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The Bookwyrm

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Status Updates posted by The Bookwyrm

  1. I just spent the first part of my afternoon staring at the sun.

    As one does.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Weaver of Lies

      Weaver of Lies

      It’s a pretty good thing to do.

    3. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm


      Also testing out my never-before-used solar filter for my telescope.

    4. ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ


      Best time to stare at a Sun is got to be a solar eclipse

  2. Happy Birthday!

    Wait...was I not following you?

    Let's change that real quick...

  3. I'm desperate for book recommendations.

    And for once I need fantasy, not sci-fi.

    I need the grand, sweeping epic fantasy that everyone is talking about but I haven't read yet.

    Please help me.


    Also, which book is Kaz Brekker (if that's his name...) from again? Everyone keeps talking about him...and so I'm curious.







    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Piranesi is so cute and so sweet and so...I cried. But I cry over everything.

      "I am the Beloved Child of the House. I am Piranesi."

    3. Slowswift


      "That everyone's talking about" immediately rules out anything I'd suggest. :P But, I'll give it a shot anyways: The Riyria Revelations by Michael J Sullivan. Medieval fantasy with a solid political conspiracy throughout and one of my favorite non-Brandon fantasy series.

    4. Kajsa



      I actually just re-read The Goose Girl (well, technically listened to it) because I was bored. It's a great book.


  4. So I'm apparently a pretty good shot with a shotgun.

    And a rifle.

    1. Lego Mistborn

      Lego Mistborn

      Bookworms are surprisingly good shots once they get used to holding a weapon.

      Makes sense that a dragon would be even better

    2. Just_a_Fan


      ^ this makes sense.

    3. Cash67


      remind me not to get on your bad side

  5. This science conference I'm at has an expo, kind of like Dragonsteel, for those who know what that was like.

    And a bunch of the booths were book vendors.

    And so, behold my final book haul:



    Here's the nice thing; half of these I got free.

    And the other half summed up to $35.

    For what would have easily been over a hundred normally, I think that's pretty good.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      ...The hard part was figuring out how to fit it all into my backpack and suitcase...

      I think I got it to work...I hope it does.

    3. Kajsa


      Holy crap that’s a steal 

    4. Lego Mistborn

      Lego Mistborn

      Looks amazing dude

  6. Well, I just got accepted into BYU.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm


      Unless plans change during or after my mission, it's where I want to go.

    3. Lego Mistborn

      Lego Mistborn

      What's your major?

      I'm not going to a church college most likely, but luckily my college of choice has a robust institute and large LDS population, which are in my opinion, the best parts of BYU

    4. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      Right now, probably Astronomy or Astrophysics.

  7. Wait, it's your birthday?

    Happy Birthday!

    1. The Storming Stormfather

      The Storming Stormfather

      It is, indeed, my birthday.

      Thank you!

    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood


      It's beautiful, isn't it?

      Nothing fancy.

    2. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      Nothing fancy.

      I want a Chakobsa dictionary now...it sounds like a beautiful language. Conlangs are fun.

    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      That would be a lot of fun!

  8. So here I am, sitting at an airport terminal waiting for my flight, instead of being at school.

    Why is that?

    Almost a year ago I posted an SU about doing well at a local science fair. I was one of the medalists. Then I went to the state competition. And medaled again.

    Well, because I medaled at state, I was invited to a three day conference for these winners of state science fairs across the country.

    So yeah.

    First time going through an airport alone; luckily this one's small. I made it, now I'm just waiting.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      Ah, interesting.

    3. Lego Mistborn

      Lego Mistborn

      Was this the regeneron conference?

    4. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      No, it's the American Junior Academy of Science conference, in conjunction with the American Association for the Advancement of Science conference.

  9. Hey, I've seen you around. Though I don't think I've ever interacted with you.

    Happy Birthday anyway!

    1. Cash67


      He do be a good smash ultimate player. 

    2. Wierdo


      well- nice to meet you then-

  10. Guys, everyone is saying my RAFO shirt is purple.

    Please help me re-establish my sanity.

    It's red, right?

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Lego Mistborn

      Lego Mistborn

      Is it the standard one that Dragonsteel sells online and sold at the con? Because if so, I will never back down. Wyrm, you're not crazy, it is maroon, a shade of red.

    3. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      My car is green.

    4. shortcake


      Bookie is correct, his car is green.



    For context, here are some screenshots of what I've been trying to do at school for the last...hour? two hours?







    Fun times...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm


      But I'm generally accepting lower R^2 values as significant.

