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Long Game 97: Midnight Whimsy


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3 hours ago, Archer said:


DeTess - as Kas would say, lots of fear, uncertainty, doubt being spewed


Can you explain what you mean by this? If anything I've been doing the opposite I think, countering such a nove a move by experience.

1 hour ago, Aeoryi said:

okay, intel thoughts:

  •  either the elims have a scan or devo somehow admitted to have a scan. I mean, they pm'd me so i have reason to believe they're active pm

Maybe that means scanning is a thing

or maybe not.

anyways the elims prob ate the tree or smth and got the charges to do something relevent. expect some vm or like maybe to have some one die mysteriously.

I can see vote manip being used to cause choas

 so roleclaiming is very good ideas

also people if everyone eats the tree is that potential clear? then elim cannot submit nk action smh?

I highly doubt devo had a scan as I can account for both their actions. D1 they gathered investiture, and N1 they gave it to me.

More as a general comment: you get told who passed you investiture, which might allow for some people to get cleared from submitting the night kill (I think, was 1 action per turn confirmed?).

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6 hours ago, DeTess said:

Can you explain what you mean by this? If anything I've been doing the opposite I think, countering such a nove a move by experience.

I highly doubt devo had a scan as I can account for both their actions. D1 they gathered investiture, and N1 they gave it to me.

More as a general comment: you get told who passed you investiture, which might allow for some people to get cleared from submitting the night kill (I think, was 1 action per turn confirmed?).

I'm surprised that rule made it into the game. It establishes you didn't submit the NK. I'll keep that on the back burner for later :ph34r:

You're implying Devo trusted you enough to give you magic. Which makes keeping them alive part of your best interests. No way you tried bluffing them with a short term lie in a game that might be multi layered. Detess

You seem to be the person coming up with with the most exe options, or at least that's how I remember C1. While others were non committal or committed to kill the GM, you were trying to establish options. Predictable outcomes are an elim's best friend, so it looks evil. 

Regarding FUD, that's twice Aeoryi has exemplified the uncertainty mongering element of it, so they're on my radar. Sure, playstyles change, but patterns are useful, especially when they reveal what is likely NAI. 

7 hours ago, Aeoryi said:

if someone were an elim and scanned devo as a rb or lurcher than they would obviously be more important than any other person to remove. It just makes sense

I would say the two games have a similar vibe. But if you want villagers to never open up to each other than clamping down on role claiming is an easy way to do so. Not saying ur elim from that just saying it's not gonna help anyways. we have pms.

 The tree- okay but like i like actually didn't eat any trre i dont see why i would need to anyways. for those without roles it is basically just an0thrr tol you put in the hand of the elims.

so basically tree eating = probably elim

if you want proof i can hand you all my tree charges now and then you will see

(also i read the rules again. nothing important changed there)


Remind me, did you file a complaint against Szeth? 

I'm of the opinion that if you have a free action, you should gather loot. Just in case. You were the one with the invested items theory, could be something like that is possible 

1 hour ago, STINK said:


G'morning everybody hope all you americans waking up got a good nights sleep

Why ya voting me? 


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@STINK, any particular reason for voting Archer?

I'm going to try to go over everyone to get a better grip on the game, starting from the top with TKN:


Hasn't said much game related yet at all. They made claim about a [real life] role. They expressed a very mild suspicion of Aeoryi and a mild village read of Mat but apart from that haven't contributed much at all. They have mentioned they have trouble getting into the game, and I don't think an elim trying to lay low would do so. So very very slight village lean overall.

Incidentally @Matrim's Dice, I highly doubt the kill on devotary had to do with denying the village info unless TKN is evil, as otherwise TKN would have made far more sense as a target.

Speaking of Matrim, they're next.


Don't like how he opened the game saying he was finally village... did that last game as well and he was a neutral then. probably NAI at this point, but it feels like filler.

For the rest though, I'm getting good vibes off of Mat. They're engaged with the game and putting out reads and attempts to solve it.. I don't disagree with some of their reads, btu they at least seem to be coming from a village mindset.


Few posts, unexplained vote on mark ( @Araris Valerian, why did you vote mark). kinda went back and forth on whether the push to vote Szeth was elimy or village. Don't like how little they've committed to any sort of reads. Slight elim lean.


