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Everything posted by Wittles

  1. followed by the sequel, Goatbringer
  2. This is somewhat plausible, but maybe not in that specific way
  3. I haven't seen Wednesday yet, but that's the impression I've gotten from it, so I haven't been very keen to watch it
  4. It sounds like you've had it worse than I have, and it's totally fine for you to rant about this. I hope this has gotten at least some better
  5. This may or may not be the highest form of comedy ever concieved "I am goat. But you could be fire." -We all know what this is from
  6. I'm currently bored at school so yes Who is your favorite movie music composer?
  7. A confused spearman walks into whatever is going on here and wonders if he can join
  8. I would like to request an order of freshly made scadrian waffles with a dash of pewter powder
  9. I definitely have some sort of internal monologue, although it's more like my brain thinks thoughts too fast for me to register so when I slow down I translate them into internal dialogue. Thoughts are weird.
  10. I legitimately do not think parents have that sense that they might be being really intrusive and downright creepy.
  11. I got mine within the last year and it was an amazing experience That's pretty cool that you were able to get yours from your Grandpa
  12. I just discovered this and Silhouette, as an amateur/aspiring pianist myself, your work is astounding and I love it, and you are so talented! Anyway, my prompt: you know the end of the world is fast approaching, and you can rewind time again and again to stop it, and you are the only one with the knowledge to stop it. But as you fail over and over, you must watch as your loved ones die over and over because of your own failings. (It's kind of weird, but hopefully you can do something with it)
  13. Overall, that's a fun premise, and the writing style is one I haven't seen very much, but I do like it. If you keep that kind of narration consistent, I think the story will turn out awesome
  14. That was pretty controversial, but for the most part I do agree that TLM felt very different and focused a lot more on cosmere tie-ins rather than the main mistborn storyline. And Emperor's Soul was amazing
  15. There are way too many things to be hyped about for 2023, but I'm pretty sure the sequel for Hollow Knight comes out this year so that's exciting. If you are going on a mission (If you don't mind telling) where are you going?
  16. Hollow knight is one of my favorite games ever! It just gets better and better
  17. I have. It was... interesting. I'll just leave it at that
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