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Yoden walked through the streets of Garmet, listening to the crowds of people quietly discussing the latest news from the political convention that was meeting in this otherwise quiet city in the far reaches of the Elendel Basin. The People’s Republic of Elendel was nearing its 25th year since its founding, but that did not mean everyone was happy with the way things were now. With the latest rebel attacks up north in Drypost and Mycondwel, tensions were high throughout the Republic. So, to quell tensions between the capital and some of the outer cities, a group of prominent politicians and influential figures had come all the way out here to Garmet to meet with their local leaders and try and figure out how they can improve things. 

I don’t think things are going well at all, Yoden thought to himself. For the past week, most of the meetings each day had involved the Elendel representatives mostly refusing to listen to the Garmet representatives’ pleas. And the Garmet representatives were far too angry for a governing body, that shouldn’t be happening in the Republic. Though to be fair, Yoden himself might be a bit biased, considering he was an Elendel representative himself. 

As he thought this, the crowd around him began to part around him as someone inevitably noticed who he was. He sighed to himself, then continued walking to the meeting building. Another day of constant bickering, all to make the Republic look better.


Some time later, a break was called. Yoden didn’t remember much of what happened, as it had been another four hours of bickering between people who really couldn’t understand the other side. There might’ve been some agreement that the rebels were causing trouble for everyone, but the people of Garmet almost seemed excited that Yoden and the other Elendel representatives had to worry about them. At least it’s time for lun-

Yoden’s thoughts were interrupted as a tall man burst through the chamber doors, his coat torn up and his hair disheveled and incredibly dirty. “The rebels have taken Steinel!” He paused to catch his breath. “The tracks from Elmsdel to Steinel are also ruined. They overtook a train that left Elmsdel yesterday, and blew up the tracks as they went towards Steinel. We’re trapped.”

The chamber room was instant chaos, people shouting that that couldn’t be true, others trying to ask the man what else he knew, and throughout it all, there was an underlying realization that this was planned. The rebels knew that all of these representatives from Elendel were gonna be here in Garmet for this month, and now none of them could get back to Elendel. Unless they wanted to take a 200 or more mile long journey walking from Garmet to Elendel. 

Eventually, someone managed to calm down the group of people within the chamber while Yoden was lost in thoughts. “Listen up everyone,” the man, Goren, said. He was a relatively young man for one so influential, and he was a Garmet native too. “We’re all stuck here, and we all know that the rebels wanted us stuck here. I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty sure that means we’ve also got rebels in our midst.” There was a gasp in the crowd, and a tall woman began to shout, but Goren cut her off. “I’m not accusing anyone...yet. But it’s only common sense. The rebels needed to know that all of you visitors were still here in order to start their plan. Someone had to tell them that. So, I vote that we lock down the city. No one leaves or comes in until we figure out what’s going on, and until we get word from Elendel. All in favor?”

There was a moment of silence as everyone took in his words. Slowly, people began to raise their hands in assent of his motion. Yoden was surprised to see even some people from Elendel raising their hands first. It wasn’t long before everyone begrudgingly raised their hands, even Yoden himself. 

Goren nodded. “Good, glad we’re in agreement. Now, I say we call the meeting off for today and we all go home and relax for a bit. It’s going to be a long while before we hear back from anyone.”

Well, Yoden thought to himself, this trip certainly got more exciting.


Welcome to Long Game 77: A Political Trap! This game is a rerun of LG66 (which you can read here if you want). Helping me with this game is my co-GM @Young Bard and my IM @Elbereth

I encourage everyone to RP as much as possible. It makes my job doing the writeups more interesting if you all do a lot of RP, not to mention that you get more boxings if you do RP. :P

I’ll be posting the rules down below, in this post itself, but I’m not sure how well they’re going to translate in the transition from my google doc. Here is the link to the rules doc. Clarifications are going to stay in the doc itself because moving them to this post would be a pain. :P

Signups will end on May 27, at 9 am CDT. The game will start as soon as we can get it going. Rollover will probably take 45 minutes to an hour after each turn as well.

