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  1. 9 likes
  2. “Wait for iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit... ... ... ... *hand them a pineapple*
  3. I'd like to think that Leshwi, and some of the other fused/singers are having character arcs. They are realizing, just like our protagonists, that there is more to this war than black and white, and just like the windrunners are trying to cope with that. I find it interesting that the windrunners and heavenly ones, two orders parallel to each other have similar ideals.
  4. Winter ran his knifelike fingers through the back of another inquisitor, deflecting the blow of a double-axe with his wing. There were so many, too many, all the most Elite executioners of The Church. A scream of a girl rang from inside the church-castle. Yami! Da(rn)it! How did they get inside… Winter leapt into the air, but was pulled down by the mana net of an Inquisitor. The Angel snarled, gutting the man and deflecting another double-axe stroke with his hand. Opening his wings to the widest, he spun once while taking off, slicing through all of the nearby Inquisitors. Yami… I’m coming, hold on… Inside the castle, an Inquisitor stood--M'kkel, one of the Pope’s sons, trained in all the ways of the Church, top level executioner. He was holding a girl up by her neck. “So, you’re Yami. The Queen of Darkness. Not very impressive.” He slammed her into a wall, the entire building seeming to shake. More tears streamed down her cheeks as she tried to pull his hand from her neck. “You’re weak. I suppose killing you quickly would be doing you a favor. But I was never one for mercy.” M'kkel lifted the girl higher, changing his grip to cover her mouth. Yami’s eyes widened in horror as three blades materialized in her stomach. She tried to scream but only blood came out, soaking the Inquisitor’s arm. “So it is red. I always thought it would have been black.” He dropped her, and she crumpled into a heap on the stone floor. “This is for all the people you killed in order for your deranged creations and experiments, that each caused the deaths of so many. When somebody is truly evil, we find them and kill them, or worse.” One of the windows in front of the Inquisitor shattered, spraying colorful glass throughout the room. M'kkel instinctively created a blade behind him, deflecting Winter’s stroke. “You are fast, K’aurak’tii. I did not see you enter through that window.” The Inquisitor raised a blade to the left, blocking a strike where Winter had suddenly appeared. “You are also unimpressive, Metal Angel. Just like your master. I will enjoy destroying...” M'kkel cut off as Winter raised his hand, palm out, fingers cascading like a staircase. “You have made another mistake, scum. You will regret living.” The Angel’s eyes glowed a bright, yet deep red. “Anu.” M'kkel’s eyes widened and he began laughing. “The word that shakes the heavens?” The Inquisitor started laughing hysterically. “Only one being can use that word without being destroyed, you realize.” M'kkel’s eyes widened further, and veins appeared, bulging on his forehead. * The Inquisitor’s bones clattered to the floor. “Poor executioner. Who’s to say I didn’t consume that one being?” “Winter..” Yami’s weak voice. “Yami. You are in terrible condition." She smiled. “Come on, Winter. Why won’t you still use your emotions?” “I mustn’t until I have them all. Yami, you will not die. I will not let it.” “I am afraid that that is impossible.” “There is one way, Yami.” “What?” “The reality you gave me. My method of travel, come with me and I will make you whole again.” She weakly laughed, which turned into a cough, splattering blood on her Angel’s face. “Do not worry, Yami. It will only be for a short time, then we can return.” “Oh Winter. You’re so good at breaking the system.” She smiled, her eyes closed. Then she was still. “I will reverse this. I swear it.” the Angel said, picking her up. Then he was gone.
  5. So I recently watched Harry Potter and this idea came to mind. . . I hope this is relevant to you, too.
  6. From Me to Everyone: 02:56 PM mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm lies mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm delicious lies mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm From one of my classmates to Everyone: 02:56 PM chill out From Me to Everyone: 02:57 PM mmmmmmmmmm lies mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm art is a lie? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm it is pattern
  7. Hey, everybody! I'm quite new to Sanderson's literature, I've only started reading his books late 2019. I've read the first Misborn trilogy, Alloy, as well as the SA. I'm currently reading the last book of the Wheel of Time series, so there are those few shared authorships. I still have quite a bit of reading to do, but I went on a Sanderson hiatus after Alloy (which was good, but didn't get me invested enough to devour the second trilogy, and got sidelined due to work) to explore other famous fantasy series. I should however start reading his stuff once again in preparation for RoW. I'm a philosophy scholar by profession, and an aspiring author as well. If you're curious, my name is not related to thunderclasts, it's a translation to english of the name of magic users in the book I'm currently outlining. The system involves sacrificing memories as its power source. I hope you're all safe in these troubling times!
