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  1. A. Fused are surge binders. 1.“I don’t know who that is,” Navani said. She is bad. Terrible. Few Fused are as … frightening to me as she is. She’s trying to change me. So far, she changed only the portion of me that suppresses Surgebinding, reversing it so it affects Radiants instead of Fused. But she intends to go further. Much further. 2.These ones—called the makay-im, or “Those Ones of the Depths”—had access to one of her same Surges: the ability to turn stone into a liquid. 3. said—best not to lie until she had to. “Nine brands of Fused,” Raboniel said. “Nine Surges. You know of the Surges?” “The innate forces by which all life, all reality, are connected. Gravitation. Transportation. Transformation. But … I thought there were ten?” “That is human talk,” Raboniel 4.“They claim a tenth, of Honor alone. Adhesion is not a true Surge, but a lie that was presented to us as one. True Surges are of both Honor and Cultivation—Cultivation for life, Honor to make the Surge into natural law. Things must fall to the ground, so they created Surges to make it happen.” “And the Surge of these ones?” Venli asked, gesturing toward the Deepest Ones. “Cohesion,” Raboniel said. “The Surge of Axial Connection—the Surge that binds the smallest pieces of all objects to one another. The Surge that holds us together. The makay-im can meld their essence into the essences of 5.“The Radiants each have two Surges,” Venli said. “The Fused each have one. So are the Radiants more powerful?” “Powerful? Is it better to have more abilities, or to have one ability handled expertly? We of the Fused know our Surge with an intimacy a Radiant will never know. Humans. They 6. You will probably read the above passages quote the wob about the Rosharian considering any form of power to be a surge. However Raboniel isn’t your typical Rosharian and she makes it clear in the passages, I quoted that she has a very strict standard for what is and is not surge binding. And clearly she considers herself to be a surge binder. 7. I don’t have a copy of the other way of Kings so I can’t copy paste quotes. However, I’m sure you’re familiar with the passage where clearly states the heart void binding is seeing the future. None of the fused have the ability to see the future. So how could they be void binders. B. Spren Eating thoughts Again, I can’t copy this on my phone so you’ll have to look it up in your own book however syl when asked on the topic of what Spen clearly says that they eat the thoughts people have thinking about.
  2. Very interesting I would like to bring up some few points. 1. It’s not necessarily that the powers themselves are feuded by passion, but rather the spren are fueled by passion and intern grant investiture to those who feed them. We know spren feed off of human thoughts of them. So if voidspren Represents passions, then people feeling passion could theoretically feed them. 2. I’m not convinced that emotions equals passions exactly mainly because of what is discussed in the preview chapters. 3. This idea of surges breaking connection is interesting but I’m not not sure how well it holds up. I don’t see how Renren illumination breaks any kind of connection. Yet what he’s doing is clearly using a void binding power as a surge. 4. The fused are not void binders. They have pacifically said to be surge binders. And they show no talent to see the future, which is a key component of void binding. (interesting enough I do believe that Regals are void binding since they use void Spren, and we know that at least one form can see the future)
  3. No, Odium is not about conflict conflict. It’s just a byproduct of what he is he is about passion specifically hatred to a lesser extent passion in general. @ShardlessVessel I suspect that instead of a inverse first oath the void binders will have something more demanding something like “Take my Pain” a phase already associated with odium and unmade
  4. It does seem that the unmade or connected to taking away emotion or at least negative emotion. We see this more than just thrill, but also with the heart of the revel. And I believe there even a death rattle that refers to it. Given that the unmade are associated with void binding it does suggest that there could be a connection
  5. I thought of the thrill as consuming your fear, guilt, and other negative emotions you may experience while fighting. Exchange for amplifying the positive emotions of fighting, your sense of power, your desire to compete, to prove yourself stronger, etc.
  6. The Lord Ruler Vin kondra kelsier Kaldien Dalinar jasna shallon
  7. It my theory that she will die but leave behind a journal that her successor will read and that will be flashbacks
  8. passion, but not Passions, just talking about having passion doesn’t make you a believer or follower of the Passions. That’s like assuming that just because someone uses the word faith a lot they must therefore be a Christian.
  9. Well, we have plenty of evidence that the passions are connected to odium I don’t know why you think that they are connected to the singers? None of the singers follow the passions. And none of them are void binders so it wouldn’t make sense for them to. The only people that we see follow, the passions are humans. So it makes sense that it is a human origin. Especially since we know that they were humans that followed odium both before and after the first desolation.
  10. How do I do that exactly? got your message thanks. @dofurion been thinking about possible void orders based on fabril void version of edge dancers: combinations of the emotions, hate and surprise, maybe a rage order? light Weaver Hate and sadness. Envy? What are your thoughts? Do you have any ideas for the other orders?
  11. Best theory so far makes the most sense. I still think the swat team and the mistborn killer will play a role at least in the beginning. Maybe the main character starts on the swat team hunting the mist born killer but gets recruited into the ghost bloods at the end of part 1 book 1
  12. Cinder hearts are full of investiture, so if you did manage to awaken one I think it’s char would be more closer to a shadow then a lifeless.
  13. I see still I never noticed that. Still the fact A pewter exists proves that it is possible. And we have seen similar attributes enchanted by investiture in ferochemy as well. Perhaps it just a matter of amount of investiture or just that most magic systems don’t have a path to do this. I think I can get around by concentrating the investiture into a more limited area than a pewter. After all a pewter enhance the hole body where as where as this only does a part of the body, and P pewter effect many aspects of the body where as this only effect one trait of the body. Do you think these two combined could get around the power cost issue?
  14. You should probably book up a problem they would have and how he can fix them. here are a few ideas 1. Something to make them walk up walls. Is there a large trees that were climbing them would be an asset for travel and. 2. Maybe some sort of vine that could let you swing some tree. This would look cool and yes, it would also help with travel. 3. Something that allows you to connect to or gathering information from trees. this might be a way further them to record history of important events, sort of like a primitive form of data storage. If you want to go for cyberpunk thing, maybe Keaton be like some sort of tree Internet. 4. something that allows you to drain nutrients from others. Since health is so important for the magic system something that allows you to take help from others would be a useful weapon. I hope these ideas hell at the very least they might get your brain thinking. Allow me to clarify nothing changes biologically by using strengthen Instead, it just reinforces, a portion of your body is durability with investiture.
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