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Status Replies posted by Lunamor

  1. *sigh*

    My other parakeet died yesterday. It's been a rough week.

    So, once again, to make sure my remaining parakeet didn't get lonely, I got another one. And, once again, I need a Cosmere name.




    (Also once again, not the best pictures).

    I'm fairly certain this one is female, and she's super skittish. (Her wings are also clipped, unlike the other one (who I still haven't named), so I can't blame her). I was thinking about maybe naming her Siri (partly just to confuse people) or Vivenna.

    Thoughts? Ideas? Feelings? Comments? Concerns? 

    I've also been doing a bit of research, and I now think that they are both around two or three months old.

  2. I love your cover photo!

  3. I love your cover photo!

  4. ...I heard something 


    I must be a listener!


  5. I need some advice. One of my parakeets died a few days ago, and to ensure my other one didn't get too lonely, I got another one.



    (Awful picture, sorry. It's hard to take a good one one handed).

    And I need a good Cosmere name! 

    This bird is male, and the sweetest thing in the world. Any ideas as to what I should name him?

  6. A small sample of hilarious InspiroBot quotes, because I’d forgotten this bot existed: 






  7. A small sample of hilarious InspiroBot quotes, because I’d forgotten this bot existed: 






  8. A small sample of hilarious InspiroBot quotes, because I’d forgotten this bot existed: 






  9. A small sample of hilarious InspiroBot quotes, because I’d forgotten this bot existed: 






  10. A small sample of hilarious InspiroBot quotes, because I’d forgotten this bot existed: 






  11. A small sample of hilarious InspiroBot quotes, because I’d forgotten this bot existed: 






  12. A small sample of hilarious InspiroBot quotes, because I’d forgotten this bot existed: 






  13.      Today is my shardiversary! :D:D It’s crazy to think that I’ve been here for a year already. I remember sitting on the couch, while my cousin @Truthless of Shinovar asked if I had joined this Brandon Sanderson Fansite he found yet. “It’s really cool!” He said. I think at one point, he showed me The Longest Thread, back when there were only around five or six hundred pages. Finally convinced, I decided to make my account. I lurked for about a week, and then decided to jump in :P. I don’t think I ever could have guessed how awesome it would be.

        A lot of you may not know me very well, or at all for that matter, but I am super grateful for everyone I’ve met on here. I’ve made lots of friends, and I have scarcely found anyone who hasn’t been welcoming or just kind in some way. In the past, I have kind of just been in and out, not really inputting much on the shard. I hope this will change, and maybe by this time next year I’ll have a thousand posts!

        For my shardiversary, I’ve decided to share with you all three things: a character, a meme, and a wish. After being on here for an entire year, I think it’s about time I joined the alleyverse. This is my character, Desmund, who I have agonized over for the last three days. If you have any ideas or comments, please tell me! I was planning on posting him in the “Characters” thread later today, and I appreciate any thoughts you all have. Next is my meme. I thought of it as soon as I saw this picture, and so I’ve been saving it for today :P. I hope you all like it, and don’t hesitate to tell me if it’s terrible :lol:. Last but not least, I have a wish. For a long time, I’ve thought about writing a short story. I loved your story about The Girl Who Looked Up @Lunamor, and it inspired me to make one of my own. I don’t know if it will be nearly as good, but I know I still wanna try. I also know that I am a perfectionist, and so it may be almost another year before I actually finish it :ph34r:. Regardless, I hope that one day I’ll get my thoughts together and actually put them on paper.

        Thank you all so much for making the shard a wonderful experience! This ended up being kind of long, but there was a lot I wanted to say. I am grateful for all of you, and I hope I will get to know you even better in the year to come.


    Name: Desmund Kreylaw

    Age: 26

    Gender: Male

    Physical Characteristics: Thin with a slightly above-average height. Not particularly muscular, but not scrawny, and can carry his own weight. Brown wavy hair, cut very short on the sides and a couple inches longer on the top. He has hazel eyes. 

    Investiture: Trained briefly in the ways of forgery (three years of training, plus two learning on his own). Carries several basic stamps of his own creation, and eagerly looks for opportunities to use them. 

    Skills: Taught himself how to use a sword, which he handles with average skill. He also knows basic hand to hand combat from his time as a mercenary. In a fight, he can generally hold his own, although he likes using his stamps to give him the upper hand. He is musically inclined, and can play the lute and piano with grace. 

