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Primeival Chaos

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Everything posted by Primeival Chaos

  1. Maybe that is a way that Ishar could be cured? Take him into the highstorm when all 3 bondsmith spren are connected?
  2. You can more suddenly change directions and have quicker boosts of mobility compared to Lashings. It is also more efficient with the Investiture you use than stacking multiple Lashings
  3. Sorry, I guess that was unclear. I meant in flight or moving distances
  4. Allomancy is better in close quarters, and Gravitation is better at longer distances. Allomancy is better when there is lots of metals nearby (i.e. Luthadel), and Gravitation is better when it is open air and less metals. Allomancy includes both pushes and pulls, whereas Gravitation is more powerful but once it leaves your hand, it's gone I feel like it is the difference between a dagger and a spear. Both are better in some situations, and both are worse in some situations
  5. I think that he just considers the village as part of his family. He talks about how he feels a bond with them after healing their injuries and delivering their babies. He knows that they are misguided and ignorant, but he believes that is exactly why he needs to stay. He raises both of his children in a loving home, and teaches them a strong moral code. He believes in sacrifice and helping others. He does project a lot of that onto his children and lived a little through Kaladin, but he had good intentions. He is probably one of if not the best parents in the entire cosmere. His moral code and Kaladin's moral code start to fall apart in RoW, and that hurts him. He loves his children and wants them to be the best they can be. He firmly believes in his moral code. Yes he is a bit overbearing and disrespectful, but so is Kaladin.
  6. I chose a feruchemist with zinc compounding. I just think that feruchemy is much more versatile than allomancy, and I'm not going to be in a lot of combat situations, so zinc compounding seems best to me.
  7. Windrunner: Access to Basic, Full, and Reverse Lashings Basic Lashing- The most important of the Windrunner's powers in this fight, allows flight. Full Lashing- Much less usable than Basic Lashings, not used much in arial fights as one with a Skybreaker would be. Reverse Lashings- Still less useful than Basic Lashings, could be used to block projectiles. Increased squires- Probably not allowed to have squires in a 1v1 match Skybreaker- Access to Division and Basic Lashings Basic Lashing- same as Windrunner Division- We haven't seen much of Division. We know Dustbringers can burn and engrave things with their powers, but Skybreakers may be different. Overall, I think that a Skybreaker would win. Full and Reverse Lashings don't really offer much in a fight in the air. Dodging projectiles would be much more efficient than pulling them with a Reverse Lashing, and Full Lashings are very situational. We don't really know what Division does for Skybreakers, but that surge seems more offensive to me than Adhesion. Other than that, assuming equal skill, they are the same. Both have Sprenblades and Shardplate. Both can fly, and both are more combat focused orders, from what we've seen in the books. It comes down to what is more applicable in a 1v1- Division or Adhesion
  8. Not to mention that he pays specific attention to others around him that other Lighteyes would ignore. He jokes around and cares about darkeyes. He's like a perfect candidate for Edgedancers, as I've thought for a long time
  9. So we know that Nightblood bleeds out a dark, almost liquid smoke. What would happen if you were to collect this liquid-ish smoke? What kind of investiture would it be? Would it be similar to what was consumed, or would it be too corrupted to use? Would it immediately dissapate? What do you guys think?
  10. Man I love Adolin. It's refreshing to have a character that doesn't have a horrible, messed up backstory. He's just a good kid. He had access to things that the others didn't and he's still a spoiled rich kid. But he is nice to everyone, and he isn't some overpowered anime character like the other viewpoint characters. Personally, I think that his character arc is one of my favorites, and I can't wait to see what happens next with him. He's something new.
  11. I got that exact same jacket for Christmas! Down to the color. I also got the first 3 books of the Wax and Wayne series, and a shirt with the cosmere symbol on it. And 3 mistborn posters- table of feruchemy, table of allomancy, and the map of the final empire
  12. This actually terrifies me though. Imagine Sazed goes insane and descends into Discord. All of a sudden, all non-metal writing in the world goes haywire, shifting and changing infinitely. No one can read anything anymore. They would have to make ink with metal shavings in it or something
