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The Bookwyrm

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Status Updates posted by The Bookwyrm

  1. Hey you, you missing person.

    Yes, you.

    Happy birthday!

    We're looking forward for whatever day we see you again.

  2. Happy birthday, you.

    I expect a Spirit Island game in your future, perhaps...

    1. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      Perhaps or maybe Scythe as it's already out :P

  3. I wanna watch Frieren now...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      DO IT (if you can)

    3. Edema Rue
    4. Slowswift


      It's been on my shortlist since it came out. I can tell it's right up my alley, I just find it so hard to watch anything these days.

  4. I recognize that PFP...

    Not that I've ever seen the show. And I barely know anything about it.

    But I've heard many good things...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Cash67


      Crunchyroll has it for free I think. You just gotta deal with ads. 

    3. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      hehe yeah, it's Frieren lol, I just started the anime a few days ago and I'm around half (?) way through it.

      It's been amazing so far though! I would absolutely recommend. It's pretty much got all of the elements I love in anime and will probably be my obsession for the next while lol.

    4. J. Magi

      J. Magi


      Crunchyroll has it for free I think. You just gotta deal with ads. 

      It doesn't, unfortunately, it has it on it's premium subscription. (It may have been free when it first came out, because they do that sometimes). I was able to watch it because my sister got me a gift card for premium a while back. 

  5. I feel like posting an SU.

    It's been a minute.



    My latest obsession is Japanese flutes, specifically the Shinobue flutes. This came about because of another obsession with a video game I've already talked too much about here. Suffice it to say flutes are an important part of worldbuilding in that game and there are a ton of really cool songs in the game that use flutes, and they're Japanese flutes, specifically shinobue flutes, and...yeah.

    So I got a shinobue for Christmas and it's just been sitting on my dresser in it's little fabric case since then. I'll occasionally get it out and try to get some notes on it, but they're super airy and whistle-y and I eventually give up and put it back.

    Except there's been a resurgence.

    I was doing some online research because I wondered if the flute I had was best suited for playing the song from the video game OST that I wanted to play. And the answer is yes, with an asterisk. See, the song is a duet, played by two characters who both have flutes, but they're different flutes. One is longer and lower.

    So after some stumbling I learned that shinobue flutes come in different keys, like band instruments, called "choshi". And after some more digging I learned that the flute I have is an 8-hon choshi shinobue, tuned to a concert C major scale. And luckily, one of the two flutes in the game is basically just an 8-hon choshi shinobue.

    Each key is given a different number, from 1, the lowest and longest, to 12, the highest and shortest. For example, the other flute in the duet, which is lower, is a 3-hon choshi, tuned to a concert G major. And so I want a 3-hon choshi now, except the internet doesn't know what I'm asking when I look for one and the few I can find are super expensive. So we'll deal with that later.

    A funny moment came when I was browsing through a Youtube channel I found that had a bunch of tutorial videos. The lady in the video mentioned that an 8-hon choshi was the best for beginners, which is good, because that's what I have. However, when she mentioned the choshi, she pointed the front of her flute at the camera and tapped it. And then it hit me.

    The front of my flute has always had this little very simple Japanese character on it. I never knew what it was. I just assumed it was a little stylized thing or some kind of signature or manufacturing symbol or something. However, once I saw her point to the front of her flute referencing choshi, I, on a hunch, looked up the Japanese character for 8.

    And it was the character on the front of my flute.

    So I kind of felt silly, because my flute had been telling me from day one that it was an 8-hon choshi flute, and I'd spent several minutes searching amazon looking for the exact flute I had to check what key it was in.

    So that gave me a laugh.

    Hopefully this sudden surge of interest will help me start studying those tutorial videos a lot closer and build up the skills necessary to actually play the piece I want to. I'm learning that I'm bad at diaphragmatic breathing, at least when it comes to flutes. So I still have lots of basics to work on.


    I don't know where I was going with this. It's just been a while since I've done one of these.

    Hopefully this isn't one of those SU's that everyone skims because it's too long and then doesn't comment on and I feel lonely.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Cash67


      and @Edema Rue get sleep

    3. WhyEverNot_8


      My mom has a flute!

      How to play it escapes me, but I love songs from Japanese media that are played on the flute, because it’s always so good

    4. Slowswift


      I've got a Native American flute in my closet. Maybe I should get it out again...

  6. "In the scope of infinity, every occurrence is a pattern."

    - Me, one minute ago


    1. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      (In other words I like your new background picture thingy on your profile.)

    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      heheh thank yoou! Mononoke is one of my favorite movies

    3. The Bookwyrm
  8. It is currently 2:02 in the morning.

    I am sitting on the floor of a random middle school gym an hour from where I live, sheltering from supposed severe weather.