    Equipment: His clothes include standard trousers and a blue coat, both of which have many pockets, and a dark blue cloak with silver trim. He keeps a satchel with all of his soulstamps, a tin of ink, and a chisel. Strapped to his back is both a steel sword and a lute with delicate carvings. Around his person are several other small pieces of seemingly random equipment, including but not limited to: tape, a pocketknife, a few feet of rope, a lighter, chalk, a deck of cards, paper, and a bar of soap.

    Regarding His Stamps: Most of his stamps correspond with equipment he keeps with him. He can currently change the following: 

    • His sword to a crowbar.
    • His sword to several other shapes/lengths, for different situations.
    • His shoes to a pair of sturdy boots; another stamp adds spikes for difficult terrain. 
    • His nice clothing to tattered clothing.
    • His lute to a long wooden pole. 
    • His pocketknife to a lock pick.


          Growing up, Desmund’s family was very familiar with the arts. His parents taught him how to be delicate and creative, and he quickly gained a love for music and all kinds of art. More than making art, however, he loved to learn about it, to know pieces of art and beauty, and to observe them in detail. Through the years, he became very observant, yet outspoken at the same time. He left home as a teenager, seeking adventure, and wishing to find all of the world’s beautiful pieces of art and expression. 

           Things became hard though, and for some time, he earned a living as a mercenary, where he learned to fight. However, he never let go of his dreams, and eventually an old fellow found Desmund and took the young man under his wing. Unbeknownst to Desmund, the man was an experienced forger and worldhopper. Recognizing Desmund’s love of creativity, and his desire to know art, not just make it, he decided to train the boy in forgery, and leave Desmund his secrets before he passed from this world. Unfortunately, the man passed on not only his knowledge, but his enemies. Their training was cut short when these enemies eventually tracked down the two, and ended his mentor’s life.  But, realizing he might soon meet his end, the old man told Desmund about worldhopping, and his travels to other planets, before he was killed. He tasked Desmund with continuing his work, and developing his skills as a forger. Desmund escaped, and took these words to heart. He eventually found his way to the Alleyverse, where he hopes to fulfill his master’s wish, and improve his forgery. 

    Weakness: He has a hard time making decisions, and overthinks things very often. He is still relatively new at forgery, and must take lots of time to create even simple soulstamps. 

    Family: His father, mother, sister, and two brothers live on Sel. He does not know what became of them after he left home.

    Home Planet: Sel

    Guild: unaffiliated

    Personality: He is quite observant, and prefers to know all he can about the things around him. Desmund likes people, and likes to help those in need, but will not get too involved in dangerous situations unless it is necessary. He also makes sure to be prepared for any situation. He is used to traveling, so all of his belongings fit on his person


  14. Thanks for following me!

  15. Y'all like Seagulls?

  16. Paraphrasing a quote from Psych:

    My brain feels like wet toilet paper. The really thin kind. School toilet paper.


    Anyways. Yeah. My brain feels like wet toilet paper. 

    As everyone is saying these days (I think?...) thanks for listening to my Ted talk.

  17. Does your name happen to be a reference to an AI from the video game Destiny?

  18. I don’t know who made this, but it’s gold and they deserve the world 








    Line up one and all for insult through sarcasm and smart aleckiness.

  20. Wow, today is spambot day

  21. Ayyyy the king is realistically having people help him with his armor! Yay realism in a world of magic! (Moving here so Spirit won’t be spammed) 

  22. I just want you all to know, before I begin, that I’ve been hyped about writing this literally since I posted the last one. I’ve mulled over what to say, tried to remember parts...yeah. So that’s fun. :P (Despite this, I’m still managing to write most of this way too late at night.) 

    I’m posting it both in a status update and in my blog as a way of transitioning this tradition to my blog in the future. I’ve only done it once before, so does it need a transition and can I call it a tradition yet? Who knows. 

    With that out of the way...another year happened. Which is a decently big deal on the Shard, for those of us who haven’t been around for ages, at least. It’s now been two years since I read the Sanderson Memes and Sanderfan threads during school, then decided this place was pretty cool. 

    In the last year I’ve gone from thirty-one followers to fifty-four, thirteen days won to fifty-seven, and 1,038 reputation points to 3,904 of them. I made a blog and submitted my crappy art to the gallery. (Be glad I never submitted my Inquisitor sculpture...) I started some more forum games and some more roleplays too - who’s surprised - and the old ones have been just as fun. I even participated in a few discussions about the actual books. ;) 

    (I also joined Discord, which in my case is essentially an extension of the Shard, and that let me meet and talk to even more wonderful people. I don’t regret that choice.) 