I really don't know what to think of the shift in their play style. It's a lot less focussed and game-solvey than in the previous game which would make me think they have a reason to be less focussed on wanting the game solved (IE, an elim). But it's also incredibly obvious. I also don't know what to think about how self-defensive they got, but that might just be a new player not yet used to execution pressure. For now they're in my 'suspicious' pile.

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16 minutes ago, Archer said:

I'm surprised that rule made it into the game. It establishes you didn't submit the NK. I'll keep that on the back burner for later :ph34r:

You're implying Devo trusted you enough to give you magic. Which makes keeping them alive part of your best interests. No way you tried bluffing them with a short term lie in a game that might be multi layered. Detess

You seem to be the person coming up with with the most exe options, or at least that's how I remember C1. While others were non committal or committed to kill the GM, you were trying to establish options. Predictable outcomes are an elim's best friend, so it looks evil. 

Ehm, I don't think it establishes anything about me not submitting the night kill. I didn't pass any investiture N1 (just got some from Devotary) so my action is unaccounted for. I realize I'm arguing against evidence getting me out of hot water, but in a  blackout game I'd rather avoid muddying the waters about what actions got taken any further.

As for your reasoning on initially suspecting me, I don't think I understand? It seems you're saying that looking for suspicions D1 is an elim tell which seems really weird to me (and I'm pretty sure I've been looking for suspciions D1 of every game I've played so far).

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2 hours ago, Archer said:

I'm surprised that rule made it into the game. It establishes you didn't submit the NK. I'll keep that on the back burner for later :ph34r:

You're implying Devo trusted you enough to give you magic. Which makes keeping them alive part of your best interests. No way you tried bluffing them with a short term lie in a game that might be multi layered. Detess

You seem to be the person coming up with with the most exe options, or at least that's how I remember C1. While others were non committal or committed to kill the GM, you were trying to establish options. Predictable outcomes are an elim's best friend, so it looks evil. 

Regarding FUD, that's twice Aeoryi has exemplified the uncertainty mongering element of it, so they're on my radar. Sure, playstyles change, but patterns are useful, especially when they reveal what is likely NAI. 

Remind me, did you file a complaint against Szeth? 

I'm of the opinion that if you have a free action, you should gather loot. Just in case. You were the one with the invested items theory, could be something like that is possible 

Why ya voting me? 


No complaints were sent to Szeth from me. Saving them for later.

1 hour ago, DeTess said:

@STINK, any particular reason for voting Archer?

I'm going to try to go over everyone to get a better grip on the game, starting from the top with TKN:


Hasn't said much game related yet at all. They made claim about a [real life] role. They expressed a very mild suspicion of Aeoryi and a mild village read of Mat but apart from that haven't contributed much at all. They have mentioned they have trouble getting into the game, and I don't think an elim trying to lay low would do so. So very very slight village lean overall.

Incidentally @Matrim's Dice, I highly doubt the kill on devotary had to do with denying the village info unless TKN is evil, as otherwise TKN would have made far more sense as a target.

Speaking of Matrim, they're next.


Don't like how he opened the game saying he was finally village... did that last game as well and he was a neutral then. probably NAI at this point, but it feels like filler.

For the rest though, I'm getting good vibes off of Mat. They're engaged with the game and putting out reads and attempts to solve it.. I don't disagree with some of their reads, btu they at least seem to be coming from a village mindset.


Few posts, unexplained vote on mark ( @Araris Valerian, why did you vote mark). kinda went back and forth on whether the push to vote Szeth was elimy or village. Don't like how little they've committed to any sort of reads. Slight elim lean.


I really don't know what to think of the shift in their play style. It's a lot less focussed and game-solvey than in the previous game which would make me think they have a reason to be less focussed on wanting the game solved (IE, an elim). But it's also incredibly obvious. I also don't know what to think about how self-defensive they got, but that might just be a new player not yet used to execution pressure. For now they're in my 'suspicious' pile.

Irl stuff has made me much less invested in the game then last time. For those who don't know, Canadian thanksgiving was last weekend, and I worked a lot those few days. Just don't have a whole lot of energy rn. My mentality is more of: 'I'm going to try something new' rather than 'Im going to play the exact same as last time'.

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4 minutes ago, Aeoryi said:

No complaints were sent to Szeth from me. Saving them for later.

Irl stuff has made me much less invested in the game then last time. For those who don't know, Canadian thanksgiving was last weekend, and I worked a lot those few days. Just don't have a whole lot of energy rn. My mentality is more of: 'I'm going to try something new' rather than 'Im going to play the exact same as last time'.