  8. Let's try out some cosmere ones... You must be a Coinshot because I'm steel in love with you. You must be a Windrunner because I'm falling for you. What's your favorite Aon? Mine is Omi and you! Are you a Bondsmith? Because our Tension makes me want to stick around. My horoscope said I'd meet a Kandra today. Well specifically it said I'd meet a Ten soon... and of course best of all The problem is you return to find your favorite spot has been taken by a pretty girl. Now, a gentleman would move on to another spot, leaving the lady to her contemplations. However, this is the best spot on the balcony- it's the only place close enough to a lantern to have good reading light.
  9. For a lack of a better word they are usually referred to as stormstriders and we know very few things about them for certain:
  10. “Hey, you heard about Pluto? That’s messed up right?” if you get this you’re a cool person
  11. I don't like sand, it's course, it's rough, it's irritating; and it gets everywhere.
  12. 2 likes
  13. Yeah. If you go to the kickstarter page, you can get just Dawnshard starting at $8 for the ebook.
  14. This book will end very bittersweet. Good guys more or less won three books in a row and i suppose RoW will be Empire Strikes Back in the stucture of this series. Title also suggest something bad, Rhytm of War, sounds like the victorious chant of Singers. I predict that while some characters will have local victories (like Kaladin saying 4th ideal) overall it would be a massive loss for good guys so the stakes for Book 5 would be incredibly high and serious. I predict the death of major or important secondary character. update: i think abit about what characters seems to fullfill its purpose and can still influence the plot while being dead. well, i think Dalinar will die in this book. reasoning: -he is already did what he wanted - he more or less united Alethkar. probably by the end of RoW he will achieve even more -he became way better. it seems he reached the destination in terms of character development, or will reach it by the end of RoW -he and Navani got married and had at least a year of life together -he possess pretty OP power that may be not handy to take into account while planning the story -he possess so OP power that you can successfully kill him and yet let him influence the plot -in fact he possess so OP power that there is danger of him turning into purely power tool to influence the plot. there is no reason to show a character if he can solve things via new powers. i supposed Brandon doesnt like it. -his death will put other characters in an extremely vulnerable position. and that kind of challenge seems like the one Brandon would like to write about. how other character will react loosing the center of all their dynamics? how they will handle it in the face of growing threat? thats interesting challenge for Book 5. Think of Dumbledore death in Half-Blood Prince and how cool it was written. -this would allow for jump in progression for both Kaladin and Adolin and Renarin. update: minor thing i just realized that if that will happen we will see Navani PoV after Dalinar death and it will mirror her PoV in the Prologue after Gavilar death but be significantly different. It would be quite heart breaking scene i guess.
  15. Here they are! I couldn't decide which ones were the best... so all of them Spoilered for size. They're big... I really like the scenery of where I live
  16. That loud gurgling sound my bath makes whenever it sucks up the last bit of water. It just sounds so angry. Or like it’s screaming out in pain. *shivers* I DO THIS, but also whenever the lights turn yellow but there’s not enough time to slow down I go mwahaha, you can’t stop me! I defy you, traffic lights! ...I’ve been told I’m entertaining to drive with. ^Also me I’m quite shy and would probably just stand in the corner or something. Though I think if any meeting were to happen it’d be at a release party or signing, so everyone might be excited enough that nerves lessen a bit?
