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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. "Some people are just jumpy-er there's nothing wrong with that . . ." He glanced around there surroundings, trying to keep track of where they were while they moved.
  2. "H-how am I supposed to know if he has voices in his head? I don't know know why he get's startled easily but in my opinion, he doesn't need a reason."
  3. "No--nothing is wrong with him! He just get's startled easily."
  4. "It's okay my dude, I think we're friends now?"
  5. (If) When Sleeper reaches out to connect with the forest, he feels nothing. It's as if the plants don't have any soul matter to connect too, something that should be impossible.
  6. ooooooof 

    I can't sleep

  7. "Thanks but . . . you've known me for like 5 minutes."
  8. "Oh, you think so? Thanks." Sharp watches the dog move around with fascination. He'd never been able to do something so complex with Breaths.
  9. "Oh . . . that's a . . . I'm sorry about that. I didn't really have many friends besides Krin when I was child."
  10. "Huh, I went there too and bought a jacket, then made some allies after that . . . well I guess Krin and I were already friends."
  11. "I have no idea . . . I made a few allies but they ran off and I haven't seen them since."
  12. "Yeah . . . Sharp'i was the only one." He goes quiet after that. It wasn't like talking about his ancestors death truly upset him, but thinking about this topic lead to another--one he really didn't want to think about.
  13. "Huh, yeah he's pretty much our only success story . . ." Sharp gestured at Krin, "Krin's actually Sharp'i's great great, lot's of great's grandson."
  14. oh no

    I just found a new thing to dream about wasting copious amounts of money on . . .

    At least my mom won't get mad at me for not giving her gift ideas lol

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Well I was GOING to respond to this nicely and maturely

      act my age an’ all that

      but you have forced my hand


    3. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      ;) of course

    4. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass

      Whatever you say, Eddie. 😁

  15. "We don't know if that druid you can sense is the cause of this . . ." Kurtis grunted, slashing more vines.
  16. "Yeah, that's us . . ." Sharp's uncomfortableness faded a little, she seemed harmless enough. "Which one inspired you?" He didn't tell her where they were going because he had no idea himself.
  17. "Hmm . . . they're definitely thicker than yesterday." He finished hacking through one that was wider then his head.
  18. "Okay . . ." He doesn't take her hand. "I'm Sharp."
  19. She creeped Sharp out. But . . . his other allies were no were to be found and he knew it would be unwise to pass her up. "Alright, I guess we could work together--this doesn't mean I trust you though."
  20. "Right, we should stay together." He adjusted his back, and left the clearing on the south side. It took a while to move even a a few yards because of how many plants he needed to cut out of the way.
  21. "You don't seem very friendly . . ." Sharp muttered. "I didn't kill you because I have honor, that doesn't mean I trust others in this area to feel the same way."
  22. "I agree, you could get lost in the fog and we'd have no way of finding you."
  23. "Because this is the Hunger games!" He said, dodging the snowball easily.
  24. "Well, we've got to try." Kurtis stood up, pulling his map out of his bag. "If we assume that we're still on the road, then we just need to keep heading south." He said, pointing in the right direction.
  25. "Neither do I," Kurtis said, packing his bedroll up. "We could get lost very easily." It clears the foliage surrounding and in the clearing with around a 40 foot radius. The jungle beyond looks thicker then the day before. The dissipated fog starts to seep back into their camp after a few minutes.
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