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J. Magi

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Status Replies posted by J. Magi

  1. to whom it may concern. I will be unable to log onto the shard until Saturday because of a school trip. we are not allowed to bring any electronic devices so that will be a pain - as in all of my friends who are addicted to their phones will be complaining 24/7. i am bringing some pen and paper so hopefully I will have finished outlining my novel by the time I get back... 

    @Lunamor @Weaver of Lies @Wierdo @Anguished_One @The Aspiring Archivist @Part Of The Narrative @Scars of Hathsin @Ancient Elantrian @J. Magi @TheRavenHasLanded

    please don't let any of my RP's die please. this includes the Percy Jackson RP, the marina's echo and anything and everything. elan, Raven and JM please revive the A&E RP. 

    @Edema Rue @Ancient Elantrian @Anguished_One @Experience and @SmilingPanda19

    I can guarantee that I will be back in time for the HG to start so please do not worry about that. 

  2. Mother’s Day walk highlights!



    I’m pretty tired of a lot of things. But we’re making it through. The sooner school gets out, I think, the better.

    Also, @Spark of Hope because I feel like you’re the best person to ask, is stuff still crazy in the clinic? Also what’s happened? I didn’t mean to disappear, and I wanna come back in but I can’t be crazy active right now :P

  3. I'm looking for summer jobs and:



    Looks like I'm not qualified for this one lol

  4. I'm looking for summer jobs and:



    Looks like I'm not qualified for this one lol

  5. I'm looking for summer jobs and:



    Looks like I'm not qualified for this one lol

  6. so I've been working on the same thing in my pottery class for over 2 weeks now and it got out of the kiln today and I had just gone and picked it up during my lunch

    I've made it very clear that I do not want anyone touching it at all

    and yet someone in my chemistry class decided it would be a good idea to come up and pick it up

    I'm literally so annoyed right now like I feel like nobody knows what the word "no" means

    its seriously not that hard to comprehend

    the project is fine, I'll post pictures in a bit, but I'm so annoyed about this

  7. i like the new profile. its cool.


    I just shortened my username, cause I've felt like it recently.

    I've been using 'Justice Magician' as my online name since middle school, and recently I've felt like changing it. That being said, that name is kind of how I'm known here, so I thought a shortened version would be a good in-between! (Most people call me Magi anyway, so it works lol)

  9. Yall ever play phoenix wright..?

  10. Yall ever play phoenix wright..?


    I just shortened my username, cause I've felt like it recently.

    I've been using 'Justice Magician' as my online name since middle school, and recently I've felt like changing it. That being said, that name is kind of how I'm known here, so I thought a shortened version would be a good in-between! (Most people call me Magi anyway, so it works lol)

  12. Yo, what should I change my member title to (and it has to be the actual word or words. You can't say "that one thing that one person said in that movie. You have to have the actual word(s).)

    I have no clue what to change it to.

    1. J. Magi

      J. Magi


      Don't choose Thaid, I've given you the perfect title: 'JM is Great!' 


    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  13. Yo, what should I change my member title to (and it has to be the actual word or words. You can't say "that one thing that one person said in that movie. You have to have the actual word(s).)

    I have no clue what to change it to.

    1. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      *Proud of myself for finally getting one of Eddie's references*

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  14. Yo, what should I change my member title to (and it has to be the actual word or words. You can't say "that one thing that one person said in that movie. You have to have the actual word(s).)

    I have no clue what to change it to.

  15. Yo, what should I change my member title to (and it has to be the actual word or words. You can't say "that one thing that one person said in that movie. You have to have the actual word(s).)

    I have no clue what to change it to.

    1. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      You should make it say: JM's great!

      I think it'd be really good in my unbiased opinion.

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  16. Hey guys, sorry in advance for the emotional roller coaster the last couple weeks have been, I don’t know how much of it has bled onto the shard (I know some has, but definitely not all, I kind of tend to hide the bad in secret journals xD)



    There are some moments where the emotions are too powerful to speak.

