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The Analyst cleared Elbereth. My own attempts to do something useful with the Wind have yielded no fruit.

Also, Imre appears to be fully out of Bloodless, so we may have a problem. Hopefully, there are Artificers among you working on this round the clock. I know of one, but we're gonna need more than that.

Edited by Wonko the Sane
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I don't have too much to go on. I fully admit to not paying that much attention to this game when I was insane. I never really expected to get out. But mostly it's for a bunch of rp without much other content. Also for guilting people out of voting for you based on being an Edema Ruh and basically hiding behind that to keep you from harm. I don't like how easy it would be for a Skindancer to hide behind being an Edema ruh without having to do much real participation in thread.



Ah, fair enough. Well, as for guilting people out, when i got brought on the horns I was really quite annoyed about it all,  but these days, i think votes on the Edema Ruh aren't so bad anymore. We've both been elevated a few times, so perhaps now, not affording tuition isn't too bad? I mean, it's still annoying, but less so (Basically i'm saying, people can vote for me and i won't bite your head off :P )... As for not much content... well.. Sorry. I've been pretty distracted recently (been trying to balance study, book reading, 17th shard and life at the same time, and until i finish my pile of books then idk if i'm going to get much more active :/  ), and i know I should be posting more so I'll try to at least post more game relevant stuff instead of just the occasional rp (tho... doesn't mean i won't keep doing the odd rp... I've got another parody on the works :P  ).




Have percentages.




(0% means good, 50% means neutral, 100% means manifestation of pure evil)

Wonko - 0% - scanned by analyst

Lopen - 0% - Scanned by analyst

Elbereth - 0% - now scanned by analyst

(yes i know, 'what if the analyst is evil'. Well if the analyst is evil, then that will be sad. For the moment i'm willing to trust the results)

Clanky - 5% - been attacked by skindancers twice now

Ostrichofevil - 10% - been sabotaged

Kynedath - 20% - been sabotaged

(the following are more based on gut rather than reasoning)

Haelbarde - 45%

Araris - 48%

Only Joe - 49%

Dowanx - 50%

Danosaur -52%

Firemuffin - 55%

DC - 59%

Mailliw - 61%

STINK - 60%

Hrm. So my suspicions aren't exactly the highest but, generally people only make it into the ~80% when i have reasonably solid evidence against them.
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I mean, for me personally, it's more annoying now that I've been elevated because now there's the tuition inflation to deal with, too. But right now I don't care because I'm not making tution anyway, so it doesn't inflate it any more. Fortunately.

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So as someone pointed out, we’re starting to run out of players, and we’ve not got any confirmed skindancers yet. So now that I’ve sorta settled into uni now, I’ve finally been able to focus a bit more on the game. I’ve had 2 thoughts so far:


1) Have we actually verified that the Analyst is indeed an Analyst? Surely someone has been elevated in Archives and got the School Records ability. Wonko, don’t suppose you know someone you could ask who might have that ability? It’d be nice to know that your analyst has some chance at being who they say they are.


2) Stink hasn’t done a great deal. Most of his post have been quite short. He also seems to be less active - across LG17, he made ~90 posts. He’s made more like 30 posts in this game, and we’ve been playing this for what I’d estimate to be two thirds of the length of LG17. Two thirds of the posts he made in LG17 would be ~60. 30 posts is half that many.  He’s also a Vintish Nobleman. We have good reason to believe Clanky is not a skindancer, and I think Wonko is also quite likely not a skindancer. It has been suggested that it’s unlikely Stink to be a skindancer due to the fact he ordered an assassin on PK the same turn that the skindancers sabotaged him, which I think at the time may have been a fair point. But the skindancers have also showed they they’re not the most organized either - one turn, as far as we could tell from the write up, they either forgot to put in an order, or maybe multiple conflicting orders were placed, and then a subsequent cycle they attacked Bridge Boy after Kynedath had come up a plan involving BB being protected by a Physicker. So I think that based off that, one of the skindancers could well have put in an order to Sabotage PK at the same time as another one bought an assassin contract on PK.


@Stink: I think the other reason why we’d expect a nobleman to be a skindancer is that I’m sure that the GM’s would have anticipated vintish nobleman students stockpiling protective items, and maybe even the assassins, from the Imre, and so I’d expect that they would give the skindancer team at least one nobleman so they had a chance at buying the more expensive items in the Imre. So of the 9 noblemen, apart from the ones dead, insane, and expelled, Wonko and Clanky are quite likely good, Lopen has been verified by the Analyst (hasn't he? Again, assuming the Analyst is what they say they are), and so that basically leaves you and Mail. Of the two, I'm more suspicious of you. I'm not going to throw down any complaints just yet, but I thinking I will, before the end of cycle.

