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I meant more of a not having to worry about votes by using Edema ruh as an excuse. I understand that you need the money from RPing and posting to make tuition. Which actually brings up an interesting thought.

Burnt, how have you managed to keep paying tuition when you have only been posting ~3 times a month?

Yeah, basically, what Wonko said. Except... I actually won my talent pipes, so that has kinda helped... I possibly should have said that I had gotten them the turn after getting them but I guess in that aspect I did kinda take advantage of people being nice to the Edema Ruh.... So sorry for that.... I didn't think it was the sort of thing that was essential for people to know. But I see now that perhaps not telling anyone wasn't my best idea.

So I guess you can probably think of me as more of  a Yillish commoner I guess.

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I need to post to get my ratio down. So I'm just going to remind everyone that the best thing any item-makers among you can be doing is to be churning out protective items and Plum Bobs. Physickers should be working to keep confirmed Villagers like Clanky and Lopen alive.

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To be noted: Orlok will be doing this rollover by himself. I could've done it by myself last night, but I needed a break since I've been working on this game almost non-stop when I'm not at work, so Orlok told me to take the night off and he could tackle it today. I'm currently at work, and therefore cannot help in any sort of consistent way, which is why the rollover is extended. I may have a bit of time after work to pitch in, but only an hour or two since I have things going on tonight. Still, the next turn will still be 48 hours, so you're not missing out on anything. :)

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Term 5: Month 1 - The Calm Before the Storm


[Writeup to be edited in]

No one was brought on the Horns.

Someone protected someone.

These students were elevated: Firemuffin, Lopen, Haelbarde, Wonko.


Edit: PMs are out.


This turn will end at 23:30 GMT on the 18th - in just under 48 hours.

Edited by little wilson
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So I updated the note-sheet (Lopens?) that was posted a few turns ago in case anyone else forgets like me,



Clanky - Was Insane. Student. No elevations and cannot be elevated.

STINK - Never been elevated.

Wonko - Elevated thrice.



Lopen - Elevated thice.

Mailliw - Elevated twice.

Ostrichofevil - Insane






DC – (Insane) Elevated three times.

Araris - Elevated twice.

Dowanx - Elevated once. Expelled



Weaving Webs(Sasuke)



Kynedath - Elevated three times. Insane.

Haelbarde - Elevated thrice.

Only Joe - Elevated once

Firemuffin - Elevated thrice.

Danosaur - Elevated thrice.


Mashadar Mistborn


Edema Ruh:

Elbereth: Elevated three times.

Burnt - Elevated twice.






I am not a skindancer

Edited by Danosaur
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Ok, so I am fairly confident at this point that there is a PC Master Archivist, since I have 21 EP in the Archives and haven't been elevated yet (as in, none of my elevations have been in archives) :/.

So one of the thrice elevated students probably studied exclusively in archives, had 15 EP, got elevated to El'the and gained 5 EP for studying a single area, and then became a master.

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I believe we would have been told that there is a master. Or at least we would have seen someone be raised for the 4th time, which we haven't yet. I think Archives is a highly desirable field, so lots of people filed EP in it. And remember the more EP increases the probability you are raised. It's not guaranteed. Someone putting 1 EP in Archived each turn could be raised 3 times in a row, all the while you are sitting there with 20+EP. So I think you've just been unlucky.

I feel your pain though. I funnelled the same amount of EP into a different field, but I had to pick up my first two elevations in different fields to where all my EP was...

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Ok, so I am fairly confident at this point that there is a PC Master Archivist, since I have 21 EP in the Archives and haven't been elevated yet (as in, none of my elevations have been in archives) :/.

So one of the thrice elevated students probably studied exclusively in archives, had 15 EP, got elevated to El'the and gained 5 EP for studying a single area, and then became a master.

It doesn't actually work like that. I can't remember if I told someone that you'd be instantly elevated two ranks, but if I did, I'm sorry, because that's not the case. You can only be elevated one rank per turn. No more than that. Even if you have the EP to jump from Re'lar to Master, you can't. All elevations are public and known.

If I were allowing the jumping from Re'lar to Master, I should've been allowing people to be elevated more than once if multiple Masters chose them (which had happened *many* times so far), but since that's not an option, I don't think it would be right to let people skip straight to Master. The public elevations are meant to track players' ranks.

