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About Stormlightsong

  • Birthday October 12

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    Drifting through the comere
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    Cats, MTG, and fantasy.

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  1. @Speeding Steelrunner I would like to remind you that the specific vampire Fenna dealing with has different orders than the one that attacked Eza and Eighth. This one has very specific orders to capture and bring back Arranis and so would not try to feed on Fenna. (Though technically it was given a little bit of discretion on how to deal with Arranis as long as it keeps him alive. also @Scars of Hathsin you refer to the vampire in your post with masculine pronouns, but if you look at my original post I actually specified that the body was of a woman. Although it doesn’t matter much, continuity is nice.
  2. Asylum walked into the break room followed by two zombies, each carrying two restrained prisoners, and one vampire who was trying desperately not to feed on it’s own. The room was rectangular; on one side there were tables and chairs, on the other there was a small buffet. Walking briskly, Asylum made their way to a door that lead into a small kitchen. Opening a cabinet, they found what they were looking for. —————————————————— In the center of the room, three flawless salt circles were arranged. Directly adjacent to each, there was a prisoner. In the center, between the salt circles, lay the fourth prisoner, surrounded by non-ritual empty salt shakers. With a swift slice, the middle prisoner spilled their jugular blood. Asylum drew crimson sigils as the three prisoners surrounding them whimpered through their gags. As Asylum started to whisper the incantation smoke began to rise from the salt circles, one green, one yellow, and one red. Once Asylum finished the ritual, they heaved their withering body towards the fifth and final prisoner. Having siphoned the man’s life, Asylum stood to face the demons. In each salt circle stood an undulating pillar of smoke; as the demon’s attention turned on them, Asylum spoke, “Welcome, Horsemen of the apocalypse!” Asylum motioned towards the green, yellow, and red demon respectively, “Pestilence, Famine, War! I have called you here to bring forth destruction and death! Join the final ride and take your places by my side!” It was silent, until “who are you?“, “I’m not very good with horses, you sure you got the right guy?“, and “why can’t I move?“ taking a deep breath, Asylum addressed them in turn, “you may call me death, I never really thought the horses were necessary, and SALT!” Asylum composed themself and thought of saying a short prayer before thinking better of it. “Look, I have called you here, to be the Harbingers of the end times, could you please be more professional?” They motioned towards the remaining prisoners as they spoke. “I give you hosts so you may walk in this realm freely on the condition that you follow me. Am I clear?” “yeah“ “that makes sense“ “I’m still confused about the horses“ “THERE ARE NO HORSES!” Asylum yelled at Famine. Behind them, they heard the faint step of paws. “Now, we will soon have visitors, so get into your bodies and compose yourselves.” The demons moved into their respective prisoners in a swift movement of smoke. When they rose they had started to personalize their bodies. Pestilence looked sickly with bright emerald eyes; there body was covered in warts and buboes. Famine was pale and thin as a skeleton; their ribs were showing, and their eyes shown bright yellow. But war was the most disturbing; their size had doubled, their skin was taut against bulging muscles. War’s eyes were bloodshot, and their pupils pinpricks in seas of red. Death smiled and turned their blackened eyes toward the door to greet the coming visitors. @Scars of Hathsin @Lunamor @Speeding Steelrunner @Koloss17
  3. As Asylum looked around for their next test subject, they saw something in corner of their eye. They turned and saw the two figures right before they disappeared into the hallway. Eza? They thought trying to recall what they had just seen. Something was wrong though; what they had seen was a look of terror, and who was that man? Why were they here? Asylum looked down at their withered hands to find the first answer. Swiftly, they walked over to a cell with a young man trying desperately to hide in the corner. With a flick of their wrist, Asylum pulled the man forward and placed a hand on his forehead. The man’s skin wrinkled and decayed as life returned to Asylum. Their skin brightened, and the blackened veins receded until only Asylum’s eyes showed the darkness within. Asylum released the shriveled man and beckoned the darkness. Out of the shadows a black cat came to sit at their feet. Asylum spoke, their voice refreshed and human, “find Eza, protect her and lure her back to me.” That settled, Asylum pondered what to do next. They remembered passing a break room that the officers used to pass time. It would have to do. Picking five prisoners, they directed their thralls to bring the test subjects to the new room gaged; the screaming was going to give them a headache.as they walked down the hallways, they looked through their book for a new thing to try. @Longshot97 @Scars of Hathsin
  4. Asylum walked through the constabulary with purpose. They’d already set up a perimeter of thralls to guard the exits, but they didn’t have enough minions to stop anyone serious. As they came to the hall where most of the prisoners were held, Asylum saw the remains of a fight. There were three guards positioned at the end of the hall, they looked around to check for potential threats. Then they found one. ”Hi,” Asylum said as one of the guards dashed toward them at unnatural speed. A slider. That will be useful. They thought as they slipped a knife directly in between the guard’s ribs. “My condolences.” Asylum said as the two thralls behind them shot the remaining guards directly in between both their eyes. As Asylum started turning the slider, a prisoner finally broke the silence. “So are you going to release us?” Asylum turned their head towards the prisoner. He was a strong fellow, he seemed to be a hit man for a mob of some sort, but that hardly mattered. “Of course,” Asylum said, raising a withered hand from the new vampire. They walked over and unlocked the door. Before the man could react, Asylum’s new pet was upon him. Within it’s speed bubble it fed, draining the prisoner. It was crude and wasteful, but it seemed effective. “So,” Asylum said with a grin. “Who’s next?” @Lunamor @Longshot97 @Scars of Hathsin