Edited by Haelbarde
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I think Stink is likely a skindancer. I would like to point out that he has not been elevated either (the only one who hasn't I believe). At this point it's very unlikely that he wouldn't have been elevated if he was using his EP. This means he is either always in Imre or is not attending the university. The skindancers could have sent a noble to Imre to buy protection items to prevent students from buying them. Since Stink is vintish he could afford these items. Especially if he is not paying tuition.




I am not a skindancer






Clanky also hasn't been elevated due to his temporary insanity

Edited by Danosaur
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1. "Stink hasn’t done a great deal. Most of his post have been quite short. He also seems to be less active - across LG17, he made ~90 posts. He’s made more like 30 posts in this game, and we’ve been playing this for what I’d estimate to be two thirds of the length of LG17." I was more focused on LG17, due to at the time being a contact for a hacker that killed an eliminator, having that hacker be an eliminator, and then try to defend myself from a sudden turnaround on me. As to why I didn't post as soon as I found out that I had died in LG17, it was because I was afraid that I would be biased as I was focused on LG17, and also wanted to cool down seeing as I was quite annoyed at being killed.


2. "But the skindancers have also showed they they’re not the most organized either - one turn, as far as we could tell from the write up, they either forgot to put in an order, or maybe multiple conflicting orders were placed, and then a subsequent cycle they attacked Bridge Boy after Kynedath had come up a plan involving BB being protected by a Physicker. So I think that based off that, one of the skindancers could well have put in an order to Sabotage PK at the same time as another one bought an assassin contract on PK." I don't have much evidence to help support me in this (as I've only been evil twice, both times only doing stuff on C1) but I can confidently say that to me, the fact that the eliminators can communicate in their doc (and have fun in it too) is their biggest strength, so if I was in it I would be making sure that everyone knows what is going on and who is doing what. You've seen a weakness in what the eliminators have been doing (or maybe it's on purpose) and think I'm contributing to it? 


3. "I think the other reason why we’d expect a nobleman to be a skindancer is that I’m sure that the GM’s would have anticipated vintish nobleman students stockpiling protective items, and maybe even the assassins, from the Imre, and so I’d expect that they would give the skindancer team at least one nobleman so they had a chance at buying the more expensive items in the Imre." It's sound logic, except for the fact that there is the common saying "GM's are trolls" (or something along the lines of that) for a reason. Maybe the GMs were feeling clever, and because it is quite simple to guess that someone would say that, decided to make no Vintish Skindancers. Basing suspicions off of someone's class is similar to killing someone based off of their faction in MR10. It's why I have been ignoring classes. I've seen it multiple times now, but (and sorry, Edema Ruh) we can't let people who started out with a low amount of money, continue to hide behind that and tug at people's emotions. As an example, how do we know if one of the Edema Ruh went to Imre and won a Talent Pipe? 


Speaking of that, it gives me another idea. This whole time (it seems), we've all gone after the people who started out with a high stipend, while we should also be wary of people with a medium/low stipend that got talent pipes and would be able to afford items coupled with their tuition (basically excluding nearly everyone). This point has most likely been deliberately skipped over at one point as well.


4. "Lopen has been verified by the Analyst (hasn't he? Again, assuming the Analyst is what they say they are)" Also, seeing as this secret Analyst is basically a seeker at this point, thanks to all the 'I am not a Skindancer' posts, I feel that it is more important to reveal them than ever. I personally haven't seen anything that says an Analyst exists, or that they aren't a Skindancer, what with it being likely that most people would try to tell the truth all the time, it would be fairly easy to claim Analyst. Therefore, I propose that we either all decide to secretly place a lie or don't so that if you lie and the Analyst says you told the truth then you know they are lying, and vice versa. Or we can have this Analyst reveal.


5. "I would like to point out that he has not been elevated either (the only one who hasn't I believe). At this point it's very unlikely that he wouldn't have been elevated if he was using his EP." As I have said before, I go to Imre once every term. In cycle 1, I place 5 EP with the Master Archivist and in cycle 2 I go to Imre and do Imre things. If we could please not lynch me/anything me based on my bad luck I would appreciate it, though I feel like many people are trying to level up in Archives anyway. 


Also, I have decided that I won't be attending the school today, seeing as I was basically wasting money on tuition. If anyone wants some Nahlrout or whatever, hit me up. 

