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The Good News Thread: I'm So Excited! And I Just Can't Hide It!


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Hey all;

I couldn't decide between this thread or the Bad News thread, so I picked this one because more positive outcome.

When Covid started, I was barely a teenager. Barely. The years that should have been spent socializing and learning how to socialize were wasted because well, I couldn't do that. Not safely. The world was being ravaged by a pandemic.

And, being 1) A male, 2) 13/14 years old, and 3) Oblivious to good mental health tips and tricks, I shoved down any emotions of how bad things were going. I lost myself in stuff. Stuff I'm not proud of, and stuff that turned me into what I am today. It was a learning period, but I also repressed a lot.

And I've been repressing it all for about three years. I hadn't cried in ages, I didn't feel... I did feel, just not super powerfully.

And then, it all came to a head last night. I went into work, and I felt like absolute crap. Made some people food, then my boss told me to do a lobby check. I went and took dishes to the back, then started sweeping. Called my girlfriend, she didn't pick up because she was watching my mom's play (which I'm going to go see in like 20 minutes). I then called a friend of mine who lives in Utah. She didn't pick up, but called me back after a couple minutes. We talked for a bit, I finished sweeping, then just kinda stood there and talked to her for a bit. I told her how I was feeling like crap, and then I started tearing up.

This time though, I didn't stop talking and thinking and block it out, instead I went outside, and talked more, thought more, until I was just sobbing.

I was openly weeping, for the first time in years.

I did that for about 30 minutes, with it going on and off. My boss stepped outside looking for me at one point, and I just started crying harder because I didn't want to go back inside yet. He, bless his soul, told me to take all the time I needed, and went back inside.

I cried for a bit longer, and all the while, my friend was on the phone, telling me how awesome I am, how much I'm worth, and she was just being an absolute legend.

I cried. Hard. For the first time in a while. And it felt so, so good.

And I feel so, so much better.

Just wanted to let y'all know.

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21 minutes ago, Ookla the Crow said:

Hey all;

I couldn't decide between this thread or the Bad News thread, so I picked this one because more positive outcome.

When Covid started, I was barely a teenager. Barely. The years that should have been spent socializing and learning how to socialize were wasted because well, I couldn't do that. Not safely. The world was being ravaged by a pandemic.

And, being 1) A male, 2) 13/14 years old, and 3) Oblivious to good mental health tips and tricks, I shoved down any emotions of how bad things were going. I lost myself in stuff. Stuff I'm not proud of, and stuff that turned me into what I am today. It was a learning period, but I also repressed a lot.

And I've been repressing it all for about three years. I hadn't cried in ages, I didn't feel... I did feel, just not super powerfully.

And then, it all came to a head last night. I went into work, and I felt like absolute crap. Made some people food, then my boss told me to do a lobby check. I went and took dishes to the back, then started sweeping. Called my girlfriend, she didn't pick up because she was watching my mom's play (which I'm going to go see in like 20 minutes). I then called a friend of mine who lives in Utah. She didn't pick up, but called me back after a couple minutes. We talked for a bit, I finished sweeping, then just kinda stood there and talked to her for a bit. I told her how I was feeling like crap, and then I started tearing up.

This time though, I didn't stop talking and thinking and block it out, instead I went outside, and talked more, thought more, until I was just sobbing.

I was openly weeping, for the first time in years.

I did that for about 30 minutes, with it going on and off. My boss stepped outside looking for me at one point, and I just started crying harder because I didn't want to go back inside yet. He, bless his soul, told me to take all the time I needed, and went back inside.

I cried for a bit longer, and all the while, my friend was on the phone, telling me how awesome I am, how much I'm worth, and she was just being an absolute legend.

I cried. Hard. For the first time in a while. And it felt so, so good.

And I feel so, so much better.

Just wanted to let y'all know.

Oh that's amazing! I mean, that sounds weird, but I have been doing a little bit of lurking and I read your conversations with everyone else on the Bad News thread. And you finally let it all out. I'm really, really happy for you!!!

