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AG 10/AN 14 Finale

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Fire bloomed on the eastern wall, alcohol-soaked ballistae erupting into pillars of roiling flame as volcanic lightning arced down from the ash-filled skies to strike anything made of metal. Beagle raced through the storm, heedless of their patron’s wrath, yet Samwise found room to hope in their lack of speed. Ruin was not yet enhancing them the way he had for Avil Ejir last year. A mere human physique didn’t stop Beagle from clambering up the mere four meter tall fortifications and slitting the throat of a hapless guard trying to salvage a ballista.

“Face me, coward!” Samwise challenged, leaping to the top of the wall in one pewter-enhanced bound. Beagle ignored the provocation, grabbing a hammer that had been left by an unfinished ballista, as well as a pair of steel-tipped javelins from its ammo pile. A second guard tried to intercept them but was ruthlessly cut down by a single jab of a javelin.

Samwise didn’t stop to ask questions. They followed Beagle to the join between two sections of fortification, interrupting them after the first swing to hammer a javelin into the crease. Samwise’s first attack shattered that javelin to pieces right before a lightning strike hit the ground less than 10 meters away. Beagle flinched backwards, dropping the hammer to hold their remaining bloodsoaked javelin with two hands.

“Now why would you do such a foolish thing as that?” they inquired. “I’d been planning on letting you live, for now.”

“Enough words,” Samwise said, already lunging forward with their one remaining knife. “Only physical violence can stop you.”

Beagle struck out with their javelin. Samwise intended to take the blow head on and tough it out with pewter, but a flash of lightning illuminated the steel head of the javelin, abruptly reminding them uncomfortably of a spike. Any metal covered in blood carried Ruin, they’d heard. The last-second swerve avoided a piercing, but the steel did slice across their flank, dripping blood onto the stones.

As Beagle drew back their javelin, Samwise saw a chance for victory. They dove for Beagle’s legs, arms outstretched, ignoring the bloody scrapes on their own knees that move inflicted. Startled, Beagle tried to dodge, but Samwise was traveling too quickly to jump back, and the fortifications were too narrow to avoid their grasping arms. One arm made contact, wrapping around Beagle’s leg. 

Rather than attempt to break free, Beagle stayed still and drove their javelin straight into Samwise’s back, letting go just in time for a bolt of lightning to strike the weapon and be channeled down into Samwise’s body. Their vision went white with pain, but their grip never faltered. Ruin’s voice in their head commanded them to die, but they refused. They wrenched their body sideways and both combatants went tumbling off the wall together towards the  town side.

Four meters felt a lot farther when falling. The lightning strikes ceased as Ruin remained unwilling to kill his last follower, but his voice echoed endlessly in Samwise’s head, telling them that they would be his for the rest of their very short life. Their pewter was burning away at an alarming rate just to stave off death. Beagle thrashed and struggled but only managed to drive the javelin in farther before hitting the ground with a thud and a snap.

Beagle saw that Samwise had lapsed into unconsciousness and tried to use the javelin to lever themself up, but their leg had broken where it had been grabbed. Swaying dangerously, they snapped the blade part of the javelin off and used the remaining stick end as a crutch to steady themself. They glared at the wall. The pain from the broken leg wasn’t nearly as loud as Ruin berating them for their failure. 

 “What are you doing? Spike yourself with this wretch’s powers and heal yourself.”

“With what pewter? No, we’re done.” They gestured to the wall, where Defense personnel were cordoning off the fires and sweeping the walls for any further sabotage. On the ground, more townsfolk were approaching, preceded by Linaan carrying Sidor in quadrupedal form and Oleinda with Afandor being conveyed by steelpushing. “We’ve lost.”

They hobbled around to address the four oncoming threats, ignoring Ruin’s furious invectives. Lightning flashed between the remnants of the falling ash, but the eruption of Ashmount Tyrian was dying down, and so was Ruin’s storm. “Greetings, Councilors of Tyrian Falls. I am Special Operative Beagle, Spiked Smoker, formerly of New Empire Intelligence, requesting new employment. Tyrian Falls won’t be destroyed while I’m stuck here.”

[Beagle aids Tyrian Falls under pain of death. Ruin finds out atium is stored in Pits of Hathsin and recruits Koloss army to go get it. New Empire army follows them, as do soldiers from Tyrian Falls. Army scrounged up Kaltyr Alliance intercepts all of them half-way. The Kandra from the Pits of Hathsin show up to fight too, why not. Good luck anyone who tries to make a narrative sequel to this make sense as a mafia-style game.]

Pearl Chameleon was attacked, but survived! 

Oxblood Beagle has been converted! They were a Spiked Smoker.

The game has ended, and the Villagers have won, technically! The writeup outcome is almost the same either way.