  13. Just want to point out this WoB. Hoid felt that the Shattering was necessary.
  14. I feel like you are overestimating the ability of the average Radiant. Thus far, we have seen mostly the peak of the skill level of the Radiants. Kaladin, Jasnah, etc. Hundreds of Fused is definitely an overstatement, even for Kaladin or Jasnah. The Fused are still highly skilled. Think Leshwi, or the Pursuer. Radiants are definitely overpowered, but Fused are nothing to joke around with. Most of the relatively new Radiants are 100% outclassed by Fused. But I do think that the strongest Radiants like Kaladin and Jasnah are worth many Fused
  15. The way I see it, anyone with a connection to it can burn a God Metal. I think that's why anyone on Scadrial can burn Lerasium. They have a piece of Preservation in them. Maybe if a fullborn was able to do some shenanigans with storing connection and investiture could burn any God Metal. But that's just speculation
  16. Could you even make your shardblade big enough to block an entire hallway? That's a big stretch for me. The biggest we see them get is 6 feet by a handspan or so, which is a very small hallway.
  17. I think for me zinc compounding or electrum compounding. One because it's like you can pause time whenever you want and think about things, and the other because I am very unproductive with my time lol. I feel like being a fullborn is cheating, otherwise obviously I would do that
  18. Sorry I meant a fight where they are really close, like 5 feet away. That's what I assumed you were referring to when you said that you thought the opposite, and how a shardblade would be king in a close quarter fight. Also, this seems like something that even Jasnah would struggle with. It's a lot of stone to make a hallway, even if it is small. Also, air is really hard to soulcast. The amount of concentration and Stormlight this would take even if the Lightweaver could do it would outweigh the benefits of it I think. There are more efficient ways to murder a Mistborn.
  19. That's a good point. Being able to identify illusions is a major point in Mistborn's favor. Shardblades are definitely one of the major things keeping a Mistborn from absolutely stomping a Lightweaver. Instantly creating any weapon is certainly powerful, but I think that the advantages offered by pewter, electrum, and chromium can outweigh that. Yes, the Shardblades cripple you if you are hit, but Mistborn are very good at dodging, especially with only one enemy. All the Mistborn has to do is knock away the Shardblade and start leeching. However, if the Lightweaver gets a lucky hit in, they could win. I imagine a close quarters fight going like this. The Lightweaver summons their Sprenblade. The Mistborn then puts up a bendalloy bubble, gets out of the way of the swing, sends a super Soothe at them, and jumps closer. They use pewter to knock away the Sprenblade and leech the Lightweaver. The Lightweaver is now defenseless against the mega-strong Mistborn. In what scenario would a Lightweaver beat a Mistborn in a close-quarters fight? I legitimately don't see how the Lightweaver could win, unless they had some weird Soulcasting Lightweaving shenanigans already going on or Dues ex Machina. Could you expound more on this @Ookla the Frustrated.?
  20. Ok this is getting off topic. Before we start yelling at each other, can we just reset? Instead of saying "no u" to everything, can we agree on where they are fighting and what resources they have? How about this. Spoilered for size. Scenario 1- Scenario 2- Obviously, these are just possibilities. The Lightweaver may be faster or slower with their abilities, and the Mistborn might be more or less aware of what the Lightweaver is doing. However, I think that there are some certainties. Whoever gets the drop on the other wins. Mistborn assassinates, Lightweaver disorients. If they get in close quarters, Mistborn wins, no question. Assuming equal training, the Mistborn is still faster and much stronger than Lightweaver, with better reflexes and Leeching abilites. The Lightweaver cannot Soulcast the Mistborn. Long range is in the Lightweaver's favor. They can heal from the coins easily, and throw illusions out to their heart's content. However, and this is just my personal opinion, I think that the Mistborn wins more. What are some other scenarios that you guys can think of? Do you agree with my assessment? What about my rules about their abilities?
  21. I have not, nor do I want to. It doesn't sound like a particularly fun experience. NHIE understood the theory of relativity
  22. This is still assuming that the Lightweaver is able to soulcast large areas without touching. It is technically possible, but it's like saying that the Mistborn is a savant with every metal and knows each one interacts, including time bubbles. It can happen, but only with lots of practice and dedication that I'm assuming doesn't happen with the average Mistborn/Lightweaver
  23. That's exactly what this WoB is talking about. "If you're doing it from inside a bubble, you could probably effectively get something like a duralumin hit" (Referring to Soothing or Rioting). Cheap duralumin level Soothing or Rioting without actual duralumin. The Lightweaver would never be able to concentrate. It would be debilitating, especially in a vital moment.
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