  5. Asylum knelt beside the last guard that had come when the alarm sounded. They tallied up their new thralls on the young man’s chest. 5 mindless zombies and two vampires who were already feeding to gain their strength. Having done their calculations, Asylum split the man’s chest open the allow a large pool of blood to form on the ground. The veins on their face turned black as they said the incantation. Slowly the blood split into three sections each painting a different scene. A newly promoted police man sleeping in bed, a healer who tried to strike a deal with a crime lord, and a knight already walking into the dragon’s lair. Asylum smiled and held out an arm for two ravens to perch on. “bring me the healer and the copper.” Asylum released the birds before beckoning one of their vampires over. The body seemed to have belonged to a young woman before she was turned. She probably suffered much hardship rising through the ranks, but that didn’t matter anymore, Asylum didn’t discriminate. “Bring me our newest guest.” Asylum said standing up from the bloodied floor. “Alive preferably, but I wouldn’t mind if you had a little taste.” The vampire smiled, showing large, bloodied fangs before setting off for its target. Messengers sent, Asylum strolled down the hall to see how the other prisoners were doing. @Lunamor @TheFrugalWizard @RoyalBeeMage @Longshot97
  6. Asylum, Smokestack, Smokestack Constabulary The blood moon shone over Smokestack as Asylum stood up in their cell. “What’s going on it there.” A guard yelled through the door while rapping his knuckles on it. “Wouldn’t you like to know,” Asylum said, picking up their spell book. Finally, it would help them. “Would you like to come in, or should I come out?” “you’re not going anywhere Smedry.” The guard said, sliding the aluminum viewing hatch open. Asylum pointed a slim finger towards the guard and read off an incantation under their breath. Suddenly the guard stepped back, clutching his throat. Blood seeped out of the man’s mouth as he tried not to heave up his insides. Asyum stepped up to the door and placed both hands on it. As they pushed they could hear the locks snapping one by one. Finally the door swung open to show the Guard, now dead, on the floor. Asylum turned as they heard the alarm sounding. They saw the second guard holding the alarm lever in one hand and a revolver in the other. “There’s no need for that.” Asylum said, walking closer. “I won’t kill you.” The guard shook with terror as Asylum pushed away the gun and leaned forward to whisper in the young man’s ear. “I have much better plans for you.” With one hand Asylum broke the man’s neck. With the other they flipped to a page labeled ‘Resurrection’. They placed the man on the floor and, taking his own knife, made the necessary incisions. They laid a hand on the body, and as they whispered the incantation Asylum’s eyes started to blacken. The body started to twitch as Asylum raised their hand from it. Guards started to pour in as the thrall rose, but Asylum could already see their bloodied bodies, some rising to their service. They smiled and raised their tome of sin to meet the oncoming hoard. This was going to be fun. @Lunamor @Longshot97
  7. Asylum, Smokestack, Smokestack Constabulary. Asylum sat in their cell waiting. As the moon approached its apex, they began the preparations. Thankfully the guard that had the last patrol around the prison had also been an old gambling partner and had owed lots of money to Asylum, but these contraband would have to suffice. Asylum laid the mirror upright in the center of their cell. Taking some salt, they created a circle around the mirror, making sure there were no gaps. Finally they laid the candle that the guards had foolishly given Asylum when they begged for light next to the mirror. Then they waited. The moment what seemed to be a fight broke out a few halls down Asylum struck the mirror square in the center, the yells masking the shatter of glass. When they looked at the mirror, the glass had separated into thirteen equal pieces. And the face that stared back was no longer their own. Asylum smiled, “Hello demon” The shadow looked the same even after seven years. Even it’s expression was the same, a look of amusement. “I’ve called you here to make you a deal,” Asylum said with their perfect poker face. “I know that you have been restless because of my… reluctance to use your full power, restricting you to games of chance, but I have an ultimatum for you.” The figure started to shake, and Asylum frowned as they realized it was laughing. Asylum heard a whisper coming not from the mirror, but seemingly from themself. “You think you have anything you can give me?” The demon said from it’s cage, though it’s mouth did not move. “You who uses me for pleasure and gold?.” Asylum smiled. “Ah, but I know what you want.” Asylum said. “You do not yearn for power or control, but for the sweet taste of chaos. I can give you that. I can restore our former glory. In exchange for this.” They placed the Malleus Maleficarum the mirror. The demon tilted back it’s head in uncontrolled laughter. “Your old science project? Your ‘Field Research On The Practices Of Witches In Europe’?” The demon laughed as Asylum clenched their fists. “In this book I have collected the knowledge and spells of witches from Ireland to Russia! I can rain chaos from heaven to hell! All I need is a bit of leeway, so that I may bring misfortune to those radiants that put me here!” Asylum composed themself as the demon stopped its cackling. “Until the sun rises,” It said, as if weaving the thread of fate with its words. “You will have the power over misfortune as you desire. A power that will wither your soul and bend others to your will. In return you will raise hell on earth until the streets roll with blood and broken glass. A deal sealed in blood.” “How else.” Asylum said before bringing their palm to their teeth and biting. They licked the blood from their teeth as they reached toward the mirror. Suddenly a smoky hand reached out of the mirror and grabbed their wound as the candle went out. It was quiet as Asylum retrieved their hand from the mirror, which had finally started to crumble. The only light that remained was the silver shine of the moon. Suddenly the light changed. The moon darkened and glowed a deep red as if bleeding. Cries of surprise and confusion sounded from the streets as Asylum sat in their cell and smiled.