Also, for what it’s worth, I’m going to preemptively apologize because my work schedule is...variable, to put it lightly, so the rollover time will probably move around a few times over the course of the game as I find out my work schedule for each week. Hopefully I won't have to change it, but you never know.





  • Each Cycle is split up into a Day and Night turn. 
  • Day turns are 48 hours and Night turns are 24 hours.
  • There is a removal during the Day. There is no vote minimum, but no one is removed if there are no votes. Tied removals result in a random player (from the tie) being chosen to be removed.
  • You have two actions per cycle, which must be distinct actions (except in the case of storing actions that can be taken on either Day or Night turns). Tapping multiple charges at once is only one action. Any extra actions you gain do not have to be distinct. You can use your two actions in any combination of at Day and Night.
  • Private messages (PMs) are open as long as a Tineye is alive. PMs can only be one-on-one and they must include myself, Young Bard, and Elbereth.
  • When a player is removed, their items are randomly split up amongst the people that voted on them. 50% of their boxings are randomly split up amongst those people as well.
  • When a player is killed, one of their items is randomly selected and goes to the player that killed them. The rest end up on the black market. 50% of the killed player’s boxings go to the killer.
  • Each player will have at least one role.
  • There are secret rules.



Republic Loyalists: This is the village for this game. Their wincon is to eliminate all of the Rebels.
Rebel Sympathizers: These are the elims for this game. Their wincon is to outnumber all of the Loyalists. If parity is reached and there are no villagers with vote manipulation, the Rebels win. They have a kill available to them to use each night. It is an action one of them must submit.
Kandra: Their wincon is to be the last player standing


Allomantic Roles:


Coinshot: You can burn steel and kill a target. (Night)
Lurcher: You can burn iron and protect another player from being killed. (Night)
Tineye: You can burn tin and watch to see who someone targets. As long as a Tineye is alive, PMs can be made between players. (Both)
Thug: It takes two tries to kill you (you’re immune to your first removal/kill). (Passive)
Rioter: You can burn zinc to move someone’s vote. Your own vote is cancelled. (Day)
Soother: You can burn brass to cancel someone’s vote. (Day)
Smoker: You can burn copper and protect you and another player of your choice from being Seeked, Rioted, or Soothed. (Both)
Seeker: You can burn bronze to see which metal someone burned. (Both)
Augur:  You can burn gold to see who targeted you in the last turn. (Both)
Oracle: You can burn electrum to see who targeted you in the current turn. (Both)
Pulser: You can burn cadmium and target another player, making it so that their action doesn’t take place until the next turn. (Both)
Slider: You can burn bendalloy and target another player, making it so that any actions taken against either of you are randomly redirected. In addition, if the target player takes an action against anyone (besides you), their action is randomly redirected. (Both)
Leecher: You can burn chromium and target another player, cancelling their action for that turn. (Both)
Nicroburst: You can burn nicrosil and target another player, allowing them to take an extra action the next turn. (Both)
Aluminum Gnat: You can burn aluminum, cancelling your action for the next turn. (Both)
Duralumin Gnat: You can burn duralumin, making it so that you have an extra action on the next turn. (Both)

Feruchemical Roles:


Steelrunner: While storing in steel, you will be unable to take any other actions for that cycle. While tapping 1 steel charge, you can take an extra action. For each extra charge you tap, you can take another extra action. (Both)
Skimmer: While storing in iron, you have a 75% chance of being roleblocked by any actions taken against you. While tapping 1 iron charge, you can roleblock another player. (Both)
Brute: While storing in pewter, you will be severely weakened. If anyone performs any action on you that turn, you are also roleblocked. While tapping 1 pewter charge, you are immune to one kill for that turn. If you tap 3 pewter charges, you can protect a player from being killed. If that player is attacked, you kill the player who attacked them. (Storing: Both/Tapping: Night)
Windwhisper: While storing in tin, you are unable to PM (other players PMing you doesn’t affect your storing, as long as you don’t respond). While tapping 1 tin charge, you can spy on someone to learn who they are PMing with. While tapping 2 tin charges, you can target someone to learn who they targeted that turn. (Both)
Sparker: While storing in zinc, you are unable to vote or take another action. While tapping 1 zinc charge, you can learn a role of a player. While tapping 2 zinc charges, you can learn who someone targeted. While tapping 3 zinc charges, you can learn the alignment of a player. (Storing: Day/Tapping: Both)
Firesoul: While storing in brass, you risk becoming so cold that you might get frostbite or even die (40% of being roleblocked for the next turn and 5% of dying). While tapping 2 brass charges, non-kill actions fail against you. While tapping 4 brass charges, all actions, including kills, fail against you. While tapping 6 brass charges, all actions fail against you and anyone who attempts to kill you is killed instead. (Storing: Both/Tapping: Night)
Archivist: You can learn one random fact about the state of the game each turn (or whichever turns you choose to use this action). Could be someone’s role, an action someone took, the target of an action, etc. (Both)
Sentry: While storing in bronze, you can’t vote during the day and you can’t PM during the night. While tapping 2 bronze charges, you can learn what actions were done on you. While tapping 4 bronze charges, you can learn who targeted you in the last turn. (Both)
Bloodmaker: While storing in gold, you are frail, and any attack action taken against you will kill you no matter what. When tapping 3 gold charges, you are immune to one kill/removal. (Both)
Pinnacle: While storing in electrum, you can only vote on a player who has already been voted on. While tapping 2 electrum charges, you will have a 50% chance of not being affected by roleblocks. While tapping 4 electrum charges, you will be unaffected by roleblocks. (Storing: Day/Tapping: Both)
Gasper: While storing in cadmium, your posts have word caps of 200 words. While tapping 2 cadmium charges, your actions can’t be tracked and your role can’t be revealed. While tapping 4 cadmium charges, you gain the benefits of using 2 cadmium charges and you have a 50% chance of being able to hide from any kill attempts. (Both)
Subsumer: While storing in bendalloy, roleblocks kill you instead of roleblocking you. While you have 2 or more bendalloy charges stored, whenever you become roleblocked, you will reactively tap 2 charges to energize yourself, negating the roleblock. (Both)
Spinner: While storing in chromium, the chances of you receiving an item decrease, as does the amount of boxings you’ll receive. While tapping 1 chromium charge, the chances of you receiving an item increase (for example, if there are 17 players, your odds go from 1 in 17 to 3 in 19), as does the amount of boxings you receive. When you tap multiple charges, your chances increase at the same rate (e.g. 3 in 19 for 1 chromium charge, 5 in 21 for 2 chromium charges, etc.). (Both)
Soulbearer: While storing in nicrosil, you don’t have access to one of your other abilities. If scanned for your role, the ability that you are currently storing can’t be scanned for. While tapping 1 nicrosil charge, you can perform an extra action with the stored ability. For every nicrosil charge you use, you gain another action. (Both)
Trueself: While storing in aluminum, any actions taken against another random player will affect you as well. While tapping 1 aluminum charge, emotional allomancy has a 50% chance of not working on you. While tapping 2 aluminum charges, you are immune to emotional allomancy. (Storing: Both/Tapping: Day)
Connector: While storing in duralumin, you cannot vote on any players. If you do vote on someone, your vote will be cancelled as if someone Soothed your vote. When tapping 1 duralumin charge, you can add one vote to the player you’re currently voting on. Adding a second vote requires another duralumin charge, for a total of 2 duralumin charges. Adding a third vote requires another duralumin charge, for a total of 3 duralumin charges. This carries on for each extra vote you wish to add. (Day)