  17. I've giving you a fair warning now - there's a lot of slog in Wheel of Time. Like, entire books of slog. It's a tough series to read and can take even dedicated readers years to finish. That being the case, I wouldn't warn you against reading it - there's still a lot of really good stuff in the series and the ending was done very well. (At least, I enjoyed the ending immensely. I understand there's some mild controversy about some minor parts.) Just wanted to give you the heads-up so you don't get overly discouraged around the mid-to-late books where the slog is the worse. Also, yes, please read Michael Moorcock. He's a criminally underrated fantasy author. I don't know why more people haven't even heard of him, much less read him.
  18. Hmm well I wouldn’t call this a fear but it makes me super nervous and on edge. Cracking eggs. Don’t ask me why, I don’t know. But seriously, I hate doing it it just makes me so nervous. Bonus: de-shelling boiled eggs. *shiver* Also, I’m ridiculously scared of traffic lights. Whenever it’s green I’m constantly asking myself Am I close enough to the light that I can go if it turns yellow? What about now? Now? AHH NO ITS YELLOW YOU NEED TO STOP! NO STOP! WHY ARENT YOU STOPPING! *proceeds to slam on brakes even though I had enough time* (okay im actually not a bad driver but I always feel like I am when I’m around lights.)
  19. And here's a classic Delightful-hasnt-been-on-the-forums-in-ages-and-feels-like-they-must-reply-to-everyone Well anarchy is about communal living and lack of hierarchy, so a dictatorship is kind of the opposite. It also (who said that now) doesnt require people to be logical imho. It requires people to realise that its in their best interests to work communally, which is honestly how humanity has survived this long. We're not the best predators or the quietest prey or the best foragers or w/e, we're really good at looking after each other (without capitalism and colonialism anyway). Its less people smashing in windows and burning tires and more pooling resources to improve everyone's lives, making joint decisions on how to use those resources, not giving any one person lasting significant power over others. Thats about as far as I know, theres a bunch of different models of what that could actually look like. Its kind of - begin ramble- like how Lord of The Flies is supposed to be about what happens when people are left alone on an island to fend for themselves and how it turns into murder and chaos? So thats actually what happens when privileged, entitled private school boys get left on an island. If you look at actual natural disasters and things, people band together to help each other. And actually, there's an actual case like 50 years ago of a group of school kids from South East Asia, I think, who borrowed (stole) a boat, went out to sea, didnt come back and were presumed dead. A sailor like 5 years later was sailing past this random island and saw people waving for help. These boys had landed (crashed?) on the island, made a rule that they would never fight, rigged themselves up food and shelter, and even iirc set someone's broken bone, and by working together they survived relatively healthily until they were found 5 years later. And then when they got back home they guy who's boat they stole had them arrested for theft. -end ramble- Hi! yes my cat is a very fluffy boy who like snuggles. Hi! Uh, my tips are, don't feel bound by any particular way of being non-binary. Explore what gender and your gender expression mean for you, what you like, what makes you happy. And remember that non-binary literally just means 'not exclusively a man or a woman', its not a third gender, so theres basically infinite gender space to explore. Enjoy! I have a couple questions if thats ok? No pressure at all to answer. So the environment is the host, does that mean everyone within the system is aware of whats going on all the time? Does someone front most often or can more than one person front together? Has the environment ever fronted? I've never met a system without a person as a host.
  20. *sobs* pray for me as I dive back into the Fellowship
  21. Just like Kaladin was called a Son of Tanavast (Honor's vessel), Shallan secretly is a "Daughter" of ???? (Cultivation's vessel). Hence why the love for nature, being special even for Lightweaver (just like Kaladin seems more special than just regular Windrunner), a lot of blank spots in the childhood, great mental health problems, and constant comparison to "a little horneater princess" (Cultivation's Perpendicularity located in the Horneater Peaks). I think this is the last truth Brandon hints at and keeps in secret to reveal somewhere in Book 4 or Book 5. I think with accepting it Shallan will complete own path as Radiant. What does this mean for a story? I dont know. Kaladin being specifically named the Son of Tanavast has to bear some significant importance. Cultivation Vessel's "Daughter" has to bear it as well.
