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Amazing Yet Stupid Things to Do With Breath


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Awaken some Lifeless elephants to turn a turbine that powers my house. There is a serious labor resource that is being underutilized by Awakeners, considering they can make workers that do not need to eat or sleep and can work tirelessly. I'm thinking of the golems in Terry Pratchett's Discworld.

Wait, stupid? Awaken hundreds of Lifeless hamsters to run on their little hamster wheels to make a legit hamster-powered deathray that I fire at Hallendren.

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This is getting pretty theoretical, but I think it might be possible to command your breath directly to manifest in the physical realm, as metal. (Presumably in the form of Edglium). So that'd be cool, and pretty useful. There are lots of things you could presumably do with a shapeshifting blob of metal that you can make appear and disappear at will.

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1 hour ago, Duxredux said:

There is a serious labor resource that is being underutilized by Awakeners, considering they can make workers that do not need to eat or sleep and can work tirelessly.

I think that this is actually used in Hallandren, there's a reference to renting Lifeless from the Hallandren government to clear land for farming (When Vivenna and the mercenaries are making all those contacts...)

So they are sometimes used for non-military purposes. However I think large groups of Lifeless in Hallandren are generally controlled by the government. (I am not sure if there are legal limits, or if it's just that rich individuals prefer to use Breath to prolong their life/boost their health.)

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  • 1 month later...

Well, goldfish have the lifespan of 10 years, but most don't even get to live that long. The average IQ of a goldfish is 30-40, meanwhile a freshwater salmon is about 130. So when I said goldfish, I meant the cliche little goldfish swimming around in its bowl in cartoons. It's a small, insignificant creature that is a short-lived pet, and giving it all your breath (especially if you have a lot of it) seemed like a funny idea to me. What use would a goldfish have with more breath than the God King? Would he become the next God King himself- a goldfish?


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  • 3 weeks later...

Give your breath to your car and have it drive itself,granted this can't be done in Nalthis because cars have not been invented yet but we do know that in the future the people of the cosmere will gain technology far above our own and thus cool creation's combining technology and investiture such as this one will become possible.


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Sneak into a tomb no one has discovered, awaken a mummy to "attack the next people who say so and so" (color change likely wouldn't be super noticeable on the cloth or flesh of a mummy), and then write some gibberish on the wall. See if the archaeologists are stupid enough to actually say it. This would make a great hoax

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