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J. Magi

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Status Replies posted by J. Magi

  1. ive got my math final... and im really nervous... wish me luck yall.

    1. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      I'm sending you my certified luck powers!! (I'm not joking when I say I found a 4-leaf clover as a kid and have been weirdly lucky ever since)

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)


  3. Anyone else learn a new instrument when they get bored?

    I kind of figured out how to play the ukulele so now that's a thing I can do. It has such a nice sound and I love it. 

    I can't feel my fingertips very well, but it's fine. They'll get tougher

  4. Anyone else learn a new instrument when they get bored?

    I kind of figured out how to play the ukulele so now that's a thing I can do. It has such a nice sound and I love it. 

    I can't feel my fingertips very well, but it's fine. They'll get tougher

  5. RAHHHH FINalS hAvent even HAPPened Yet ANd IVe ALREADY MESSeD UP

    a;also why is my keyboard doing that they were all supposed to be capitalized what the heck??

    1. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      WHAT it worked on my one . . .

      u h

      I don't know what to tell you

      (also good luck on the test, sorry about the notes tho)

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  6. RAHHHH FINalS hAvent even HAPPened Yet ANd IVe ALREADY MESSeD UP

    a;also why is my keyboard doing that they were all supposed to be capitalized what the heck??

    1. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      oh man . . . maybe you accidentally hit a keyboard shortcut? I know I've done that with chrome books in the past. 

      Looks like turning caps lock on/off is: Alt + Search (magnifying glass above shift)

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  7. RAHHHH FINalS hAvent even HAPPened Yet ANd IVe ALREADY MESSeD UP

    a;also why is my keyboard doing that they were all supposed to be capitalized what the heck??

  8. image.png.f79dce76ef2bd5811e2a0f9273a52ba6.png

    Now is your basically LAST CHANCE to sign up! Go do it or we’ll find your house and bomb it with thirteen trillion water balloons!*


    *for legal reasons, this is a joke.


  9. You know when you have standards? And then those standards kick you hard in the groin?

    I've said before that I have a limit on how many F bombs there can be in a book before I quit. Well, to sleep in a sea of stars has reached it in 60 pages. 

    Ah well.


    Also, I plan on making a post before I leave fully sometime in the evening today after I've written up two or three other posts, so watch for that one.

    1. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Oh man, I hate it when that happens. Especially when you've become attached to characters, etc. Sometimes I like to makeup an ending to the story on my own in my head, it's silly but helps I guess.

      The fact that authors include that kind of stuff because they think it make their work 'hardcore' or more serious or whatever is so silly to me.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  10. POV: reading yearbook signings

    INCREDIBLY hot senior who I wanna be closer friends with: calls me a ray of sunshine

    Super cute boy i might get a chance with next year: calls me powerful and says “i love you”

    one of my fave people: asks me to make out with her

    My one gay friend (this isn’t homophobic it’s an inside joke): screaming in all caps because we’re going to have an amazing year next year.

    one of the seniors I admire more than almost anyone: tells me I have amazing passion and hope I’ll keep in touch

    My husband/sister/closest thing I have to a bff/platypus: writes almost the same novel I wrote in her yearbook but told me to go to bed at a reasonable time (I failed)

    The yellow friend (she only wears yellow): told me to marry her and called me hot :DD

    @Immortal Platypus: I lose the game

    rat in a trench coat: I am now a fish

    my amazing violent friend who I will love and cherish forever: a beautiful novel <333

    this has been a vague and diluted summary of my yearbook. Please enjoy. And please, if you have weird things share them :)))

    (also yes sorry I’ve been gone all day, school was crazy then I was in a pool not dying and then I went to a persons house and sluffed a party and now I’m home :))

    1. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Ah man, I don't get mine until Thursday lol . .. I can't wait honestly!

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  11. Does anyone just have . . . small section of memories that consists of 'Stuff my parent's said that, in hindsight, is an extremely weird/ illogical thing to say (and I'm 90% sure they weren't joking/ playing a trick on me), and kid me took it to heart and has never forgotten it'?

    Just me?

