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About TheFrugalWizard

  • Birthday 09/14/2008

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    Just a wizard lost in space and time.
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    I like D&D, writing, reading, coding, graphic design, web design and chess. Pronouns: he/him. Member of the Reformed Pesbetyrian Church of America.

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  1. Right, that's why he has limitations. Besides, transforming stuff into plutonium would be dangerous for him as well. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that if he tried it, his powers would automatically turn the radioactive substance to air the instant he transformed it.
  2. Okay everybody, I've been holding off saying it, but it has been coming for a while. I can't continue with the alleyverse. It is too much stress to keep up with everyone's storylines on top of my own. If someone wants to RP Frisian that's fine, but for now he's retreated into the shadows to gather followers and build up a mercenary army. I'm so sorry everyone, I have so much real life stuff going on it's impossible to give my time to this as well. Perhaps in a while I can rejoin. Thanks. @Stormlightsong @Koloss17 @Lunamor @Speeding Steelrunner (sorry I know I missed a bunch of people)
  3. "Good. I demand a full battalion of fifty men by tomorrow morning," Frisian announced. Without waiting for a reply, he marched off to his apartment. But, even as he flew, he experienced an overwhelming surge of emotion - remorse. He shouldn't have treated Phemus that way. He was a knight radiant, sworn to protect the people. That was what he was doing, wasn't it? * * * Later that night, Frisian lay in bed. It was late at night. Too late. He’d been up for hours, thinking. Thinking about his life, his interactions, and his oaths. “Talamar?” “Yes, Frisian?” “Do you think I’m becoming a dictator? I feel as though everything I say and do is suppressing someone. I find myself yelling at people like that poor police officer earlier today. I don’t want to make people think I’m going to be like every other dictator. Because I care. Don’t I?” “Frisian, it takes a real man to say something like that. I can tell you’re speaking from the heart. I have noticed that ever since you got to this planet, you’ve been acting more like… well… like a jerk. Nobody will believe that you really want to protect people if you keep on acting like this.” Frisian winced. This was what he’d feared. Talamar continued, “You need to act like you care. I know you do, deep down. That’s why I still have kept my bond. But your methods are more blunt then I’d like.” “Thanks.” Talamar’s words were an embodiment of Frisian’s own fears. He closed his eyes, thinking of how he’d interacted with Asylum at the carnival. He needed to have more thought, more love behind his words. And perhaps, he thought as he began to drift off. Perhaps he would be a bit kinder to the officers in charge and work his way up the chain the honest way.
  4. I could definitley imagine different sections of jail for people with different powers; aluminum cells for metalborn, glass cells for smedres, etc.
  5. Hi, I just wanted to say something here real quick about Frisian. I had some time on my hands tonight, so I thought I'd do some writing for possible future posts and character dev. Anyways, I have a possible idea for Frisian (and I'm not sure if this is the kind of thing I should just do or if I should tell you all), and I think it would be neat if, power hungry as he is now, he had a change of heart and began seeking for the protection of people, not as focused on domination.
  6. For a split second, time froze. Frisian was torn between his duty as a lawman, to find Asylum's accomplice and bring her in. At the same time, Asulym was also a criminal. And apprehending them would move him up the political ladder. He made his decision. Time restarted. Asylum was pale, glancing toward where Talamar had motioned to. The crowd had gasped at seeing Asylum's dart miss the balloon. Confidently, Frisian didn't so much as glance at the accomplice. Asylum was staring at the place where Talamar had just been. Frisian grabbed the scruff of her shirt and lashed her upwards with him, into the sky. * * * He threw Asylum to the ground at the police station. "I demand a job at the station," he said. "And I don't intend to wait." @Koloss17
  7. Five, I believe? How do you make a peanut butter sandwich?
  8. Frisian awaited Asylum's throw. Yet, as he did so, he almost felt a slight tugging on the buttons of his jacket. "Talamar," he whispered. "Yes, Frisian?" his honorspren replied. "Someone over there is using magic on me. I can feel my coat buttons being tugged that way." The sensation suddenly stopped. "It stopped now." "Hmm," Talamar said. "I've heard of a Scadrian art called ironpulling. It's a branch of allomancy, I believe." "Oh yes, I've heard of that before. Can you go over there and look for the perpetrator?" "Certainly, m'lord." As Asylum examined the darts, Frisian waited impatiently for Talamar. If he could turn in not one, but two criminals today... "M'lord, she's right here!" cried Talamar. With the speed of a falling stone, Frisian shoved his way through the crowd. "You there!" he said to a little girl holding a stuffed toy, the person Talamar had been pointing at. She was quickly escaping. "You're under arrest!" @Stormlightsong @Lunamor
  9. Sorry I've been on vacation haven't been able to read stuff for a while
  10. Sure that's fine by me. I will not be super active but I can generally post daily.
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