    The reason I am in a middle school gym is not because of the severe weather. My Science Olympiad team took first at State, so we're going to nationals.

    Except nationals are in Michigan, which takes like a 10 hour bus ride to get there. (Don't worry we're using a charter bus.)

    So we're camping at the middle school of the winning middle school team until the bus comes at like 4 to start driving us there.

    Except now....storms!


    I'm really tired if you're can't tell.

    I woke up from sporadic dreaming to the sound of tornado sirens... I'm just annoyed. And I have a headache.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cataclysm


      Good luck, be safe

    3. Experience


      I read tomato sirens...

    4. Just a Silvereye

      Just a Silvereye

      Wow. Hope you'll be able to rest on the bus.

      Good luck for your Olympiads !

  9. ...

    Is anyone still able to green-ify PFPs for me...?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kajsa


      i believe this belongs to you, good sir



      lemme know if you want any changes

    3. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      Thank you!

    4. Kajsa
  10. Don't you love it when the heroes are the ones trying to end the world?

    And the villains are the ones trying to save it?

    What kind of a world weaves that type of story...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Immortal Platypus

      Immortal Platypus

      as in, you didn't beat Mario, or...

      ok then

    3. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      It's a Japanese roleplaying game called Xenoblade Chronicles 3. If you've payed attention you've seen me mention this series before.

      All the characters in this game have trauma, because of crazy worldbuilding that I can rant about later when I have time.

      And yes, they do want the world to end, in a manner of speech. Though there's a little bit more to it than just "ending the world."

    4. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      Okay, @Edema Rue, here's a worldbuilding pitch:


      The world of Aionios consists of two colossal military nations, Keves and Agnus, locked in an eternal war against each other. This war has been going on for as long as anyone can remember. The countries are organized into military units known as colonies. Each colony is given a number in Keves, and a greek letter in Agnus. Each of them has a gigantic robotic machine called a Ferronis, that acts as both heavy artillery in conflict and the basis for a base camp in between battles. Each colony is also run by a mysterious Consul, and each nation has a Queen that oversees the entire operation.

      Soldiers in this world are "born from the queen," at least according to the belief system they uphold. They're birthed from growth modules called "cradles" at the biological age of ten.

      After that, they have ten years to live.

      They call them terms. Ten terms, ten years spent fighting for their Queen, their nation. If they make it the whole ten years, their passing is honored in a ceremony called Homecoming, where they dissolve into golden motes of light, and return to the queen after a decade, a lifetime, spent fighting.

      All soldiers fight to take part in the Homecoming. But most don't make it. The war is enforced by the brutal system of the Flame Clocks. Inside one eye of every soldier (right for Keves, left for Agnus) is a HUD device known as an Iris. Soldier's Irises hold smaller Flame Clocks that are connected to a large one embedded in the Ferronis of their colony. If the Colony's Flame Clock runs out of fuel, all soldiers tied to it perish. So, they fight. They fill the Flame Clock with the life from soldiers of the other nation. Every soldier goes into battle with the hope of prolonging their own life, but also the fear of filling the Clock of their foe.

      It's a brutal cycle; fighting in order to live, and living to fight.

      Soldiers slain in battle fade into grey husks, with blood-red motes of light flowing from their husk into the enemy's Flame Clock. Certain soldiers from both nations, known as off-seers, perform ceremonial melodies on shinobue flutes in order to send off the souls of the fallen; the remaining red motes of light turn blue, and fade into the distance. A consolation for those left living.

      This is the world that this game starts in; brutal, unrelenting, endless. Until three soldiers from each nation gain a glimpse of something deeper; something horrifying, but something hopeful. A chance to change it. A chance to set the world to rights. They must put aside their differences and take up a new power, try to break the cycle of death that entraps this eternity.


  11. I'm giving the Kaladin soundtrack by The Black Piper a re-listen right now.

    If you haven't heard it before, go do yourself a favor. It's awesome.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Oh that's so cool, Kajsa!

      It's a great soundtrack. There song, the King's Wit, is prob my favorite of them.

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      I love Shallan’s Lullaby from it, also The Tower. 

    4. Slowswift


      My favorite's probably Tarah, one of the bonus tracks. But it's been a hot minute since I've listened to the whole thing, myself.

  12. Today was Senior Skip Day for my Science Focus Program. So I went to my first two classes at my home high school, then went to a restaurant for brunch with the rest of the seniors, got some mother's day stuff in secret, and then came home and procrastinated for hours did some homework. Which is nice. I needed a break.

    As an aside, don't you hate it when you have an idea for a joke or a meme that references a connection between two different stories or aspects of your life...and you are literally the only person you know who has enough knowledge of both of those things to get the joke?

