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J. Magi

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Status Replies posted by J. Magi

  1. We just absolutely love it when our mother brings up the fact that I need to take a physical in order to pass a state requirement test in like a year in order to do a few different things im excited to do... and she mentions that as a part of this physical I have to be in good mental health as well.

    Like honey...

    I know that look....

    You just want me to get off the storming meds and be normal...

    you were so anti-meds, anti-therapy, anti-online friends that you would say that almost like it was a threat.

    Thanks mom. 

    Love you too.

    anywho... how are yall

    1. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Oh man that's hard . . . I hope things work out. You got this!

      In the wise words of somebody (idk I read it somewhere): "No matter how well you get along with your parents now, they'll be ten times easier to deal with when you've got your own place and they don't need to know every little thing about your life".

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)


    also the logo for the shard is the pride flag!!!!

    there's a lot of stuff I wanna talk about but I dont have the energy to talk about it

    uuuuuh I got back from youth conference camp thingy yesterday

    and I saw a double rainbow two days ago

    @TheGreatSnail got me to start listening to Welcome To Night Vale andim currently on he 4th episode


    I straightened my hair an I feel like I look like a sad soggy litter mop

    it took 42 minutes

    also don't drink three monsters when you've only eaten a cookie it's not fun your brain kinda like, dies but not really

    my room smells like paint for some reason

    I somehow didn't get sunburnt during youth conference?

    I also never got any bug bites even though we literally walked like, everywhere??

    blegh I'm bored

    and to the people of insanity clinic, I'm sorry I keep dissapearing!! i hae a feelin it's gonna be like this for the majority of the summer soooooo yeah

  3. hmmmmmmmmmmm I might impulsively cut off all my hair

  4. Me and Raven did the math. 7000 posts divided by how long he has been there…

    @TheRavenHasLanded has posted reliably every 30 minutes for nearly a year. Wow.

  5. Guys I really want to draw, but my dad took away Pinterest which is literally all my inspiration and based and stuff like… bro

    So comic is on hold for now and I’m not great a free hand so I guess I’ll just sit in my basement… and be sad?

    idc ill just listen to Imagine Dragons and feel better

  6. Guys I really want to draw, but my dad took away Pinterest which is literally all my inspiration and based and stuff like… bro

    So comic is on hold for now and I’m not great a free hand so I guess I’ll just sit in my basement… and be sad?

    idc ill just listen to Imagine Dragons and feel better

    1. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      My mom is always teasing me about how much I use Pinterest lol . . . . . . . . . .. 

      (I have 11.9k pins, it's a problem)

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  7. The real question is, can I learn how to be highly proficient at ten key in around a week and a half, or do I need to apply for a different job . . .

    1. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Thanks for the luck, but I honestly think it'll be easier to apply for a job I'm more qualified for

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. The real question is, can I learn how to be highly proficient at ten key in around a week and a half, or do I need to apply for a different job . . .

  9. @Wierdo, @Pineap-spider, @SmilingPanda19, @The Wandering Wizard, @Cash67, @Through The Living Glass, @WhyEverNot_8, @Immortal Platypus, @Ancient Elantrian, @J. Magi, @The Isochronism,  @Part Of The Narrative













    :D :D :D 





  10. More than any other time of the year, I think summer is the most reflective time for me, when it comes to my life and where I'm going. Maybe, because the western school system has hard-wired my brain to see this as the end of the year, and not january.

    Summer is a special time because for a student, it's set apart from the year. While I may not remember what I did every November for the past few years, I do remember what I did in every June. Maybe, because the world is more alive--with plants and blue skys--it makes me feel more alive, and so I remember it better. Grey snowy days all blur together, somberness making them obsolete to each other. Each new summer day is like a vibrant painting of blue and green and the flowers that come and go only add to the memorability. 

    Today is the first day of summer, and I pulled out the sketchbook I had been using exactly 1 year ago. I can remember drawing a certain picture immediately after I got home from the last day of school. The year before that, I remember laying on the couch staring at the ceiling and thinking the same things I'm writing now. In middle school, I came home from the school carnival (the last day) and changed into a specific shirt. I still remember how the fabric felt, and how relaxing it was to feel the cool air on my skin. 

