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Everything posted by lacrossedeamon

  1. With enough investiture and lashings could a Windrunner create a black hole?
  2. Well I think at least Fort's tablet is checking either Identity or Connection and if your Identity or Connection doesn't register as "Fort" it doesn't matter if the tablet is left "unlocked". Possibly the laptop isn't equipped with that. Hell the laptop could be completely mundane. But it still seems weird for the laptop to connect to the tablet especially since it was the brand new one he had just received from Xisis.
  3. I think the lichen itself might be metabolizing the water itself rather than sending it somewhere else. Also I wonder if terken is some form of silver biomineralization?
  4. I'm not sure using emotional allomancy to affect hemalurgic constructs would considered one of these bonds, bonding a seon is probably nahel (I see them as Selish spren), can Lifeless be bonded?, a sandmaster and the lichen is said to be a cognitive bond interestingly enough
  5. Sounds like maybe we need to break the monopoly on Firepower Indices and introduce competing threads into the marketplace of ideas.
  6. By "partner" you mean the Aviar's owner and not the parasite, correct? Would the Aviar and the parasite be bonded as well, possibly via a Luhel bond?
  7. Unless Fort's tablet is more advanced/better protected than Riina's laptop, that shouldn't be the case assuming they operate on the same principles.
  8. Are you thinking that the Iriali were on Lumar before Roshar? We know the Tress story is taking place 300 years after the Iriali left and seemingly some undefined time after MB era 2 and I think the Iriali are long enough established on Roshar to be implausible for the Iriali to have been to Lumar first. Of course this assumes there is only one Iriali population. If Xisis and Foil are the same person and Khriss only learns his location after it becomes common knowledge then it makes sense that they are actually two different Iriali groups.
  9. I found it odd that the Sorceress's laptop which I assume is based on Nalthian (or at least Awakened) tech was just able to connect to Fort's tablet with seemingly no extra steps. And that Tress was even able to use the laptop. Fort mentions that if someone else picked up his tablet it wouldn't work for them, we see the Awakened lock in TLM seemingly be passsword protected, and password protected Lifeless is even a major plot point in WB. Once the Nalthians started making the Awakened analogue to digital tech did they just forget about firewalls? I can't go two feet without hearing about VPNs and whatnot; you telling me Nalthis doesn't have youtube?
  10. So you think that Riina's automatons (no wonder Autonomy likes them) are just Awakened Lifeless a la Kalad's Phantoms but instead of stone are golden in reference to the anti-Lantrians (your term works too)? I also do think the Iriali are originally from Sel as well.
  11. I don't think Shu-Dereth is directly seeded by Autonomy. It juxtaposes Shu-Korath in a way that lines up too well with Dominion and Devotion. Jaddeth was originally a separate deity (probably the thing seeded by Autonomy) and his cult has since coopted the Derethi religion. Elantris even talks about the religious revisionism that goes on in Fjordell. I wonder if the rumors of the "bone spore" were also seeded by Autonomy (most likely via a Sandmaster) because a 13th spore type would most likely also result in its own religion which could give Autonomy a foothold on Lumar.
  12. There are WOB implications that Era 3 will focus more Sliverism as a religion and I could see Marsh playing a major role in that kind of plot.
  13. There are WoBs about a possible SH2 but from Hoid’s POV
  14. I wondered about this as well. Assumedly Riina has a Lumar based Aon Rao that allows her to use Aons on planet, probably connected with the mention of her island being “suspiciously circular”. I would think her (and Hoid’s) Aons would have be based on Lumar geography to work, like maybe instead of being Arelon coastline/mountain/lake it would be a pentagon for the sea and a dot for the Sorceress’s Island. The Aons used in the art seem very deliberate though with Hoid using Edo (protection) supplemented by multiple Daa (power) while the Riina is using Shao (transformation) supplemented with a bunch of Aon that assumedly would define the criteria and restrictions on Tress’s curse. So maybe they just used the Selish versions of the Aons that the readers would be familiar with but the actual event had Lumaran ones?
  15. I’d assume Era 2 Mistborn has showers. It’s generally late 1800s early 1900s Earth tech levels which would include showers by that point.
  16. Taking info from AoN I think Midnight and its counterpart Illuminous (which I think is different from the Sunlight Aether) are outside the Ten Essences. But it adds Ferrous and Bestarin Aethers that line up with Foil and Sinew Essences. I also think “bone spores” are a reference to Sandmastery but there would be a different Aether that actually generates stone that parallels Talus Essence. We don’t know what the spikes of Crimson Aether are made of but it could be something weird like Hemoglobin (Blood Essence is weird because it technically encompasses water but I don’t think there is a “water spore” given how they work). Vapor is tricky because of how similar it would be to Zephyr. There probably is an Aether, not Midnight, that generates hydrocarbons/lipids that parallels Tallow Essence. That should cover all 12 Aethers and 10 Essences if we assume the others postulated that I didn’t mention to be correct.
  17. He takes similar roles on multiple planets. So it’s possible that there was a King’s Wit like position on First of the Sun that he has held. Frost’s letter to Hoid also states he uses Wit as a name rather than just a title.
  18. If Xisis is Foil the question we have to ask is this. Does Khriss know his location before it becomes general knowledge? Because if not then TotES has to be within 300 years of RoW and the Lumar and Roshar populations of Iriali have to be different.
  19. Should include a section for resonances and compounding. It’s not Allomancy by itself but its a very important factor of how it interacts with feruchemy.
  20. And assumedly corrupted Stormlight while szeth is wielding it
  21. And generally this makes Elantrians even more OP. Like can Shai do this by stamping herself Elantrian and then “inviting” the rest of the Ghostbloods?
  22. Except he does answer in such a way that he does connect Wisdom to Survival at least in a general point in time. And by definition I don’t think they are that similar. Again for the reasons I gave previously. Virtuosity to me is a more naturally gifted derived skill rather than one acquired through external experiences.
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