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Everything posted by AerionBFII

  1. Hahaha it's like your quoting my life on the 17thShard Keep your chin up +1
  2. Can't wait to Benchpress- I mean Read Oathbringer!!! So hyped!!!
  3. Your right of course, Hate is a very strong word and i do believe if it was absolutely essential they might come to a compromise or a truce but Brandon has stated a few times that these two do have a great deal of dislike for one another and even implied they might murder each other. #TeamHoid
  4. I agree with this! Dalinars vision suggests that his intent is to obliterate Roshar so planet smashing is definitely in the equation. As for his ultimate goal, Odium wants to be the only Shard. Odium could pick up other Shards if he wants to, but, he doesn't want to. His Shard is a good match for his personality and he doesn't want to be influenced by another Shard. The reason he splinters other Shards is so that nobody can pick up a Shard to Challenge him. Typical world domination agenda. I don;t know much about shard combat but given how Shards are practically eternal, i assume Odiums tactic to face Harmony who is stronger but far less experienced is to force a him to expend as much of his power as possible and divide his attention over a long period of time. Exhausting him and distracting him from reaching his full potential but whats happening in BOM in my humble opinion is the equivalent of sending forerunners to cause chaos and confusion. He intends to deal with Roshar and keep Harmony busy before dealing with him.
  5. He and Hoid hate each other. I can't imagine them working together and Hoid seems more of a lone wolf anyway, Though i'd pay good money to see them meet again
  6. Brandon's always been a stick-ler for a good character. **Exits stage door quietly.**
  7. @TwiLyghtSansSparkles Tell me your secret!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. I can't help but feel that if we could upvote our own posts we'd all be a great deal more popular. Food for thought.
  9. Fantastic Job. Love what you've done with the place. My only "quibble" (Apologies, it's on my word of the day Calendar) is that we cant see Reputation points with a persons 'Reputation Title.'
  10. Looks great guys, seriously Take a Bow
  11. Lovecraft is very influential and he inspires a lot of writers, it really wouldn't surprise me but i agree with Moogle on this one. I don't know why but i always imagined the Unmade more as specters or overseers who don't get directly involved for some reason.. it's ridiculous and i have no idea why i thought that but Yalig-Nar broke into Nohadon's Chancery(?) and slaughtered all his Wordsmen(?), he sounds involved and highly dangerous.. In WOK Chapter, 19 one of the Knights Radiant said that they hadn't fought Voidbringers but Midnight Essence was one of the Ten Deaths, which seems to me to be a reflection of the Ten Essences.
  12. I love the names, they do sound particularity cool and ominous at the same time Yelig-Nar sounds like a beast though: "Yelig-nar, called Blightwind, was one that could speak like a man, though often his voice was accompanied by the wails of those he consumed."
  13. I have to agree with @DSC01 about the differences in the way they were raised. The whippersnapper Alethi do seem softer than the old Alethi, not that Adolin is particularly soft mind you but in general terms. I still stand by what i said about Adolin not naturally being interested in politics, i don't think he enjoys it or is naturally very gifted at it. Knowing why they are fighting doesn't mean Adolin is smarter it means he is aware his uncle was assassinated and they are at the Shattered Plains for revenge. When Sadeas betrays Dalianar the Kholins have no allies and Adolin is there to find out what were going to do about it. I disagree about young Dalinar. He's not a politician, he is a warmonger and a warrior, Gavilar was the politician because he was very good at it and Dalinar waged war, they were a team and balanced each other out and it worked well but the point im trying to make is he nailed in his description exactly what wars about. You are right Adolin prefers Dueling to warring im not disputing that but i think Dalinar doesn't just fight for himself or personal greed. He's following his brother out of loyalty and protecting him and for his brothers dream, he enjoys war and fighting but that doesn't mean it's his only motivation. To claim Dalinar's only there for selfish reasons would be wrong, he does everything he is ordered to and is loyal to a fault, he gave up Navani to Gavilar without even a fight, it doesn't strike me as a selfish man. Nobodies claiming Dalinars more sensitive than Adolin but i'd say they are both as caring. There is absolutely no evidence Adolin's traumatized by what he did to Sadeas, after he murdered him he tossed the Shard out the window wiped the exploration mark off the wall and walked off. He seemed surprised he lost control but not that bothered. I believe Dalinar washed his knife first. Never let it be said Dalinar doesn't have table manors. In the first flashback he is in the full grip of the Thrill, in the middle of a war, in the middle of a battle. In the second flashback Gavilar is trying to seal the deal, Dalinar has no interest in politics at this point in his life and is thinking how he cant find his knife. Gvailar is the politician and Dalinar the wardog. I still think there are major similarities between then and of course there are differences between the characters, they are different characters. Adolin's love of women and Dalinar's fascination with only one woman, Adolins fashion sense and social skill and Dalinars lack of either, of course there are more but at their core is where they are similar. Both warriors, men of instinct and both leaders.