Stink's good morning Americans comment its looking pretty discriminatory now

Say good morning to canada too, coward.         >:(

1 hour ago, DeTess said:

Ehm, I don't think it establishes anything about me not submitting the night kill. I didn't pass any investiture N1 (just got some from Devotary) so my action is unaccounted for. I realize I'm arguing against evidence getting me out of hot water, but in a  blackout game I'd rather avoid muddying the waters about what actions got taken any further.

As for your reasoning on initially suspecting me, I don't think I understand? It seems you're saying that looking for suspicions D1 is an elim tell which seems really weird to me (and I'm pretty sure I've been looking for suspciions D1 of every game I've played so far).

You misunderstand. My argument was that Devo supported you and would likely support you again in future. e!DeTess wouldn't kill a pocketed ally. 

My case was built on you standing out. Getting down to business is an elim trait IMO. But I was probably wrong, so never mind that. 


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10 hours ago, Aeoryi said:

if someone were an elim and scanned devo as a rb or lurcher than they would obviously be more important than any other person to remove. It just makes sense

I would say the two games have a similar vibe. But if you want villagers to never open up to each other than clamping down on role claiming is an easy way to do so. Not saying ur elim from that just saying it's not gonna help anyways. we have pms.

The tree- okay but like i like actually didn't eat any trre i dont see why i would need to anyways. for those without roles it is basically just an0thrr tol you put in the hand of the elims. so basically tree eating = probably elim

if you want proof i can hand you all my tree charges now and then you will see

Devo didn't flip rb/lurcher. She flipped roleless. That is an assumption on the nature of flips though. @Szeth_Pancakes do we get roles and alignments with flips?

There's a difference between opening up and mass claiming. I'm not saying no one should claim ever, I'm saying that we all shouldn't claim publicly. Doing so will create targets for the elims without giving us any useful info. The power roles should stay hidden.

That's a very odd take (considering your next paragraph which is quite contradictory) and goes against your D1 Exp vote, which, granted, you said you voted him for "no reason" but you also said he was being "elimmy" so I'd at least assume you were on the magic-gathering side of that argument. 

And then yeah this last part honestly just confuses me

2 hours ago, DeTess said:

Incidentally @Matrim's Dice, I highly doubt the kill on devotary had to do with denying the village info unless TKN is evil, as otherwise TKN would have made far more sense as a target.


Don't like how he opened the game saying he was finally village... did that last game as well and he was a neutral then. probably NAI at this point, but it feels like filler.

I don't think I ever said it did? I meant low info like there isn't much to analyze as far as Devo's posts/reads. You're not wrong that TKN would have made a better low info kill though. Kinda makes me want to vote him. (The previous sentence was written before I remembered I am voting him lel)

Oh it's absolutely filler, I 1000% say that as an elim :P.


  • Villagers:
    • Archer
    • DeTess
  • Village Reads:
    • Aeoryi
    • JNV
  • Everyone Else:
    • Araris
    • Mark
    • TKN
    • Frustration
    • Stink

Wish I could narrow it down more than that but I really can't

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27 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Devo didn't flip rb/lurcher. She flipped roleless. That is an assumption on the nature of flips though. @Szeth_Pancakes do we get roles and alignments with flips?

There's a difference between opening up and mass claiming. I'm not saying no one should claim ever, I'm saying that we all shouldn't claim publicly. Doing so will create targets for the elims without giving us any useful info. The power roles should stay hidden.

That's a very odd take (considering your next paragraph which is quite contradictory) and goes against your D1 Exp vote, which, granted, you said you voted him for "no reason" but you also said he was being "elimmy" so I'd at least assume you were on the magic-gathering side of that argument. 

And then yeah this last part honestly just confuses me

I don't think I ever said it did? I meant low info like there isn't much to analyze as far as Devo's posts/reads. You're not wrong that TKN would have made a better low info kill though. Kinda makes me want to vote him. (The previous sentence was written before I remembered I am voting him lel)

Oh it's absolutely filler, I 1000% say that as an elim :P.


  • Villagers:
    • Archer
    • DeTess
  • Village Reads:
    • Aeoryi
    • JNV
  • Everyone Else:
    • Araris
    • Mark
    • TKN
    • Frustration
    • Stink

Wish I could narrow it down more than that but I really can't

I'll be honest I never really saw the whole argument as a good enough reason to vote Exp. Someone opposing your opinions is not a good enough reason to vote them imo. The whole what should you do with investiture arguments is kinda pointless people will do what you want anyways

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10 hours ago, Matrim's Dice said:

1– I’ve played with Devo since I joined the shard. Technically possible, yes, but I think I know what I’m talking about when I say it’s unlikely. But you missed my actual question: What does a scan have to do with any of this?

