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Showing most liked content on 04/14/19 in Posts

  1. This recently rediscovered image is believed to be from the final days of the false desolation. This “Full Set” is perhaps the final strike team to be issued out of Urithiru before its abandonment. Consisting of one representative from each order of Surgebinders they were tasked with pursing escaping Parsh and what was at the time believed to be the last remaining Thunderclast into the broken ruins of Stormseat. Tensions between the orders were already apparently high at the time of their sending, regardless no one save the Bondsmith ever returned, and no other record of what they found or experienced exists today. (scholars note: there are several spren, plants, and cremlings scattered throughout the background and margins, one wonders what other secrets may be hiding in this sketch.)
  2. YKYASW this necklace that your friend sent you looks like a Cryptic so you name it Ellipsis and pretend that it can hum to you.
  3. 6 likes
  4. So I found a picture online a long time ago and decided to get it tattooed upon me as I feel like the first ideal isnt just relevant in this universe but our own as well. Let me know what you think!
  5. Don't bring pineapples near Voidus. Don't bring pineapples into the alleys. Don't eat pineapples. Don't talk about pineapples. Actually just never do anything that involves pineapples, except possibly erasing them from existence.
  6. Hello everyone! I'm a college student (and recent recruit) and was searching on Red Bubble for some fun stormlight related stickers when I realized there were almost NONE. I thought to myself how is this possible when I know so many amazing artists and fans of the series exist??? I personally thought it was a great tragedy, especially since harry potter, percy jackson, and so many other series have an endless sticker treasure trove. So, I took it upon myself to create some new ones that I thought might be worthy of the series. However, I only started a few days ago (2 lol) so I don't have that many. -Thanks! Vivid2323
  7. Hi! I've been a huge fan for a long time, but apparently no other college students feel the need to read books or, more specifically, Sanderson's books despite me basically shoving them down their throats. I've been on here a few times, but finally decided to make an account because you all seem fantastic and also I'm procrastinating homework. Oh I also recently (two days ago) started designing laptop stickers for the stormlight series (I have read all of his other series too tho don't worry) because I felt that Red Bubble and Etsy were severely lacking in Sanderson related stickers and it was tragic. Well anyway that is a lil about me and my existence!
  8. Hello! I'm Skylar and I've been a massive fan of the whole universe but mostly stormlight archive my buddy introduced me via using his audible and I've yet to find a series I'd want to go reread as many times as I have Sanderson books.
  9. Usually UPS, but sometimes Fedex and USPS. USPS is unreliable from my experience and costs the same. Also, could we get this thread back on topic? It's supposed to be about shipping...
  10. Dalinar might as well change his glyph pair to DEAD and MAN. He's got every possible target in the world of literature on him. He's just achieved enlightenment and become the best possible version of himself. He's come to terms with his past and literally made peace with his demon. He's become so ridiculously personally powerful that he can single handedly turn the tide of a battle. He has married the one who got away. He has written his autobiography. He's also a Moses archetype, communing with the Almighty to lead his people, using miraculous powers. And that means he's not going to set foot in the Promised Land. We'll miss him, but if anybody was ever at the end of their arc, it's Dalinar.
  11. Okay, so you all know the song “Escape,” (or better known as “The Piña Colada song,”) by Rupert Holmes. If you don’t, here’s the link. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_WkR2Tv4dq4 Anyway, I decided to create a 17th Shard version of the chorus. ... “If you like reading ‘bout mishmash, using cookies for bait. If you’re not into Moash, if you think Stick is great. If you like making awesome fan art or a sweeping Mistcape. We’re the people you’ve looked for, come to us and escape.” I know it’s pretty silly, but it was fun to make. (Expect trying to find a word I could use rhyming with Moash ) Also, I could fit in Mistcloak, so I did cape instead. Stinking rhyming Credit also goes out to @ThaylenEyebrows for helping me come up with this.