  12. image.png.9deae45efa0b39bc842e0d26cc52784f.png



  13. Last two finals are DONE!!

    We get our yearbooks today, and it’s the last day for seniors (what do I do literally all my friends are seniors *bawling*) 

    Aaaaaand yeah! I’m so ready for school to be done, but also sad because I need to be around humans. Good humans. A lot. So we’ll just see how it goes. 

    How are you all doing?

    1. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Good! It's the last day for seniors here too.

      My marketing teacher brought his grill to school and made us super fancy hotdogs--It was great!!!

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  14. I just got written up for disrespecting a horrible uptight teacher… when I like literally didnt

    So I’m gunna like die now bye

  15. image.png.9deae45efa0b39bc842e0d26cc52784f.png



  16. Yall, i Lovve random amazon things. My mom got me an amazingly goofy shirt for my birthday a few months ago, and it's amazing.


    Monster Raccoon Kraken' Poster, picture, metal print, paint by Jeff |  Displate<What the shirt's design is


  17. *Sits down*

    I didn't plan on making this SU.

    Nor did I plan on coming on here today.

    I don't plan to do a lot of the major things I decide. They come in quick, decisive moments where every bit of my mind is chanting "Change! Change! Change!" This moment, right here, this is one of those moments.

    I could not have chosen a better place to spend my time in the past three years than on here and in Minecraft, meeting people. My time has been truly phenomenal, I've learned so much, I've grown, I've changed, I've become a different person in so many different ways. 

    However, there comes a time when you realize that you have to know when to stop. When you realize that the thing that helped you change so much perhaps has only one more change for you.

    It's time to move on.

    I... I didn't plan on this. I've already mentioned that, but I feel like it needs to be said again. I did not plan on doing this any time soon. I thought that I could stay on here the way I've been for a couple years, till my mission and all that. Yet... if I am going to actually change, I need to cut things out of my life. Which is why I am leaving the Shard.

    I'm not leaving the Shard completely, I'll come on like once or twice on a weekend to make an update or look at people's profiles who I especially care about (Hey, I care about all of you, but even I have favorites) for SUs I might be interested. I'll hop on when a new book comes out to see how the discussion is going, maybe chip in some thoughts. It won't be the same.

    I'm going to put up a few posts on threads I especially care about to wrap up some things, get a few last laughs. That'll prob be the last few times I post in those specific threads for a good long while. 

    If some of you want my phone number or email, shoot me a PM before Sunday. Anytime after and I'll prob have deleted the thing that makes it so I get emails from the Shard, signed out and made it so I can't access the shard on most days. 

    Look at the final two paragraphs in my about me. They're for you.

    I didn't plan on making this SU, yet here we are.

    This isn't goodbye, not forever. I'll be back every now and then for a small bit of time on Saturdays, and I won't be leaving till Saturday night.

    I'll post another SU when I'm leaving, to let y'all know.

    Until then, yours truly, Thaidakar the Ghostblood.

    p.s. no, I'm not doing the Bilbo speech again.

    1. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      (I saw this earlier but didn't have time to respond).

      We'll miss you so much here Thaid! You've become one of the most integral parts of this community and I don't think the Shard will feel quite the same without you here as often. 

      I wish you the best in everything your pursuing!



    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  18. Apparently the MTG Secret Lair drop for this month is Hatsune Miku, so I thought you’d find that cool!

    Here’s the link: https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/announcements/secret-lair-spring-superdrop-2024

  19. The rain is so

    l o u d

    Oh my goodness . . . 

    It's like thunder

  20. The rain is so

    l o u d

    Oh my goodness . . . 

    It's like thunder

  21. It will most likely be a few months, but I wanna try doing a few covers of songs I love. I don't really have any experience actually recording me playing music, much less singing along, but I figured I want to do it so might as well try it out and try to build confidence. 

    I kinda thought it would be cool to share it on here, so would you guys want to hear whatever I end up doing?

  22. Aight, yall. Heading out! I'll be back at like Saturday or something, as I mentioned. 


  23. I found a really funny video on youtube about Brandon Sanderson’s writing speed:


  24. Here’s cheeseburger pizza:



    I know Domino’s had it for a while and it was really good, but I seem to remember that the one I got had pickles (not sure) so it might be different. Nevertheless, it was super good!

  25. rah

    284 notifications

    ugh I feel ucky


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