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Status Replies posted by Lunamor

  1. Nobody go lighting any fires now, I’ll getcha. :ph34r:

  2. Welcome to the Shard! 

  3. Rhythm of war is done people! *celebration noises*


  4. Okay, changing the name back now...

    The name Honorless was for humor, to swear "on my honor!" but posting under that username, thingz could be seen as needlessly antagonistic wisecracking far too easily and one has to watch out for those things on a forum when one intends to participate in stuff like morality debates...

    Shard River, an attempt at a new name

    Dreamer, perhaps a nice transitory name till I came up with something better or go back to the former one, or maybe even stay

    RJ was a dedication

    Being The First Post was fun

    now then, which one should I go back to?

  5. Okay, changing the name back now...

    The name Honorless was for humor, to swear "on my honor!" but posting under that username, thingz could be seen as needlessly antagonistic wisecracking far too easily and one has to watch out for those things on a forum when one intends to participate in stuff like morality debates...

    Shard River, an attempt at a new name

    Dreamer, perhaps a nice transitory name till I came up with something better or go back to the former one, or maybe even stay

    RJ was a dedication

    Being The First Post was fun

    now then, which one should I go back to?

  6. Today is my 3 year Shardiversary.

    I can’t believe I’ve been on this site for 3 years! Honestly, every moment on the Shard has been amazing. You are all incredible, incredible people, and I just want to say thanks for always being so kind and awesome! (And if you don’t think I’m talking to you, whoever is reading this, I AM because everyone here really is amazing!) I know I haven’t been on here as much recently (and I don’t know when/if that’s going to change), but I always feel welcome whenever I visit, so THANK YOU! This site really is an awesome place, in a big part because of the awesome people here.

    Whoever took the time to read that, thank you! Have an amazing day, love you all! <3 ^_^

  7. Happy birthday!! I've seen your content around, but haven't really reached out to you before. Hope you have a great day!

  8. For any other D&D fans out there: Don’t know why this wasn’t already on the homebrew section of DnD Beyond. I had to go put it in myself.



  9. Well, here's my drawing of James Freeman, my character from the RP, 'The Knights Next Door'20200704_223327.thumb.jpg.e655f3edf0b7797def852618d82f667c.jpgAnd, it's sideways. Well, ain't that lovely



  11. Every single time I see an account from 2012 in today's birthdays, I am extremely tempted to write "One of the Ancients has resurfaced" on their profile page.

  12. Every single time I see an account from 2012 in today's birthdays, I am extremely tempted to write "One of the Ancients has resurfaced" on their profile page.

  13. I just heard the dog make The Most Tired Groan on my parents’ bed, and it was super long and adorable and somehow also the most relatable thing I’ve ever heard :lol: 

  14. I just heard the dog make The Most Tired Groan on my parents’ bed, and it was super long and adorable and somehow also the most relatable thing I’ve ever heard :lol: 

  15. I just heard the dog make The Most Tired Groan on my parents’ bed, and it was super long and adorable and somehow also the most relatable thing I’ve ever heard :lol: 

  16. I just heard the dog make The Most Tired Groan on my parents’ bed, and it was super long and adorable and somehow also the most relatable thing I’ve ever heard :lol: 

  17. I just heard the dog make The Most Tired Groan on my parents’ bed, and it was super long and adorable and somehow also the most relatable thing I’ve ever heard :lol: 

  18. I just heard the dog make The Most Tired Groan on my parents’ bed, and it was super long and adorable and somehow also the most relatable thing I’ve ever heard :lol: 

  19. Just to make sure people know, there will be site maintenance at 7:00 pm Pacific Time (about three hours from now): 



    Sokka GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

  21. This is the seventh in a series of status updates containing the content from my blog. Please see the first for an explanation. 


    I took out some of the quotes in my About Me as part of revising it, figured I'd dump them here in case anyone wonders which ones. 

    "The Voidspammer sneered at me. "Do you actually think you can beat the mighty ToysRUs, human?"" - Me

    "I give up it's Fred his name is Fred." - Arlin

    Me in PMs:

    Me: Let's make this a roleplay!

