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MR67: Aftermath: A Successful Lurch

Once Kasim returned, the remaining SErs gathered together, circling up like they had at the beginning of this convention. Before this madness had begun. Though Mat supposed that it had begun the moment he'd helped suggest and set up this SE meetup.

In a lot of ways, he blamed himself for what had happened to everyone. But he knew that was the wrong way of looking at things. He never could have known, never could have done anything more to stop it. 

He joined the circle, though everyone knew he was innocent. That last death note had most definitely come from one of the four standing around him. He looked them over, one by one. Kasim was certainly good; he had given so much to rid the convention of the killers. And the grief on his face was as genuine as Mat had ever seen. Not to mention him being the literal Brandon Sanderson.

TKN refused to meet his-- or anyone's-- eyes, but Mat didn't think that meant anything. He was as unreadable in real life as he was on the forums. Illwei, on the other hand, studied everyone else one by one, analyzing for an unknowable purpose. She had arrived late to the convention, but not late enough to prove innocence. And then there was neil, who Mat knew nothing about.

Did anyone know anything about neil?

Mat felt the tension in the room shift, focusing on the newcomer. He wasn't the only one who had come to that realization. They'd accepted neil's words when he had said that he was a friend of Stick's, and he clearly knew Illwei from previous encounters. But he'd seemed genuinely terrified when he'd seen her walk in the room. 

In a flash, neil's arm snapped forward, suddenly clutching a knife he must had produced from within his trench coat. But the knife's progress was stopped as Kasim grabbed neil's hand and slapped it away in a perfectly executed disarming. "No," he growled. "No one else dies. Not at my convention."

neil gulped. But said nothing.

"That's what I thought," Kasim said. "You're coming with me."


Once neil had been detained, Kasim stood by Mat, TKN, and Illwei on the streets of Salt Lake City, staring at the convention center that had housed nightmares for the past weekend. At a huge cost, it was now over.

"I want to thank you," Kasim said, "for defending the con these past days."

"You did a lot, too," Illwei pointed out. "I honestly still wasn't sure of neil at the end there."

Kasim shook his head. "It was a team effort. Because of you, my work can continue. Those murderers had it out for me. I couldn't have borne the knowledge that my stories would go untold, but now I don't have to."

It was only then that Mat fully registered that Brandon Sanderson was standing next to him. His favorite author, the reason he was here at all, the reason he knew any of these SErs, right there. He almost asked for an autograph. But it didn't feel right.

"Will there be a Dragonsteel 2025?" Mat asked instead. He couldn't imagine the lawsuits the Dragonsteel company would be facing.

But Kasim-- Brandon-- only smiled, and shrugged. "If we can manage it. I still have stories to tell, after all, and there are those who want to hear them. But if not, the books will still be there." He paused, scratching his chin. "But there is one thing."

"What's that?" TKN asked.

"We're going to need much better security."

*     *     *

neil the beguiled was removed from the convention! He was a Crazed SEr!

Kasimir was attacked, but survived!

Vote Count:

  • Illwei/Ooklil (1): neil the beguiled
  • neil the beguiled (2): Kasimir, The Known Novel/Bald
  • The Known Novel/Bald (1): Illwei/Ooklil

The game is over! Congratulations to the Reasonable SErs for defending Dragonsteel 2024 and ridding the Salt Palace of its various insane people! Though there is some writing scrawled in the parking garage that needs to be pressure-washed off...

The Convention Game has a two-way tie for its winners! @Archer, with two points, who completed his task before his opponent as well as guessed their identity, and @JNV, with two points, who successfully guessed their opponent as well as figuring out that Ash and Aeoryi were paired against each other! Second place is awarded to the 7 players with one point, and the bronze medal can be split between those with none :P 

Thank you to everyone who participated in this game! And special extra thanks to @Elandera for answering my questions, keeping the peace, and being the IM this game needed.

I'll post GM thoughts later, probably tomorrow but potentially tonight. I have some things about the distro I want to shout out, and general thoughts about the balance and mechanics. It wasn't too complicated so there isn't a lot to say, but if anyone has thoughts about it now's the time to say them :P 

Doc Links:

Player List:

  1. @TheRavenHasLanded Reasonable SEr
  2. @The Wandering Wizard - Wizzy Reasonable SEr
  3. @Ookla the Bald / The Known Novel - Shane Huge Reasonable SEr
  4. @ArcherReasonable SEr
  5. @Winnie the Pookla / Araris Valerian Reasonable SEr
  6. @Aeoryi Reasonable SEr
  7. @Ravenclawjedi42 Reasonable SEr
  8.  @WildKarrde  / Kasim  -  (@KasimirBrandon Sanderson
  9. @JNV - Crazed SEr
  10. @Devotary of Spontaneity - Lena Reasonable SEr
  11. @Ooklil the Wei / Illwei (@TheOokla929 / TheAlpha929) Reasonable SEr
  12. @Coffeecat - Ballistic SEr
  13. @neil the beguiled - Crazed SEr
  14. @Amanuensis Reasonable SEr
  15. @Ashbringer - Crazed SEr
  16. @Cash67 Reasonable SEr


Edited by Mat
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Just now, Ooklil the Wei said:

lol ok

Neil why wouldn't you vote tkn there is my question

Because he was nice to me and could sense that I'd spent an hour prewriting this aftermath post D:.

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2 minutes ago, Mat said:

Because he was nice to me and could sense that I'd spent an hour prewriting this aftermath post D:.

