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Everything posted by lacrossedeamon

  1. The way the questioner ask in the WOB implies they think the Wisdom shard and Survival shard is the same. And Sanderson has said that survival is only tangentially related to the Intent. I guess you could assume he’s talking about Fear but I think he is connecting the Intent back to survival in the last comment. In that case we can’t judge if they are similar either
  2. Not in the way they are expressed by Virtuosity and Wisdom as I detailed. Except that Prudence was implied to be the Wisdom shard at least in the mind of the one asking the WOB, and both of those connected WOBs do suggest Wisdom is (or was in my theorizing) was the Survival shard as well. I wonder if maybe Discretion is a better name than Prudence for the Wisdom/Survival shard. It would also be an Intent that seems at odds with Hoid’s modus operandi.
  3. Obviously Adolin feels differently, but it’s very Freudian to just assign a sword a masculine gender.
  4. Are you basing that on MeLaan’s epilogue from TLM? Because I think you might be inferring too much. We don’t know if the letter was sent immediately after Wayne’s death or if Harmony sat on it for a while for whatever reason. We don’t know the distance needed for it to travel to her. We don’t know if the problems the Ghostbloods talked about could have caused delays.
  5. We haven’t seen Silverlight so we can’t judge their tech (mundane or Invested) levels in order to know if that would be an obstacle or not. Also what would stop them from processing it on site?
  6. Technically vending machines are less modern than cars and we have those already in Era 2. Also this story is taking place near Era 4. I don’t see it as too big an issue. I’ve never read Alcatraz but I saw a big Douglas Adams’s H2G2 influence in this.
  7. Investiture being static or kinetic is reliant on how it’s being used, not inherent to the specific type of Investiture itself. So I don’t think that would matter to either Silver or Aluminum.
  8. Valid. Only time will tell… or the next spoilerstream.
  9. I haven’t read a lot of CS Lewis but I saw some Douglas Adams influence (notably in the Doug bit).
  10. If Xisis is Foil and Khriss only knows his location when it becomes common knowledge it also implies the events are only 300 years after RoW. But Hoid’s retelling definitely seems to be around SotD timeframe.
  11. I’m hoping once we get to more space age cosmere we have books set on multiple worlds and Lumar can be a secondary or tertiary setting there. I had assumed this too but then the curses made me think Old Magic. Was not expecting Elantrian.
  12. I’m also on the audience being First of the Sunners train. But it could be a mixed group of migrants to that planet but the story is at least being told on said planet.
  13. I might be miscounting but I feel that other than maybe survival (which he states is only just tangential to the intent) Wisdom (which is states is close to the intent) has been the most commented on at least recently. And is it a lot of chance to think Brandon is remembering correctly?
  14. I feel that on top of the Princess Bride Sanderson took a lot of inspiration from Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. The bit about the Dougs is almost the exact same bit from H2G2’s bit about Gin and Tonic. SP2 also feels H2G2 inspired. Well if AoN trunked novel is anything to go by we still have a metal aether and flesh (gross) aether (and Illuminous which might be the same as the Sunlight/Gold aether but I doubt it). Also I like the theory about the Aethers and the Ten Essences being paralleled.
  15. True but I think he was referencing all the Wisdom shard WOBs but couldn’t remember the exact specifics so he hedged his bets.
  16. This just me but they don’t seem that similar. Honestly the feel more juxtaposed in a rational vs emotional or acquired vs innate sense. And again in the Virtuosity WOB Brandon states that we know the general Intent of the unnamed Shard which implies to me Wisdom because he’s only described “survival” as being tangential to the Intent.
  17. I have in fact but I seemed to miss the part where Nikli (an in universe source who could be unreliable) states At the end of the day you think I’m being obtuse and I think you are making an inductive fallacy. Your arguments aren’t supported enough for my standards to change my stance and I don’t care enough about your opinion to continue to try to change yours. I think I will be vindicated in this when Dragonsteel comes out.
  18. The conversation in chapter 14 is what tipped me off.
  19. No it doesn’t but unlike the original post I don’t think Virtuosity is the Shard with the Wisdom like intent especially given the WoB posted about Virtuosity and the unnamed shard and I also don’t think the mention of a Shard realizing survival not being as important means it is suicidal now/splintered itself just that it is willing to put itself in danger now for other goals.
  20. Actually I think you might be right. I just reread the page for Sho Del and it mentions reptilian eyes and the image used (admitted a fanwork) has scales. It is weird to not mention the extra limbs but yeah does seem pretty tasty… I mean Sho Delish.
  21. Can you prove that? As in that the Dawnshard is solely just a Command? Yes surges require commands but again that doesn’t preclude something being able to grant both. Ah but those aren’t commands divinely crafted by Adonalsium (assumedly) that already come with their own investiture like the Dawnshards do.
  22. I don’t think he’s ever confirmed that Wisdom is actually a Shard name. Especially given that we only have 15 original shard names which does not include Wisdom one unnamed Shard which he said we only part of. I think that final shard is the one that has an Intent that would be similar to Wisdom but isn’t and is also the Survival shard. He didn’t immediately throw it out. It had goals of Survival during mistborn Era 1 (2011) but now in a post mistborn Era 2 cosmere (2022) its goals have changed. Just because we dont have a specific story with it doesn’t mean that develop isn’t important for worldbuilding or backstory.
  23. There’s also this weird change in font in Fort’s communication which might be meant to highlight his anxiety but doesn’t seem to mesh with how the tablet works. Could be the second bit he didnt type out but the predictive capabilities of the tablet conveyed his thoughts anyways.
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