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Ah, fair enough. Well, as for guilting people out, when i got brought on the horns I was really quite annoyed about it all,  but these days, i think votes on the Edema Ruh aren't so bad anymore. We've both been elevated a few times, so perhaps now, not affording tuition isn't too bad? I mean, it's still annoying, but less so (Basically i'm saying, people can vote for me and i won't bite your head off :P )... As for not much content... well.. Sorry. I've been pretty distracted recently (been trying to balance study, book reading, 17th shard and life at the same time, and until i finish my pile of books then idk if i'm going to get much more active :/  ), and i know I should be posting more so I'll try to at least post more game relevant stuff instead of just the occasional rp (tho... doesn't mean i won't keep doing the odd rp... I've got another parody on the works :P  ).




Have percentages.




(0% means good, 50% means neutral, 100% means manifestation of pure evil)

Wonko - 0% - scanned by analyst

Lopen - 0% - Scanned by analyst

Elbereth - 0% - now scanned by analyst

(yes i know, 'what if the analyst is evil'. Well if the analyst is evil, then that will be sad. For the moment i'm willing to trust the results)

Clanky - 5% - been attacked by skindancers twice now

Ostrichofevil - 10% - been sabotaged

Kynedath - 20% - been sabotaged

(the following are more based on gut rather than reasoning)

Haelbarde - 45%

Araris - 48%

Only Joe - 49%

Dowanx - 50%

Danosaur -52%

Firemuffin - 55%

DC - 59%

Mailliw - 61%

STINK - 60%

Hrm. So my suspicions aren't exactly the highest but, generally people only make it into the ~80% when i have reasonably solid evidence against them.


I'm really not too confidant about this whole group of people who have been scanned. I also think that being sabotaged successfully is more indicative of not being a Skindancer then being scanned by an anonymous linguistic student. Well at least not confident enough to give them a 0% chance of being a skindancer. 

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Wil had spent most of the last month in the Medica, recovering from Touka's exceptional jabs. He had laughed when he heard she had been sent to the Crockery. She was insane! No wonder she rejected him. 


Her words about his attitude had been pricking the back of his mind for the last month, bothering him over and over. He wasn't actually an arrogant prick, right? What could be so wrong with his attitude? Touka was just crazy, that's all. What did she know?


Wil didn't know how long it'd be before he could return to his studies. Hopefully, in time to learn what he needed to to catch whatever Fae were lurking around. He'd tried to read while he was in the Medica, but his shattered jaw and the incessant fussing of physickers interrupted his focus terribly. Now that he was out, with a set of crutches, he could at least study on his own.

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So what's the deal with complaining? Are we avoiding using the lynch, like we did 3 cycles back? Because I'd put down a complaint, but I won't if that's what we're doing.

Edited by Haelbarde
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So what's the deal with complaining? Are we avoiding using the lynch, like we did 3 cycles back? Because I'd put down a complaint, but I won't if that's what we're doing.

Honestly at this point I am not really seeing how the complaints have really helped us yet. We don't learn anyones alignment, there isn't really any need for players to defend themselves when they are not in danger of dying and all the actual consequences are decided mostly by random chance due to the Master DP being all NPC controlled.

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2. "But the skindancers have also showed they they’re not the most organized either - one turn, as far as we could tell from the write up, they either forgot to put in an order, or maybe multiple conflicting orders were placed, and then a subsequent cycle they attacked Bridge Boy after Kynedath had come up a plan involving BB being protected by a Physicker. So I think that based off that, one of the skindancers could well have put in an order to Sabotage PK at the same time as another one bought an assassin contract on PK." I don't have much evidence to help support me in this (as I've only been evil twice, both times only doing stuff on C1) but I can confidently say that to me, the fact that the eliminators can communicate in their doc (and have fun in it too) is their biggest strength, so if I was in it I would be making sure that everyone knows what is going on and who is doing what. You've seen a weakness in what the eliminators have been doing (or maybe it's on purpose) and think I'm contributing to it?

My point was more that the suggestion was that it was unlikely you were a skindancer due to the fact that you bought an assassin the same turn as the target was sabotaged, and why would the skindancers needlessly double tap, isn't as strong a defense after observing the skindancers to be disorganized on a few occasions. So I'm not saying that you did it for sure, but your actions don't discount you from being a skindancer, like Clanky's might.


3. "I think the other reason why we’d expect a nobleman to be a skindancer is that I’m sure that the GM’s would have anticipated vintish nobleman students stockpiling protective items, and maybe even the assassins, from the Imre, and so I’d expect that they would give the skindancer team at least one nobleman so they had a chance at buying the more expensive items in the Imre." It's sound logic, except for the fact that there is the common saying "GM's are trolls" (or something along the lines of that) for a reason. Maybe the GMs were feeling clever, and because it is quite simple to guess that someone would say that, decided to make no Vintish Skindancers. Basing suspicions off of someone's class is similar to killing someone based off of their faction in MR10. It's why I have been ignoring classes. I've seen it multiple times now, but (and sorry, Edema Ruh) we can't let people who started out with a low amount of money, continue to hide behind that and tug at people's emotions. As an example, how do we know if one of the Edema Ruh went to Imre and won a Talent Pipe? 