  12. I honestly never thought of placing myself into one but I'd like to think I would be a wind runner. I dont belong on the ground. I am meant to fly
  13. The Knights Radiant: Go on vacation Windrunners: Run out of stormlight halfway over the atlantic. Skybreakers: Deal out some nice, relaxing JUSTICE. Dustbringers: Blow something up. Edgedancers: Start being "awesome" and close your eyes. When you hit something, you're at your destination. Truthwatchers: Look into the future to figure out where to go. Lightweavers: Lightweave paris inside their bedroom. Elsecallers: Go to shadesmar. Cause, why not? Willshapers: Visit every wonder of the world. Stonewards: Go to a quarry. Bondsmiths: UNITE THEM! As in, the population of some third world country.
  14. Trix is for kids, silly rabbit! But seriously, those kids were mean to that poor rabbit! They had no right to deny him yogurt just because he wasn’t human.
  15. Vacuum/clean the floor... Windrunner-sticks all of the furniture to the walls and ceiling first then puts a reverse lashing on the vacuum to pull in the dirt (only it starts to pull in other stuff too) Skybreaker-reads the vacuum instruction manual then follows it to the letter. Dustbringer-blows up the house so the floor won't need to be vacuumed. Edgedancer-simply heals the floor to its clean spiritual ideal. Truthwatcher-foresees all the kids running across the floor in muddy shoes, so just leaves it as is. Lightweaver-Lightweaves a clean floor. Who has time for vacuuming anyway? Elscaller-Transports all the dirt into Shadesmar or Soulcasts it to air. Willshaper-the floor needs to be vacuumed? Stoneward-loosens the molecular bonds of the floorboards just enough to let the dirt fall through and then re-solidifies them. Bondsmith-helps the Windrunner stick the furniture to the walls and ceiling then fine tunes his lashings to pull only the dirt into the vacuum. Can some Knights Radiant come and clean my house please?
  16. Use proper scientific procedure when doing experiments.
  17. And so the breadmunks started their revenge on the make up industry. Everybody had earned a chance to become beautiful! Under their banner thousands upon thousands joined their voices to one large chorus.
  18. So they started a campain to sell their new invisible makeup. That fit every skin tone they could think of, even the one of pineapples.
  19. Without warning mist began to stream from under the door, flowing down the steps in a steady stream. It began pooling on the basement floor, slowly filling the room. The house, or what was left of it continued to shake and the low rumble increased in volume. It grew louder and louder, as if the sound was gaining momentum. Suddenly there was a clattering sound from the back of the room. Beads of glass began to fall on the floor at in a random pattern. The onlookers saw one of the wine barrels disappear in a pop, a glass marble falling in it's place. The rumble grew louder. Bricks in the walls of the cellar began puffing into mist now, even as various objects began turning into glass beads. The house shook with more and more violence, until it was impossible to remain standing. The rumble became a deafening ROAR. Finally the cellar door puffed into mist and the stream became a torrent, filling the room in but a second. The mist swirled as the roar became deafening and the house seemed to shake itself apart. Then it went totally still. The mists were motionless and the tremors had ceased. The moment seemed endless. Then there was a tearing sound. It was a horrible dissonance, as if reality was ripping itself in half. The room spun, and a a terribly human scream filled the air. The tremors resumed with a vengeance, flinging people around the room. Just when it felt like they couldn't take anymore there was a stupendous CRASH and then everything went black. ... It was still dark they they began to wake up. There was no way to tell how much time had passed, or how long the had been unconscious, but it was clear that the mist was gone. The objects in the cellar were no longer mist or beads, but they looked like they had been thrown violently around the room. Wine barrels were broken, bottles smashed, the contents spilled across the floor. The cellar door was closed, and there was no telling what lay beyond...