Steel Trap: A single use item that prevents a player from taking an action. If the target is using more than one action, only one action (chosen at random) will be roleblocked. 
Blackmail: A one-time use item that allows you to redirect another player’s action.
Bribe: A one-time use item that allows you to cancel a player’s vote.
Medallion: If you receive a medallion for any of the abilities, you can use the ability that is on it for however many charges it has when you receive it (for allomantic abilities, between 1 and 3; for feruchemical abilities, between 2 and 5, though you can also use it to store more charges). 
Bulletproof Vest: When you own the bulletproof vest, you are immune to one kill. After being attacked once, the vest breaks. This does not protect against the removal.
Charged Spike: If you receive a spike for any of the abilities, you can put in the spike, permanently altering your role so that you have that ability (in addition to your other abilities) for the rest of the game. Spikes will have a chance to be randomly generated when a player dies.
Dagger: A single-use item that allows you to kill another player. When it’s used, it’s removed from the game.
Uncharged Spike: You can use this spike to kill a player and create a Charged Spike. If they had multiple roles, only one of them will be spiked out.
Lerasium Alloy: There is one in the game. When used, the player receives an allomantic ability of their choice that they don’t already have. 

Regular Roles:


Thief: You can steal from a player. You can choose whether to steal boxings or an item. You will receive a random amount of boxings from the player, somewhere between ⅓ to ⅔ of their total boxings. If they have multiple items, you will receive one at random. There is a 20% chance you will be caught stealing and your target learns your identity. The next time you steal from a player you’ve already stolen from before, the chances of getting caught increase by 10%.
Hemalurgist: Once per game, you may target a player and kill them. Doing so will add a new spike into the black market if they have allomancy or feruchemy. 
Hazekiller: You can roleblock a player for a turn and you have a 25% chance of finding out the role of the player you target. For a player you’ve already roleblocked, the chances of finding out their role increases by 5%.
Investigator: Each Night, you may investigate a player in the game, digging for information on their alignment. You will be told whether or not that player is a Rebel.




Boxings are used to buy items on the black market, which can be done on both Day and Night turns. Boxings are earned through performing activity tasks. There is no cap on earning boxings until the first item is bought. After that, no more than 25 boxings can be earned per turn. 

  • Posting at least once in thread for a turn: 3 boxings
  • Posting at least 200 words of RP: 1 boxing per post
  • Posting at least 200 words of game-related discussion: 1 boxing per post
  • Sending at least one PM (either opening one or responding to a pre-existing one) per turn: 2 boxings
  • Having the most posts that are at least 200 words for that turn: 3 boxings
  • Voting on a player during the Day: 1 boxing


Black Market:


The Black Market is where players go to purchase and sell items during the Night. Only one item can be sold/purchased per action used on the black market. The prices for both selling and buying items are fixed.

  • Steel Trap: 25 boxings
  • Blackmail: 30 boxings
  • Bribe: 40 boxings
  • Medallion: 45 boxings
  • Bulletproof Vest: 55 boxings
  • Charged Spike: 65 boxings
  • Dagger: 80 boxings
  • Uncharged Spike: 90 boxings
  • Lerasium Alloy: 115 boxings

Order of Actions:

  1. Earning boxings
  2. Roleblocks, Redirects
  3. Extra Lives, Bodyguard style actions, evasive style actions
  4. Votes
  5. Vote affecting actions
  6. Attacks, removals
  7. Black market purchases/sales
  8. Stealing items/boxings
  9. Passing items
  10. Information gathering actions


Player List:



