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Everything posted by lacrossedeamon

  1. Okay then. Pulled the trigger and only added it to the applicable cover galleries.
  2. Their logic in their first comment being no action needed or the logic in the second comment being at least add book covers of anthologies/collections/omnibuses and having a later conversation on the topic once there are more cases?
  3. The Frugalverse (which we already have a page for: https://coppermind.net/wiki/Frugal_Wizard_Multiverse) would subsume the Cytoverse, Alcatraz, Reckoners, maybe Rithmatist, etc as being either higher or lower on the "stream". That's how it would make it easier. Not sure how that would change anything? I assume the potential non Brandon cosmere novels would be covered here just as detailed as the Brandon ones.
  4. This would be easier if Brandon just made the Frugalverse but I understand his reluctance to go full multiverse with his alt Earth properties
  5. I mean going by name I'd say Coppermind should have been for WoBs and Arcanum for encyclopedic content but that's off topic (it is a shame about how categorization is affected though) so Chaos do you have an weighing in on adding Three Fantasies or and if yes how so?
  6. It is a weird niche case. I only found out about it looking for clean versions of the art used in the 10th Anniversary Edition of Elantris. I could at least upload this cover and add it to the galleries for Elantris, Emperor's Soul, and Warbreaker for now until a consensus is reached on how else to handle them.
  7. While looking to see if it was already on the Coppermind I did come across this: https://coppermind.net/wiki/File:Emperor's_Soul_Legion_Twofer_Cover.jpg. So it seems like some policy needs to be put in place. PS Having looked at that other cover it seems Stephen Leeds is on the cover of the Cosmere only collection as well? Weird.
  8. Should this publication be added to the Coppermind: https://www.gollancz.co.uk/titles/brandon-sanderson/three-fantasies-tales-from-the-cosmere/9781473211087/
  9. Fair take, either way we will most likely get more info on potential Darkside media as Brandon works through the White Sand prose (boooo hisss /s).
  10. I actually get the opposite impression from that WoB as it seems to just be reiterating this one: But agreed that everything surrounding potential Darkside media and what form it would take is uncertain, much to my dismay post buying the omnibus.
  11. In the potential cosmere section under White Sand we have "Second set of White Sand graphic novels" and under Additional Cosmere stories by Isaac Stewart we have "The Arcanist featuring Khriss". Are these not the same work and if so should it be mentioned twice in the list? Which section would take precedence?
  12. Aethernalsium as a joke one somewhere
  13. I am a mod over at the Assassin's Creed Fandom wiki and this is generally how we do it (scrollable, release order, media or dlc level). We include templates for first mention vs first appearance, mentioned only, indirect mention, non canonical appearances, or other context for their appearance such as if it is through IU artwork only.
  14. Yeah I am more familiar with Fandom mark up text such as <ref>...</ref> rather than what is used here. But yeah waiting makes sense, just painful.
  15. https://www.dragonsteelbooks.com/blogs/the-cognitive-realm/gencon-2024-stormlight-rpg-mistborn-deckbuilding In response to Question 6 Johnny says “…it’s the Servant of Yelig-Nar. Someone who has swallowed an Unmade and gets nine of the surges.” Not sure how to source this onsite as it hasn’t been added to the arcanum yet I don’t think.
  16. Guess that means my work is done here for now
  17. Still think humans are relevant enough to warrant a page but maybe it's good to hold off until like the Dragonsteel books So is that a go for it on the category page at least?
  18. Yeah we have similar issues on another wiki i work on regarding category pages for ethnicity vs nationality vs residency vs nation states that no longer exist. But if there is a overhaul in the wings then I'll hold off from doing anything.
  19. Pretty sure the timeline doesn’t work out. Iriali seem to have been traveling a long time with the “One” most likely referring to Adonalsium. I’m more partial to them being the original inhabitants of Elantris.
  20. How about a compromise for now and just a humans category page to at least fall under sapient beings and potentially under applicable [planet] lifeforms as well
  21. So the demonyms for planets (surprised sci-fi hasn't come up with a specific word for this) being used as category pages are Rosharan, Lumaran, Taldaini, Selish, Nalthian, Scadrian, Komashi, Threnodite, and Yolish. Have all of these been used in canon as actual demonyms? If so then it makes sense until we get its usage in the narrative. If not then we should vote on how to form the demonym for Canticle.
  22. That's a very different design philosophy than I am used to but the wiki I am most active on, Assassin's Creed, is a very different franchise from the cosmere. While understandable I would still argue that humans should have a page in a similar way that iron has a page.
  23. Proposal to make a separate page for people on Canticle. The first thing to address is do we have a canonical demonym. I would assume it's Canticlite but I'm not sure we ever see it in the source material. Second is would we treat it like Rosharans who do not fall under Ashynites (which currently also doesn't have its own page) or would it be a subcategory on the Threnodite page.
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