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Briar King

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About Briar King

  • Birthday 07/31/1980

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  • Location
    Lake Charles. LA

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  1. Tomorrow I will be pressing on finally. It was a crowded house for the 4th that went over what it should have with Beryl knocking out my fams power keeping them here in Louisiana. Mixed with me having to reacquire/sometimes buy 100’s of Umats for divine cloth armor and I accidentally bought Wazy’s twice wasting a further 60 of them ugh… The Switch is my bedroom currently on my new 50 in tv while my den was occupied by my son and niece for days on end. Rather uncomfortable to play sitting in bed for long periods. I will bring it back in den tomorrow for next session.
  2. I found it. It was in the … thing(which I hit yesterday and sure didn’t see any edition options but whatever) so I was happy to go ahead and drop $119 after tax in support after yrs of entertainment. Also starting to get a bit worried looking at my cooking list vs how much longer the game likely isn’t to be..I only have 22 of 24. The guide hasn’t said anything about turning in my final dishes to statue or the police guy. Also only have 13 Sunshine Agnes and yet again no mention of turning the set in. Unless I still have so much more to do at the end then it feels like…something seems off.
  3. Like I’m nervous to spend $109 on the 4 to see if it shows up under my name to download on the 5. I. Just. Don’t. Get. It. Where are you at ultimate edition? I can’t be that stupid. Just a tad but definitely not that much. Wait it’s 7am why am I up this early?
  4. It ll be on the 5 when I can find the ultimate option for the 16% off.
  5. Ok. I’m still stumped that I can’t find the ultimate on ps5 though
  6. Ok my Heroes peeps help me out! Do I get Daybreak on Switch or PS5???!!! Idk why but I can’t find the ultimate edition on PS5. I see it on 4 and Switch though.
  7. Hmm ultimate edition is 16% off at 109. I think I’ll just go ahead and nab it and show support.
  8. Hmm maybe it’s because we looked on PS4? I just had the 5 on and it’s on there for tomorrow.. Wont buy right away. Will get once I’m close to Rev ending in hopes some kind of sale will take place. Im just slowly making my way through the city atm.
  9. If that’s so then that’s weird it’s not listed. CS4 was up before release.
  10. I thought Daybreak was coming this month? The store has nothing info wise except for the demo being up atm.
  11. Thanks pal. Yeah idk what the issue is..I picked him when his name was highlighted and even did the combo thing both times it was mentioned to do 3 times by x spot. Something was off clearly though.
  12. Can you link Randy’s so this doesn’t enter my algorithm? I did what guide said to do to unlock everyone so I’m stumped why his wasn’t running there.
  13. Hmm I followed the guide all this time and yet still had no Randy bond event. Idk why. Rixia was cool and Noel was kinda cute. Went with Elie though. Back in city so I got some rounds to do. Bummer that there’s a cap on sepith at 9999 and Umats at 99. I could have had lots of all at present but nope they are in the void now. The Umats are really missed right now for upgrades.. ugh
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