Pass Winners are @Archer, @Kasimir, and @Faerie Braids


Player List:


Amber Vulture Sasha de Vries, Detective Spiked Thug @Faerie Braids
Amethyst Scorpion Barney Detective Village @Mat
Azure Mouse Maihler, Meme Artist Village Tineye @Kasimir
Charcoal Hyena Hobbyist Village Smoker @Droughtbringer
Chartreuse Penguin Murph, Carpenter/Armorer Village Smoker @Ashbringer
Coral Swan Ananame, Noble Thief Village Rioter @Araris Valerian
Cream Tuatara Spiked Rioter @STINK
Emerald Falcon Tune, Graffiti Artist Village @DrakeMarshall
Fuchsia Ostrich Endsayer, Endsayer Village @Amanuensis
Indigo Weasel Quagmire, 3 "Weasels" in a Trenchcoat Village Smoker @JNV
Ivory Dragonfly Bartleby, Witch Doctor Village Mistborn @Sart
Magenta Albatross Grandiose Verbosity Spiked @Haelbarde
Mauve Crocodile Village @Witisthebest
Melon Dingo Barrrrrrrg, Obligator Spiked Seeker @Ravenclawjedi42
Mint Heron Stray Dog Villager @Experience
Onyx Flamingo M, Orator + Researcher Village Tineye @Fifth Scholar
Opal Lion Village Soother @Illwei
Oxblood Beagle  Spiked Smoker @Stick.
Pearl Chameleon Samwise, Obligator Village Thug @Aeoryi
Plum Rhinoceros Nalthian Village Soother @The Paradoxical Phenomenon
Quartz Zebra Zee, Accidentally Spiked Village Coinshot @Archer
Saffron Iguana Village Lurcher @neil the beguiled
Sage Kangaroo Leo, Amnesiac Village @|TJ|
Salmon Meerkat Sal, Loyalist Village @TheRavenHasLanded
Sapphire Elephant Forgetful Village @Szeth_Pancakes

Edited by Devotary of Spontaneity
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10 hours ago, Azure Mouse said:
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GMs: Thanks for GMing, and enjoyed Devo's write-ups!

@Oxblood Beagle: ggwp sis

By far my favorite write-up was the one for Falcon's death. The memes were incorporated flawlessly.

Also beagle, you deserved to win in my opinion.

Edited by Pearl Chameleon
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I only proposed a draw on D4 for village cred, I didn't actually mean it 😛 @ Scorp too. A win is a win, you should own it!! Technicalities are in place for a reason, and I did 'choose' the coinflip, in a way.


I had some pretty insanely wrong ID reads during early game, especially for Cham lol. Really curious about Vulture. :ph34r:

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What an excellent game! Even after I died, I still had so much fun watching Oxblood Beagle continue to survive increasingly unlikely odds! Sorry, not sorry, to everyone I murdered, manipulated, and/or lied to, and so much appreciation to the gamemasters for running this game and creating wonderful writeups.

11 hours ago, Oxblood Beagle said:

I had some pretty insanely wrong ID reads during early game, especially for Cham lol. Really curious about Vulture. :ph34r:

All I shall say is that I am not who you think I am...or who you think I am not... :ph34r:

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4 minutes ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

You can guess ids. We only have 13/25 votes, but three players have enough of a lead over #4 that we'll end voting at the usual rollover time.

alright. thank you. uuuuhhhhh cham is aeo, but they are gonna be saffron iguana to me whenever i do this, uuuhhhh *proceeds to forget everything* nevermind.

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OK here are my guesses:


Amber Vulture: devo
Amethyst Scorpion: illwei
Azure Mouse: illwei
Charcoal Hyena: devo
Chartreuse Penguin: devo
Coral Swan: devo
Cream Tuatara: illwei
Emerald Falcon: devo
Fuchsia Ostrich: devo
Indigo Weasel: illwei
Ivory Dragonfly: devo
Magenta Albatross: devo
Mauve Crocodile: illwei
Melon Dingo: devo
Mint Heron: illwei
Onyx Flamingo: illwei
Opal Lion: devo
Pearl Chameleon: orlok
Plum Rhinoceros: devo
Quartz Zebra Zee: illwei
Saffron Iguana: illwei
Sage Kangaroo: illwei
Salmon Meerkat: devo
Sapphire Elephant: illwei


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27 minutes ago, Oxblood Beagle said:

OK here are my guesses:

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Amber Vulture: devo
Amethyst Scorpion: illwei
Azure Mouse: illwei
Charcoal Hyena: devo
Chartreuse Penguin: devo
Coral Swan: devo
Cream Tuatara: illwei
Emerald Falcon: devo
Fuchsia Ostrich: devo
Indigo Weasel: illwei
Ivory Dragonfly: devo
Magenta Albatross: devo
Mauve Crocodile: illwei
Melon Dingo: devo
Mint Heron: illwei
Onyx Flamingo: illwei
Opal Lion: devo
Pearl Chameleon: orlok
Plum Rhinoceros: devo
Quartz Zebra Zee: illwei
Saffron Iguana: illwei
Sage Kangaroo: illwei
Salmon Meerkat: devo
Sapphire Elephant: illwei


I know Devo likes to RP as a lot of different characters, but this seems a bit much.

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