    3. Lego Mistborn

      Lego Mistborn

      Would it be possible to weight data points based on how frequent data points with similar rad/dens. You've got a somewhat biased sample I'm guessing(since bigger planets are easier to see). You could also try calculating density but as a function of radius (m/r) and you could get some interesting results.

    4. Lego Mistborn

      Lego Mistborn

      In general though, you are at a disadvantage with astrology, since you can't guarantee a representative sample.

  12. Spoiler

    Is wanting a Studio Ghibli adaptation for Yumi and the Nightmare Painter asking for too much...?






    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      Apparently he's actually not retiring.

      This is like the fourth time he's been like "okay, I'm done now" but then he made The Boy and the Heron and now shows no signs of stopping.

      Someone sneak that man a copy of that book...if Howl's Moving Castle stood out to him, so would Yumi.

      ...Frankly,Tress would make a really good Ghibli movie, too...

    3. Ravenclawjedi42


      I think Tress and Yumi would both be really good adaptations, but I could see Warbreaker as something they attempt but don’t quite pull off.

    4. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      Yeah. Warbreaker has a lot of elements that would fit really well, and also a lot of elements that wouldn't fit at all.

  13. Does anyone have any audiobook recommendations?

    Either books that have specifically pretty good audiobooks or just books you think I should read.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard


    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      But Wizzy, the narrator, at least for the r first one, is so boring

    4. ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ


      Thirty nine clues has an amazing audiobook

  14. Hoy, I'm Bookworm's sister that isn't older, and I lost the game. :) Also, you can see your nose, you have to breath manually, you can feel your toes touching together, you're aware of your tongue, and you have to blink manually.

    I'll be joining the ranks soon enough; about six months? And I promise you I'm just as crazy as everyone.


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      I lost the game! Dang it! Second time today.. I think? The days blend together... I blame my brother the time traveler.

    3. Lego Mistborn

      Lego Mistborn

      Hey, I'm not crazy.

      Just extremely nerdy and maybe also ADHD

      I'd say welcome, but I won't even be here when you sign on.

    4. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      Heya :D I look forward to meeting you properly!

  15. Me: I've been sleep deprived all week and need to get to bed early.

    Also me: *Stays at the church after activities for almost an hour playing Volleyball*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Immortal Platypus

      Immortal Platypus

      woah... we did volleyball last night.

    3. Lego Mistborn

      Lego Mistborn

      Well duh, why'd you only stay 1 hour though?

      My deacon brother and I were the only young men who showed up yesterday though, so we didn't even have an activity.

    4. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      Despite this I for some reason feel farily well rested today.

  16. Wait, it's your birthday?

    Happy birthday!

    1. Anguished_One


      @CinnamonHAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY!!!




    2. Cinnamon


      Thank youuuuu

  17. ...:ph34r:

    I wrote a thing.

    (Mild gore warning? I didn't really describe it all that much so I don't know how bad it really is.)
    (Also it's kind of long.)


    The empty silence of death intruded on Nashira’s mind.

    It was subtle. She wasn’t sure if anyone other than a Speaker would have noticed it. To the common observer, the forest around her would have probably felt the same. The narrow dirt road winding between the trunks of towering, moss covered trees that shaded the area with a sprawling canopy that was filled to the brim with the calls of birds and insects. Critters darted between what sparse underbrush there was, or leapt from branch to branch high above. Glowing spirits of the forests wove lazily between the thick towers of wood, looking like disembodied wings or clouds of motes or anything in between. A figure that looked like a small, pale child dressed in a tunic of pine needles and with a pinecone for a head peeked out at her from behind a tree, before promptly vanishing as soon as it noticed her watching.

    On the surface, all was right. But Nashira could sense a feeling of…wrongness, emanating from the direction she was traveling. Her mount, Tanti, could feel it too. She noticed that the silver stag seemed on edge.

    “What do you think it is?” she asked him.

    He huffed and shook his head back and forth, causing Nashira to lean back slightly to avoid getting smacked by his intricate antlers.

    “Yeah,” she said. “Me neither.”

    As they progressed along the path through the forest, the signs that something was wrong only became more obvious. Birdsong faded, becoming more distant. The squirrels and creatures of the canopy overhead all seemed to travel in the opposite direction of their solemn progression. The sunlight filtered through the green veil of the canopy overhead seemed…less vibrant somehow. And the spirits…

    Nashira had always been able to sense something more about the spirits. She’d heard of monks in the Kingdoms that had to spend years learning to catch the faintest glimpse of their essence, but she’d never struggled to sense their thoughts, their beings. Even among the Tribes, she was gifted. It’s why she was a Speaker, and such a sought-after one at that.