    This year, summer snuck up on me. Generally, the oct. to feb. period of time becomes a long slog of mundane. But this year, ACT prep kept me extremely busy throughout that time, and I didn't feel boredom start to set in, as I always had before. Then, the only thing that mattered was the test in March, hanging over me. Now, that's been done for a few months. Now, it's summer. A summer I didn't spend months pining over. 

    If, as I mentioned earlier, summer is the end of an old year, and the beginning of new one, then it is also a time of change. I feel as though I remain stagnant throughout school months, but my biggest self changes occur during the break. It's now, when I've finished another year, that I truly realize I am growing older. Even if the shadows of the trees on the street are exactly the same as they've always been. 

    It's every summer, that I convince myself the next school year I will be better and do better, even if it doesn't really happen. It's every summer that I realize I want more than what I have. 

    Yesterday, the last day, my friend drove me home from school. (The day had an open ended schedule after noon, so you could stay or leave whenever you wanted). Getting a ride home from school might not seem much, but it made me realize something.

    I'm not a very independent person. I only leave the house for school or with my parents. I spend all my free time in my room alone. I do the same exact thing, day after day, year after year. There's nothing wrong with those things, but I'm finding for the first time in my life, I want to be independent. I wish I could go out and do things and talk to people more often. 

    I'm growing older, which means I'm taking a lot of big new steps. I'm in that awkward stage when I'm still a child but I have to pretend I'm an adult so I can kickstart my life. I have to do so many things that terrify me. But for the first time, I want to do them.

    I want to learn to drive, so I can have a similar freedom as my friend. I want to work and make my own money, and learn about things. I want to pick a career. I want to talk to new people.

    I've spent all (school) year being terrified of these things. For one reason or another, but mostly because change is scary. My whole life, I've floated on the edge of change, wanting things to be different one way or another, but never actually having the courage to change things. But now that summer has started--my time for reflection and my time for change, it doesn't feel so bad.

    Right now, it feels natural.

    Every next step is only a step, and someday I'll be on my own and have so much freedom. I want to experience and do so many things, and I'm going to do it. Tonight I'm planning on applying for my first job (hopefully I can get hired lol). I'm planning on reworking my schedule so I can take driver's ed next year. I've decided what I want to do the first few years after graduation.

    Maybe, I'm the only one who has my 'january epiphany' as I'll call it, in summer. That being said, I don't think there's ever a set time to re-invent ourselves, it's continuous. I hope I can continue to have this courage, and I hope that this summer at least, I will find myself a little better than before.

    Sorry for rambling, I was just having a lot of thoughts today.

    I'm so grateful for this place. Thank you all for being my window to the world that always felt so far away <<<3

  11. AAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

    I did it . . . 

    I applied for a job . . .

    I'm so nervous

  12. More than any other time of the year, I think summer is the most reflective time for me, when it comes to my life and where I'm going. Maybe, because the western school system has hard-wired my brain to see this as the end of the year, and not january.

    Summer is a special time because for a student, it's set apart from the year. While I may not remember what I did every November for the past few years, I do remember what I did in every June. Maybe, because the world is more alive--with plants and blue skys--it makes me feel more alive, and so I remember it better. Grey snowy days all blur together, somberness making them obsolete to each other. Each new summer day is like a vibrant painting of blue and green and the flowers that come and go only add to the memorability. 

    Today is the first day of summer, and I pulled out the sketchbook I had been using exactly 1 year ago. I can remember drawing a certain picture immediately after I got home from the last day of school. The year before that, I remember laying on the couch staring at the ceiling and thinking the same things I'm writing now. In middle school, I came home from the school carnival (the last day) and changed into a specific shirt. I still remember how the fabric felt, and how relaxing it was to feel the cool air on my skin. 

    This year, summer snuck up on me. Generally, the oct. to feb. period of time becomes a long slog of mundane. But this year, ACT prep kept me extremely busy throughout that time, and I didn't feel boredom start to set in, as I always had before. Then, the only thing that mattered was the test in March, hanging over me. Now, that's been done for a few months. Now, it's summer. A summer I didn't spend months pining over. 

