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J. Magi

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Status Replies posted by J. Magi

  1. Spoiler


    me, ten minutes later: oh wait I'm lazy lol


  2. Happy birthday!

  3. Spoiler



    p o t a t o  c h i p


  4. I realize I have a ton of notifs right now, but I'm not going to check it because I haven't felt well today 😅, I'm just popping on for a minute.

    My spring break has just started, so I'm probably not going to be as active--I might even disappear entirely, let's see how busy I get.

    Have a wonderful week everyone!

  5. In the early hours of the morning, there was a man.

    He was dying. He wore purple, and on his head was the crown of his atonement. 

    His killers stood about, holding their weapons and wearing their armor, laughing at him. His friends and loved ones cried and mourned as he stood atop that fallen tree.

    With a nail in each wrist, he looked on those soldiers and said, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."

    And when a thief, one who had done wrong in his life, turned and saw the love in the man's eyes, the compassion for those killing them, he said "Lord, remember me when thou comest to thine kingdom."

    The man replied, "To day, thou shalt be with me in paradise."

    There was darkness in these early hours of the morning. The main raised his head, even him, even the most perfect man there was and ever shall be, and said "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?"

    Crying with a loud voice, the man said, "Father, it is finished, thy will be done!"

    And in that same hour, the veil of the temple, guarding the holiest of holies, was rent in twain. The earth did quake. And the rocks did cry out. The graves opened for the saints. In distant lands, the earth rocked, cities fell, mountains rose, floods consumed, fire rained down from heaven.

    And, as all this was happening, one of the centurions said, "Truly, this man was the Son of God."

    Nearly two thousand years later, someone else said, as the centurion, "Truly, Jesus was the Son of God."

    God be with y'all. Happy Good Friday.

  6. guys

    the ACT scores have come . . . .

    I'm not gonna open the email right now because I've been awake for like, an hour.

    Needless to say, I'm more nervous right now then I was on the actual testing day lol 😅

  7. guys

    the ACT scores have come . . . .

    I'm not gonna open the email right now because I've been awake for like, an hour.

    Needless to say, I'm more nervous right now then I was on the actual testing day lol 😅

  8. guys

    the ACT scores have come . . . .

    I'm not gonna open the email right now because I've been awake for like, an hour.

    Needless to say, I'm more nervous right now then I was on the actual testing day lol 😅

  9. guys

    the ACT scores have come . . . .

    I'm not gonna open the email right now because I've been awake for like, an hour.

    Needless to say, I'm more nervous right now then I was on the actual testing day lol 😅

  10. good morning loveliesssss

    I'm only up this early because my internal clock hates me ❤️❤️

    I get to go shopping todayyyyy

    even though I have literally a dollar and like 30 cents in my account

    but I. helping my grandma with shopping for Easter stuff!

    yay 😁

  11. guys my nose is so stuffy

    I had to stay home from seminary and the first two periods of school today because I felt like I was dying

    I almost threw up as well

    my mouth is so dryyyyyy ;-;


    also on an unrelated note I got called annoying by a freshman today and I immediately responded with "aww, thanks! i'll be sure to put your constructive criticism into use next time!" and three of my friends were with me and they all burst out laughing

    it was great


    also my friend came over after school and I gave her some of my old clothes because we wear the same size, I never wear the ones I gave her, and she only has like four full outfits

    it was fun

    we called her boyfriend (my boyfriend's twin brother (I know, it's great /gen)) and he kept messing with the filters so I kept putting candy wrapper over the camera and then at one point I made a weird face at hi and he screenshotted it so that'll be a fun talk with @Dead lol

    love y'all ❤️

  12. “Almost dead yesterday, maybe dead tomorrow, but alive, gloriously alive, today.”

    —Mat Cuathon, Wheel of Time

    Find the moments of joy, mkay? In a sky of darkness and despair, find the stars. (If you’re @The Bookwyrm, find the giant balls of burning gas and admire the science behind them)

    I don’t have time to respond to everyone’s SU’s, but I see so many people who are so alone, and so lost, and sad. I see you. I remember you. I hear you. If you need me, I’m here. Keep laughing, ok? Find reasons to smile. Sometimes, we just have to take advice from the Lord of Scars. If we can laugh, we are winning. 


  13. Man, if we get a Mistborn movie, it’s gonna be goofy lol. I can’t wait

  14. That moment when someone you don’t particularly like FaceTimes you and you get caught not knowing how to social for a good minute- 



    how does one social when caught unawares?

  15. That moment when someone you don’t particularly like FaceTimes you and you get caught not knowing how to social for a good minute- 



    how does one social when caught unawares?

  16. Man, if we get a Mistborn movie, it’s gonna be goofy lol. I can’t wait

  17. Man, if we get a Mistborn movie, it’s gonna be goofy lol. I can’t wait

  18. asdjkfalksajsdk I love your pfp

  19. asdjkfalksajsdk I love your pfp

  20. I think I'm dying /hj

    my head hurts really bad

    my stomach hurts too

    my eyes hurt as well, especially when I move my eyes to focus on something different

    i keep seeing double

    this all suddenly started like, an hour ago

  21. Hi. I was asked to say which Cosmere book I've read, so here goes:

    Well, on second thought, it would be faster to list everything I haven't read.

    I've read everything except The Emporer's Soul, Hope of Elantris, Edgedancer. I am working on Oathbringer (haven't read stormlight 4, obvs) and the Sunlit Man. I forget all the novellas, but I havent read any except for Shadows for Silence (if that counts) and Mistborn Secret History.

  22. Why do I have to get anxiety over really stupid stuff? I'm just annoyed at myself at this point -_-

  23. JM LOOK!



    It’s called a Hell’s Kitchen and it’s from a place in New York called Pick-A-Bagel

    It’s got ham, turkey, cheese, lettuce, tomato, and a few other things, all contained by an everything bagel

    This is my new favorite bagel.

  24. JM LOOK!



    It’s called a Hell’s Kitchen and it’s from a place in New York called Pick-A-Bagel

    It’s got ham, turkey, cheese, lettuce, tomato, and a few other things, all contained by an everything bagel

    This is my new favorite bagel.

  25. iiiiiimm nottttttttt checkinggggggggggggggggg


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