    And it was this attunement to the spirits that gave her true reason to fear as she drew closer to the source of wrongness.

    She sensed spirits fleeing from the silence ahead. Smaller spirits, almost like animals in behavior, ones that were simple manifestations of concepts of life and nature. They balked against this wrongness in the forest. The older, sturdier spirits, with memories and personalities, stood their ground, but felt the same wrongness as Nashira did, and they hated it.

    But when Nashira stretched her sense to the source of wrongness itself, something became horribly wrong.

    There was nothing.

    No sense of life, no stirring from spirits, no indication that there was anything in that place at all. A profound sense of death, but not the natural kind of death; an unholy death, one that bled out of its place like an ink stain of blankness spreading across a vibrant painting. She’d felt death before. It was peaceful, natural, part of the cycle.

    This was a horror.

    Nashira urged Tanti forward. He hesitated at first, but sensing her resolve, picked up speed. They traveled at this low run for several miles, and all the while, the sounds of the forest around them dwindled, growing sparser and more distant. An unearthly silence took a hold of the woods.

    Eventually, Tanti slowed to a trot, then a walk, and eventually refused to go further.

    “Come on,” she said. “We need to see this.” Still he refused.

    Nashira’s first thought was to be annoyed. But then again, few things scared Tanti. Perhaps he had good reason to be cautious.

    She swung out of the saddle and unstrapped her bow from the saddlebags. She strung it and strapped her quiver to her back, over her green Speaker’s cloak, then pulled her bow over her shoulder as well. She left her short sword tied to the saddle; she didn’t think she’d need it. Either that or it wouldn’t have done her any good anyway.

    She reached instinctively for the long flute case tied to her belt. She guessed that if any weapon would truly be useful in whatever lay ahead, it would be that instrument.

    “Stay here,” she told Tanti. “I’ll be back.” He bowed his regal head in acknowledgement. 

    Nashira moved forwards through the silent brush. Her footsteps against the detritus on the forest floor felt unnaturally loud in the bleak silence. She could see past the last few trees a clearing, washed out in the light of the sun. Nashira made her way towards it, finally stepping out into the clearing, into the wrongness.

    She found a field of the dead.

    The ground was covered in ash, almost as white as snow. It rose around her feet in light puffs as she slowly walked forward, overcome by horror. Bright sunlight almost blinded her after the darkened canopy of the forest, reflecting off the ash, but the brightness did nothing to subtract from the feeling of wrongness she felt.

    Scattered across the ash were the bodies of countless soldiers. Half of them wore black armor, accented in the red of the Kajuri Empire. The rest wore the silver and white of the Kingdom of Ohiro. All lay limp, silent, lifeless.

    There was no smell. Despite the ash, and the sea of corpses before her, there was no scent of smoke, of blood, of rotting death. An unnatural stasis seemed to settle over the area, freezing it in time, leaving everything dead but not decaying. 

    Slowly, she moved forward. The lack of sound and scent made her feel like her senses were being stolen from her. Part of her wanted to say something out loud to be sure she still could hear, but a greater part of her held too much fear to break the horrid silence. It almost felt holy, in a way. In the most perverted of ways. 

    She reached the first few corpses. Soldiers from Kajuri. They had no evidence of wounds or injuries. No blood, no arrows penetrating their armor. No reason to be dead at all. They just…were. Lying limp, swords left sheathed, arrows still in quivers. The men lying face up gazed upwards with looks of utter horror, dead eyes seeing nothing. She shuddered. Senses stolen indeed…

    When she eventually reached the front lines of the battle, she saw that not all these men had died of…whatever had killed the first ones. A scene of gory death met her; blood and guts spilled by swords and arrows, a deadly struggle for dominance and survival. Despite the gore, there was still no scent. Despite their wounds, these corpses were as frozen in time as the unnaturally dead ones. 

    What happened here?

    Nashira moved closer to the center of the battlefield, staying on the side of the Kajuri corpses, as to avoid crossing the battle lines filled with blood. Eventually, something caught her eye; among the sea of black armor there was a set of white robes, almost camouflaged against the ashes. She made her way towards it, trying to avoid stepping on the bodies around her.

