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  1. With more god metals being revealed in Bavadium and Raysium being revealed, does anyone have any ideas for possible god metals? They don't have to necessary be connected with any specific shard (as I don't really see a pattern between them). I am also talking about the properties relating to investiture not any of the metallic arts. Atium: We haven't seen pure Atium yet, but I always thought that it would passively disperse concentrated, passive investiture. For example, you put it next to a invested polestone and the polestone loses investiture at a faster rate than usual. Lerasium: I always thought that Lerasium provides connection. The power comes from your genes and how you were born. However, those genes have to establish a connection to the preservation to get the power. I always thought that Lerasium provided that connection. I don't know if it would be able to provide connection to other shards, but it would be interesting. Other Possible god metals: I think there are couple that should be easy. If Trellium naturally repels investiture, then there is probably a god metal that naturally draws it closer. If Raysium conducts investiture like a copper wire , there should be a god metal that blocks investiture like rubber and electricity. Some more interesting god metals would be: a god metal that wasn't affected by force pushed upon it (can't be moved at all), a god metal that destroys investitures connection, a god metal that increases the force pushed upon it greatly. Note: Shardblades and shardplate are technically god metals of both honor and cultivation. I have no idea what their "passive" effects could be, but I thought I would mention them.
  2. Thinking about Kelser had been reviewed made me think of how Szeth was reviewed. Kelser basically pinned his soul to his body with a spike. This made me think of Szeth and how he was revived. The coppermind says that Szeth was he was reborn with a fabrial, but I don't really like this idea. Nale isn't a Artifabrian, so it doesn't really make sense. I wonder if they used a similar process to what Kelser did. Using some method a similar method, they literally pinned Szeth's spirit to his old body. It had been enough time that his body hadn't gone beyond the point of stormlight healing yet, and his soul was only starting to partially fade. The moment that Szeth's starts to fade into the beyond, Nale grabs his soul and does his shenanigans to pin Szeth's soul to his body. That would be an interesting way to explain the weird after shadow that Szeth leaves and it may even have interesting implications if Szeth can access the beyond (though I think it is unlikely).
  3. I thought false father was related to Odium's Storm. It is like the stormfather, but it is specifically different. Out of the three stormfather like spren we know of, there is the sibling, the stormfather, and maybe Odium's spren. So maybe that spren was trying to work with Galivar on something.
  4. Stoneward and windrunner. I don't know about oaths, but you could form stone thingys and then shoot them like stone arrows. and that sounds awesome.
  5. This is kinda a dumb question, but in a one-on-one, who would win, Adonlin or Dalinar? This is without stormlight. Both users have plate and blade. Let's make both of them prime ages, but Dalinar does not have the thrill. I thought because Adolin is the "best" duelist in the world, but Dalinar is the blackthorn. Who do you think wins?
  6. Completely agreed. I wonder if you could store 100% of your weight and use the smallest possible lashing to move around.
  7. Ah. I still think it is interesting. The idea of flying through air at super speed is awesome.
  8. I was thinking of how Ishar is going to need a lot of radiants make oaths around him to be sane enough to teach Dalinar. I wonder if somehow fixing sprens sanity has a similar effect. It would give more weight to Adolin's storyline with his blade and his becoming more sentient. There are a lot of deadeye blades and a lot of them could be "fixed" causing Ishar to have sanity for a while. This doesn't mean that they have to immediately find bonds (though that would help). They could just become "normal" spren and this would create a similar effect on the heralds as people saying oaths. I don't know how they would fix Spren (maybe a new connection with Honor), but I think the effect on Heralds is possible (if it is a connection issue with the spren).
  9. This one is kinda obvious, but f-nicrosil and any bond. Infinite stormlight good (maybe. we don't know how nicrosil storing works). I think that windrunner and a f-steel would be a super interesting combination. Because you could store speed when you are falling to control where you are going. Imagine being able to slow down to a pin where to are just hovering. Making like, a million lashing at once and then storing all of that speed in the steel. Maybe you release it all at once, and then pew like a slingshot. Another cool one would be f-cadium and elsecaller. It would make it much easier to travel the ocean of beads. You would never have to breath.
  10. Now that is something awesome that I never saw before. If the last shard is anguish, I think the theory falls apart. Anguish and Autonomy don't really go together and while Anguish and Ruin do, that pushes out Odium and Odium doesn't match with Autonomy either.
  11. I would be a full feruchemist. There are many Mistborn powers that interact with each other or do nothing useful for the user. Without any other Mistborn, copper, bronze, nicrosil, chromium, and Aluminum are all useless without other Mistborn (Aluminum is just less useful in general compared to other metals). Feruchemist powers don't interact with each other, and you would be the strongest. If I were in a world where multiple people got to make this decision, I would 100% choose Mistborn. Two Mistborn are unstoppable; now all those powers are useless and become very useful (except poor Aluminum).
  12. Hello and welcome. I think this is a fantastic idea of how to sort them. If the coppermind is correct, the last shard should be similar to wisdom or prudence. Maybe it is something along the lines of isolation. That would go with Autonomy, and then this matching system would work. Perhaps the last shard is "wise" because it wanted to stay alone forever. Another small thing that made me laugh is that you correctly put Odium on the emotional side, but Rayse would totally disagree.
  13. First of all, I totally may be wrong. That being said, I always thought that the stronger your identity, the more you can resist change (via investiture). We see this when Shallan talks to the stick. The stick has a strong identity as a stick. Shallan has to really push for it not to be a stick. This effect is much stronger in people as people have a very strong identity. You soul has a very strong idea of what it is even if you don't. Spoilers for the emperors soul below if you haven't read it. Another example of something with a strong identity resisting change is the tower. The tower resisted the change that Raboniel was pushing on it. She had to flood the entire tower with light and then "unmake" it. Which we know is a very destructive process to the original thing (from how spren talk about it).
  14. So cognitive shadows are interesting. Vasher describes them as type two entities which means that they are at least partially invested still. Below I am going to list out some ideas that I had about realmatic theory regarding cognitive shadows and there interactions with investiture. Before anything else, I want to say that it would be hard to change the investiture once the cognitive shadows are made as they have a very strong identity at that point. 1. What happens if you corrupt the investiture inside of a cognitive shadow? As they are invested, they can be corrupted. This would be extremely hard as they have a very strong identity as a person; however, it would still be possible to corrupt them. 2. Anti-investiture cognitive shadow Given the right situation, I wonder if a cognitive shadow could become invested with anti-investiture instead of investiture. I think you would have to do this as the cognitive shadow is forming. You put the person in the situation (put the dying person in a vacuum and highly invest them, but they are humming the anti-tone. Maybe with a investiture pressure difference you can keep the investiture inside of the person). Once this happens, I think the person would just explode in the cognitive realm, but I think it could be possible.
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