And I'm trying to figure out how to phrase this without it sounding like, "YAY SADNESS AND PAIN". Stupid words are hard.

Edited by Ookla the Pencil Taxi
making it more loyal to my actual feelings and less robotic
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42 minutes ago, Ookla the Crow said:

Hey all;

I couldn't decide between this thread or the Bad News thread, so I picked this one because more positive outcome.

When Covid started, I was barely a teenager. Barely. The years that should have been spent socializing and learning how to socialize were wasted because well, I couldn't do that. Not safely. The world was being ravaged by a pandemic.

And, being 1) A male, 2) 13/14 years old, and 3) Oblivious to good mental health tips and tricks, I shoved down any emotions of how bad things were going. I lost myself in stuff. Stuff I'm not proud of, and stuff that turned me into what I am today. It was a learning period, but I also repressed a lot.

And I've been repressing it all for about three years. I hadn't cried in ages, I didn't feel... I did feel, just not super powerfully.

And then, it all came to a head last night. I went into work, and I felt like absolute crap. Made some people food, then my boss told me to do a lobby check. I went and took dishes to the back, then started sweeping. Called my girlfriend, she didn't pick up because she was watching my mom's play (which I'm going to go see in like 20 minutes). I then called a friend of mine who lives in Utah. She didn't pick up, but called me back after a couple minutes. We talked for a bit, I finished sweeping, then just kinda stood there and talked to her for a bit. I told her how I was feeling like crap, and then I started tearing up.

This time though, I didn't stop talking and thinking and block it out, instead I went outside, and talked more, thought more, until I was just sobbing.

I was openly weeping, for the first time in years.

I did that for about 30 minutes, with it going on and off. My boss stepped outside looking for me at one point, and I just started crying harder because I didn't want to go back inside yet. He, bless his soul, told me to take all the time I needed, and went back inside.

I cried for a bit longer, and all the while, my friend was on the phone, telling me how awesome I am, how much I'm worth, and she was just being an absolute legend.

I cried. Hard. For the first time in a while. And it felt so, so good.

And I feel so, so much better.

Just wanted to let y'all know.

Dang, that sucks. Good for you?

I totally get what your going through, bottling it up is all to familiar to me. But it's awesome that you were able to cry about it and feel better.

Keep going, we all love you, your an amazing human being! All that good stuff.

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2 hours ago, Ookla the Crow said:

Hey all;

I couldn't decide between this thread or the Bad News thread, so I picked this one because more positive outcome.

When Covid started, I was barely a teenager. Barely. The years that should have been spent socializing and learning how to socialize were wasted because well, I couldn't do that. Not safely. The world was being ravaged by a pandemic.

And, being 1) A male, 2) 13/14 years old, and 3) Oblivious to good mental health tips and tricks, I shoved down any emotions of how bad things were going. I lost myself in stuff. Stuff I'm not proud of, and stuff that turned me into what I am today. It was a learning period, but I also repressed a lot.

And I've been repressing it all for about three years. I hadn't cried in ages, I didn't feel... I did feel, just not super powerfully.

And then, it all came to a head last night. I went into work, and I felt like absolute crap. Made some people food, then my boss told me to do a lobby check. I went and took dishes to the back, then started sweeping. Called my girlfriend, she didn't pick up because she was watching my mom's play (which I'm going to go see in like 20 minutes). I then called a friend of mine who lives in Utah. She didn't pick up, but called me back after a couple minutes. We talked for a bit, I finished sweeping, then just kinda stood there and talked to her for a bit. I told her how I was feeling like crap, and then I started tearing up.

This time though, I didn't stop talking and thinking and block it out, instead I went outside, and talked more, thought more, until I was just sobbing.

I was openly weeping, for the first time in years.

I did that for about 30 minutes, with it going on and off. My boss stepped outside looking for me at one point, and I just started crying harder because I didn't want to go back inside yet. He, bless his soul, told me to take all the time I needed, and went back inside.