  20. Rysca felt the highstorm coming. But then, she always could. The black sky, with its small white sun, lightened as the storm approached. Floating above the sea of beads, objects and places of the Physical Realm, she saw the flickering pillars of flame, the small, inconsequential humans, gathering and fleeing as the physical storm hit them. She frowned at a few of them. The outer edge of their flames were tinged with red, a mark of one too long in Odium’s employ. Were she still to have access to the Physical Realm, they would pay dearly. But aside from the Stormfather’s prohibition on Nahel bonds, there were...a multitude of other reasons why Rysca would not seek such privileges. Screams from the past, her own and others, greeted her. She quickly shut them out, refocusing. The stormwall came into focus, and it awed her for a moment, as it always did. The Stormfather at its head, and the flickering remnant of Honour’s Perpendicularity, were enough to make any spren amazed, even here with the blurred sight of the Cognitive Realm. Then, as again it always did, the disappointment and loss hit. Honour shattered, and this mere fragment wandering endlessly around Shadesmar, giving the people of Roshar a false hope. The Stormfather himself certainly looked weary, even wearier than normal, as he drew alongside Rysca. YOU SENSE MY WEARINESS, DAUGHTER? the voice came. As always, it was never aloud, but came directly into her Spiritual Aspect. It had certainly been a fright the first few times it had happened, and Rysca still viewed each conversation as...well, an honour, but she had adapted well enough by now. She’d also learned that the Stormfather talked often enough with highspren, especially former Radiant spren, so she turned herself to the currents of the storm and stayed alongside him. Yes, Father, she sent back. If I may be so bold, I’d say you were fighting a war. She instantly cringed. Of course he was fighting constantly against the enemy. She braced for the explosion, or lecture, but neither came. Instead, a far-off rumbling was audible even to the Cognitive Realm. A sigh filtered through into her consciousness. IT IS A WAR, ALBEIT ONE I NEVER THOUGHT I WOULD FIGHT NOW. DAUGHTER, AN UNMADE TRAILS THE HIGHSTORM, SEEKING TO PREY ON SPREN WHICH FOLLOW IN ITS WAKE. IT IS A DANGER TO SHADESMAR, AND I MUST FIND AND VANQUISH IT. “Not alone, you can’t,” Rysca whispered. “I, for one, will aid you in this task.” Rysca the highspren looks to vanquish Unmade, and to bond a new Radiant. As such, she’s obviously not missing out on this game.
  21. Here’s a bunch of SA memes. Kaladin to Syl Taravangian Shallan and Jasnah Tien Syl
  22. What does Dr. Seuss use to wipe down his kitchen sink? Clorax wipes!
  23. I don't watch Game of Thrones. But apparently it's a 'pop culture phenomenon' so people keep inundating me with information about it. Anyway, I'm told that's there's a quasi-Mistborn setup, with houses and fancy families. I recently, against my will, I might add, learned that one of them, a certain 'House Arryn', has the motto 'As High As Honor'. YKYASW when your first thought upon hearing that is 'Soooo... six feet under?'
  24. Figured since I already started this topic today I'd just keep adding new ones I make since I doubt many other people will post on here and currently no one follows it so I wont bug anyone This one is bridge four's salute I thought it looked kinda bad chull, but I'm obviously biased haha. Plus none of my friends understand what any of my sticker creations mean since they haven't read the books so its nice to share with people who actually understand woohoo for community
  25. During Lusk’s eloquent speech one of the DA scientists ran into the room with a newly created spike displayed prominently in his throat. Motioning to two other people, he steadied himself. The two assistants stood behind him steadying him. Then, on the count of three, he blew a raspberry so loud and powerful that the room shook. The sheer force of the raspberry blew him and his companions over backwards, slamming them into the back wall as if they had been hit with a semi. The volume of the raspberry caused him and his companions to go deaf, but it was alright. They were deaf in the name of SCIENCE! Upon the completion of the raspberry to end all raspberries, the DA contingent burst into applause and cheers, for science had been advanced by leaps and bounds today. In addition, several members of the public were looking pretty impressed by the raspberry.