  22. Actually I'd say the resounding success probably helped lead them to that. They'd just turned an entire race mindless, on top of finding out that their powers destroyed their previous homeland and that they invaded the aforementioned race and now there's a perpetual war over the land.
  23. @FriarFritz @Spren of Kindness @Matrim's Dice @The_Truthwatcher @Mist @The Last Post @Truthless of Shinovar @Eluvianii @AonEne @Rosharan A.C. @Ghanderflaffle @Jaywalk @The Awakened Salad, and anyone I missed, You asked, I delivered, here is 100 Brandon Sanderson / Cosmere Memes! Disclaimer: sorry Ene but I can't 100% guarantee that none of these have been done before, but I did make all of them Spoiler free memes: 8 Elantris memes: 14 Warbreaker memes: 10 Mistborn Era 1 memes: 18 Mistborn Era 2 memes: 12 Stormlight memes: 26 White Sand memes: 2 Shadows for silence memes: 1 First of the Dusk memes: 1 Cosmere memes: 8 Enjoy. (hope I don't crash the sever)
  24. Big? Small? Corny? Actually pretty decent when it comes down to it? Doesn’t matter to me, I’ll take em! I’ll start: Are you my appendix? Cause I don’t understand how you make me feel but this feeling in my stomach makes me want to Take. You. Out.
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  25. Theory on the Sibling: The Sibling was the “Godspren” who managed Urithiru, and was capable of a Nahel Bond to a Bondsmith. I believe that the Sibling is inside the gemstone column in the Urithiru gemstone archive. Allow me to explain why. So, we know that a very powerful spren can be captured in a sizable perfect gemstone. Such a gemstone could potentially be used to create a Fabrial. Both Shallan and Renarin have claimed that Urithiru is not a collection of Fabrials; rather, it is a single Fabrial. This brings us to the gemstone column in Urithiru. None of the gemstones on the column look like they would be able to hold a spren as powerful as the Sibling. However, all we see is the outside of the column. On the inside, I believe there is a massive gemstone, possibly an emerald or ruby, that contains the Sibling. The gemstones on the outside of the column are likely tied together with metals to the interior main gemstone where the Sibling resides. These exterior gems hold spren are probably used by the Sibling to regulate the tower’s functions somehow. Whomever the Sibling is bonded to can request the Sibling to do something, such as increase crop production. The Sibling then activates the specific set of Fabrials in the column that controls such a function. There may be a failsafe if the Bondsmith bonded with the Sibling dies, although the Sibling could probably run the tower on its own. In addition, Renarin claims that the column is a Fabrial that is used to “be a city.” This adds to the possibility that the Sibling is inside the column, as many of the speakers in the gemstone recordings associate the Sibling with the tower itself. One of the principles of Fabrial technology we have learned from the epigraphs is that a spren cannot inhabit a gemstone with Stormlight infusing it. It stands to reason that the reverse is true; Stormlight cannot infuse a gemstone with a spren inside of it. Dalinar cannot infuse the column is because the Sibling is inside, as well as the other spren inside the gemstones making up the column. Syl mentions that Urithiru once glowed with a strange kind of light in her interlude. This could be the kind of gaseous Investiture associated with Cultivation (growthlight?), or it could be spren inside Fabrials, which sometimes glow with abnormal colors according to Navani’s prologue. Navani mentioned in Oathbringer that Urithiru has a “heart of emerald (pulp) and ruby(fire), with veins of garnet (blood).” When the Sibling is awake, perhaps these veins glow with Stormlight, Cultivationlight/Growthlight, or another color altogether. Another possibility is that, instead of the Sibling being inside a perfect gemstone, the Sibling was wounded somehow. To repair it, the splinters of its power were gathered and placed inside smaller gemstones and weave together with a lattice of metal. So then, what happened? Before the Recreance, the Sibling withdrew. Many of the tower’s functions stopped working, prompting the abandonment of Urithiru. What I believe happened was that, a bit of time before the Recreance, the Bondsmith bonded to the Sibling broke his/her Oaths. The Sibling was too powerful to be turned into a deadeye, but was sent into a coma-like state. This “slumber” is why the tower stopped working, and hasn’t for the last 2,000 years. This aligns with what the Stormfather said when Dalinar asked about the Sibling: “you have hurt them enough!” You (a Bondsmith) have hurt (broken Oaths) them (the Sibling). None of the Gemstone recordings mention a Bondsmith breaking their Oaths, as it would be a huge blow to morale. Where are we now? It has been 2,000 years since the Sibling began it’s slumber. Awakening the Sibling will be a difficult task, requiring more than just zinc wires. I believe that it will require a person with a personality similar to what kind of people Bonded with the Sibling in the first place. Such a Bond will be necessary for the Rosharans to survive the True Desolation. What does everyone think of my theory?