2– This game has a different vibe, I’m sure you won’t disagree. Besides, that game was more blackout than this one. In this game, we know protect roles exist. We know roleblockers exist. Forcing them to claim won’t give anyone info besides the elims, about who to kill. If anyone has any useful information, by all means share it, but we’ve already discussed and argued about the real life aspect of the game, gotten nowhere with it, and it’s only been one cycle. Based on Szeth’s statement in the OP, I think we’ll learn more soon enough.

3– Not a counterpoint :P 

Not sure I buy that tbh. Reads like fake nonchalance. TKN can say he’s lazy. You’ve been keeping up with the thread and with PMs, so that’s not an excuse.

And like. Can you read the rules? If you want info on the game, read the rules, don’t ask people to claim when you don’t even know what you’re talking about :P.

Sorry if that comes off too strongly. I need sleep .-.

Bold mine.

I'm not lazy, I've read the rules several times and have been keeping up, just not much I can work up the energy to talk about.

2 hours ago, DeTess said:

@STINK, any particular reason for voting Archer?

I'm going to try to go over everyone to get a better grip on the game, starting from the top with TKN:


Hasn't said much game related yet at all. They made claim about a [real life] role. They expressed a very mild suspicion of Aeoryi and a mild village read of Mat but apart from that haven't contributed much at all. They have mentioned they have trouble getting into the game, and I don't think an elim trying to lay low would do so. So very very slight village lean overall.

Incidentally @Matrim's Dice, I highly doubt the kill on devotary had to do with denying the village info unless TKN is evil, as otherwise TKN would have made far more sense as a target.

Speaking of Matrim, they're next.


Don't like how he opened the game saying he was finally village... did that last game as well and he was a neutral then. probably NAI at this point, but it feels like filler.

For the rest though, I'm getting good vibes off of Mat. They're engaged with the game and putting out reads and attempts to solve it.. I don't disagree with some of their reads, btu they at least seem to be coming from a village mindset.


Few posts, unexplained vote on mark ( @Araris Valerian, why did you vote mark). kinda went back and forth on whether the push to vote Szeth was elimy or village. Don't like how little they've committed to any sort of reads. Slight elim lean.


I really don't know what to think of the shift in their play style. It's a lot less focussed and game-solvey than in the previous game which would make me think they have a reason to be less focussed on wanting the game solved (IE, an elim). But it's also incredibly obvious. I also don't know what to think about how self-defensive they got, but that might just be a new player not yet used to execution pressure. For now they're in my 'suspicious' pile.

Bold mine again.

I did? When did I do that? 

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6 minutes ago, The Known Novel said:

Bold mine.

I'm not lazy, I've read the rules several times and have been keeping up, just not much I can work up the energy to talk about.

Bold mine again.

I did? When did I do that? 

TKN normally is like this I think.

I dunno. Mat really scares me. Don't take this as "I think mat is elim" but do take this as "I just read a mat game where he was Elim and it scared me" 

To be honest I don't see anyone as exceptionally village besides JNV and STINK. And the two dead people. 


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41 minutes ago, DeTess said:

Right here:


Yeah that's a joke claim that references a past game where StrikerEZ was a Striker and soccer was a secret theme. 

37 minutes ago, Aeoryi said:

TKN normally is like this I think.

I dunno. Mat really scares me. Don't take this as "I think mat is elim" but do take this as "I just read a mat game where he was Elim and it scared me" 

To be honest I don't see anyone as exceptionally village besides JNV and STINK. And the two dead people. 


Really? What makes Stink stand out to you positively? 

Were you confident Devo was village before they died? 

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4 minutes ago, Archer said:

Yeah that's a joke claim that references a past game where StrikerEZ was a Striker and soccer was a secret theme.

Here, read the Aman post on this page of LG92:


(It's all fake; Aman was a goalkeeper)

4 minutes ago, Archer said:

Really? What makes Stink stand out to you positively? 

Were you confident Devo was village before they died? 

Stink and JNV both seem to be less active (which means unlikely to submit kill) and they're just... Idk good vibes.