  8. Well… let’s just say you’ll have a different type of problem.
  9. @Koloss17 @RoyalBeeMage @Scars of Hathsin @Lunamor @Longshot97 @TheFrugalWizard Sorry for the double post but I just wanted to make sure that everyone’s okay with me doing the final post of the episode. Because it is my plan to make The Big Thing also The Final Thing of the episode so that we can start the finale section.
  10. The target was taunting him, but Keshi had learned enough. With a final twist, he pulled out three nails from the inquisitors body. Then he was gone.
  11. The moment everything started Keshi thought of interfering, but he didn’t. Something was wrong, why was the man not resisting the attacks? As Keshi watched, the man started glowing, and his wounds started to close. Right as Keshi was writing this down, a gigantic hammer appeared in the man’s hand. Seeing the signs that an incredibly dangerous fight was about to break out, Keshi started to interfere. Sending a message to Goto, Keshi appeared on the big hammer man’s shoulder. Before anyone could react, Goto teleported Keshi and the man a to a roof a block down. “Sorry about this.” Keshi said to the man. “He’s in my jurisdiction.” Goto teleported Keshi back to the building with the inquisitor. Keshi immediately laid down destructor fire and began to circle the target using light lines and short range teleportation. The target seemed to possess a cloak with a built in defensive system. For some reason, it seemed almost alive. The destructor blasts would only distract his opponent until they discovered it was mostly harmless. So as a nail the side of his arm started flying toward him, Keshi used this opportunity to teleport between the inquisitor and the projectile and attach a light line to the nail now flying away from him. Before Goto fell too much, Keshi sent him an image of the space directly behind the target. After teleporting himself and the nail to the new position, he used the remaining light lines to stabilize himself and angle the nail to swing directly towards the inquisitor’s shoulder. @Koloss17
  12. I think that option 1 would work but it would mean the heist would have to happen at around midnight (which makes sense anyway) and and it would have to have them not reach the cell before The Big thing(TM) happens.
  13. I plan to have my next scene with Asylum be the last scene of the episode as it will take place at midnight (cause it has to) And will effect every other plotline going forward. if anybody would like to suggest changes to this plan I am open to them. I have already run my plan by @Koloss17 and they’re ok with it. @Lunamor @Longshot97 @RoyalBeeMage @TheFrugalWizard @Scars of Hathsin
  14. Asylum, 9 years ago, Spain It was hard living on the streets, especially when you had to deal with Catholics. “Begone witch!” The priest screamed as he waved the cross in front of Asylum’s face. ”Hey don’t blame me,” Asylum pleaded. “It’s not my fault that woman poured the wine, bad luck that is I tell you.” ”You conspire with the forces of evil and invite demons into our holy sanctum!” They priest proclaimed, reaching for a second cross hung around his neck. “And for that a denounce you as a witch!” Asylum felt betrayed and indignant, they had put their faith in the church for the past three years, but most of all, they were confused. “How do even know what a witch looks like? Is there a checklist or something?” “It says it all here!” The priest pull out a book, and, on closer inspection, Asylum was surprised to find it was not the Bible. The cover page read ‘Malleus Maleficarum’ and just below that in smaller text ‘written by Henricus Intitor’ After leaving peacefully, Asylum started regretting what they had done. Not setting the wine on fire, that was an accident. No, they mostly regretted stealing the book. ________________________________________ Asylum, Smokestack, Smokestack Constabulary. Asylum was escorted to the wall phone by two officers. After dialing the correct number, Asylum heard Lucy’s familiar voice. “Hello, you have reached ‘Lucky’s Gaming Emporium’ what can I do for you.” ”Hello, this is Asylum.” They heard an audible groan. “Can you put my lawyer Leucine on the phone.” ”you’ve got to be- give me a moment.” After a few moments a similar but more refined voice come on the line. “So, I hear you’ve been arrested. What do you need?” ”Leucine! It’s good to hear a friendly voice, I would like to have some legal representation, But I’m afraid it will be terribly boring, could you bring a book to read to me?” ”Sure,” Leucine said cautiously. “Did you have anything in mind?” Asylum smiled, “Henricus Intitor, revised edition.”
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