Speaking of that, it gives me another idea. This whole time (it seems), we've all gone after the people who started out with a high stipend, while we should also be wary of people with a medium/low stipend that got talent pipes and would be able to afford items coupled with their tuition (basically excluding nearly everyone). This point has most likely been deliberately skipped over at one point as well.

I'd probably expect there to be a range, and for them to have a couple of commoners. But a commoner with pipes is still less dangerous in terms of items than a vintish nobleman without pipes, although they would be about equal with an Aturan.


Honestly at this point I am not really seeing how the complaints have really helped us yet. We don't learn anyones alignment, there isn't really any need for players to defend themselves when they are not in danger of dying and all the actual consequences are decided mostly by random chance due to the Master DP being all NPC controlled.

I'd expect that if we got all the skindancers expelled, the game would end - expelled students can only target other expelled students or players in the Imre. So if all the skindancers were expelled, anyone inside the university would be untouchable by the skindancers, and that could be grounds enough for the GM's to call the game. 

And if we restrict complaints to no more than 2 players, there's a high chance that both players would get expelled. The only thing is that we don't get to keep count of how many skindancers we've taken out. But how do we plan on doing that anyway? Rely on our Vintish noblemen to buy assassins which take a cycle to kill, and can be blocked by bodyguards or grams? There's no protection against expulsion.

Edited by Haelbarde
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Due to technical issues, we're going to have to bump the rollover back about 16 hours, to end at 9:30am MDT tomorrow (so 3:30pm GMT). The next rollover after that will be back to the usual 5:30pm, but on Friday instead of Thursday.


Hopefully with the extra time, I'll be able to finish the writeups that still haven't been done. I apologize for that. When rollovers take 4-6 hours to sort out the information and send all the PMs, occasionally I just don't really feel like spending another hour or two on top of that writing, particularly if nothing is coming to mind. Thanks for understanding. :)


Here's the new countdown:



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I don't like how easy it would be for a Skindancer to hide behind being an Edema ruh without having to do much real participation in thread.


Not having to do much real participation in the thread? I was barely making tuition while doing a good deal of RP (which I'm not doing only because I'm currently not making tuition anyway), as well as discussion in thread and voting and such. So... You have to really participate, even without votes on you.

That said. Both of us are currently amenable to votes right now anyway, so it doesn't matter that much.

3. "I think the other reason why we’d expect a nobleman to be a skindancer is that I’m sure that the GM’s would have anticipated vintish nobleman students stockpiling protective items, and maybe even the assassins, from the Imre, and so I’d expect that they would give the skindancer team at least one nobleman so they had a chance at buying the more expensive items in the Imre." It's sound logic, except for the fact that there is the common saying "GM's are trolls" (or something along the lines of that) for a reason. Maybe the GMs were feeling clever, and because it is quite simple to guess that someone would say that, decided to make no Vintish Skindancers. Basing suspicions off of someone's class is similar to killing someone based off of their faction in MR10. It's why I have been ignoring classes. I've seen it multiple times now, but (and sorry, Edema Ruh) we can't let people who started out with a low amount of money, continue to hide behind that and tug at people's emotions. As an example, how do we know if one of the Edema Ruh went to Imre and won a Talent Pipe? 


I personally still haven't gotten mine. I was going to go to Imre this past turn, but I forgot to send in the order, and before that I hadn't gone. I'll probably go soon, though, and I will inform the thread of my success or failure (so you know if it's fine to vote on me or if I'll get annoyed). I don't have high hopes for my chances, though.


Honestly at this point I am not really seeing how the complaints have really helped us yet. We don't learn anyones alignment, there isn't really any need for players to defend themselves when they are not in danger of dying and all the actual consequences are decided mostly by random chance due to the Master DP being all NPC controlled.

I just wanted to agree with this and add that Dowanx has even been expelled, just because no one noticed that there were only three (ish) votes floating around.

I am not a Skindancer. Theoretically I don't have to say that anymore, but I will just because.

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Not having to do much real participation in the thread? I was barely making tuition while doing a good deal of RP (which I'm not doing only because I'm currently not making tuition anyway), as well as discussion in thread and voting and such. So... You have to really participate, even without votes on you.

That said. Both of us are currently amenable to votes right now anyway, so it doesn't matter that much.


I meant more of a not having to worry about votes by using Edema ruh as an excuse. I understand that you need the money from RPing and posting to make tuition. Which actually brings up an interesting thought.

Burnt, how have you managed to keep paying tuition when you have only been posting ~3 times a month?

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