  1. @Ashbringer
  2. @Biplet - Shara, advisor to a representative of the third Octant, Iden. 
  3. @Szeth_Pancakes - Earl Euphemie, a journalist from the Elendel Daily, definitely not a highly trained assassin.
  4. @Matrim's Dice - Philico, here to steal Faleast's Kandra thunder.
  5. @Lotus - Josephine, definitely not out of her league.
  6. @Araris Valerian - Sweeper, a lowly cleaner of the political chamber building.
  7. @The Unknown Order - Walker, who...walks. Yeah.
  8. @DrakeMarshall - Juno, member of the Board of Somethingorother, and an enthusiastic protestor.
  9. @Jondesu - Myra, not witty or even particularly bright, but she’s honest.
  10. @Archer - The Great Panini, wealthy patron of the arts and amateur ventriloquist, accompanied by Bagel.
  11. @Ventyl - The Lafay Etteax, find out what he’ll do on the next episode of Sanderson Elimination!
  12. @Experience - Zara, questionably loyal, but in extreme ways.
  13. @Devotary of Spontaneity - Magrait, an amalgamation of Adomert and Inedze through their stored memories from a coppermind.
  14. @Azmine_king
  15. @Mist - Lumen, a secretary who's trying her best and wants to bring justice to whoever needs it.
  16. @|TJ|
  17. @manukos - Bill, Bill Door. Probably shaped like a triangle.
  18. @Dannex
  19. @Flyingbooks - Veren, assistant to the Elendel representatives, playing both sides to get the nobility less influence in politics.


  1. @SummerSomner
  2. @Fade

Pinch Hitters:

  1. @Illwei

Quick Links:


Edited by Devotary of Spontaneity
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Ha! Yes! Philico is in, hoping to snag Faleast’s kandra thunder as literally as possible.

I was planning to pinch hit these next few games, but... yeah not missing a rerun of my first LG.

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Signing up as Josephine who definitely isn't out of her league.

I'm going to try to be as active as possible but I've been having some issues with burnout lately so we'll see.

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I have been summoned.

I ought to have time for this one. I'll join.

RNG hath spoken and the name that I shall sign up with shall be Juno.

She is an elected official presiding over the Board of Somethingorother in the city of Garmet, and for the last week or so she has been cheerfully engaging in shouting matches with Elendel officials of various stripes, enthusiastically joining in all manner of public protests (some for causes that aren't strictly speaking compatible with each other), and generally stirring the metaphorical pot.

Also, as proof that I actually read the rules this time, have a minor clarifying question:


Hazekiller: You can roleblock a player for a turn and you have a 25% chance of finding out the role of the player you target. For a player you’ve already roleblocked, the chances of finding out their role increases by 5%.

Is the 5% cumulative? So if it's the third consecutive time you targeted somebody do you have a 35% chance of learning their role on that night?

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Wow, that’s a complex game. I can’t promise much, but I’ll join. New character for this one. How about I be female? Myra will join as my first female character. She’s not witty or even particularly bright, but she’s honest.

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Oh no!



I'm tempted to sign up as someone with a two hundred-word title, but to demonstrate my self restraint, I'll merely enlist as as The Great Panini, wealthy patron of the arts and amateur ventriloquist. (His dummy's name is Bagel.)

I also have questions. 

-What’s your target player count for this game?

Basic Rules

-When splitting up 50% of the deceased’s belongings, will you round their half total up or down if it’s an odd number?

-Do the secret rules relate to anyone’s win conditions or the existence of unadvertised factions?

-The rules say the kill is an action the Rebels must submit. May they forgo submitting it?

Allomantic Roles

-Will coinshot and elim kills be differentiated in the writeup?

-Does the Oracle get the results of their scan immediately, or at rollover?

-If a Pulser delays an action, can the targeted player still take two actions next cycle besides the additional one they take?

-Are players informed if they are roleblocked/targeted by actions that mess with their actions?

Feruchemical Roles

-Does a roleblocked Brute succeed in storing their strength?

-Does the Windwhisper learn who someone is PMing with that round or everyone they’ve PMed with so far?

-Can the Archivist learn secret rules?

-(Sidenote: The gasper rules are clever)

-Can players start with multiple roles? Can they start with multiple roles of the same category?

Regular Roles

-Does the spike added to the market after the Hazekiller kill relate to their victim’s role or theirs?