    This means it’s also been two years since I started gradually meeting some of the best people in the world. Because really, you are. Again, I can’t list all of you because I will literally run out of original compliments, and it’ll end up as something like “you’re cool! And you can write! I like what you write and how you talk!” for everyone and that’s not very nice of me, so to everyone I didn’t mention - that does not mean I don’t enjoy talking with you, laugh when I read your RP, and overanalyze your member titles. It just means I’m running out of ways to say those things without saying the same thing to all of you and feeling guilty about it. 

    I’m going to begin by saying that it wouldn’t be fair to mention the people I focused on last time again, but also I can’t not because they are amazing too, so consider yourselves mentioned! Archer continued to help me through some emotional death sessions and Mist saved my butt recently. Also Po is Po and I really don’t have words for her. (@Archer@Mistspren@Blessing of Potency

    Sorana is another storming awesome human being who must be talked about. If someone had told me a couple years ago that I would eventually be friends with a literal angel who also is an adult in Europe, I would have been very confused. But I am! And you are! You’re one of the nicest people I’ve ever met in my entire life, and everything you spend your time on, from sewing/quilting/doing magic with cloth to alltypes of roleplay, is just so grand. Your writing style is so beautiful and also you’re one of those cool smart people who’s bilingual. I know there are a lot of them, especially in countries that don’t speak English, but that doesn’t make them any less smart. So yeah, you’re awesome. (@Sorana, @bilingual people) 

    Guess who else rocks? Meta. Meta does. You’re so witty that you should be Ene! Also, you write well. No arguments - you do. In addition, I have come and died in your inbox and you just causally revive me and send me off again to keep living in the world. How do you do this? No idea, but I’m convinced you’re a Feelings Sorcerer. Thanks for the Rioting and recommendations; you’re hilarious and way smarter than anyone has a right to be. Please do not stop being these things. If you do I will make sad puppy eyes at you. (@MetaTerminal

    Next up on our list of Extremely Fantastic Human Beings is Stick! DoomStick, I will clarify, because this site has a trillion of them! Stick, we’ve been talking for ages and I would like to not stop, because you’re always super fun and clever and interesting. Like seriously, always. You can cook and bake and play an instrument and speak Latin and make epic rainbow loom things...the world is running out of things you haven’t conquered, dude. :P Every time we chat, whether on the Longest Status Update or in the plethora of other updates or TLPW or our AMAs or anywhere else, you’re a delight to talk to, and RPing with Tourmaline and Olivia is no different. Thank you. (@DoomStick

    WYN. YOU’RE A PERSON. A great person who has heartwarming RP, sweet things to say to everyone, and palpable love just...emanating from you. You and your stories are fantastic. James is fantastic - thank you so much for being in TKND. I hope that girl at your school learns how awesome the “janitor man” is. Your faith and humor deserve accolades. (@Wyndlerunner

    Silva, for all y’all’s information, is also incredible. I mean, how many named NPCs do you have? And you keep them all organized and write awesomely with them! At this point you can’t convince me your brain could make words go together badly. Maybe if you had a concussion. No matter what we’re talking about, religion or magic dreams or cute deer, you are consistently amazing. (@Silva

    Getting on Discord introduced me to Storm, and I am eternally grateful. I already knew you were fairly cool from our small Shard interactions and the fact that you founded TUBA, but now I know your coolness in detail! You’re funny and an epic storyteller, and I really like our conversations. I look forward to RPing with you. (@Stormblessed Dolphin

    Lunaaaaaaaaa!!! I’m not sure why I typed your name like that, but! Whatever! You’re exciting! Having adventures with you is a highlight of my Sharding experience, and you seem to be able to just make fun nonsense happen through sheer force of being you. Also you can write! “Well I’ve never RPed before” *proceeds to make characters who I fall in love with instantly* (@Lunamor

    (You can probably tell I’m tired by now, and this is getting long, but spike it I’m gonna rapid-fire verbally hug you all in no particular order fight me) 

    Invo, you are obviously The Cool Kid but also you’re really thoughtful and you give smart advice. I’m glad I know you. (@Invocation

    Salad, you are literally the best in every way! I love talking with you, and also we are the same in like fifteen different ways. Everything you say, I can relate to or agree with, with the sole exception of your British spelling. You’re a writing ace. hahahahaha worst pun ever we’re gonna pretend that didn’t happen okayyyyy I am so sorry but also I’m leaving it in so how sorry am I really (but seriously you are a good writer) (@The Awakened Salad