Devo I thought was Elim ngl considering they mentioned the complaint things literally first post of D1. Yeah. And they typed that out beforehand (elims receive their docs before the game starts, right?). 

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1 hour ago, Aeoryi said:

Stink and JNV both seem to be less active (which means unlikely to submit kill) and they're just... Idk good vibes.

Both of them have been active enough to submit kills. That’s definitely not clearing.

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Devotary posts

D1 first post prewritten second post complaints questions third post more questions and commentary about banter fourth post more compalints talk fifth post pro magic passing which like lots of people supported that 

N1 first post talking about the pro magic stance more second post commenting on Frustration DeTess and like maybe thats something but it was  sent like ten minutes before cycle close 

So yeah theres not really anyting in their posts to like mark them as an exception kill target I guess maybe the elims couldve killed Devotary for role item stuff like they didnt say any specifics to me but they were pretty openly implying they had an item even before I told them stuff 


1 hour ago, Aeoryi said:

Stink and JNV both seem to be less active (which means unlikely to submit kill) and they're just... Idk good vibes.

Listen Ive been submitting my actions every turn I dont appreciate this slander about my activity haha

Edited by JNV
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1 hour ago, Aeoryi said:

Devo I thought was Elim ngl considering they mentioned the complaint things literally first post of D1. Yeah. And they typed that out beforehand (elims receive their docs before the game starts, right?). 

Elims generally get the doc links in their role PM, so right when the game starts.

Generally pre-writing a post on mechanics is NAI, though admitting you did so is slightly village leaning, in my opinion. I've done that once or twice in the pre-plague era, and it's a nice way to have a post ready at the start of the game, with the added benefit it won't be tainted by knowledge of your alignment if you are an elim.

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1 hour ago, DeTess said:

Right here:


That was a joking referencing Kas's blackout a while back. Me and Aman were Goalkeepers (not the soccer kind though), and he made up this elaborate lie about there being a soccer theme, which I backed up for funzies. At separate times, he claimed to be a Referee, Captain, then truthfully Goalkeeper while I claimed roleless, Striker, and then truthfully Goalkeeper as well. It was pretty fun, I recommend reading it if you want a laugh at our shannonigans and misery. 

1 hour ago, Aeoryi said:

TKN normally is like this I think.

I dunno. Mat really scares me. Don't take this as "I think mat is elim" but do take this as "I just read a mat game where he was Elim and it scared me" 

To be honest I don't see anyone as exceptionally village besides JNV and STINK. And the two dead people. 


Reading QF60? It's my best example of Mat being an absolute beast of an elim.

29 minutes ago, Aeoryi said:

Here, read the Aman post on this page of LG92:


(It's all fake; Aman was a goalkeeper)

Stink and JNV both seem to be less active (which means unlikely to submit kill) and they're just... Idk good vibes.

Devo I thought was Elim ngl considering they mentioned the complaint things literally first post of D1. Yeah. And they typed that out beforehand (elims receive their docs before the game starts, right?). 

Traditionally elims receive their docs in their GMPMs, which are sent out after sign-ups close but before c1 is posted. So not really. 

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QF60 was a special case and represents— in my opinion, no disrespect intended— total village failure rather than anything I did. I should lose that game every time, plain and simple. A better example of my e play is basically any game from the last few months :P.

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1 minute ago, Matrim's Dice said:

QF60 was a special case and represents— in my opinion, no disrespect intended— total village failure rather than anything I did. I should lose that game every time, plain and simple. A better example of my e play is basically any game from the last few months :P.

I take at least partial blame for the chaos of that game, but you were extremely convincing and it was pretty scary.

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4 minutes ago, The Known Novel said:

I take at least partial blame for the chaos of that game, but you were extremely convincing and it was pretty scary.

Actually, rereading it, I’m pretty proud of my C2. That turn I maybe deserved to live. C3 though I absolutely should have died, no excuses :P.

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4 hours ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Devo didn't flip rb/lurcher. She flipped roleless. That is an assumption on the nature of flips though. @Szeth_Pancakes do we get roles and alignments with flips?


I have reason, from my own GM PM, to believe flipping as simply "Not Affected" is probably just roleless. But I'm not entirely sure, especially given the number of people that have turned up as Not Affected in the writeups. 