-Can boxings or items be passed between players outside of the Market? Is there any indication of who owns items being sold?

-Am I correct in thinking that a 50 word analysis post wouldn’t count for boxing accumulation? Or is it cumulative?

-If someone writes 200 words of RP and 200 words of game related discussion in the same post, does it generate two boxings?

-If I use red text to cast a vote, but green it out before the end of the day, does that give me a boxing? If I vote multiple times during the day, does that give me multiple boxings? If my vote is tampered with through vote manipulation, does that have any effect on boxing accumulation?

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10 minutes ago, Illwei said:

This might change on wednesday, depending on whether or not Im the D1 lynch on MU :P

Put the link to your game in aKFOtC, if you can.

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Okay, wow, time to go through and answer a bunch of questions I guess. :P

4 hours ago, The Unknown Order said:

Quick question, @StrikerEZ or @Young Bard, do you get boxings per two hundred words of roleplay, or per post with two hundred words?

You get boxings per post with 200 words.

4 hours ago, DrakeMarshall said:

Is the 5% cumulative? So if it's the third consecutive time you targeted somebody do you have a 35% chance of learning their role on that night?

Yeah, it's cumulative.

1 hour ago, Archer said:

What’s your target player count for this game?

I'd like at least 20, though I could probably make it work with less, but preferably not lower than 17/18.

1 hour ago, Archer said:

When splitting up 50% of the deceased’s belongings, will you round their half total up or down if it’s an odd number?

@Young Bard You did all the math for this kind of stuff last time. Do you remember if you rounded down or up? :P

My gut is saying down, for now. Take that with a grain of salt.

1 hour ago, Archer said:

Do the secret rules relate to anyone’s win conditions or the existence of unadvertised factions?


1 hour ago, Archer said:

The rules say the kill is an action the Rebels must submit. May they forgo submitting it?

Well...that wasn't the intent of the must there. They don't have to use the kill. It's just takes up an action slot, that's what I was trying to get at.

1 hour ago, Archer said:

Will coinshot and elim kills be differentiated in the writeup?

Nope. I might mess with the stuff in the story part of the writeup, but take nothing from the story part as indications of what's actually going on. :P

2 hours ago, Archer said:

Does the Oracle get the results of their scan immediately, or at rollover?

They get their results at rollover.

2 hours ago, Archer said:

If a Pulser delays an action, can the targeted player still take two actions next cycle besides the additional one they take?

Yes. They just don't have any control over their Pulsed action anymore at that point.

2 hours ago, Archer said:

Are players informed if they are roleblocked/targeted by actions that mess with their actions?

Depends on the situation. Roleblocked is easy to just say they were roleblocked. I'd need to see examples to decide whether they're told about other things (I barely remember my own rules :P)

2 hours ago, Archer said:

Does a roleblocked Brute succeed in storing their strength?

@Young Bard I can't remember what we decided here. Do you remember? :P

2 hours ago, Archer said:

Does the Windwhisper learn who someone is PMing with that round or everyone they’ve PMed with so far?

Who they've PM'd so far, as PMs stay open for the whole game until all Tineyes are dead or one of the players in the PM dies, whichever comes first.

2 hours ago, Archer said:

Can the Archivist learn secret rules?

Here are the things the Archivist can learn:

  • Role of [player]
  • Action [player] took
  • Who [player] targeted
  • Who targeted [player]

For what it's worth, this (and a lot of other things you've asked) are in the clarifications section of the rules doc. :P Some of those clarifications might not be updated to match the new rules though, so if anyone spots any discrepancies, let me know!

2 hours ago, Archer said:

(Sidenote: The gasper rules are clever)

Thank you. Honestly can't remember if it was me or @A Joe in the Bush who came up with that role, but I'm taking credit for it now. :P

2 hours ago, Archer said:

Can players start with multiple roles? Can they start with multiple roles of the same category?

Players can definitely start with multiple roles, though they will not start with multiple roles of the same category.