    She found the wearer of the white robes to be a woman of middling age. Her robes were embroidered with red silk in patterns reminiscent of a sun. Her unnaturally pale face held the same look of wide-eyed horror as the soldiers she’d dared to look at, which wasn’t many. 

    Next to the woman’s limp hand was a flute.

    A Speaker?

    Had a Speaker been responsible for whatever had happened here?

    Nashira repressed a shiver. There were spirits in the world that were not to be contacted, not to be tampered with…If this woman had reached to them, then perhaps it was no wonder this had been the consequence.

    She looked around and could see the robes of at least two other Kajuri Speakers among the sea of dead. She moved to investigate them, and found another woman and a man, both with flutes, both with looks of indescribable horror on their lifeless faces.

    Nashira didn’t want to know what they had seen.

    She stood there over the corpse of the third Speaker for a long time, thinking. She wanted to leave. Desperately. She understood why the spirits fled this place. It was more than just the death, there was something wrong about the place. The unnatural stillness and silence went beyond just death; it was as if what made things real had died in this place too, removing it from the world in some unnatural way.

    But at the same time, a thought had firmly planted itself in Nashira’s mind.

    If Speakers did this…can I fix it?

    Slowly, hesitantly, she reached for the case tied to her belt and undid the drawstring. She carefully pulled out her Speaker’s flute. It had been carved out of a special stalk of bamboo years ago by her mother, who’d taught her the ways of a Speaker. The sturdy wood was familiar in her hands, and was painted with intricate green patterns. There was no other flute like it, and it was a part of Nashira herself.

    She closed her eyes and lifted it to her mouth.

    Nashira blew, and a calm, clear note sung out across the silence. Tears of relief sprang to her closed eyes. She could hear again. Nashira held the note, letting its solemn sound carry across the frozen air.

    The connection to the spirits normally forged by her music was absent; there were no spirits here. But she sensed something; whatever Speakers tapped into to communicate with the spirits using their music, she was able to reach it here. She was no longer alone.

    Nashira released the note, sighing. Then she began to play.

    She played a mournful melody. A song for lives once lived, now passed. Whatever tragedy had occurred on this plain of death, the souls of these men, whose time was so swiftly stolen, deserved better. No one should have to die like this.

    The solemn notes echoed across the empty field of ash. Slowly, she built them up, bringing life into her music. Her melody wasn’t wailing, mournful; that wasn’t right. Death was a part of life. Instead, she celebrated the lives of those who onced lived, and expressed a solemn regret at those lives cut short. A respect, a dignity. She showed that in her music, filled with emotion; sorrow, yes, but not at the exclusion of all else. These men deserved more than that.

    At the same time, she sought to purge the sense of wrongness from the area. Into her melody she brought recognition of the loss of the forest around her, sorrow at such beauty lost. But she also brought a promise of future life, of regrowth, of progression. She reached out, and invited the spirits of the forest not to forsake this desolate waste, but to nurture it, and bring it back to glory. She tied motifs of growth and life into the solemn melody, lacing the elegy for the dead with the promise of growth and life.

    She ended the song with a flurry of notes moving upwards, landing finally on a high trill that invited the souls of the departed into the next journey.

    Nashira lowered her flute and opened her eyes.

    The first thing that struck her was the stench of death. Her eyes watered at the stink. A soft breeze blew across the waste, bringing the smell of blood and decay. It was horrible. But it was also right, for what this place was.

    Then she sensed something.

    The lingering awareness her performance had given her drew her attention to a stirring of life among the dead. A single soul, one she’d been unable to sense until the curse of silence had been lifted. The sense was fading, both because her awareness was not unlimited, but also because whoever she’d felt was dying.

    Nashira slid her flute into its case, then scrambled across the battlefield, towards the source of life. It lay on the side of the Kajuri troops, far from the front lines. How could someone have survived…whatever had happened here? It defied reason. But she knew what she’d sensed.

    She searched among the Kajuri soldiers, following the dwindling sense of life. Finally, she came upon a young man dressed in armor accented with gold and stylized in a way that marked him as someone of import. An officer of some sort? He looked awfully young. He couldn’t have been that much older than Nashira herself. His eyes were closed, but his face held that same paleness as the rest of the soldiers she’d seen. She knelt and pressed her fingers to his neck.

    She felt a faint pulse.

    Nashira turned and let out a shrill whistle, to call Tanti. To her relief, the silver stag eventually came into her vision, bounding across the battlefield towards her, looking concerned.

    “This one’s alive,” she said, after he’d stopped and looked at the young man with a curious expression. “We’re going to see if we can help him.”

