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18 hours ago, Elenion said:

@Steeldancer If Inigo kills the 6-fingered man ("I want my father back you S.O.Cremling!") and then the 6-fingered man gets brought back, does that count for Inigo's win? If not, does Inigo get a refund of his kill, or will he have to get him lynched instead?

It counts towards his win condition, but then he would have to get him lynched. However, a kill/Lynch will always go into effect before a pill has the chance to. 


17 hours ago, Mark IV said:

Well, I mean, if you're asking so politely, I'm obliged to play. 

Sign me up as Mark.

What's in a name? (Except like lynch votes and all)

In case of a rum/dagger conflict, what happens?


Oh dear, I'm most certainly at the bottom of the list this time. 

The vote gets cancelled first, so the dagger won’t be used up. 

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2 hours ago, Elenion said:

Sorry for the spam, @Steeldancer, but if Mad Max Miracle Max achieves his win con, will he leave the game immediately or stick around until he's killed?

He’ll stick around. Speaking of which, right now we are looking at Miracle Max needing to revive 4 villagers and 2 eliminators. I’ll make the final announcement on that win con once day one starts, in case anyone else signs up. 

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As it has been foretold: I, Kay Oss, am joining this crew. Don't worry about the "doctors" labeling me a pyro, I'm perfectly fine. Ooh, so there was this one time- Shut up!

OOC: Kay may or may not have multiple people in her head

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Hmm. I've finally decided that I should sign up. I don't promise to be all that active past the first couple days, but I'll be around, and it's been too long since I've played. Sorry for the late signup, Steel. 

I'll be Elenta. 

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I think I’ll join this game as well. I love The Princess Bride so why not. I’ll sign up as Sir Shrei King Eel. Also, sorry for signing up so late. I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to participate. This game seems fun though, so I’m excited!

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I've been lurking through a few of these games and with The Princess Bride involved, how can I resist finally joining one?  We'll keep it simple and just call me Rath for this one.


Edit: Rules clarification - can you poison both cups with iocaine powder to commit suicide?  (and guarantee a kill if you're the preparer?)

Edited by Rathmaskal
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A few questions:
1. "Submissions for iocaine powder are required" - what happens if someone fails to submit an order? (Guessing death, but I'd like to make sure)
2. On a similar note, what's the timing on iocaine? If there's a tie at the end of the cycle, by what point are lynches required to have their powder action submitted? Is that revealed at the end of the Night, or?
3. What does someone being inactive for two cycles mean? Must they post in the thread? Does a doc count, or a PM, or the GM PM? Will exceptions be granted for people who inform you ahead of time that they'll be gone? 
4. Are fashions only during Days, as the rules imply? 
5. Does Buttercup block both of her target's actions, or only one? 

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Just now, Rathmaskal said:

:/  Sorry  Hope it doesn't make things crazy for you.

Believe me, Steel will not object to more sign ups to this game. He wants all the people.

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26 minutes ago, Elbereth said:

A few questions:
1. "Submissions for iocaine powder are required" - what happens if someone fails to submit an order? (Guessing death, but I'd like to make sure)
2. On a similar note, what's the timing on iocaine? If there's a tie at the end of the cycle, by what point are lynches required to have their powder action submitted? Is that revealed at the end of the Night, or?
3. What does someone being inactive for two cycles mean? Must they post in the thread? Does a doc count, or a PM, or the GM PM? Will exceptions be granted for people who inform you ahead of time that they'll be gone? 
4. Are fashions only during Days, as the rules imply? 
5. Does Buttercup block both of her target's actions, or only one? 

(stupid previous post posted before I was done) 1. If you don't put in your iocaine choice, any tie you are in will go against you.
2. The final iocaine thing at the very end of the cycle is what I will use to determine who survives. You can change it as much as you want, and I'll just take the last one.
3. No posting in PM, Doc, or Thread. GM PM does not count as being active. People will be granted mercy if they inform me otherwise, I don't want people dying for no good reason if they'll be active again when they come back. 
4. Fashions are during the whole cycle. I originally designed it with just the day, then realized that was silly. 
5. Buttercup is a complete role block. 
I'll put all these rule clarifications in in a bit. 

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Day One: Mawwiage

Grandpa Steel waved his hands into the air, entering the drama of the moment. "And so, they put Wesley on the cart-"
Alvron coughed. Grandpa Steel looked at him. 
"I find it boring that Wesley has to sit on the cart for all that time. What would happen if he went in and charged the wedding immediately?"
The aged man pulled down his reading glasses down a bit. "You really have it in for these characters, don't you." Despite that, he continued to alter the story.  

