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Nightwatcher Boon/Bane (Game)

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On 3/27/2021 at 4:41 PM, Lord of the Dark Lands said:

I could just read for the rest of my life. I'd die of old age (having read an ungodly amount of books) before the Steelrunner/Pewterarm gets to me.

I'll take the second wish:

For every extra hour you get per day, you must pay however much you make per hour at your job.

I wish I knew exactly when and how I die.


Granted: While you left your bubble to tell us this (because could internet really go through speed bubbles in a receivable way?) The steelrunner Pewterarm catches up and 'harvests' your power. You are left to die. EDIT: sorry, just realized that this wish was already fulfilled. My bad


I wish for unlimited power.

Granted! You implode continuously after becoming a black hole that does not give off enough Hawking Radiation to eventually dissolve. We'll all die eventually because of this, but we'll all die eventually anyway, so...

I wish to not be nauseous when reading while riding in cars

Edited by GoWibble
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14 minutes ago, Truthwatcher Artifabrian said:

I shall give you the boon of every hour of sleep counting twice toward your wakefulness. Your curse shall be that every such hour shall be filled with nightmares of having every curse listed in this form thus far.

Shall I forbear?


I wish for control over every surge.

Granted. (Although you don't have access to the stormlight you need to power the surges...)

Your bane is that you are now allergic to all types of investiture. It would make stormlight healing really awkward.

I wish for a Smedry talent and oculatory skills along with lenses.

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17 hours ago, Random Bystander said:

Granted. (Although you don't have access to the stormlight you need to power the surges...)

Your bane is that you are now allergic to all types of investiture. It would make stormlight healing really awkward.

I wish for a Smedry talent and oculatory skills along with lenses.

Granted, but you only get them in your dreams

I wish for a mask that doesn't fog up my glasses, while also not getting into my eyes

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59 minutes ago, The Unknown Order said:

Granted. Its actually not that hard, it just needs to only cover the tip of your nose. The bane is that the mask smells absolutely horrible and you never get used to the smell.

I wish to be able to paint so well it looks like a photo. 

Granted. Your paintings look like photos. 

Your bane is that you can't walk on grass anymore. (I don't know.)

I wish to be able to do athletic stuff.

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Granted, but now you can't do social stuff.

I wish for a fish burrito with lettuce, mustard, pico de gallo, bit of sour cream, and also make it gourmet. Also can I super-size it? And a size of fried onions please. 


"Your ban is that you can't walk on grass anymore." I like to imagine that if they tried their legs would just rebel and go somewhere else instead. And then if they tried to throw themselves face-first into the grass, they'd just levitate like an inch above it, before hovering over to where there wasn't grass and falling to the ground.

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29 minutes ago, The Technovore said:

Granted, but now you can't do social stuff.

Ha! Jokes on you! I already can't do social stuff!

30 minutes ago, The Technovore said:

I wish for a fish burrito with lettuce, mustard, pico de gallo, bit of sour cream, and also make it gourmet. Also can I super-size it? And a size of fried onions please. 


Your bane is that you lost $29.99.

This next wish is for the entire world.

I wish for COVID-19 to be eradicated!

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5 hours ago, Bejardin1250 said:

Your wish is granted.
Although you have just unleashed the Bubanic plague on the world.

Great Job

I wish for a new pair of shoes 

Granted, your Bane is that you are now paraplegic

I wish for a new Elder Scrolls game, in VR

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9 minutes ago, Honorless said:

Granted, your Bane is that you are now paraplegic

I wish for a new Elder Scrolls game, in VR

(That's a bit extreme... Oh wait. He released the Bubonic plague. Never mind.)


Your bane is that you sneeze every time you say the word "Yellow".

I wish to be able to worldhop.

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23 hours ago, Random Bystander said:

(That's a bit extreme... Oh wait. He released the Bubonic plague. Never mind.)


Your bane is that you sneeze every time you say the word "Yellow".

I wish to be able to worldhop.

Granted! You have become Galactus, Devourer of Worlds!

I wish for a pizza, with mushroom topping

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22 hours ago, Honorless said:

I wish for a pizza, with mushroom topping


A shaft of golden light splits the sky, and accompanied by a chorus of angelic trumpets, your mushroom topped pizza floats down the brilliant column of light.

Your mouth watering pizza is topped with a savory looking assortment of wild foraged mushrooms, you have some Amanita phalloides, Galerina marginatas, Amanita ocreata, Agaricus xanthodermus, Russula emiticas, Gymnopilus spectabalis, Omphalotus olearius, Psilocybe cubensis, and some Amanita muscaria.

Unfortunately, all of those mushrooms are poisonous, but they do provide you the full gamut of conditions that cause violent eruptions from most of your orifices. The A. xanothodermus (the yellow stainer) will make you severely nauseous and R. emetica (the sickener) will make you vomit and possibly get diarrhea. O. olearius (the Jack-o-lantern mushroom which is bio-luminescent) will give you severe cramps, vomiting and diarrhea. The A. muscaria (the fly agarica, the red capped w/ white warts mushroom that looks like a mario mushroom) will make you sick but on the plus side is mildly to severly hallucinogenic. Also, to help you enjoy your last 3 weeks on the planet (unless you get serious medical intervention) the G. spectabilis (the Big Laughing Gym mushroom) and the P. cubensis have enough psychoactive compounds to make it an interesting end for sure. And the real treats on your pizza are the A. phalloides (the Death cap), the A. ocreata (the Destroying angel) and the G. marginata (the funeral bell, or deadly skull cap) which contain enough deadly amatoxins to make you initially violently ill. But the real treat comes 3 weeks down the line from the original poisoning, when you kidneys stop working altogether because the amatoxins have been silently and steathily destroying them.

But the Nightwatcher felt a little bad for you, so you also got a really cool magic bib with a cute little mushroom character on it.


When wearing this bib, you can belch without making any noise. Pretty sweet.

I wish I had a magic box that had an unending supply of perfectly fresh, perfectly delicious Morrel mushrooms, and that I receive no bane that would prevent me from eating them. Yum!


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16 hours ago, Hoiditthroughthegrapevine said:

I wish I had a magic box that had an unending supply of perfectly fresh, perfectly delicious Morrel mushrooms, and that I receive no bane that would prevent me from eating them. Yum!

Granted, you have an unending supply of perfectly fresh, perfectly delicious Morrel mushrooms, and you receive no bane that would prevent you from eating them. In fact, you get an extra boon to help you eat an unending supply of Morrel mushrooms: unending hunger

I wish for a very cushy job, that isn't too demanding, with a nice salary and retirement package

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22 hours ago, Honorless said:

I wish for a very cushy job, that isn't too demanding, with a nice salary and retirement package

Granted. Unfortunately, the job is as boring as watching grass grow in slow motion.

I wish for a good idea.

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  • 2 weeks later...
19 minutes ago, Kelsier'sGodComplex said:

Granted, but your good idea is murder


I wish for shorter school days


Your bane is that ninjas try to kill you when you aren't in school.

I wish for the song Istanbul (not Constantinople) to cease to exist.

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11 hours ago, Toothless of Shinovar said:

Because your wish is granted every single other song also creases to exist!

Okay. I can live with that.




19 minutes ago, Kelsier'sGodComplex said:

Granted, but you only have a tiny bit of patience, and whenever someone pushes you over your (small) limit, you kill them. 


I wish I could draw good 


Granted, but every time you find something to draw with, it breaks.

I wish for the Lost Metal to come out already!

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