I was trying to bait him onto TKN last minute with a vote prepped for him as you could see but he just didn't and i couldn't sleep peacefully

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also ggs!!! i uhm. was not suited to end game at all i don’t think we positioned anything at all. i think i did pretty good all things considered (seeing as i didn’t get immediately sick seeing the red pm xD) 

i thiiiink the low info kills may have been a misplay looking back on it but i didn’t rlly care  at the time. also genuinely i thought coffee was town/BS xD i was not aware of that at all

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anyways ggs guys gonna leave this site again, have fun


Ash literally don't get what you have against me, since you've always been critical/rude towards me in docs since my first AG where I inherited Prudence. But whatever, I'm done with it.


Edited by Ooklil the Wei
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I’m sorry team, but we won!

I’m officially retiring from SE. I’ve been being a bad teammate and don’t want to take from you guys’ fun, haha. Maybe I’ll start back up again sometime in the future, but for now, goodbye.


Edited by TheOokla929
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Dear lord. GG, Neil et al. Thanks @Mat for excellent GMing and fun writeups, and @Elandera for what seems to have been a more difficult than normal game to IM.

Maladroitly competent. I stand by it. Oh, and my theory holds true. TKN after an e!game is far more sussed than TKN after a v!game.

Good job Kas, I figured you'd bluffed, but didn't know if you had it in you. 

Edited by Ookla the Bald
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5 minutes ago, Ookla the Bald said:

Dear lord. GG, Neil et al. Thanks @Mat for excellent GMing and fun writeups, and @Elandera for what seems to have been a more difficult than normal game to IM.

Maladroitly competent. I stand by it. Oh, and my theory holds true. TKN after an e!game is far more sussed than TKN after a v!game.

Good job Kas, I figured you'd bluffed, but didn't know if you had it in you. 

Also I didn't respond to your post after I voted you because I was trying to bait anything out of neil, and then i successfully convinced myself it was you for a minute so the only person i really baited was myself

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28 minutes ago, neil the beguiled said:

also ggs!!! i uhm. was not suited to end game at all i don’t think we positioned anything at all. i think i did pretty good all things considered (seeing as i didn’t get immediately sick seeing the red pm xD) 

i thiiiink the low info kills may have been a misplay looking back on it but i didn’t rlly care  at the time. also genuinely i thought coffee was town/BS xD i was not aware of that at all

Woooo endgaming wolf ggwp 

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39 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

jnv must confess their sins/j

Ok sorry for killing you it was my call and it was a bad call and I completely forgot you were the Raven who got murked so much and watching Kas do NK stuff and being like oh JNV has better integrity than that is like ack sorry sorry

Anyway this was fun even though we lost good job village good job Kas for being psychic on me good job Matrim for a great game dont worry about the quokka cameo I think Kas being the real actual Brandon Sanderson is cool enough 

Also great job @neil the beguiled for an excellent first game and sorry for leaving you alone proud of you and hope you stick around also thanks Ash for being there a bit hope real life stops kicking you in the teeth


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27 minutes ago, JNV said:

Ok sorry for killing you it was my call and it was a bad call and I completely forgot you were the Raven who got murked so much and watching Kas do NK stuff and being like oh JNV has better integrity than that is like ack sorry sorry

Anyway this was fun even though we lost good job village good job Kas for being psychic on me good job Matrim for a great game dont worry about the quokka cameo I think Kas being the real actual Brandon Sanderson is cool enough 

Also great job @neil the beguiled for an excellent first game and sorry for leaving you alone proud of you and hope you stick around also thanks Ash for being there a bit hope real life stops kicking you in the teeth


xD you accidentally incriminated me with that one :P. 

it was fun for me- i def got uhm. rlly busy with like. other games (the villa game i linked 2 kas earlier was one i was multitabling in >.> but also travel and such. i had a fun time regardless tho and it was nice to meet and play with yall ^w^.

also idk how much ill be playing here but ill probs pop in every so often ^^ ggs

also kas if you wanna hmu abt flight tising and their mafia scene, im polybius0147 there ^^

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6 minutes ago, neil the beguiled said:

also kas if you wanna hmu abt flight tising and their mafia scene, im polybius0147 there ^^

Will do, I think someone else from the other site I play mafia on is in a game currently running there. 

Thank you for PR shielding @Amanuensis holy chull I felt so much less like a walking target with you playing IKYK mindgames 😭

1 hour ago, Ookla the Bald said:

Good job Kas, I figured you'd bluffed, but didn't know if you had it in you. 

Figured I should, since I realised your plan basically meant the Elims would know I was vulnerable the next cycle, which meant a guaranteed kill. Not that it was on the table, since I self-protected C3 anyway. I didn't fully sus you for it since Araris also signed on and by C4, I was pretty willing to buy V!Araris.

Slightly annoyed I shielded you since I nearly intercepted the Araris shot - my judgement was that the Elims might've gauged Araris was more frameable (since you were pushing him, and he's Araris), so chose to protect you instead but evidently that's not how it went >> My Lurching skills tend to be peak clown meme OTL

1 hour ago, Ookla the Bald said:

Dear lord. GG, Neil et al

Oh and thank you for swinging off Illwei. When I did the overnight reread of C3, I just could not place that possibility high on the C > B > A list and while I figured the vote was giving you bad vibes, it just felt like the wrong answer right there in light of...other factors I cited. I was really hoping you would because split vote was worse.

@Cash67 had the best go out line in this game ngl. That cheeky "Wagon Wiz in my honour!" ftw.

16 minutes ago, neil the beguiled said:

i def got uhm. rlly busy with like. other games (the villa game i linked 2 kas earlier was one i was multitabling in >.>

Yep, felt you on it :P Multitabling was leading to my C2 and part of C3 just being underwhelming because I didn't have the attention span to handle this while the Elims were pounding the Village hard in the other game. 

gg everyone!

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