    Ele, you were the first person to welcome me to the Shard, but I only really got to know you on Discord. You’re friendly and funny and I’m sorry I haven’t watched that one general man’s video you gave me yet, but I’m happy to know it’s there if I need encouraging. (@ElephantEarwax

    Per, you’re supportive and cool and I am so sorry I haven’t been around to watching RWBY with you, it was fun! Jay, it’s great talking to you and I’m going to buy your books someday! (@Emperor Stick@Jaywalk

    Lith, you break my brain with your creativity! Zinc, your art and writing are frighteningly good! Star, your enthusiasm for your art is inspiring! Xino, you know how great you are at worldbuilding! (@ShadowLord_Lith@ZincAboutIt@Shard of Thought@xinoehp512

    Venture, you are steadfastly amazing and brave! Jac, you have really great ideas and chatting with you is a pleasure! Rebecca, I love talking with you in TUBA PMs and thank you for being a great Maid of Honor, even though it went nowhere! Same goes to Ash, who also killed me with her ships! (Condor will never be resolved...nooooooo...) (@Butt Ad Venture@bees?@Rebecca@Ashspren

    Mac, I marvel at your advice and wisdom! Truthless, I’m sorry I left HAHAR (hold up, that was its acronym? Ha har, a laugh? That’s gold lol) but RPing with you was fun! Honorless, your discussions are always great! (@MacThorstenson@Truthless of Shinovar@Dreamer

    To everyone I have ever roleplayed with, I sincerely thank you. 

    Let me get really serious for a sec. A common phrase when people are expressing love is “I love you to death.” Which makes some sense: “I’ll love you even past death.” “I’d kill for you.” It could also be interpreted as “I love you so much I want to kill you.” (Let’s hope not.) And...”I would die for you.” 

    The thing is, I do love all of you, as friends, sometimes as much as family. Honestly, more than my own family in some cases. And I will continue loving you in the afterlife that I believe in. I would not, however, kill for you in most cases, nor would I kill you. Or die for you. 

    But the last year or so has just hit me so hard that I don’t even want to think of a good enough metaphor. Sometimes the Shard was the problem, or made the problem worse. But most of the time, you guys have saved me. I’m not suicidal, that’s not part of my depression portfolio. But I’m living emotionally and mentally as well as I am because of some of you people. 

    So I don’t love you to death. I love you to life, because that’s what your love did for me. 

    *hopes that wasn’t as stupid as it sounds in her head as she pulls out a root beer and proposes a toast to another year* 

  23. Egads!! My shardversery was 4 days ago! 
    Man, it seems like yesterday that I just joined the shard and was trying to figure out how to navigate the site... It seemed like there was so much, but eventually I stumbled upon the forum games and random stuff. Little did I know that I was about to go down the best rabbit hole in my life.

    This website is so awesome, every time that I want to smile or see some of the good in humanity I know I can come here and find awesome people who genuinely care about each other. I won’t name names because there are way too many and I know I’ll forget way too many, but thank you guys so much! You people are some of the coolest I know, and I feel lucky to be able to talk to you guys, even just through the forums. I’m uplifted every time I talk, play forum games, or *wins* with you guys. Thanks so much for helping make this year one of the coolest I’ve ever had!

    I’m excited for another year on the Shard,

    Truthless of Shinovar

  24. Well, ladies and gentlemen, here we are. Today is my 2 year Shardiversary! 2 years since I finally threw myself into this community, and I don't know if I've ever made a better decision in my internet life. While he won't see this for the next year and a half, I want to thank @Firerust, for basically pestering me into signing up for the Shard, and for just being an all around good friend to me. Since this is a momentous occasion, I wanted to highlight some threads, that have really stood out to me.

    First things first: The Knights Next Door. My goodness this thread is a fun time when we set our minds to actually RP'ing. I want to thank everybody involved for helping to make it the fun RP that it is. I feel like writing James Freeman has helped me improve my prose skills, which is awesome.

    The Cosmere Roast Battle Tournament: Gosh, this thread really had traction for a while there didn't it? While it has slowed down significantly to near-death recently, this thread was so much fun to participate in, even if I never made it past the first round ever:P.

    Sanderson Memes: This thread is ubiquitous, and I love it,  so much so that I panicked when it disappeared for a while a couple months back. It's always a good laugh to see the memes there.

    The Borio Singaldi Writing Anthology: Writing a couple of stories for this one was an absolute blast, and really helped me work out my short form writing style, and for the utter absurdity of it all.

    (Note: this was supposed to go up yesterday, but I've been somewhat ill and forgot to post it)



  25. *throws open door*

    I'M BACK


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