    Nashira took a knife from one of the saddlebags and began to cut the straps of the young man’s armor. She hoped he’d forgive her for discarding it; it looked important. And expensive. Actually, she wasn’t sure how a Kajuri would think about being rescued by a tribal woman like her anyway. She knew very little about the Kingdoms.

    Under the armor, the young man wore a red and white tunic and sturdy trousers; simply in design, but obviously expensive in material. His light brown skin was unnaturally cold. Even if he was alive, something was clearly wrong with him.

    He had a sword tied to his belt. It was a beautiful weapon, with an intricate hilt in some golden metal and a sheath covered in a flame design. She tied it to the saddlebags. She assumed he’d want to keep that.

    Eventually, with some difficulty, she managed to get the young man into Tanti’s saddle.

    “Be careful with him,” she told the stag. Tanti huffed.

    Slowly, she led Tanti across the waste towards the forest, opposite where she’d entered. As they reached the line of living trees, she noticed spirits hovering near the border. They seemed to watch her, no matter if they were simply ambiguous shapes of light, or humanoid beings with intricate bodies and outfits. Many of them were slowly making their way into the ash-covered clearing, responding to her invitation.

    She led Tanti into the forest, relishing in the sense of life after the solemn parlor of death. She took a few steps into the forest, then froze.

    A grandiose presence watched her.

    She saw a beautiful woman, towering over her with the trees. She was clothed in intricate, detailed robes of various colors of green and brown, accented with the bright hues of flowers and fruits. Woven into the robes were scenes of life, trees and leaves and animals and spirits; the embroidered silk almost seemed to move. Her skin was a deep brown, as rich as the soil from which the towering trees around her grew. Her hair shifted between hues of brown and green, woven into intricate vines that seemed to spread and merge with the foliage. Her face looked youthful and more beautiful than any she’d ever seen before, and yet her hands were as old and wizened as the oldest crone, twisted and knotted like the roots of the oldest tree. Her eyes contained the fullness of shifting seasons, of life, death, decay, and rebirth. Animals, plants, and spirits surrounded her, a beautiful aura of life that enriched Nashira’s soul.

    She stood frozen under this goddess’s gaze for what felt like an eternity, taking in her presence. Then she closed her eyes and bowed solemnly.

    Thank you, a voice said in her mind, soft as the smallest breeze and as eternal as the tallest tree.

    When Nashira opened her eyes, the spirit was gone.

    She turned to Tanti, who had clearly seen the same thing. The silver stag stood silently, regally, as touched as she was. The young man on his back still lay unconscious.

    “Come on,” she said. “Let's find a place to set up camp.”

    Slowly, she led Tanti away from the field of death and into the forest.

    This is a scene for a book idea that I'm thinking about right now. And I might actually get to write it if I can figure out how to outline good. If I end up putting this in the book, I'll probably change some things for context reasons, but for now...I'm proud of how this turned out.


    Also, if you've been paying attention, you'll be able to name the piece of media that directly inspired this story idea! Bonus points if you do!


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Heehee I love gore, I don’t have time right now but I’m replying because I need to read it later. 

    3. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      That's not even...


    4. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      That's Amazing! This reminds me of when we were watching the Dallas Brass and you said that you had a wooden flute. It also gives me Stormlight-ish vibes.

  18. Sometimes life is hard.

    Sometimes it's hard for you to realize who you really are.

    At times like these, there's only one piece of advice I can give you...


    Sometimes, you must look within yourself to save yourself from your other self.

    Only then will your true self reveal itself.


    If you get this refrence you are my best friend.








    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Weaver of Lies

      Weaver of Lies

      You know, for some reason I needed that.

       And yes, beautiful reference new best friend.

    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood
    4. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      *giggles* me too.

  19. Time for...



    First, music is awesome. Like, how does it do what it does? How do these simple tones arranged in these specific patterns evoke such emotion?

    I know lots of you have recommended songs here, but I'm going to be perfectly honest here; I don't really listen to them. Music with words...it's not my taste. I know they can hold powerful messages and emotions, but there's something about a beautifully crafted song in which not a word is spoken, but something is still being said, that really speaks to me.

    I have a playlist on Youtube Music that is now 375 songs long, and all of it is from movies and video games.

    Because they have awesome music.

    We've got lots of Hans Zimmer, because he's awesome, and music from Xenoblade, because Xenoblade music is awesome. And some other assorted music that's incredibly powerful.

