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The Good News Thread: I'm So Excited! And I Just Can't Hide It!


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The college that I go to for some classes had a trunk or treat inside and I got to help run the haunted house. We had to scale it for little kids, but it was really fun when we could go all out and scare the crap out of people. I got some really good and it was really fun.

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1 hour ago, Szeth's Facepalm said:

I've come to the realization that i can actually draw! I'm not a master or anything, but i now have the ability to visualize something in my head and put it onto paper in a way that I like, and i'm rly happy :D

That's great! I wish I was like that.

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My first date ever is tomorrow and i am so so so so excited i can feel the excitement growing 

But on the flip side time is passing sooo slowly 

I can't wait!


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7 minutes ago, Elf said:

My first date ever is tomorrow and i am so so so so excited i can feel the excitement growing 

But on the flip side time is passing sooo slowly 

I can't wait!


Huzzah!!! Time is like that. Enjoy it!! The first date is always something special!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have acquired a new bookshelf!  It's very large (almost six and a half feet tall, three and a half feet wide), which is great, because I have kind of reached critical mass on my current bookshelves (currently have no way to fit The Lost Metal with the rest of the Mistborn books, everything is so full up), and I got the thing for cheap, because there was a sale!

And I'm actually kind of doing okay mentally, which is good.  A really low bar, yeah, but I'm clearing it, which is better than how I spend... a lot of time.  I actually feel like I'm living, not just surviving, and it feels good. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm really really really really excited for christmas this year :D last year i totally wasn't feeling the spirit, but this year i am totally elated!!!! Also for Hanukkah!!!! 'Cept dreidle games will always be tinged with violence for me now lol (check my bad days post from a week ago). But i am HYPED FOR THE HOLIDAYS!!!!!!! It feels really nice to be this excited for something :D

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Met one of my former students by chance last week, on my birthday.

She thanked me for getting her to an A- and said I was one of the best TAs she had, probably because I really focused on trying to get my undergrads to do well in the exams. My teaching philosophy...isn't really the best, but I generally aim to help as many students pass as I can, because the module I teach, students largely don't take it out of passion, they take it to fulfill requirements so I don't see my job as being the 'cool' or 'fun' guy even though we do have fun/funny classes. I spend a lot of time drilling them in concepts and clearing up areas where students usually get confused, so they'll get good grades on the final exams.

I think she underestimates how much work she put to get that A-, but I'm glad she remembers me, and that she has a positive memory of the class :)

I did my job well. Peace :) 

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Hello! This isn't really very amazing as far as good news goes, but I usually never talk to teachers because I'm too nervous and I start freaking out, but today I talked to my history teacher as if it was a completely normal thing for me to do. It was weird and awkward but I did it, so that was cool.

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My good news is that my wife just recently gave birth to our twin sons. They are still in the nursery at the hospital as they are small and need a little help with their temperature regulation and feeding, but they're so beautiful. It won't be long and we'll be reading some Alcatraz together!


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