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Everything posted by Wittles

  1. This is an excellent question, and would be more eloquently stated by a more knowledgeable cosmere fan. Just for future reference, put theories in the theory section or something, it just makes it less easy for people to stumble upon spoilers:)
  2. "That's what I thought, those stuffy rich people don't need all of their fancy jewels."
  3. I feel like this would be the mcu of broadway if it were to ever happen. This is absolutely amazing by the way
  4. "Oh." Emerik had a concerned look on his face, "then is it bad to steal stuff?"
  5. Awesome, welcome to the shard! I would reccomend reading Warbreaker next,(aside from being one of my personal favorites) it also has some fairly important crossovers in stormlight.
  6. Emerik heard this and just felt he had to inject himself into the conversation, "You say crime like it's a bad thing."
  7. "Typically unpoisoned food is good." Emerik flipped his coin. "but this all seems to be fine."
  8. "That's a fair point," he took another bite out of his apple, "but who says the next meal won't be poisoned or something similar? We might as well take advantage of the situation and take over the show."
  9. "You'd be the kind who plays against the game. That way we can have some fun confusing the king."
  10. Emerik sat and picked up an apple and took a bite. "So. I would like to know, do you have any special abilities that may come in useful for this competition?" He began flipping his coin absently
  11. "Nice to meet you Aolicei. I think I'll call you Aol for short." He said with a wink.
  12. He chuckled, "No, the only other one I went to, I was disguised as one of the other boring nobles there and stole all of the valuables I could get away with, all while pretending to be a downright gentleman." He smiled wistfully at the memory
  13. "Unfortunately, that seems to be the most likely outcome, so we might as well do exactly the opposite," he said with a grin. He rolled his coin over his fingers
  14. Emerik noticed her eating her fill and walked over to greet her. "Hi, I'm Emerik," He said, "What do you think this whole thing is about?"
  15. Emerik noticed the food, and cautiously slipped a piece of food from a platter. He flipped his coin, it landed on heads. Satisfied he took a bite
  16. "Good job, you're not as hopelessly incompetent as you first appear."
  17. "You didn't just turn into a penguin." He flipped the coin, tails. "Abihal can play the flute." heads "I hoped you paid attention"
  18. "Oh did I not make that clear? I guess you should have paid more attention to the result of the coin." He smirked in satisfaction. "to answer your question about outlaws, laws just haven't ever agreed with me."
  19. He chuckled and gave the coin a flip, heads. "I once stole a priceless diamond studded bracelet off of a passing noblewoman without her noticing, it sold for a lot." He flipped the coin again. Heads
  20. His face fell, "I was hoping to tell the secret to this coin in a dramatic theatrical style, but I guess you'd rather me tell you the boring way."
  21. "That was quite pleasant." Emerik simply smiled and said "Before I tell you, how about a little game, you tell me a secret, I tell you one in return.
  22. "If I told you, I'd have one less piece of information to my advantage." He smirked.
  23. "The flute has a nice sound to it. Would you mind playing us a tune?"
  24. Sorry for double posting, Halcyon's question came after I had submitted my response "Not really, I prefer to listen"
  25. "It's just a good luck token, nothing too special." It landed on the tails side.
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