    If, as I mentioned earlier, summer is the end of an old year, and the beginning of new one, then it is also a time of change. I feel as though I remain stagnant throughout school months, but my biggest self changes occur during the break. It's now, when I've finished another year, that I truly realize I am growing older. Even if the shadows of the trees on the street are exactly the same as they've always been. 

    It's every summer, that I convince myself the next school year I will be better and do better, even if it doesn't really happen. It's every summer that I realize I want more than what I have. 

    Yesterday, the last day, my friend drove me home from school. (The day had an open ended schedule after noon, so you could stay or leave whenever you wanted). Getting a ride home from school might not seem much, but it made me realize something.

    I'm not a very independent person. I only leave the house for school or with my parents. I spend all my free time in my room alone. I do the same exact thing, day after day, year after year. There's nothing wrong with those things, but I'm finding for the first time in my life, I want to be independent. I wish I could go out and do things and talk to people more often. 

    I'm growing older, which means I'm taking a lot of big new steps. I'm in that awkward stage when I'm still a child but I have to pretend I'm an adult so I can kickstart my life. I have to do so many things that terrify me. But for the first time, I want to do them.

    I want to learn to drive, so I can have a similar freedom as my friend. I want to work and make my own money, and learn about things. I want to pick a career. I want to talk to new people.

    I've spent all (school) year being terrified of these things. For one reason or another, but mostly because change is scary. My whole life, I've floated on the edge of change, wanting things to be different one way or another, but never actually having the courage to change things. But now that summer has started--my time for reflection and my time for change, it doesn't feel so bad.

    Right now, it feels natural.

    Every next step is only a step, and someday I'll be on my own and have so much freedom. I want to experience and do so many things, and I'm going to do it. Tonight I'm planning on applying for my first job (hopefully I can get hired lol). I'm planning on reworking my schedule so I can take driver's ed next year. I've decided what I want to do the first few years after graduation.

    Maybe, I'm the only one who has my 'january epiphany' as I'll call it, in summer. That being said, I don't think there's ever a set time to re-invent ourselves, it's continuous. I hope I can continue to have this courage, and I hope that this summer at least, I will find myself a little better than before.

    Sorry for rambling, I was just having a lot of thoughts today.

    I'm so grateful for this place. Thank you all for being my window to the world that always felt so far away <<<3

    1. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Oh thank you! I've never hear the song, I'll go listen to it!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)



  14. I did it!

    I’m done!

    I am no longer a junior!

    And I get to torture all my friends with that fact!

    Its great!

  15. I got... a second 100, this time on world history.

    1. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      It's wonderful! I also don't study and it's a problem but

      *gives you a bagel of victory*

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  16. I got... a second 100, this time on world history.

    1. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      You do deserve to be smart! Don't underestimate your self ;)

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  17. I got... a second 100, this time on world history.

    1. J. Magi

      J. Magi


      (nice job btw!!)

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  18. soo, i got a 100 on my Bio final. I was shocked, to say the least.

  19. i know I just posted but like

    if you buy me a weighted blanket/stuffie...


    besties for life right there my man

    like actually

  20. got a 89/95 on my woods final letsgoooo

    failed math but I mean hey we were all expecting it

    pretty sure I got a 90% on my American Literature final

    got a 76% I think on my US History

    pretttttyy sure I got a 80-something percent on my Criminal justice

    environmental chemistry is still unknown, as far as I've been informed

    my last final, which is pottery, is tomorrow, and I'm feelin not that confident


    I have work tomorrow as well

    speaking of which, idk if I already told y'all, but I got my old job back! YAY!!!


    I went to the store and I bought a ✨swimsuit✨

    and I just bought some tank tops and a short-sleeved button-up on Amazon which arroves on Monday so yippee!!

    1. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Nice! Good job on the tests and stuff!

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  21. ive got my math final... and im really nervous... wish me luck yall.

    1. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      hehe . . . geometry is literally the only math that makes sense to me . . 

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  22. ive got my math final... and im really nervous... wish me luck yall.

  23. ive got my math final... and im really nervous... wish me luck yall.

    1. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      alternatively, there is such a thing as luck and it haunts my every move (In a good way?)

      Good luck Raven!

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  24. ive got my math final... and im really nervous... wish me luck yall.

    1. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      lol they really aren't as rare as people make them out to be

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

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