  26. “Now listen here, rustheads!” Lusk yelled, standing up, to get the attention of the council. The Keepers and the Diagramists. Both allies of the Ghostbloods. And yet they were arguing. And both were talented in their chosen specialties, so Lusk would need both of them to come out of this unharmed. Ah, the subtle art of diplomacy. “You all have been fighting like children,” Lusk said, looking to the old lady. “Even you, believe it or not. You all stand here, discussing about guilds and forgetting the underlying facts. So let me, Council Member and Representative of the storming Ghostbloods, say what I have to. The only reason you haven’t gotten more from us today is because we’ve had children representing instead of someone who actually knows what they’re rusting doing.” He cracked his knuckles. “To the Black Crusade, I sincerely don’t dislike you. In fact, I think our goals align more often than you’d think. But forget about that, the points you’re bringing up now are - frankly - disappointing,” he looked to Keleth. “And you, you are an ally, and a good one at that, and I know how you feel about the Keepers. But you’re wrong. “The Keepers are pacifists. That doesn’t mean that non-pacifists are bad, hell, I’ve killed more than my share of people and I’m not stopping any time soon. But the fact of the matter is that asking them to go against their values, go against the thing they’re founded on, or to take away their great guild status is not acceptable, by means. You know what? Storms, I’m not going to be polite, it’s downright criminal. “As they’ve said, they’ve lived with the Yetis. They’ve lived with every single one of the threats on their shadows-cursed mountains and while I hate the cold, you can’t deny that violence isn’t needed to survive they live in.” He looked to the Black Crusade member. “Maybe if you’d taken a hint on how to interact with Yetis peacefully from the Keepers you wouldn’t have gotten your own members killed.” He looked to the Diagramists. “I like your laws, but oppose the idea of a census, because the verdict is already clear as a Kandra, the Keepers are a great guild and will remain so,” he looked at the Black Crusade member. “And about your little ‘revenge’ mission, what in all hell were you thinking? The Yetis are an animal on Keeper territory, you can’t just walk in on somebody else’s land, I don’t care if those animals are causing issues, you take it with the nation who owns that land, you do not, and I repeat, do not waltz in on someone’s land, killing their animals and then have the gall to cry wolf when the government takes action? “Revenge is good. I’ve taken my share of revenge, too. And I completely agree, maybe if Fortress Eternal had taken a little bit more time to figure out how to interact with the Yetis they lived next to they wouldn’t have attacked, and even if they did attack, I can respect your revenge mission. I really do. But when you fail, when you are killed for doing an illegal activity, you don’t coming crying to us now. Your revenge was respectable, but not legal, and so government actions by the Keepers can not be condemned for your failure.” Lusk paused, his demeanour not enraged nor over-emotional, but perfectly intense. Just like when he’d been a young man all those years ago. The memory was nostalgic, to say the least. But then again, this had what caused him to climb the ranks to Council Member. To this. @Ark1002 @Grey Knight @Vargo Seldon
  27. Evaryone is doing the Dalinar line, so I'm breaking the pattern. -- He saw her normally in one world, and outlined in blue in another. The traveler reached out and took the woman by the shoulder, kneeled down, and whispered a single word. "Surprise" -- "Untie them!" -- Nightblood when someone asks what kind of dog he has "BORZOI BEAGLE!" -- Galadon, probably. "We're already dead. YOLO?" "I don't like either option, so I just try to keep my self in one piece. YOLO?" "Sule, you're dead. YOLO?" "Not a good idea. YOLO?" "Yesterdays classics have become tomorrow's lunch. YOLO?" this list goes on... -- She took out one of her Essence Marks as she walked. She inked it with bold strikes and returned the box of seals to her skirt pocket. Then, she slammed the seal against her right bicep and locked it into place, rewriting her history, her memories, her life experience. In that fraction of a moment, she remembered both histories. She remembered two years spent locked away, planning, creating the Essence Mark. She remembered a lifetime of being a Forger. At the same time, she remembered spending the last three thousand years trapped outside the pattern. Imprisoned there by her eternal enemy, the one called Dragon. Two places at once, two timelines at once. Then the former faded and she became Shai'tan, the name the fools who followed her enemy had given her. Her body became nothing because she no longer needed it. She slipped from the physical world and entered the place beyond, where she waited for her Chosen to free her. -- OK that last one wasn't a quote, but it was fun so I'm not sorry.
  28. "What's the most important soul a man can fake?" - Shai "What's the most important oathgate that's on stake?" - Dalinar "What's the most important line after this quake?" - Raoden "Who's the most magnificent bastard in this lake?" - Kelsier
  29. With the new season started what's everyones' thoughts on episode 1 endgame? Are there any parts you wish to see and those that you are sad they skipped over? Game of Thrones success gives me such a good outlook on upcoming shows such as Wheel of Time and Lord of the Rings that hopefully in the future we get something Sanderson related.