  14. The unmade are splinters of Odium. I read that too. Everything i new about them is already here so im just here to give upvotes...
  15. Aladar seems to use this method fighting. IIRC loaning Shardblades requires constant unlapsing concentration to achive this and can be summoned to the original holder incase he needs it. Maxal i have already listed the ways in which they are similar, unless you are disagreeing Adolin is any of those things. But they are different people and they have differences, You have a point about Adolin being involved in politics but i meant naturally interested. Adolin first started being active because he perceived his fathers actions and were impacting negatively on his position and he was neglecting his responsibilities, causing Adolin to step up, without that necessity i don't think he would seek it out. I think Adolin is perfectly capable of acting like a barbarian when pushed as we have seen, like many others. Adolin is intelligent in warfare and a highly skilled commander, he is also good on the social scene but i wouldn't call him a political creature. He loves Shardblades, nice clothes and dueling. I can't really recall but Dalinar seemed he was explaining what war was about, which he was pretty spot on. I don't think he is disrespectful, i think the young Dalinar is blunt and indifferent but perhaps we have different interpretations of events. hahaha that knife though
  16. I totally get that not everybody enjoys the same thing and i respect other peoples opinions, different character traits appeal to different people. I understand that but the Underdog theme is still going strong precisely because it is so popular and so many people do still enjoy it and it may not appeal to you but it does appeal to a wide audience. Your personal preference towards Adolin over Kaladin and Renarin is as you say your own personal preference but not a general one. I also try my best to understand characters and place myself in their shoes but every character has supporters and haters Shallan and Szeth for example seem to face the worst of it. I personally have mostly seen support for Renarin over the negative bashing. What appeals to me about Renarin is as i have said his strength of character, his loyalty to his family and desire to be helpful to them. Excited for Arcana Unbound to be released.... Soon My Precious..
  17. I loved seeing the Blackthorn, young Dalinar was a BAMF!!! Is it strange i like the young Dalinar as much as the current Dalinar? I also surprisingly enjoyed seeing Sadeas and Dalinar getting along so well. Wondering when Gavilar reveals himself to be a secret Douche.. I see a lot of similarities between Adolin and young Dalinar both being loyal, fierce, Hot headed, bold, wearing their heart on their sleeves and being naturally uninterested in political currents. I also see a lot of differences between them as well like their taste for fashion and Highstorm strolling... and table manners.. I think Sadeas was just envious of Adolin having both the Plate and Blade while he had to make do with Shardplate. He was also jealous of the Kholin's Rashadium. He was just a petty man.
  18. Yerp +1 . She's already catching stink eye from the fanatic anti Radiant Ardents for possessing a Soulcaster, the Ghostbloods for killing members and opposing them and the Diagramers for causing them future trouble and most likely the Sons. I don't think she would like to draw too much attention to the fact she can use her Soulcasters better than anybody else despite the fact it's a fake.
  19. What? Your surprised the underdog has major support? Id like him just for being a second son/underdog and despite being seen as an invalid by every Sword swinging literate thug by which i mean Alethi men. Fully supports his brother Adolin without resenting him his natural talent or his good looks, that shows remarkable character to do that. He doesn't want to be famous or crave power but just be useful to his father and brother. the scene where i really grew to love him is the epiphany Dalinar has of him: This is probably where my pity turned to respect in regards to Renarin, he has strength of character, loyalty, willingness to learn and be taught and he has plenty of untapped potential.
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