2 hours ago, Archer said:

Does the spike added to the market after the Hazekiller kill relate to their victim’s role or theirs?

I think you mean Hemalurgist? If that's what you're asking about, it relates to their victim's role, as that's the one getting spiked.

2 hours ago, Archer said:

Can boxings or items be passed between players outside of the Market?

Nope. Again, see Clarifications in the rules doc (maybe I should just suck it up and put those in the first post...).

2 hours ago, Archer said:

Is there any indication of who owns items being sold?

Nope. And for what it's worth, the items in the Black Market will be GM-populated items, until someone sells something.

2 hours ago, Archer said:

Am I correct in thinking that a 50 word analysis post wouldn’t count for boxing accumulation? Or is it cumulative?

You are correct, it is not cumulative.

2 hours ago, Archer said:

If someone writes 200 words of RP and 200 words of game related discussion in the same post, does it generate two boxings?

Yes, it does.

2 hours ago, Archer said:

If I use red text to cast a vote, but green it out before the end of the day, does that give me a boxing? If I vote multiple times during the day, does that give me multiple boxings? If my vote is tampered with through vote manipulation, does that have any effect on boxing accumulation?

As long as you have a vote by the end of the turn, you will receive the boxing. Multiple votes in a turn do not give you multiple boxings, and vote manipulation will not affect your ability to earn boxings. (Soothing might. @Elbereth Do you remember if Soothing affected whether someone got a boxing for voting in the spreadsheet?)

2 hours ago, SummerSomner said:

hi can i watch the game thx

You indeed can! I will send you a PM once the game starts with the link to the spectator doc!

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I'll sign up as Magrait, current owner of a copper feruchemy medallion with enough of their predecessors' memories as to almost approximate a personality. She only has Adomert's and recently deceased Inedze's memories, minus whatever memories Inedze hadn't been able to transfer back to the medallion between recognising incipient death and actually dying. Already, she has noticed several annoying and potential hazardous blank spots. Hopefully if they die here, they can at least ensure that her successor will have a full set of three people's memories to work with.

Do actions with identical effects but different sources count as distinct, such that an elim Coinshot could submit a coinshot kill and an elim kill during the same night turn?

Can anyone win with the Kandra, as their victory requires at least that all the rebels die or the rebels reach parity with the loyalists, and both simultaneously if the Kandra isn't a member of either faction?

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Can you clarify Bloodmaking? Before I thought it said “any actions”, now it says “attack actions” which are... very different.

If you have a way of surviving an attack when you are attacked by storing gold (such as tapping gold the same turn you’re storing it, for some reason, or having an unbroken Thug life) does that still kill you? Is that what “no matter what” means?

Can tapping gold block a removal if you can only tap at Night?

Can Soulbearers store abilities on turns they would normally not be able to use them, such as storing A-Iron on Day turns?

Can Soulbearers who gain another Feruchemical ability store it with Nicrosil?

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Lumen looked up from her notes, although there wasn't much content in them, after the unproductive day they'd had. She'd still taken them; after all, she was the Secretary. While she wanted to be able to help the people in Garmet, she had no clue how, and had tried to say as much. Honestly, everyone there was trying to do their best. At least, so she had thought, before they got trapped there in Garmet. Someone was to blame, and she wanted justice, perhaps even through unconventional means. After the meeting was dismissed, she started walking to her lodgings. Once there, she made herself a BAN-ANA COFFEE, then decided to walk around town. She walked down the road, slowly sipping, and as she walked, she noticed the signs of unrest and inequality as she walked. "There really is a problem here, isn't there." She sighed. "Well, that's what we're here for. And I guess we'll stay as long as we need to. We almost have to."

Lumen is in.

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8 minutes ago, |TJ| said:

@StrikerEZ, so events of this game occurs 25 years after the events of LG66? Just for RP purposes, I need to see if I can bring the hazekiller back :P. And yeah, sign me up!

Yeah, 25-ish, yeah :P

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