"I, the Dread Pirate Roberts, have come for your souls", the Giant intoned. Facing an unearthly burning apparition, backed up by a score of nasty looking pirates, the entire guard fled. Wesley got up off the cart, the miracle pill having taken full effect. "We have to find Buttercup!" The group glared at him. "No we don't. YOU need to find Buttercup. We are going to take the castle." "And I am looking for the Six Fingered Count. He is Mine to kill," growled Inigo. "Well then," Wesley said brightly. "We split up. Pirates, you split up into groups of 5. Fezzik, you go with Inigo. I can handle myself."


The noise of the guard screaming could be heard within the wedding. While the bishop droned on, Prince Humperdinck waited impatiently.
"...Mawwiage. Mawwiage is wat bwings us togeder today. Mawwiage, that bwessed awwangement, that dweam wifin a dream… "
Doors slammed, and men screamed. Buttercup looked up in hope.
"And wuv, twue wuv, will fowwow you foweva… "
Prince Humperdinck looked more and more nervous. Splintering wood could be heard. 

"So tweasure your wuv— "
"Skip to the end," insisted the Prince. The bishop raised a massive eyebrow, then proceeded along with his request. "Do you have da wing?"

"Alas, he does not!" shouted Wesley as he entered the room. At the sight of the Dread Pirate Roberts, the crowd fled- and so did the Prince. Buttercup ran to Wesley, and they embraced. 
"I knew you would come for me."
"We aren't done yet. We need to take this palace, or this country is going to go to war with Gilder. I brought my pirates and my new friends, so hopefully we can keep Humperdinck's scheme from working. Inigo told me that you were to be killed to set off the war; so I will keep you safe," explained Wesley.
Buttercup brought out a small dagger she had had in her dress. "I've learned a thing or two. I'm not quite as helpless as before. Let's go get him." And the two ran, hands clasped, in the direction that Humperdinck had gone.


Elsewhere in the castle, a group of pirates growled, looking for more palace guards to fight. Unfortunately for them, the Humperdinck and his Count, along with his best guards surprised them from behind. The pirates went down with hardly a sound. 
"Are you sure this will work, by putting on their pirate... apparel?" asked one of the guards.
"I am sure. It will give us the opportunity to get the drop on those pirates. But make sure the Princess stays alive- for now."
They all put on pirate apparel, and went looking for people. 
"My liege, these pirates. May I use them for further research in the machine?" asked the Count. 
"Of course. I am not sure how that Wesley survived, but this time I intend to kill him myself. Besides him and Buttercup, you may have the rest."
The Count smiled, and flexed his six-fingered hand. "Excellent." 

Day One has begun! It will end at 7PM EST on 6/3/18

Player List


1. Walin (Bill Ted)

2. Bort (Asu Wish)

3. Elephant Earwax (Maw Wiage)

4. Araris Valerian (Araris) 

5. Cadmium Compounder (Indigo Montoya)

6. Devotary of Spontaneity (Polydactylous Pterrodactyle) 

7. Eternum (Rob Indie Banks)

8. Hemalurgic Headshot (Leonard Wilkins)

9. Snipexe (Exetes the Wandering Artist)

10. Fifth Scholar (Plaristocrates)

11. Jondesu (Q)

12. Elenion (Shree King Eelz)

13. Roadwalker (Brutus Kowd)

14. Doc12 (D. Senfalo)

15. Dalinar Kholin (Reginald Canuk)

16. Bugsy (Dread Pirate Cummerbund)

17. Kidpen (Incan C. Vable)

18. Straw (Straw)

19. Mr. Doctor (Dead Private Hobbert)

20. Val (Val)

21. Randuir (Captain K.C. Grumbleton)

22. Sart (Grandpa Lace)

23. Coop772 (Kay Oss)

24. Mark IV (Mark)

25. Elbereth (Elenta)

26. Rebecca (Sir Shrei King Eel)

27. Rathmaskal (Rath)

Today's fashion is using the language of the Priest! Hard consonants are gone in the jokes that will get all the points. Let the fun begin!

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RP time:

Incan C. Vable walked through the palace, along with his group of four other pirates. Turning a corner, he walked along, until he stopped at a jewel encrusted door. Signalling for his team to stop, he slowly opened the door, to reveal one of Prince Humperdinck's many guards! Yelling "Scatter!" to his team, they all went in different directions in an effort to avoid this man.

Some art that was definitely by me depicting this and not at all found on google:


Image result for scooby doo doors gif


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