    Remind me sometime to share some of these songs, because I can assure you that they have just as much capacity to make you cry as some of the songs you've talked about if you're in the right mindset when you listen to them. Put your "weird video game music" stereotypes at the door. Those songs are incredible.


    Flashback to that time I read a really depressing chapter of a book while listening to a somber piano piece and it killed my mood and made me depressed for the rest of the day.

    Man, I love that piece.

     The latest additions to said playlist are from the films Castle in the Sky and Princess Mononoke. Because I am now entering the Studio Ghibli fandom; or, more accurately, the Hayao Miyazaki fandom.

    I'd seen a few of his films in my childhood, and honestly don't remember much of them, only that they were a far cry from what I was used to as a little kid, but also very charming and fun. That was years ago.

    In my personal wanderings on the internet looking for stuff about writing and fantasy, I stumbled across mentions of the films Castle in the Sky and Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind. They intrigued me because of how the worldbuilding was conducted, and the messages that they sent. Before winter break, I found a copies of both at the local library, and decided to give them a go on a whim.

    I was impressed. The style is definitely different than what I've ever been used to; the way the stories were structured, how the characters interacted, the humor, the art...but it was wonderful. They both told intriguing stories with real characters and powerful messages, and especially in the case of Nausicaä, I was blown away by the worldbuilding.

    A few days ago I also watched Princess Mononoke, and that in some ways topped the other two. The world that it portrayed was rich and full of mystery and wonder, fantasy at it's finest in a way I'd never seen before.

    When it comes to movies, I'll go to Nolan or Villeneuve for sci-fi, but for fantasy, I'll go to Miyazaki.


    Also watching Princess Mononoke taught me where Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom came from. Very very clear inspiration.

    In fact, the game Tears of the Kingdom is just a Miyazaki sandwich: the sky islands are Castle in the Sky, the surface is Princess Mononoke, and the depths are Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind. If you know you know.

    This has led me to a hankering for soft worldbuilding and a story set in a world similar to these films, so I started making a world with my siblings. It's filled to the brim with magic and spirits, and there are a few people who have learned how to ask the spirits for favors, in a way. Humans themselves can't do magic, but some can have the spirits do magic for them. Larger civilizations are unable to dwell in the spirit's lands, and thus live in isolated pockets, but many smaller tribes and cultures coexist with the spirits and live in harmony with them. My idea for a character is a young woman who appeals to the spirits by playing a bamboo flute, and travels from her town to surrounding ones to help them with their problems by asking the spirits to help.

    So yeah.

    Uh...was I going anywhere with this?

    Apparently not.


    I also miss Fadran because he's the only Sharder that I know of a surety was also a huge fan of these movies and I want to talk to him about them.

    So if anyone else is a huge nerd about them...I need a discussion buddy.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ravenclawjedi42


      I mainly listen to music with words, but my favorite wordless song is Piano Sonata No. 8, Opus 13 in C minor “Pathetique”: Grave - Allegro Di Molto e Con Brio by Beethoven. It was the inspiration for one of my RP characters and I just really love it.

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      *me, who has an 81 hour playlist of music with no words*

      Make sure you get some John Powell in there too!! His stuff, especially the ones from httyd, is just incredible. Also, I love symphonie fantastique (I think that's how you spell it), it's a beautiful symphony about someone's head getting cut off. Oo, and Dies Irae is also really cool. And carmina burana...heehee classical music is so lovely.

      I...don't understand, and have never seen those movies. But maybe I will at some point in the future, in which case I'll immediately come to you!

    4. Slowswift


      I'm curious what you'd think of the album Awake by Tycho.

  20. That feeling when you sit down and write a page or more of solid worldbuilding is nice.

    Today, for me, that was religion. Got some nice religious conflict in my little collection of worlds that I'm stewing up...and some books of scripture. Which I'm proud of. They leave scriptures out of a lot of fantasy religions. Name one sci-fi or fantasy world besides Dune that has a Bible equivalent.


    After I write that I realize there are a lot more...Mistborn Era 2 has the Words of Founding and the like...but still.

    Now I just need to figure out magic. Or if there should be magic. Because the way I've been building this it would make a lot of sense narratively if there wasn't.

    ...This is a rant without context from the Bookwyrm. Don't mind me.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      How'd I miss that...

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      The Hive Queen and the Hegemon...

    4. Lego Mistborn

      Lego Mistborn

      Mistborn Era II's is still off screen mostly, so I don't blame you.

      Tell us about your creations, unless you are trying to keep it a secret.

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