I cried for a bit longer, and all the while, my friend was on the phone, telling me how awesome I am, how much I'm worth, and she was just being an absolute legend.

I cried. Hard. For the first time in a while. And it felt so, so good.

And I feel so, so much better.

Just wanted to let y'all know.

Yay! :D

I'm glad that your feeling better, I've been keeping you in my prayers.

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i was at church i couldn't watch it but i saw the final score and heard the highlights and OH MY GOSH IT WAS INSANE

and thank you everyone for being kind to me :] i really do love it so much and am feeling quite much better love y'all :3

Edited by Ookla the Crow
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On 12/17/2022 at 4:15 PM, Ookla the Crow said:

Hey all;

I couldn't decide between this thread or the Bad News thread, so I picked this one because more positive outcome.

When Covid started, I was barely a teenager. Barely. The years that should have been spent socializing and learning how to socialize were wasted because well, I couldn't do that. Not safely. The world was being ravaged by a pandemic.

And, being 1) A male, 2) 13/14 years old, and 3) Oblivious to good mental health tips and tricks, I shoved down any emotions of how bad things were going. I lost myself in stuff. Stuff I'm not proud of, and stuff that turned me into what I am today. It was a learning period, but I also repressed a lot.

And I've been repressing it all for about three years. I hadn't cried in ages, I didn't feel... I did feel, just not super powerfully.

And then, it all came to a head last night. I went into work, and I felt like absolute crap. Made some people food, then my boss told me to do a lobby check. I went and took dishes to the back, then started sweeping. Called my girlfriend, she didn't pick up because she was watching my mom's play (which I'm going to go see in like 20 minutes). I then called a friend of mine who lives in Utah. She didn't pick up, but called me back after a couple minutes. We talked for a bit, I finished sweeping, then just kinda stood there and talked to her for a bit. I told her how I was feeling like crap, and then I started tearing up.

This time though, I didn't stop talking and thinking and block it out, instead I went outside, and talked more, thought more, until I was just sobbing.

I was openly weeping, for the first time in years.

I did that for about 30 minutes, with it going on and off. My boss stepped outside looking for me at one point, and I just started crying harder because I didn't want to go back inside yet. He, bless his soul, told me to take all the time I needed, and went back inside.

I cried for a bit longer, and all the while, my friend was on the phone, telling me how awesome I am, how much I'm worth, and she was just being an absolute legend.

I cried. Hard. For the first time in a while. And it felt so, so good.

And I feel so, so much better.

Just wanted to let y'all know.

I'm glad you were able to get that experience. I hope you continue to feel better!

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For those who don't know I wrote this last week and posted it on the shard:

Sonata of the Stars

Hear me infernos of silver that watch now a world plunged into the depths of a damned realm that spawns monstrosities beyond imagining. The earth is torn asunder so totally that screams of the primordials fly skyward begging that mercy be extended to mortal and immortal alike. Hordes without end, endless bestial armies drench the ground in spilled scarlet and gold. Cities are brought to ruin, choking the air with smoke and dust that seep into the wounds of the dead and dying. Children orphaned of all are desolate and alone while woods from the very beginning of all remembering crumble and fade into the stuff of memories that only oblivion can and will remember. Screaming piercing the cosmos and tearing gashes in the tapestry of the upper realms does nothing to sway cold flames that consume the obliteration of everything with absolute dispassion. Tears boiling as seas expose the bones that few have ever seen go unanswered while all flesh bound to this plane is lost.


From amongst the prayers launched as a sun-blotting rain of arrows comes now a voice to soothe away the agony that has pared away all but the slightest sliver of meat from the spirits of those who once lived. She descends at speed, tossing aside any protests from those who lust for living sacrifices. That host that has left the desiccated husk of a world once glorious and filled with vitality roars when spears of those whose voices are now silent fill them with every moment of pain, dread, despair, and loss that they evoked and carved into their victims. Deserts sprout even as the waters of the oceans rush to return to their sources healing the mother that was bereft of her children. Stones that were reduced to no more than powder now ascend into edifices ever more magnificent than humans could ever create. All the while, music most sublime is played by the hands of she who pulls down the stars and as something more precious than even a deity could reckon brings dreams long sought into this void. A reign not sought begins and will not end until long after the lights of the sky are no more.