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  26. Tina sighs. Fadran grabs his bowl of French Fries and box of Dunkin' Donuts, then heads on down to the pool.
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  27. This is absolutely beautiful!!! The colors are stunning and the perspective is perfect!
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  28. Legit, I took some time to think about what I actually truly predict for Rhythm of War. Some of these are going to be old hat theories that I think we all have concurred with happen in some form or another, and others are going to be a little more "out there". However, I like the idea of keeping a list somewhere and ticking off what was correct and what wasn't. - Shallan or Adolin will worldhop - Kaladin will swear the fourth ideal after saving Oroden instead of Lirin - Moash kills Lirin - Windspren will become his Shardplate - Jasnah got Shardplate in the time jump - Hoid will ask a boon of the Nightwatcher - Navani will become a Dustbringer - Urithiru will be turned on, but not by Navani - it will be started up by LUNAMOR. He has been working to bring people together since he started making stew for the bridgemen, and specifically, is all about unifying people as a community. Look at his chapter in Oathbringer. He's our next Bondsmith. - Urithiru "switching on" is the big pillar moment that BrandoSando has been talking about. - Taravangian bonds with Odium to become the anti-Dalinar Bondsmith - Liss is outed as a Herald - Adolin heals Maya and becomes an Edgedancer - Adolin and Shallan will find Azure imprisoned at Lasting Integrity - Once Szeth has become a known quantity in Urithiru, Zahel is nowhere to be found
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  29. I'm pretty sure most of the kids in my school know my name, but not for any good reason (I.E. I'm annoying as crem). Being ignored and left out is something I've been weirdly okay with as I was growing up; possibly because I wasn't ever included in anything at all and I didn't know what it was like--but that makes it sound like I had a super depressing childhood with no friends, which is completely incorrect. I had friends and people to talk to, but because most of my talents are mental and not physical, I didn't do any of the things that the other kids did (sports, mostly. Never been a sports guy). It also isn't like people to try to involve others unless they notice that you're being left out. I'm not saying guilt-trip people to be included, but giving them a little slack for being oblivious to how you feel might be a good idea.
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  30. The hotel scene in Bands of Mourning is pretty great too.
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  31. The caligraphy is probably my favorite part of the map-drawing process.
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  32. Ishnah? I was thinking that she seemed trustworthy because of the way she approached Shallan. If she was an operative of the ghostbloods, she would have to be such a good actress. I guess we have seen that before in Mistborn with kandra—I just think it is unlikely that she’s the spy. Then again, that would just make her betrayal even spicier. Personally I suspect Ialai was killed by someone unaffiliated with the Kholin group. A needle reminds me of Iyatil and her darts, so maybe it was her. Depends on what Ishnah finds, really.
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  33. So, to me, this is a more persuasive argument than the logistics of her fiddling with the needle. Like 'Shallan has a hidden fourth alter that kills people that the others want to keep alive' is very Hollywood DID, which is exactly what Brandon has said he wants to avoid this book.
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  34. I believe so, yes. Why? They're punderful.
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  35. You aren't the one asking questions here, young man. Leave the questioning to us folks.
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  36. It is intentional. Scadrial is meant to be the Earth analogue in the Cosmere, Brandon has said that "if you can find it on Earth, it's likely on Scadrial" (or something very similar). It's much easier to tell a story if the audience is already familiar with the world, so Brandon deliberately chose to make the setting Earth equivalent, but not Earth. So, this is somewhat similar, given that we are in the Cosmere thread I'm not going to spoiler tag this, but: The human's in SA are refugees from Ashyn (a more Earthlike planet). So the food and animals that they refer to really are comparable to the Earth equivalents. One thing to note, is that the Rosharians refer to all birds as "chickens". Hope this helps.
