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Everything posted by AerionBFII

  1. Licanius Trilogy by James Islington is lined up when i Finish Contractor by Andrew S. Ball. I also plan a reread of The Lightbringer Series by Brent Weeks the fourth and final Book is out in a few months, I highly recommend this Author to everybody but his style has more adultish themes and more Gritty than Brandons work so i warn you but his magic systems and action scenes are on par with Brandon and the dialogue... oh the dialogue.. Funniest i have read.
  2. It's one of those books you just expect to read to pass the time but i loved it so much i just had to rave about it XD
  3. I bought The Contractor by Andrew S. Ball. It is narrated by Luke Daniels and i love it a lot more than i thought i would!!
  4. Ok im currently listening to Contractor by Andrew Ball it is narrated by Luke Daniels and it is amazing.!!!! I usually hate YA /SCI FI but The dialog is pure gold and it's turning into a fast favorite and i want to spread the word about it
  5. i have seen that as well!! It's usually just a rough estimate though, so i wouldn't pin my hopes on it..
  6. During my read of WOK I always thought it was part of Roshars genetic code and it was stronger than adrenaline and makes you lust for battle, like if you stripped 'Flight' away from the 'Flight or Fight Response'. Now after WOR it seems it's more to do with the influence of The Unmade Nergaoul. Who's name resembles Nergal who was a Babylonian war god. Stormlight has a similar feeling we are told, it urges you to move and to act. Maybe Odium and his Unmade have twisted the intent from adrenaline junky to battle lust/craving, i wouldn't put it past him Odium is surprisingly subtle. I have no real proof except for Kal and Dalinar have both felt it previously but when they came close to being KR it made them feel nauseous....
  7. Adolin will never be a top 3 Character im not sure if he is even in the top 5 but he will be getting more screentime with the Shallan romance, the murder of Sadeas and he will be in Dalinars POV as his heir and right hand but i think roughly he will have the same-ish amount of POV time as in the first two books.. Im personally hoping for more Szeth and Jasnah POV's. I think they have a lot to offer in terms of plot development. Jasnah with her knowledge and isight of Shadesmar and time spent with the great Spren and her conversation with Wit. With Szeth he will be in close proximity with Nin and his Skybreakers training and being taught, he will also possibly dwell more on the elusive Stone Shamans..
  8. "Have you recently suffered and attack at work? Been punched in the face just for doing your job? If so you are entitled to Karmic compensation, please call Hoid on 555-KARMA."
  9. Rayse and Bavadin have held their Shards for Eons. Odium is sheer hatred, he is pure selfishness, regardless of what they were in the past i sincerely doubt they are friends any more. He would rather Splinter a Shard and eliminate a rival than kill a rival and take their power because he cannot bear to be changed. I just cannot see this guy having friends, besides everybody was claiming how much Sazed has changed in 300 years holding Pres/Ruin Rayse has held it for thousands of years same with Autonomy/Bavadin. I thought the Shard interfering on Scadrial was Autonomy/Bavadin but when Sazed showed Wax the representation, i just doesn't seem like Autonomy: The only feasible way in my opinion that Trell would be Autonomy would be if Odium is taking the blunt approach and Autonomy is taking the subtle approach but i highly doubt they are working in consort with each other.
  10. Agh thank you ! +1 Thought you meant a haunted man was mentioned on Threnody, I remember now
  11. They might not have been on Scadrial but think they were talking Fortune Feruchemy but i also thought Trell was Autonomy so what the hell do i know ... Senna seems more of an unrequited love, he didn't strike me as much of a ladies man... But seriously i think maybe Senna was something tied to a religious figure from before the Shattering of Adonalsium. Most of Brandons in world cursing is tied to figures in religion.
  12. So what are the Shades on Threnody? Cognative Shadows trapped in the Physical Realm? The Elantrians were panicking when they thought one was waltzing about, They must be rather dangerous in the Cognative Realm. Whats the Haunted Man??
  13. Midius(Original Name) -> Cephandrius(Dragonsteel)->Hoid(After the Shattering) Then a huge of aliases throughout his tenure as the Cosmere Gofer.
  14. I just don't think he likes causing pain or killing others. I think he was just surprised that Kelsier hadn't noticed that your body can ignore pain like he could while in the Cognative Realm he just shook off his blows from Kelsier and when he kicked his leg he told him the body reacts like he "expects" it to. With how punch happy Kelsier was in this book im glad Hoid slapped him around a little, Oh god every time i read about him i just love him more haha
  15. Ahhh i've been cursing Spook for three books about documenting Hemalurgy but it was Kelsier bullying him into it. That makes sense. When Vin was passing through to the other side and she was lecturing Kelsier about love i was thinking wow cheeky much, then he refused to reunite with his wife and wanted to live again and proved her right again ahaha Last time i doubt Vins intuition Seeing Hoid and Kriss was the best part and all those...so much Cosmere stuff Haha that old crone trying to jump ship to serve Ruin when her associates were out of sight after giving it the Big I Am.. I'll be keeping an eye out for her on Sel..
  16. He probably studied memorization techniques in his training to be a Jesk/Storyteller. Also also Feruchemy couldn't hurt either but from a WOB that i cant seem to find, he uses a form of magic to translate what he says and what he hears thats how he gets the languages, i personally think it's a variation of sound from Lightweaving.
  17. I've always had a theory that Adonalsium kind of functioned like a human, with different aspects, Odium was his Rage, Honor was his sense of Honor, Devotion was loyalty, Autonomy Free will.. ect and when those assholes Shattered him they each got an aspect. What gets me though were there originally 16 waiting to be Shardholders or were there more maneuvering and backstabbing It just strikes me that they got it pretty much exact, from a WOB i found but cant find now says that Rayse specifically and intentionally chose Odium. So they must have had some foreknowledge of Adonalsium's aspects and how many Shards it would make when Shattered.
  18. I thought it wasn't complete 100% Canon? Well he might have still been shifty about handing out his name...You know give somebody your name and they have power over y-.. Oh wait!! Wrong series
  19. AerionBFII


    Mistborn Secret History. Read it. Seriously so many Cosmere info dumps.
  20. AerionBFII


    I think all the Shards are as powerful as one another. With some better at somethings than others IE Preservation would be better at Protecting than Ruin. Cultivation is better at predicting the future than Honor. Ati just didn't have the Knowledge to do it, according to Brandon Odium managed the Splintering because of a combination of Skill, ability, undispersed Investiture and personally i think he matches his Shards intent so well he gets a higher rate of compatibility.
  21. Stone Sword wouldn't be as cool. Thats all i can offer.
  22. He didn't really have that much power, he had a lot of restrictions placed on him, His main function was to be the womb....Well Yata pretty much nailed it. Haha but there were many restrictions on him.
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