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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. "Well, we've got to try." Kurtis stood up, pulling his map out of his bag. "If we assume that we're still on the road, then we just need to keep heading south." He said, pointing in the right direction.
  2. "Neither do I," Kurtis said, packing his bedroll up. "We could get lost very easily." It clears the foliage surrounding and in the clearing with around a 40 foot radius. The jungle beyond looks thicker then the day before. The dissipated fog starts to seep back into their camp after a few minutes.
  3. The night passes quickly. Those who've camped outside before notice that the jungle is far too silent. No late night birds or other animal noises. No wind. As the sun rises, a thick fog settles over the area. Twisted vines and branches make shadows in the white void. It feels more like being inside the belly of some massive beast then a forest.
  4. "Damn . . ." Sharp mutters looking up at the sky. He keeps a wary eye out for lightning, they needed to find shelter. "So . . . you're not gonna attack us?" He asked, standing protectively in front of Krin.
  5. Me when it autocorrects to the name of my character from Smedry and I realize how much I miss him . . .
  6. @witsthebest @RoyalBeeMage @Scars of Hathsin @TheRavenHasLanded
  7. "Oh nice! I've never heard of any of this stuff before . . ." Whatever sense you is foggy, muffled even. The jungle sits around you like a spiritual buffer, isolating you with it's branches. It feels somewhat suffocating, but that feeling isn't difficult to ignore. There is dryad, but it isn't extremely close. Kurtis settled back down too, falling asleep with the efficiency of a soldier. He started snoring again soon after.
  8. Akimitsu wandered into the farmland, unsure if how he had gotten there. Everything up until a few minutes ago was fuzzy . . . he could barely remember the cold mountain village he had been staying in a night or so ago. Aki didn't recognize this area--he knew he'd never been here before. He glanced around looking for other people so he could ask where he was.
  9. Lifw update I guess? I feel like rambling idk

    First week of summer is done and I already feel messed up weird. The lack of a daily schedule always messes with me lol . . . Not to mention I spend why more time in alone in my room and I'm starting to go a little insane.

    I went to the farmers market today which was cool. I had beignet's for the first time and they were so good. Also, talkative old tourist men kinda scare me . . . even though they're friendly . . . I don't know. I got another succulent there too which is cool! I've been naming all my succulents after the sons of Feanor. I only have three so far, but someday I'll have a plant for all seven sons lol. (so far I've got Maedhros, Maglor, and Curufin). Maybe I'll show you them sometime!

    I finished The Night Circus, and it was a truly lovely book. Thanks @Edema Rue for recommending it!!!

    The job hunt's going okay I guess. I've applied to several fast food places in town but none have responded yet lol. I did have a local food truck reach out to me and offer me a position which seems super cool! I think it'd make a great first-job experience so I'm hoping I get hired there. That, or Arbys, because they have an employee discount. (I LOVE Arby's hehehe)

    Instagram (or meta) has decided to feed all public posts on the site to it's new Ai which is cool . . . I love theft of intellectual property. Unfortunately complications mean that no one can sue them over it (yet--hopefully the US will get some much needed legislation in this area). Either way, I'm considering leaving the site. Not because I think the AI will target me or because I'm particularly uncomfortable with AI taking my art (though it is wrong) but because a massive community of artists leaving the site says something. Either way, I'll be updating to my Cara account in the 'Website URL' section of my account instead of my Instagram.

    My mental health recently has been . . . more then questionable but it is what it is I guess. I'm hoping the summer will be more relaxed and restful for me (but we'll see). Weird, but I feel like I often have this wave of depression every night at 8-9 pm, but then it goes away in like, 20-30 minutes and afterword's I feel fine? I don't really know at this point.

    I've been helping my ward's YW group plan this years Girls Camp which has been fun. I actually kind of feel excited to go this time! Normally, I get really anxious about it for various reasons (staying overnight places without my family is kind of hard for me). But I feel like it'll be really fun this year, and all the leader's and girls are super friendly!

    I've been thinking about throwing some more stuff in my art thread soon. I haven't done a whole lot besides sketchbook doodles but it'll be fun to share either way lol

    I did also start a second try on the 'short story made entirely of Haiku's' recently, but we'll see if I finish it lol. I have a hard time forcing myself to write stuff without school to procrastinate on.

    Have a great night everyone <<<33 cya Monday!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. WhyEverNot_8


      I feel like mine improves because I don’t need to conform to another’s whims. (I’m late a lot and my school is super strict about it 😠)

      Good luck on the job hunt! (And I’d really like to see the plants!)

    3. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass

      Dang man. Congrats on the good stuff, sorry 'bout the bad.



      Um... see my member title if you want to know about my mental health. 😅

    4. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Panda and Living glass, I feel that so hard lol. At least the weathers nice . . .

      Maybe I'll try and get a nice picture of plants soon to show you hehe

  10. "Uhhhh no." Sharp said. His hand tightened nervously on the knife in his pocket.
  11. "Kurtis!" He said with a smile, "Nice to meet you, you must be part of our team, right?" "What's wind mastery?"
  12. "Dunno, it doesn't taste like fruit or anything though." Kurtis's face immediately lit up. "General Arikus is my father! Have you met him?" --the second watch is about half way over--
  13. honestly I was just shortening it for speed purposes and forgot about roy. It was also late at night lol, and I was pretty brain dead yesterday.
  14. Penn stares at him like he's speaking another language. "I don't think that . . ." "We should keep moving."
  15. As someone who started with stormlight, I can confirm that it'll work out lol Welcome to the Shard! Do you like bagels?
  16. "Unfortunately that isn't an option for me," he said with a sigh, "I'm a bit of a special case I guess."
  17. Yes! Like bee mage said, we started it the Rp and it's called 'Marina's Echo' now.
  18. "That's true!" Kurtis leaned forward conspiringly, "Back on Hajuk (Haki home planet) they told us these demon witches that live in the south, they totally kidnap babies and stuff--at least, that's what I heard."
  19. "I would get it if you did man, this is a safe space." He reached into his belt and pulled out a small vile of thick black liquid. "I drink weird stuff too--it's a serum that makes me really strong and fast, not sure what it's made of though." --this is the 'Haki juice' mentioned in the worldbuilding doc (no I don't have a name for it yet)--
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