    I've considered making a thread titled "references only you understand" in FGaRS so people can post their random memes and jokes and confuse everyone else. Or somehow find someone who does get your obscure references after all.



    Was this SU going anywhere?

    Is it necessary to post this?

    Am I still sleep deprived?


    Ah well.

    1. Experience
    2. Just_a_Fan


      do it before I am 4 parallel universes ahead of you.

  13. Your member title is giving me anxiety.

    1. Show previous comments  35 more
    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      I am in the grade I am *mystical hand waving*

      speaking of which, I need to go do some math-

    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      lol. The mystical hand waving or the school related thing? XD either one is true.

    4. Wierdo


      have fun suffering unless you like that class

  14. It's apparently your birthday, and even though I barely know you, I'm going to wish you a happy one!

  15. Huh, I passed the 2000 post mark without realizing it.

    ...You guys had better not expect me to start an RP or anything.

  16. It was you who mentioned having read The Poppy War, right?

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Yeah I have!

    2. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      Because I'm reading it now.

      I just finished Part 1.

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue


      How do you like it?

  17. Few things are as sad as being a fan of a universe and franchise with a boat-ton of lore and also being the only person you know who's a fan of that franchise.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Just_a_Fan
    3. Weaver of Lies

      Weaver of Lies

      Me, the cause of several of my friends reading Sanderson to avoid this.

       Come here, @The Clarinetist 

    4. The Clarinetist

      The Clarinetist

      I am here after a long time of delving into the wonderful experience of the stormlight archives books one and two. You still owe me book three, by the way.

      @Weaver of Lies

  18. I would like you to explain to me why you are not a nerd.

    Because frankly, the evidence is not in your favor.

    I think your definition of nerd might be askew, and so you think you aren't one.

    1. Show previous comments  127 more
    2. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      You're all being too antagonistic about it.

    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      I have no idea what you mean, Bookie!

    4. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      You can't just force her to admit it, she has to realize it of her own choice.

      We need to gently guide her toward the truth, and she's never going to accept it if you keep shoving it in her face.

      That's why I got out the Therapy Beard.


      Why is the fine line between just joking and not joking so hard to define in writing...


  19. Hello.

    I am designing a sci-fi universe. And it's still very rough around the edges, though a lot of the core stuff is there. The basic premise is that a few decades from our modern era, a small percentage of humans begin manifesting an ability that allows them to manipulate the rules of the universe in a way that allows advanced space travel.

    Fast forward about two thousand years, and there are now hundreds of planets in the Worlds of Humanity, organized into groups of worlds called Unities, many of which are based on cultures back on earth. (For example there's a Unity that's primarily inhabited by the descendants of the Polynesian people, one by the descendants of Africans, several that came from Asian cultures...) Others have developed entirely new cultures without any analog to old Earth peoples.

    In order to get a better feel for this universe, I want to write character-focused stories that take place in the universe. But I lack a lot of ideas.

    So here's your mission: Give me character-based writing prompts. I don't need anything outlandish. Just things you'd like to see a character doing in this universe. Some can be everyday actions, others could be more drastic.

    I have one idea right now, which is where a parent (or parents) are telling their child the story of how they met. They'd both be scientists assigned to survey and colonize a frontier planet, and their child was one of the first born on this new planet.

    But yeah. Any ideas would be great. No promises I'll actually write them...but I'll try, and if I do, I'll share them.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Lego Mistborn

      Lego Mistborn

      To sleep in a sea of stars

    3. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      Oh, that's a good book.

      Worldbuilding-wise, I'm going for a blend of the Enderverse, Dune, and TSSoS and similar fiction.

      And as for the aliens, the vibe I'm trying to hit is somewhere between the mysterious entities from Interstellar and the aliens from Arrival, in terms of advancement and mysticism.

    4. Lego Mistborn

      Lego Mistborn

      Enderverse is solid. I still haven't read Dune. (I know, I know)

      And I haven't watched either of those (I'm not a TV guy)

      But what I'm grasping so far is exciting. 

  20. Hey, the other Bookworm is back!

    1. SymphonianBookworm


      I'm honestly surprised people noticed. Thanks!

  21. Happy birthday, Elder...uh...Silhouette?

    Yeah, that works.

  22. Does anyone know what can cause someone to be mentally fatigued if they're still getting enough sleep?

    Because I've been very unproductive and unfocused all evening and I don't know why.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      Thanks for all the suggestions. I do have an idea now of what might've caused it.

      And also I'm feeling much better today, or at least right now, so hopefully that keeps up.

    3. shortcake
    4. Experience
  23. Happy Birthday!

    Thanks for being entertaining on Shardcast!

  24. Wait, it's your birthday?

    Happy Birthday!

    1. SmilingPanda19


      yuuup thank youuu

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