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Everything posted by AerionBFII

  1. I Agree! Unless Helaran gained the Nahel Bond and gave his shardblade to another Redheaded Vaden who happened to be a Skybreaker. No but seriously i agree, somebody who borrowed a Shardblade could carry somebody else's but they couldn't summon it.. Their possession of it entirely depends on the owners concentration and if it slips it will return to the owner.
  2. I have a really bad feeling she may have been sexually assaulted by somebody that resulted in her 'snapping' or whatever the Roshar equivilent is. I know this is rather grim but a few observations of things she has said and to how she reacted lead me to believe this: It's why she is so reluctant to peruse a romantic interest..
  3. I keep coming back to look at these, they are amazing!! The new Graphic Audio Covers are out with Artwork too!!:
  4. I think he will eventually Bond a Highspren. He obeyed his laws and the laws of his people even when they were driving him insane. I think that's why the Skybreakers and Windrunners were always at each others throats, Laws and Honor are two sides of the same coin but so so different.
  5. In all fairness Scadrial is in the second Trilogy and SA is only on the second book. Once the KR are back up and running it would suddenly be a much closer fight and before the war would their be trade? Would Roshar suddenly have access to Gun Powder?? But at the moment definitely Scadrial, although i much prefer Roshar's Stormlight Archive story
  6. Amaram's Blade is the one Kaladin fought as he recognize it. Im guessing Shallan will throw a fit when she finds out about Kaladin and Helaran. I know it's most likely Helaran but as a 17th Sharder (AKA conspiracist) i was just surprised the thought never occurred to me, unless he gave him the Shardblade after achieving the Nahel Bond and it turns out we have been masterfully trolled...? :|
  7. "He came like the wind, like the wind touched everything, and like the wind was gone."
  8. You know i did not even consider Helaran might have loaned his Shardblade out to another Skybreaker Vaden.. Stranger things have happened in the Cosmere for sure haha
  9. It's Cultivation!! Khriss is about but Hoids a lot older than her.
  10. They're so good i feel like i should apologize because i can't give you more than one upvote.
  11. I haven't seen a Spren Or a Nahel bonded Skybreaker in any of the Skybreaker scenes, I think he may have been a member of Nalans little group but I do not think he had a Spren. If he did he wouldn't have been able to hold a Shardblade while killing Kal's men. I think he may have had possible future potential to become one but he wasn't at that stage.
  12. I think they're just normal Light coloured eyes, mostly a mutation but i think if you were a Dark Eyes and gained a Shardblade and fathered a child you would have Lighteyed children. It's a form of investiture that alters your Spirit web right? Perhaps it's just a physical manifestation?
  13. Don't think we will meet the Nightwatcher, that will be saved for the main storyline it's too important a story. There will be snippets and little clues and teasers with info about things to come but i think maybe it will be all about Azir and right after she heals her friend Gawx and escapes Darkness and dealing with the fall out of what happened up to when the new Prime responds to Dalinars world wide warning at the end of WOR about the Voidbringers and the Parshmen.
  14. I always read every character and don't skip so i will probably read it.. but iagree i also find Lift and Wayne tedious. Just the way they talk and the skewed way they think. Truth be told i have only read one Lift chapter so i could be wrong but they just are not my type of characters either. No offence to anybody who does enjoy them it's just a personal preference.
  15. @Voidus, I commend your sarcasm +1 I'd probably join the Ghostbloods and get a company car and travel all over Roshar..
  16. Haha for a second i thought this thread was labeled "Shardplate against Bullies." Regardless i'd give the same answer. Effective.
  17. I have read NOTW and WMF so many times now.. I love megalomaniac MC's they make everything more fun. Going through a mega Brent Weeks phase, the guy is just addictive.
