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Which Two KR Orders would you want to be?


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So hypothetical question, let's say you have the stupidly rare opportunity to Bond with any 2 Spren of your choosing, which of the 10 Orders would you simultaneously join?

You have to uphold the Oaths from both Orders you choose. 

I'd choose Willshaper and Windrunner, simply because their oaths would match up pretty well, with saving people and freeing people being the core elements. Plus the powers would be awesome when used together.

Any thoughts?

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Just now, Rg2045 said:

Bondsmith and Windrunner 

I feel these two don’t have any opposing oaths and both are a bit overpowered. 

Though there is some overlap with Adhesion. Although that might just mean there'll be some kind of triple Resonance.

Then again Bondsmith alone is OP enough, anything else is just icing on the cake.

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Just now, Use the Falchion said:

Edgedancer and Windrunner or Windrunner and Lightweaver. I resonate with all three, so it's hard to choose just two. Probably Edgedancer and Windrunner though. 

Saving people along with being compassionate to those who most would deem 'insignificant', a good combo of oaths that fit pretty well together.

Seems that there is a pattern forming.

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12 hours ago, JustQuestin2004 said:

So hypothetical question, let's say you have the stupidly rare opportunity to Bond with any 2 Spren of your choosing, which of the 10 Orders would you simultaneously join?

You have to uphold the Oaths from both Orders you choose. 

I'd choose Willshaper and Windrunner, simply because their oaths would match up pretty well, with saving people and freeing people being the core elements. Plus the powers would be awesome when used together.

Any thoughts?

Think I would lean for truthwatcher and windrunner? The official quiz always leaves me confused what I may be (get lightweaver and elsecaller a lot). However, would love to have magical healing, illusions, and controlling gravity. Also let's just say I can identify strongly with at least one of the windrunners 3rd ideals. 

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I love the idea of finding a higher law and living by it.  For that I want to say truthwatcher and skybreaker.  

I am not a fan of the capital punishment I have seen as skybreakers solutions thus far in my reading (about 2/3 through oathbringer).  I would hope there is a way to exist as a beacon of truth and expecting others to uphold that truth without needing to slay all those who oppose that law.

Flying is just too dang convenient.  Power to heal is so new testament.  Power to destroy seems so old testament.  The illusion magic just offers endless options to flavor everything else.  (I want to see someone blind their opponent with illusion somehow really bad).  

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I was going to do Elsecaller paired with another order because that is my base and favorite order of Knight Radiant, but I quickly realized I personally would not be able to uphold elsecaller oaths and any other order's oaths. I guess I would have to go with something like Truthwatcher and Willshaper.

Edited by Mr. Misting
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37 minutes ago, lukaash said:

Stoneward and windrunner. I don't know about oaths, but you could form stone thingys and then shoot them like stone arrows. and that sounds awesome.

That makes me terrified of a lightweaver windrunner/skybreaker.  

Not only can you soulcast ammo but you can make an illusion and hide it from your enemies view.  

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I scored equally high for both Windrunner and Elsecaller on the official test, so I'd go with those two. Being able to fly, teleport, transmute things/people, and make things stick together would probably improve my quality of life to a significant degree.

No more super-commutes. I'd be living the dream with that alone.

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Bondsmith and anything else obviously.

If Bondsmith is out, Elsecaller/Edgedancer. Realmatic transfer, Transformation and the Ability to heal others. Abrasion is just icing on the cake.

I'm curious if you could achieve the two orders dream by using one of the Honor blades while also being a KR? I was really hoping we would see Dalinar use Jezrien's blade at some point but that seems unlikely now.

edit: fixed a type

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Lightweaver and Willshaper

It seems like the speaking truths has no conflict with freedom, and Soulcasting and Cohesion work well together. Transportation and Lightweaving are also nice, as you could set traps with the Cohesion / Soulcasting and disguise them.

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I'd go with Lightweaver Elsecaller or Lightweaver Willshaper since I match up pretty close with all 3 of them but I love the idea of putting on shows just using Lightweaving it would be a lot to juggle but I would like to see the implications of orders taking on more domestic rolls.

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Truthwatcher is definitely the one I fit best, and then ... hmmm.

Lightweaver seems easier to make work with another Order since they don't really have oaths that can conflict, but those two Orders' approaches to truth might not work together well.

The Orders we know the most about the Oaths for (Windrunner and Skybreaker) don't fit me well at all. I mean, I can see the "rule of law" aspect of Skybreakers, but not the whole 'going out and enforcing it yourself' part, even aside from all the crazy stuff Nale's doing with the Order.

Edgedancer maybe? I do like their ideals but don't know that I'd do a good job at them.

Truthwatcher + Elsecaller would be more interesting to me for the powers (healing/plant growth, transformation, transportation) but we don't know enough about Elsecaller oaths to know if those are compatible. Jasnah's scholarly mindset makes it seem plausible though. So until we learn more about the Oaths that's probably what I'd go with.

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