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Ok, so I am fairly confident at this point that there is a PC Master Archivist, since I have 21 EP in the Archives and haven't been elevated yet (as in, none of my elevations have been in archives) :/.

So one of the thrice elevated students probably studied exclusively in archives, had 15 EP, got elevated to El'the and gained 5 EP for studying a single area, and then became a master.

I mean. If you're elevated to El'the and get those 5 EP, it's just a no-cost elevation rather than an actual bonus unless you have less than 5 EP in the first place. Which is unlikely, though possible, if you've made it all the way to El'the.

So, with the "someone protected someone" thing, I'm presuming that's from the Skindancer sabotage, since there wasn't one. That means that we either have a WGG gone wrong because someone forgot to ask if the protected person would be revealed in the writeup (which is possible but unlikely), or someone's really good (or really lucky) at guessing the Skindancer target. Either way, good. No sabotage is good. I'm less thrilled that no one's managed to protect from a kill before, but I understand that protection rarely works, so it's fine.

Not much to say other than that. Meh. Maybe I'll do some RP again, just because I want to. It doesn't really require wifi to type out, after all, and I do have plenty of time in the car. Maybe Varda could react to DC's insanity (though I'm a bit late on that).

Or not. We'll see. Whatever.

Wonko, any more analyst results? Also, I am not a Skindancer.

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I would really like it if an Analyst could target me this cycle, so that this post can be proven, as it kind of affects most people's notes on power distribution.


So uh, I jokingly complained to the Gm's About not being elevated. Not expecting an answer, I asked how many Bloody points it took to get elevated in the Archives. (I have 20 ep in the Archives.) I can't quote or copy/paste, but Wilson replied, and said something along the lines of 'There's a field that may or may not have 80 Points in it. Guess which one.'


I asked her If I could relay that info to you guys, and she basically said that she didn't give me info, she said it was maybe.


So, if you're trying to get elevated in the Archives, there's a good chance that you won't, since apparently we all are. (That's assuming that Wilson isn't deliberately misleading me. But I trust she wouldn't deceive her First Disciple.) I haven't yet decided If I'm going to try for a different Disipline, or stay in Archives.


I am not a Skindancer.

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Hey, nobody died! Congratulations, everyone, on thwarting the REAL Eliminators of this game -- the Imre mercenaries.


Elb, I'm still waiting to hear back from my contact. I know who they were supposed to scan, but I don't know how that went. Hopefully we finally caught an Eliminator.


Also, wow, no wonder my 8 EP in Archives never went through.  :blink:


I am not a Skindancer.

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This just in: Danosaur has been cleared by the Analyst.


In other news, the Analyst and I are growing increasingly bewildered by our inability to land a single Skindancer. There should be around five of them out there, right?


Lopen, do you know who protected you? Don't tell us who it was, obviously, but do you know?

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@Wonko: Had we scanned Dow or DC? Because both are players effectively out of the game but I don't remember anything to suggest they couldn't be eliminators. We may have got lucky with those two. Sounds like we're having the same problem I did in AG2 - village seeker but exclusively scans villagers. And most of them were smokers... 5 would be the standard number this many players, yeah.

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This just in: Danosaur has been cleared by the Analyst.


In other news, the Analyst and I are growing increasingly bewildered by our inability to land a single Skindancer. There should be around five of them out there, right?


Lopen, do you know who protected you? Don't tell us who it was, obviously, but do you know?

This is the problem with protection and scanning roles. You would think that you'd catch Eliminators left and right, but the truth is that it's ridiculously difficult to find Eliminators. Nice for the eliminators, I guess, but quite annoying for the Villagers.

I wonder if anyone else has Linguistic Analysis at this point... If you do, please find yourself a proxy and have that proxy reveal to the thread. That way each Analyst can scan each other, just in case the current Analyst is an Eliminator, and thus must say that everyone is Village.

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Before I forget, going to be away for most of the weekend, starting about an hour and half from now, and I'll be away for almost 48 hours. So I'll not be around for rollover this turn, but should be back in time before the end of the next cycle. I might be able to get on during this time, but I can't promise that, hence the heads up. 

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