I haven't had too much time since the night cycle to go over todays posts, but there's a couple of things I am did notice:

  • Someone else already mentioned this (Mat or Archer, I think), but Devo's death and DeTess claiming Devo was passing them investiture N1 to me soft-clears DeTess (assuming the elim teams works like any other normal elim team, mechanics wise - maybe they can only kill people who pass investiture, and there are very few mages, idk it could be anything). In any case, this kinda makes me question the other people who voted for experience. I could easily see an elim with few directions to vote hopping onto DeTess's reasoning for Exp, given that, I believe DeTess was the first one to vote for Exp out of the 3 votes finally in the tally (will have to verify this fact, not 100% sure). 
    Also kinda explains DeTess's reaction to Exp's statement about investitute passing, now that I think of it. 
  • Mat and Archer seem to be rather in sync at times - both of them switched from their Exp/Frustration vote to a Szeth vote within a few posts of each other. Then Mat (building off of Araris' post) comments on the fact that Archer's commited vote on Szeth makes him lean village on Arch. Makes me lean towards not both e!Mat & e!Archer. 

Now that I think of it, the village lynch fully killing the player (if that is what is happening) kinda makes sense if the flavour text for complaints is that they "remove [you] from the game". I'd be in favour of testing out complaints this day cycle. If someone wants to volunteer, maybe we could try complaints on someone who is not the GM (we already know the GM is kinda unreliable, and there's only one of them anyway). 

I was gonna leave this post voteless, but on second thought, I think I'd like to put some pressure on Araris. @Araris Valerian unless you're quiet for OOG reasons, I'd like to know what your opinion is on the NK, your vote reasoning and anything else you've spotted under the radar. :P

It is, however, past 2 am, and I have to get to work tomorrow, so this is all I'll say for now. I will be skimming the thread during daytime, so hopefully I should have something more substantial to post by tomorrow. 

Also, if anyone wants some investiture, feel free to drop me a PM. But do so at your own discretion, because I will be assuming you're not roleless, in that case. 

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3 hours ago, Matrim's Dice said:

QF60 was a special case and represents— in my opinion, no disrespect intended— total village failure rather than anything I did. I should lose that game every time, plain and simple. A better example of my e play is basically any game from the last few months :P.

I was talking about LG92....

2 hours ago, Mark IV said:

I have reason, from my own GM PM, to believe flipping as simply "Not Affected" is probably just roleless. But I'm not entirely sure, especially given the number of people that have turned up as Not Affected in the writeups. 

I haven't had too much time since the night cycle to go over todays posts, but there's a couple of things I am did notice:

  • Someone else already mentioned this (Mat or Archer, I think), but Devo's death and DeTess claiming Devo was passing them investiture N1 to me soft-clears DeTess (assuming the elim teams works like any other normal elim team, mechanics wise - maybe they can only kill people who pass investiture, and there are very few mages, idk it could be anything). In any case, this kinda makes me question the other people who voted for experience. I could easily see an elim with few directions to vote hopping onto DeTess's reasoning for Exp, given that, I believe DeTess was the first one to vote for Exp out of the 3 votes finally in the tally (will have to verify this fact, not 100% sure). 
    Also kinda explains DeTess's reaction to Exp's statement about investitute passing, now that I think of it. 
  • Mat and Archer seem to be rather in sync at times - both of them switched from their Exp/Frustration vote to a Szeth vote within a few posts of each other. Then Mat (building off of Araris' post) comments on the fact that Archer's commited vote on Szeth makes him lean village on Arch. Makes me lean towards not both e!Mat & e!Archer. 

Now that I think of it, the village lynch fully killing the player (if that is what is happening) kinda makes sense if the flavour text for complaints is that they "remove [you] from the game". I'd be in favour of testing out complaints this day cycle. If someone wants to volunteer, maybe we could try complaints on someone who is not the GM (we already know the GM is kinda unreliable, and there's only one of them anyway). 

I was gonna leave this post voteless, but on second thought, I think I'd like to put some pressure on Araris. @Araris Valerian unless you're quiet for OOG reasons, I'd like to know what your opinion is on the NK, your vote reasoning and anything else you've spotted under the radar. :P

It is, however, past 2 am, and I have to get to work tomorrow, so this is all I'll say for now. I will be skimming the thread during daytime, so hopefully I should have something more substantial to post by tomorrow. 

Also, if anyone wants some investiture, feel free to drop me a PM. But do so at your own discretion, because I will be assuming you're not roleless, in that case. 

Hey can I have investiture

Also @DeTess do you see how much investiture you receive?

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