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RoyalBeeMage last won the day on May 30

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About RoyalBeeMage

  • Birthday July 15

Profile Information

  • Member Title
    Just waiting for The Doors of Stone to release.
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  • Location
    South east Asia
  • Interests
    DnD, board games, reading (read the wheel of time in about a year and a half. Storm light in 3 weeks. King killer chronicles in about a week. Definitely not a nerd with to much free time), mythology( mostly Greek and Roman), rock climbing,

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  1. “They could also help us…”
  2. Thank you for that. I had seen it before but many of the acronyms were missing
  3. You all really should compile all of your acronyms and phrases for convenience
  4. Roy started to solidify slowly. His eyes changed from their normal rainbow hues to a dull blue. All his tattoos and markings along his back faded. Quite simply he became mortal. “Where am I? Who are all of you?” Roy asked sitting down and closing his eyes. He snapped them open almost immediately. “stars? Why do I see constellations?” “An echo.” He muttered
  5. “I would like to go in with all of you as well.”
  6. Never before now has lylo actually been close to applying to me. I’m fairly sure that this is my second village game. Not counting the rekoners one
  7. Wow I was not expecting that reaction to my claim. Though in hindsight it seems obvious to me now. I suppose I might as well claim my role. I am the research officer. My plan was originally to claim that someone pm ed me about drake being an elim but since pms were closed i had to improvise slightly.
  8. Roy smiled and continued walking. That was when it happened. Later the historia multiversa would mark that day as the day when all Roy’s everywhere shattered. Half the Roy’s simply dissolved into a floating pile of dust that floated away in the wind. The other half began to flicker in and out of reality becoming temporarily incorporeal and slightly translucent. Even if they were able to hold a solid form long enough to do anything they would have found all of their memories simply gone with all new memories disappearing while they flickered out of reality. They also found if they somehow knew what to look for that all of their powers were broken and not working properly. What power they had was being leached away bit by bit each time they flicked in or out of reality.
  9. “You sure? I would like to enter if that is all right.”
  10. Drake! the research officer pm’d me in the first few minutes of day 2 before I woke up or they reilised that pms were closed. They told me because they wanted to remain anonymous.
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