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  1. Illumination and progression both have a heavy spiritual component. Illumination has aspects similar to gold allomancy and we see this with shallan, with it highlighting versions of a person that they could be. Progression, meanwhile, is healing which in the cosmere works via aligning a person's body with their spiritual conception of themself. so truthwatchers seem well set up for seeing a person's True Self, in a way
  2. I'm not convinced this is 100% accurate, and I don't think the WOB necessarily disproves it (even if we're taking wobs as definitive proof of anything). If silver's thing is that it's able to physically interacted with cognitive entities, the primary use of that ability would still be for fighting them in some way so it would be fair to describe it like that, especially in the context of differentiating it from aluminum. Like if silver *were* like i described, I still think it'd be fair to respond to that question with a yes, aluminum blocks investiture and silver destroys it. Cause that is *a* significant difference between them and in the context the person was asking probably the most significant one. And if there is more to silver, it might be something he wants to keep close to his chest and deliberately not give more. Yeah I just mixed this up I mean I do, but I don't think that really affects anything. That was a change that happened before the release of a book published in 2006, a lot can change since then. It's entirely possible that, after that, he decided to fit silver in in another way. And everything silver related we've seen in the cosmere has been since then (since basically all of the cosmere has been since then)
  3. Silver is weird in the cosmere. We know it has effects on investiture in the cosmere across multiple systems- it kills shades, it repels aether spores, it's used in parts of the Raysium dagger used to kill Jezrien. But, for some reason, it has no known use in the metallic arts. It's such a strange outlier, especially when the fabrial-science epigraphs imply that all the metallic arts metals have some kind of cosmere-wide properties that in some way relate to their metallic arts effects. And yet here silver is, with the same thing being true, but not connected to the metallic arts. What if it *does* have a use in the metallic arts- just differently than other metals? What if it exists as a modifier to the 16 normal metals (plus godmetals) so that it exists in the metallic arts without throwing the otherwise orderly system into disarray? The common trend in what silver does seems to be interacting with cognitive entities. And we know that, when Kelsier became a cognitive entity, he was no longer able to burn metals. Perhaps silver is the missing link, somehow, that lets cognitive entities like kelsier use metals. I'm not sure how, exactly, it would do this- maybe you simply have to alloy silver with the proper metal though this has problems especially with regards to electrum which is significantly silver by mass. If it was just a matter of alloying, that would mean if Kelsier were to burn electrum he'd get the gold effect rather than electrum. And while it's believable that he never burned electrum since becoming a cognitive entity, it still seems odd and makes you wonder how he *would* get the electrum effect. So maybe it's more complicated than just alloying. Maybe you have to burn it at the same time as burning another metal? Maybe it's a metal that only only cognitive entities can burn? There's possibilities with regards to the specifics of how this might work
  4. Copper is weird in that it stores in discreet units. With most feruchemical attributes, you store a "part" of some attribute. You store, say, 25% of your speed or 50% of your strength, over a period of time. With copper, you choose a single memory, and store it completely and retrieve it completely. I wonder if perhaps this is a slightly off-beat, just more useful form of copper and there's another usage that's more in line with other feruchemical mechanics. Instead of just storing discreet memories, perhaps copper can also be used to store passive memory, the ability to *form* memories. When storing, you'll have difficulty or even impossibility to form new memories, and while tapping you can form them more easily to have more detailed memories. Like I said, this wouldn't necessarily be useful compared to the copper we know, but it does imply a more general possibility that each metal might be able to store several related attributes rather than just a single thing. And there is already some evidence of this- Tin works this way, for example, and Bendalloy can store both food and water separately.
  5. @Treamayne that's a good indication that it's not *currently* a spaceship, im still of the opinion that it'll become a big space station in the future though. it's so well set up for it
  6. To me what makes the most sense is the Radiant and Spren becoming kinda-sorta one being. (Unsure exactly to what extent that is, if it's just "incredibly in-tune-with-each-other partnership" or if it's "This knight's cognitive aspect *is* their spren. They are one and the same now.") The bond is two-way, so the final realization of it should be important for both the spren and the knight. For the spren, the big benefit is being able to exist in the physical realm, and this kind of bond would be the ultimate manifestation of that.The benefit for the knight would be passive use of the surges, like we see spren use, and like we see fused use. I also do think that yes, this makes it as difficult for the knight to break their oaths as it is for spren, because now they are their oaths
  7. This isn't the point of this thread so I'm hoping this doesn't derail it into moash discourse, but if he gets a redemption arc I could see becoming a dustbringer being one of the ways that arc goes.
  8. Anything area of effect is going to be a good counter to steelrunning, since it doesn't rely on someone's reaction time it's just everpresent. And areas of effect seem like they're gonna become more common as ettmetal becomes more present. You could have area of effect leeching, for example that would be a great way to cut off steelrunners.
  9. That reminds me, do we know anything of what that spike did? Like, it had powers in it right? Or was it more of a linchpin type deal in the person marasi took it from
  10. What makes cryptics natural? They're "liespren", that seems very on the emotional side of things to me
  11. I wouldn't be surprised if Ruin's rise eliminated a lot of the more powerful allomancer's including mistborn. Both passively, since they're gonna be more likely to end up in harms way if they're doing combat plus Ruin might have even been hunting down allomancers. Alternatively, it also might be that, the same way that the intermixing with feruchemical genes made eliminated misrborns in the same way it eliminated full feruchemists. (which sounds odd since mistings already occured naturally, but genetics can be weird even without getting magic involved). I agree that time alone isn't a good enough explanatory factor but there's a number of hings that could be going on. As for spook though, as @Duxredux says, he absolutely did have kids and lots of them lol
  12. Harmonium isn't an alloy of atium and preservation, oddly. It's its own unique godmetal, because harmony is his own unique shard not just two that happen to be held by the same person. It's a greater-than-the-sum-of-its-parts situation
  13. Hemalurgy, like a lot of things in the cosmere, requires Intent. Just stabbing someone isn't enough to make a Spike, you have to mean it. Which from everything we've seen basically means you have to already know hemalurgy is possible. You have to read about it like Wax, or see it done like the Inquisitors, or learn it from divine power like Kelsier and the Lord Ruler. There's wiggle room for experimentation, but that experimentation is "what happens if i spike someone with this metal", you still have to know about it initially. Even in Spook's case, when he got spiked with pewter by a random soldier, the Intent came from Ruin manipulating the soldier to do what Ruin wanted, and Ruin of course knew. It's the equivalent of me, knowing about hemalurgy, hiring an assassin and giving them very specific instructions about how to kill; even if they don't know personally, there's still Intent involved. So does that mean that, even though hemalurgy works everywhere across the cosmere, someone can never learn about it independently, only if they see it or read about it or are told about it? If some mad scientist artifabrian on Roshar, who knew nothing of hemalurgy, went "hmm. animals like chulls and chasmfiends, and people like singers, they have gemhearts in them." and did horrific unethical experiments turning living beings and people into fabrials, could their experiments trying to push and pull on the spren inside gemhearts with metals produce hemalurgy even if they were never told about it? (Especially if Raysium gets involved to forcibly transfer the spren, but that makes things even more complicated so let's stick to more simple metals.)
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