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  • Member Title
    Elsebreaker / Skycaller
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    Here, not there

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  1. When you've kept track of the books you've read for the past 2 years and you realize that you've read 60 Sanderson books tFE 5 times and tWoK 4 times are notable ones
  2. 2nd oldest of eight I've gotten two of my siblings into the cosmere and started a third on Elantris And then many more friends too
  3. Sure, but Kelsier hasn't really set up his followers among the skaa in force yet, neither has the rebellion attacked the Holstep Garrison (which inspires the skaa). So when Vin tries later in the book, Luthadel isn't falling apart. So when Sazed and Vin are escaping, Elend and his soldiers don't show up (adding to the confusion and helping to free Vin). Vin does find her mistcloak and vials, but I don't know if she would be able to get out without Elend clearing the way for her. Also, Vin wouldn't attack TLR at the end of the book because she would know that Malatium doesn't help her to kill him because the things that it shows are just shadows. So my guess is Vin doesn't seek her revenge against TLR until much later and after she learns more about Feruchemy.
  4. I tried to do this a few months ago and I couldn't quite get it to work Congratulations!
  5. The Way of Kings - 10 Oathbringer - 10 Dawnshard - 2 Rhythm of War- 3 Mistborn: The Final Empire - 4 The Hero of Ages - 6 The Bands of Mourning - 10 Secret History - 8 Warbreaker - 9 The Emperor's Soul - 10 Sixth of the Dusk - 7 Hurt DS, Heal tFE
  6. The Way of Kings - 10 Oathbringer - 10 Dawnshard - 4 Rhythm of War- 5 Mistborn: The Final Empire - 3 The Hero of Ages - 6 The Bands of Mourning - 10 Secret History - 8 Warbreaker - 7 The Emperor's Soul - 9 Sixth of the Dusk - 7 Hurt DS, heal OB
  7. The Way of Kings - 9 Oathbringer - 10 Dawnshard - 6 Rhythm of War - 6 Mistborn: The Final Empire - 3 The Hero of Ages - 7 The Bands of Mourning - 10 Secret History - 8 Warbreaker - 10 The Emperor's Soul - 6 Sixth of the Dusk - 7 Hurt ES, heal Secret History
  8. The Way of Kings - 8 Edgedancer - 1 Oathbringer - 10 Dawnshard - 6 Rhythm of War - 6 Mistborn: The Final Empire - 2 The Hero of Ages - 7 The Bands of Mourning - 10 Secret History - 6 Warbreaker - 10 The Emperor's Soul - 6 Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell - 4 Sixth of the Dusk - 7 Hurt edgedancer, heal BoM
  9. The Way of Kings - 4 Edgedancer - 4 Oathbringer - 10 Dawnshard - 5 Rhythm of War - 6 Mistborn: The Final Empire - 7 The Hero of Ages - 6 The Bands of Mourning - 7 Secret History - 5 Elantris - 4 Warbreaker - 9 The Emperor's Soul - 6 Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell - 4 Sixth of the Dusk - 5 Hurt DS, heal RoW
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