This was one part of the proposal that I made to my now fiancee last night. It went down like this: We found a suitably scenic spot. I emailed her the poem which had the proposal tacked on as a second page. By the time she had read them I was down on one knee with the ring box open and held in my palm. I asked: what say you? She said yes.

Edited by Nathrangking
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6 hours ago, Nathrangking said:

For those who don't know I wrote this last week and posted it on the shard:

Sonata of the Stars

Hear me infernos of silver that watch now a world plunged into the depths of a damned realm that spawns monstrosities beyond imagining. Earth torn asunder so totally that screams of the primordials fly skyward begging that mercy be extended to mortal and immortal alike. Hordes without end, endless bestial armies drench the ground in spilled scarlet and gold. Cities are brought to ruin, choking the air with smoke and dust that seep into the wounds of the dead and dying. Children orphaned of all are desolate and alone while Woods from the very beginning of all remembering crumble and fade into the stuff of memories that only oblivion can and will remember. Screaming piercing the cosmos and tearing gashes in the tapestry of the upper realms does nothing to sway cold flames that consume the obliteration of everything with absolute dispassion. Tears boiling as seas expose the bones that few have ever seen go unanswered while all flesh bound to this plane is lost.


From amongst the prayers launched as a sun-blotting rain of arrows comes now a voice to soothe away the agony that has pared away all but the slightest sliver of meat from the spirits of those who once lived. She descends at speed, tossing aside any protests from those who lust for living sacrifices. That host that has left the desiccated husk of a once glorious and filled with vitality roars when spears of those whose voices are now silent fill them with every moment of pain, dread, despair, and loss that they evoked and carved into their victims. Deserts sprout even as the waters of the oceans rush to return to their sources healing the mother that was bereft of her children. Stones that were reduced to no more than powder now ascend into edifices ever more magnificent than humans could ever create. All the while, music most sublime is played by the hands of she who pulls down the stars and as something more precious than even a deity could reckon brings dreams long sought into this void. A reign not sought begins and will not end until long after the lights of the sky are no more.

This was one part of the proposal that I made to my now fiancee last night. It went down like this: We found a suitably scenic spot. I emailed her the poem which had the proposal tacked on as a second page. By the time she had read them I was down on one knee with the ring box open and held in my palm. I asked: what say you? She said yes.

This is gorgeous!! Absolutely gorgeous. So many congrats! 

The imagery though… <3 <3 <3

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On 12/19/2022 at 0:35 PM, Nathrangking said:

For those who don't know I wrote this last week and posted it on the shard:

Sonata of the Stars

Hear me infernos of silver that watch now a world plunged into the depths of a damned realm that spawns monstrosities beyond imagining. The earth is torn asunder so totally that screams of the primordials fly skyward begging that mercy be extended to mortal and immortal alike. Hordes without end, endless bestial armies drench the ground in spilled scarlet and gold. Cities are brought to ruin, choking the air with smoke and dust that seep into the wounds of the dead and dying. Children orphaned of all are desolate and alone while woods from the very beginning of all remembering crumble and fade into the stuff of memories that only oblivion can and will remember. Screaming piercing the cosmos and tearing gashes in the tapestry of the upper realms does nothing to sway cold flames that consume the obliteration of everything with absolute dispassion. Tears boiling as seas expose the bones that few have ever seen go unanswered while all flesh bound to this plane is lost.