    Some random Sharder: Wait, but this is an Oathbringer summary PM -


    "GAH! You're having an emotion! Stay back! Back, I say!" - Zath


    "Whatever, at least my hole also has Wayne, Marasi, and a bomb flying at it. Best hole." - Me

    "Yes, Very Deerk." - Archer
    "Which one was licking your foot?" - Silva

    "Wait, do you watch RWBY Ene? Why didn't I know this? You need to make it more obvious that you're a fan, I don't think people can pick up on it." - Voidus

    ":lol: You got it. Give me a second." - Me           *changes name to RWBYFan(IsThisGoodEnough?) and profile pic to RWBY*

    "Oh no. Did I ignite this when I said we should spam quotes? Or is she always like this?" - Jay

    "I'm...always like this." - Me

    *I tell someone we have a Pokemon RP*

    "SOLICITING!" - Darth

    "...it's me. Are you surprised that I'm trying to recruit for an RP?" - Me

    "No. You didn’t say it was an RP though. *suddenly realizes stupidity of words* *also realizes you did say it was an RP* *facepalms*" - Darth

    *facepalms in solidarity* - Me

    "That was a very good wrath." - Zath

    "Y'all're psychos." - Brightness Warrior

    "Not new information." - Ark

    "We had a planet that I'm shocked humanity managed to live on. We had fungus!" - Me

    "You're so Archer." - Me

    "Can confirm." - Archer

    "I'm going to try and figure out exactly how much your keyboard has control over. Hopefully it has limited enough control for us to do something about it. If it has control over the memes thread..." - Luna

    "Then we're all doomed. I know." - Me

    "The Alleyverse is truly a beautiful mess." - Stormblessed Dolphin

    "All Elend could say was: "You're all cats?"" - Elend

    "I think I'm a Lightweaver, so I need to learn how to turn socks into pudding." - Lith

    “I can turn socks into liquid socks, but I think that’s a different Surge.” - Itiah

    “I can make your socks look like pudding.” - Luna

    “I may have accidentally summoned you, just, try not to blow up the sun.”

    ”One time! I blow up a star one time and everyone just has to bring it up!” - Po


    "I'd've punched myself in the face but I don't think any of my characters are healers." - Me

    "Oh heck a whole box of Sorana this is my lucky day." - Zinc

    "Well apparently I've ended the world. Again." - Me

    "Ene, you always do this...I think you need a new hobby." - Luna

    "I guess, yeah. Perhaps I should take up soul stealing, or driving people into madness?" - Me 

    "The barbed wire will come and on that day we shall rue." - Sleeping Invo

    "I have been told to start a Short Hair Club. I have obeyed. We don't have a PM or a RP (what would the RP even be?), just this thread." - Me

    "Ene, you and I both know you could make an RP out of this concept and it would be fantastic and soon I'd decide it was going too fast for me and drop out." - Kidpen

    "You're not wrong." - Me    *makes RP*

    "Why can't my ancestor's name be Ferrilus Wombert?" - Olivaughn

    "Dogs birthing dogs makes sense. Unicorns pooping melting pandas makes less sense." - Zinc

    "Ap, why did you do this to us? I don't know if I want to stab him or hug him when he gets back." - Me

    "Ene, you’re gonna marry him!" - Stick

    "What, and that makes him exempt from stabbing? One of my namesakes stabbed HER to-be-husband." - Me

    "Well, this got real weird real quick." - Me

    "This is the Shard, did you really expect it not to?" - TFA

    "What the fuchsia?" - Me

    "So you're telling me that if I had some catnip on me right now, you would sell your soul to me?" - True 

    "The real question is why you even have catnip on you right now." - Luna

  22. WHO WANTS CINNAMON ROLLS? Fresh from TUBA’s bakeries :lol: 


  23. And out of nowhere...

    I'm a Sentient Awakened Object. B) On your level now, Clearcut!

    Thanks, everyone who gave me upvotes. I'm saving a giant mushy you-all-rock-and-the-Shard-has-changed-my-life for my one year anniversary (I haven't even been here a year yet? Wow, feels like so long and yet so little at the same time...), but again, thanks.


  24. @AonEne, I’m sure that this is about the 1000th time you’ve received a notification like this, but it happened. I’m an Enefel.

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