    Where the tears falling down your cheeks aren’t enough.

    Where the screams echoing from your hoarse through aren’t enough.

    Where you are thumping your chest to try to get to your heart that feels as if it just might burst, and it isn’t enough.

    Where you’re hugging someone so tight your arms are shaking, and it isn’t enough.

    Where you laugh at the sky and dance through the rain.

    Where you need to sing. 

    There are moments when your soul wants to break free from your body and fly its way up to heaven, because this earth cannot possibly understand all that you are feeling. 

    I don’t ever want to lose these moments.

    I wrote an essay type thing a bit ago about being young, about how you fly and you fall; there is nothing better than flying, and nothing worse than falling. And we get so afraid to fall that we stop flying.

    Don’t let me ever stop flying. I have fallen, and I will keep falling, and I will shatter and break over and over again. 

    But see how I fly.

    This is what it means to be alive. 

    The flying,

    The falling,

    The feeling.

    And this feeling, right now…

    It’s too powerful for any words. Too powerful for a mortal body. Nothing I say can possibly explain it. 

    Because next April, I will be performing in Hadestown, arguably my favorite musical of all time.

    And it’ll hurt.

    It’ll be a long, messy, exhausting year. 

    I’ll keep falling.

    But watch me fly.

    “To see how the world could be, in spite of the way that it is.”

    I feel so much more, but there are no more words I can say that will even begin to make you understand all that I feel right now.


    Know that I’ve been screaming for almost 3 hours straight and no longer have a voice.




    1. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Man I was a Greek mythology kid when I was a little . . . not in a Percy Jackson kind of way, but in a 'read the actual very not PG myths from random books at the library' kind of way lol. I kinda miss the stuff I gotta admit, it had a nice vibe.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  17. I finally finished The Sunlit Man, which means I've read all of the current Cosmere stuff which is pretty cool. (It took me two years . . . .)

    I'm looking for some new stuff to read, and I was wondering if you guys had anything to request? I do have some things in reading list to get to, but I'm not in the mood to read them yet (lol) and I thought it might be exciting to read something I haven't had on my shelf for years already.

    Specifically I'm looking for clean fantasy (I have a one track mind) that's on the shorter side, maybe a stand alone or trilogy. 


  18. I finally finished The Sunlit Man, which means I've read all of the current Cosmere stuff which is pretty cool. (It took me two years . . . .)

    I'm looking for some new stuff to read, and I was wondering if you guys had anything to request? I do have some things in reading list to get to, but I'm not in the mood to read them yet (lol) and I thought it might be exciting to read something I haven't had on my shelf for years already.

    Specifically I'm looking for clean fantasy (I have a one track mind) that's on the shorter side, maybe a stand alone or trilogy. 


  19. I present:

    The Young Elans

    Which could totally be a boy band




    1. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      hehehe yes

      or maybe the Elans are just eldritch beings

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  20. I present:

    The Young Elans

    Which could totally be a boy band




    1. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      ah little guys


      lol some of those ai arms crack me up


    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  21. I finally finished The Sunlit Man, which means I've read all of the current Cosmere stuff which is pretty cool. (It took me two years . . . .)

    I'm looking for some new stuff to read, and I was wondering if you guys had anything to request? I do have some things in reading list to get to, but I'm not in the mood to read them yet (lol) and I thought it might be exciting to read something I haven't had on my shelf for years already.

    Specifically I'm looking for clean fantasy (I have a one track mind) that's on the shorter side, maybe a stand alone or trilogy. 


  22. Oooooh new pfp!

    I like it.

  23. Miku pfp?

    1. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      2- I go on a, b schedule too but the classes aren't 3 hours . . . (they're 80-90 minutes)

    2. (See 34 other replies to this status update)

  24. Miku pfp?

    1. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      2-saaame sports suck . . . why do you have it for so long?

    2. (See 34 other replies to this status update)

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