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  30. So, I couldn't find a thread discussion on this topic of twinborn possibilities. I honestly dont know why I have it in my head that this combination could lead to some really interesting/power things. And I kinda want to talk to people about it. So a steel allomancer can push on metals while a chromium feruchemist can store Luck to tap into at a later time. This could lead to really cool trick shots and all around fun reading I think. And it doesnt help I have it in my head a character being of this type of twinborn and saying something along the lines of "I guess that was a... lucky shot" after they get out of a close scrap with someone.
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  31. When your brother is talking about how anything entertains him and he says, “I get excited by rocks.” and you think of Tien.
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  33. @xxGaea was the other person to take the gun, pretty much confirming them for the last elim in my eyes. xGaea [/color] edit: just read the write up *facepalm*
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  34. I don't believe the entire planet is represented in the CR. I believe that only the areas with people are represented. This would deal with some of the problems. For Roshar at least. The CR would be flat because not enough of the planet is being represented to make an impact. If you did travel to the other side of Roshar, and elsecall to CR, I would imagine you would appear at the nearest part of the CR that exists. Or maybe not. Maybe you would appear in a void!
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  35. Have you seen Phineas and Ferb? If you haven’t, I recommend it. It is high-quality, not in the same way as Sanderson, since it’s a cartoon, but it is still definitely worth watching.
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  36. Long enough for my mom to get annoyed. *aaaaand whatever we're calling Cassie x Jamie.
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  37. Sae said nothing as they approached the building. She knew that Draug was right, of course. But she still didn't want him to get killed. She'd lost too many; she didn't know if she could take losing any more. It was his birthday too, although he'd probably forgotten. Sae hadn't remembered either until she'd seen the date on one of the signs they'd passed. She still hadn't gotten a chance to tell him he was turning nineteen- although, knowing Draug, he probably wouldn't care that much. He was the kind of person who would give away presents on his birthday. She loved that about him. But sometimes she wished he weren't so selfless. ---- Draug perked up as he spotted Doc and Cassie at the entrance. His pulse began to increase. In spite of what he'd said to Sae, he'd been hoping that the Bondsmith wouldn't be Doc. Seeing him made the threat feel realer, somehow. If he didn't do something, they would likely be killed. He couldn't let that happen. Especially not to this pair. Without Doc, the whole operation would fall apart. And his stomach turned at the thought of the Voidbringer getting Cassie. As he got closer, he realized that they were talking to someone else, a red-haired stranger wearing a hat with an unusual triangular symbol on it. That must be 'Miss Worldbringer', he thought. The one the Voidbringer's after. He had to warn them- and fast. "Doc! Cassie!" he cried as he ran towards the trio, trying desperately to get their attention.
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  39. Loved the trailer Please less The Force Awakens and more The Last Jedi!
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  40. Found this one online, don’t know if it’s been done before.
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  41. Honestly I'd scale that up even, though I do imiagine similar proportions. Considering in my mind the basic warhorses shardbearers ride need to be gigantic to account for the weight of their riders under strain, a ryshadium needs to be an immense horse to handle it without strain. So this is a good reference. Though I'll admit my mental image was this, as goofy and over the top as it was =P
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  42. *slowly turns swivel chair around to face Jasnah* *steeples fingers* "Have you heard of Hemalurgy? I think you might find it.. interesting." *cackles menacingly*
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  43. The Second Ideal of Knights Paramedic. (sorry, bad joke)
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  44. It will be about the serendipity to accept those that you cannot save- key for Kal at the end of Part 3 and Part 4, something he knew was the Words but has never been able to make himself accept, and links into 1) his past experiences esp Tien 2) being a soldier 3) being a doctor/surgeon (and his memories of his father, in fact his issues with this may well starts with the fall out of this aspect and Roshone's son) 4) most importantly a KEY aspect of being a leader (which is where we think the remaining ideals will go)- sacrifice of others and not always just himself. Also pleasingly something he can learn from Dalinar and also his own father which will be nice
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  45. It'll probably come to a head when he next sees Moash/Vyre (a person he will want to save but can't).
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