the Church to supremacy. I see more of a deluded fanatic than a calculated killer but i think he is simply a liar and his logic is faulty. I also found myself nodding along to Jasnah's logic but maybe im bias since i love both Kaladin and Jasnah I actually had some sympathy toward Amaram in the first book, what he did wasn't good or just but pragmatic but during the events of book two i realized it was just a facade and he literally only wanted the shards and he is a coward, a traitor and a liar.
  18. The thing i love most about the 17th Shard is that we can all talk most about what we think or feel, what books we love and hate without all the negativity that seems to exist all over the internet Im always grateful i found this site and the friendly people here!!
  19. Oh no!! I loved it!! Just out of curiosity what didn't you like about it? Just to be clear I'm not whining that you don't like the same book as me its because sometimes I hate books other people love, I'm really just curious I hated the promise of blood, Naomi Noviks books and a Robin Hobb's series but Night Angel and Lightbringer just hit all the right buttons for me personally. Lol!!! I do this to every book I'm recommended XD XD XD XD
  20. The next book is also good, better in my opinion! Thought the Gentleman Bastards was very good i didn't enjoy it as much as Lightbringer. I never got that vibe of them being from similar worlds, Lightbringer is more a fictional Military, magical Caribbean 1700's setting and Gentleman Bastards is more of a fictional SciFi, Oceans 11 mixed with Italian Renaissance style. The first Night Angel book has a little in common with the Gentleman Bastards but not by much. They're both good but i suppose it just comes down to personal preference. ***Edit***God damnation crappy Spell-Check***
  21. Oh im sorry to hear you couldn't finish it! It just gets better and better!! I agree with you it's an amazing series, i can't say the F-Bombs bothered me too much, it seems to bother me more when the books are too 'clean', i have no idea why it just seems to grate at me. Although some of Brandons work is an exception, like Stormlight Archive. Brent Weeks has another series called Night Angel that's another one of my favorites of all time but there is language in that too so i won't recommend it haha. Yes. He has exceptional skill at violent and action scenes +1 Just because i like you and I'm feeling friendly
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