  18. No problem This is one hell of a post by the way haha The thing that infuriates me the most is that Szeth is put in an unwinnable position... He was ostracized, disgraced, exiled into slavery and is continuously still punished for a crime he is innocent of and forbidden to commit suicide. There is no escape for him. I do slightly disagree with you about meeting Kaladin and it obvious that he didn't have an Honorblade. From Szeths perspective he could have simply been hiding it while still maintaining his basic Surgbinding abilities. In fact Taravangian crafts a rather plausible excuse for this, an explanation Szeth is desperate to believe. While it might be obvious to us that Taravangian is lying and Szeth is on the wrong side to him it is not, he is on no side he simply obeys because the Oathstone is all he has left. He clings to the laws of his people, he is riddled with self doubt and disgust so he simply does as he is told. However, the Skybreakers have forsaken their oaths (namely 'life before death' and 'journey before destination') in their murder of surgebinders. One major theme of the book is that it is not honorable to sacrifice the few for the benefit of the many without the consent of those being sacrificed. So, the Skybreakers have abandoned honor and they are justifying this by maintaining the appearance of working within the confines of the law. They are perverting the just intent of the law to accomplish their vision of order (they are placing the destination before the journey). If order and stability are superior to honor and justice, then it could be argued that Hitler's Third Reich was "good." Hitler certainly valued order and stability... he forced that order upon Germany under the guise of political legitimacy. Then once he stabilized the German economy and solidified his hold on the country, he started to force his brand of "order" on Poland, France, Brittan, and Russia. For that matter, Apartheid in South Africa and the Jim Crow era in the United States are both examples of legalized oppression where the law was used dishonorably/unjustly to oppress others. So, I can't say that I agree with your choice of "law abiding stability" over the messiness inherent in the individual nature of justice & honor. Collectivism destroys individual liberty in service of the "greater good." The less understood aspect of this is that Collectivism destroys the individual conscience as well since everyone in the collective is coerced by the law to act in ways that serve the collective; the law legislates morality instead of allowing individuals to choose between right and wrong. TL;DR → I agree that Szeth's story is tragic. Vigilantes could potentially act justly, but without near-perfect knowledge they are likely to do more harm than good. Individually interpreted honor/justice is better than the stability and order imposed by a legal code that fails to base itself on something other than justice. Im not very religious so im probably going to shy away from the Bible quote but I would never claim Hitler was good. He merely used hatred, racism and fascism as a stepping stool to power not out of any great love of order and stability. Instead of using a radicalized version of Law and stability like Nazism, id much rather use the Magna Carta as an example of Stability and Order. The reason i personally prefer Law and Stability to Honor is because it is more clear cut, it helps the many where as honor is more idealism. I think it's just mostly a matter of opinion. I meant as in i would say the Skybreaker Oaths and uphold their virtues or former virtues these days but i wouldn't necessarily join Nalan and his twisted perverse version of Law.
  19. Lol after a long hard struggle with his murderous urges...
  20. I see him growing about an arm or so. XD
  21. Just through my head back and laughed maniacally at this. +1 Joffery and Ramseys Love Child. Ramfery.
  22. Maybe she's been making time with the Chull driver? That's a good point about Lalai though!! I have been thinking since my first read there has been a mention of his heir to his Princedom..The other Highprinces who sided with Sadeas or the remaining unhelpful Highprinces would need somebody to rally behind against the King because lets face it.. their not going to make uniting Alethkar easy. I can't imagine Thanadal or the other Highprinces uniting behind Lalai and Amaram might be a possibility but he was recently disgraced and they outrank him. So im curious about if he has no heir who gets the Princedom?
  23. I think the Oathstone is more symbolic, it is only as strong as Szeths sense of honor. I always viewed Szeth as more of a tragic victim. He literally has nowhere to go, exiled by his people for a crime he didn't commit, forced into slavery, bound only by his sense of honor. Slowly being driven mad by self hate and the actions he is forced to commit. He is one of my favorite characters because he is so complex. I think the whole point of his arc is to highlight the culture clash. Kaladin follows Honor, which is a slippery slope when he was caught between his promise to Dalinar and his promise to Moash. Syl didn't care he was being treasonous only that he couldn't keep his word. To Szeth is being punished for breaking certain laws, the last thing he wants to do is break more laws. So he follows them and is caught in the never ending morality loop. I applaud you sir! +1 To the Windrunners Honor supersedes Law and to Skybreakers Law supersedes Honor i generally see them more as two sides of the same coin. The Windrunners would seem like Vigilantes to the Skybreakers and The Windrunners would see the Skybreakers as stiff necked. I can already see why they had so much trouble getting along and coordinating with each other. Kaladin and Szeth are two of my fave Cosmere characters so i like them both but personally if i was in a position to join one of them i would be leaning towards Skybreakers. Honor is good and all but it is more for the individual, Laws are more general and stabilizing. @Dragon314 +1
  24. Squires are traditionally apprentices or attendants under the tutelage of Knights with potential to become one themselves. Maybe that's how it was done before in the Windrunner Order before the Recreance.
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