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  37. So we've seen this 'crumble into dust' effect in two other places in the past, to my recollection: When you regrow Shardplate, the scattered old bits collapse into dust to be replaced by the new bits you're growing, so you don't have to go around picking up every piece you lost. When Wyndle moves, he grows a new piece of himself and the trail behind him collapses into dust. The overall amount of Wyndle present is still the same, but he's moving by growing rather locating normally. I'm not sure what exactly is going on, but I feel confident that the principle behind this Fused's powers are the same. Teleportation via creating a new body in a new location and the old you crumbling into nothing.
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  38. Quite a few good bits from this interlude. I wonder if Syl is hearing the conflux of the Rhythms that occurs in a highstorm? This appears to be a pretty clear confirmation that Shardplate is comprised of lesser spren. But it's something intentional, something that happens as a normal process of creating Shardblades, and thus wasn't "corrupted" or made terrible by the Recreance. Seems like Syl has some mental illness, as well, which has some interesting ramifications. This doesn't look like she's sharing Kaladin's situation. But, since mental illnesses have physiological components (which is why they can be treated with medication), how does this occur for a being who does not have a physiology? Lights, that aren't Stormlight? Could this be the mystery Third Light (not Voidlight or Stormlight)? Also, I think dead vs alive grants some more credence to the idea that the Sibling is Urithiru - Looks like Kaladin has a meltdown and gives up the life of a soldier. (But not that of a Radiant, since Syl's here.) I wonder what the impetus is. We know Kaladin's fighting in Hearthstone at the beginning of the book, from other excerpts. Does Lirin bite it? And Kaladin isn't enough of a surgeon to help him? So now Kaladin gives up his spear to focus on protecting people through healing them? But then again, this seems like something Dalinar did to him. Maybe Dalinar stripped him of his Surges, since they weren't healthy for him? Either way, it seems like we're going to see some serious regression on Kaladin's part, the same way we saw it with Shallan in Oathbringer. I was not a fan of it then; I hope it goes better this time around. Ah, the good lore dumps. Peakspren - I suspect these are the Stoneward spren. Mountain peaks, which are in fact quite rocky, will be a good name for "cracked stone" spren. The origin of intelligent spren is another interesting question; I think, with the genders they have, that they must have all come about from interactions with humans, which generally fits with the timeline. Dalinar's powers. The "Bondsmith" Syl is referring to has to be Ishar, I think. He's got some titles that match up pretty well - Binder of Gods, I believe, and Architect (or was it Founder?) of the Oathpact. (Not sure why "connected" to Braize isn't capitalized. But this seems like the same issue of Connection that's being discussed with Gavilar in the prologue.) And the Radiants being called "Ishar's Knights" fits with binding other Surges and creating/discovering the Nahel bond. I think the current role of Bondsmith has been formalized into the Surgebinder/Knight Radiant system, but the raw power of what a Bondsmith (and what Dalinar) can accomplish is something older and greater than Surgebinding. Which fits this description, and is something I've talked about in my thread on the Surges: that Dalinar has manipulated base Realmatics, on a more magical fundamental level than other magical applications from Radiants/Mistborn/Elantrians/what have you. He's something that can rewrite the code, something much more like Rashek holding the Well of Ascension in Mistborn. (And, well, didn't we explicitly hear that Dalinar Ascended at the end of OB?) And, specifically a "Bondsmith," aside from being a powerful manipulator of Realmatics, is now on Roshar also a Radiant.
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  39. Alright, thanks for waiting to patiently @Felt Now brace yourself for the beating you're about to be dealt!
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  40. The following passage was deleted due to the sheer idiocy of its content: The REAL Roast:
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  41. Jon Snow? I figured we'd be talking about Kvothe's mom at this point.
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  42. With SA3 coming...
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