From amongst the prayers launched as a sun-blotting rain of arrows comes now a voice to soothe away the agony that has pared away all but the slightest sliver of meat from the spirits of those who once lived. She descends at speed, tossing aside any protests from those who lust for living sacrifices. That host that has left the desiccated husk of a world once glorious and filled with vitality roars when spears of those whose voices are now silent fill them with every moment of pain, dread, despair, and loss that they evoked and carved into their victims. Deserts sprout even as the waters of the oceans rush to return to their sources healing the mother that was bereft of her children. Stones that were reduced to no more than powder now ascend into edifices ever more magnificent than humans could ever create. All the while, music most sublime is played by the hands of she who pulls down the stars and as something more precious than even a deity could reckon brings dreams long sought into this void. A reign not sought begins and will not end until long after the lights of the sky are no more.

This was one part of the proposal that I made to my now fiancee last night. It went down like this: We found a suitably scenic spot. I emailed her the poem which had the proposal tacked on as a second page. By the time she had read them I was down on one knee with the ring box open and held in my palm. I asked: what say you? She said yes.

That's... so storming cute! And amazing! Congratulations even though I don't really know you that well!

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On 12/17/2022 at 5:15 PM, CalanoCorvus said:

Hey all;

I couldn't decide between this thread or the Bad News thread, so I picked this one because more positive outcome.

When Covid started, I was barely a teenager. Barely. The years that should have been spent socializing and learning how to socialize were wasted because well, I couldn't do that. Not safely. The world was being ravaged by a pandemic.

And, being 1) A male, 2) 13/14 years old, and 3) Oblivious to good mental health tips and tricks, I shoved down any emotions of how bad things were going. I lost myself in stuff. Stuff I'm not proud of, and stuff that turned me into what I am today. It was a learning period, but I also repressed a lot.

And I've been repressing it all for about three years. I hadn't cried in ages, I didn't feel... I did feel, just not super powerfully.

And then, it all came to a head last night. I went into work, and I felt like absolute crap. Made some people food, then my boss told me to do a lobby check. I went and took dishes to the back, then started sweeping. Called my girlfriend, she didn't pick up because she was watching my mom's play (which I'm going to go see in like 20 minutes). I then called a friend of mine who lives in Utah. She didn't pick up, but called me back after a couple minutes. We talked for a bit, I finished sweeping, then just kinda stood there and talked to her for a bit. I told her how I was feeling like crap, and then I started tearing up.

This time though, I didn't stop talking and thinking and block it out, instead I went outside, and talked more, thought more, until I was just sobbing.

I was openly weeping, for the first time in years.

I did that for about 30 minutes, with it going on and off. My boss stepped outside looking for me at one point, and I just started crying harder because I didn't want to go back inside yet. He, bless his soul, told me to take all the time I needed, and went back inside.

I cried for a bit longer, and all the while, my friend was on the phone, telling me how awesome I am, how much I'm worth, and she was just being an absolute legend.

I cried. Hard. For the first time in a while. And it felt so, so good.

And I feel so, so much better.

Just wanted to let y'all know.

I know I'm a little late...

But I'm glad for you, Calano. You are an awesome person, and anyone here can confirm just how much you're worth. 

I'm glad you've been able to let this out, and I'm glad that it's helped you to feel better.

If I, or anyone else, can do or say anything to help you in the future, just let us know. We're here for you, and we're happy that you're feeling better.

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3 minutes ago, Shining Silhouette said:








Oh my gosh congratulations! That's awesome!

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11 minutes ago, Shining Silhouette said:











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4 hours ago, Shining Silhouette said:









That's the best! I'm so happy for you!

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4 hours ago, Shining Silhouette said:









That's the best! I'm so happy for you!

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4 hours ago, Shining Silhouette said:









Wooo congrats mate! If you don't mind me asking, what's your instagram?

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6 hours ago, Morningtide said:

That's the best! I'm so happy for you!

6 hours ago, Morningtide said:

That's the best! I'm so happy for you!


I'm so flattered! You were so happy for me you posted about it twice ;)

5 hours ago, Robin Sedai said:

Wooo congrats mate! If you don't mind me asking, what's your instagram?

I'll PM you—this goes for anyone else too who is interested

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