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Status Replies posted by JesterLavorre

  1. I can officially no longer call myself a teenager. 

    I don't feel 20 years old yet...that's two decades. That's "official adult" in my brain. I'm not that. This is weeeeiiiird, guys. 

    1. JesterLavorre


      Happy Birthday!

      If it’s any comfort, in Rosharan years, you’ve already been twenty for some time now!

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  2. Y'alls gotta go watch Multiverse of Madness ASAP

    It's absolutely lit

    1. JesterLavorre


      It was pretty good. I liked parts of it, but I just couldn’t get very invested in many of the fight scenes because the magic power levels felt kind of arbitrary. I do like the horror elements, though. And there is one fight scene that is very good that I won’t mention for spoilers.

      Top 60% of marvel movies, I would say. Worth the watch, but not one of my absolute favorites.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. A year ago today, I was told "oh my god taml ypi doomstick" by Grey. fun times

    1. JesterLavorre


      History in the making

  4. I've been on this wild roller coaster of a fansite for four years and I ain't about to get off anytime soon. Here until we crash and burn, baby. ...Let's not, though. 

    This time I'm going to save musings for after the Compliments Section. This is so I can put the staff right at the top, as they tend to have limited time, so certain people don't have to ask for a TL;DR anymore. :P I intentionally won't try to mention everyone, or anywhere close actually, but I love every single one of you. 

    First up: @Chaos, as intimidated as I used to be by you, I now think you're wonderful and kind and I really admire you. I enjoy talking with you even when we're both tired and really should be sleeping. Can't wait to read your book someday. 

    @Argent, your humor and measuredness make the world a better place to be in. I'm very glad I get to know you. 

    @LewsTherinTelescope, you're cool and things. Words are hard but talking with you is always Good. You know what I mean. 

    @Otto Didact, one day I am going to meet and hug you and the world will probably be at peace or something. I need to talk to you more because you're amazing and your Dad Vibes are healing. Also, you have possibly the best hair in staff chat. Don't tell Evgeni. ;) 

    @Kaymyth, speaking of parent vibes, you are really cool like so cool and also so loving and also like can I have your autograph someday?? Literally, I mean, I'm gonna be buying your books eventually :D 

    @Paleo, your wizardry is fantastic, but your creations aren't the only thing making you awesome. I appreciate you and your help very much. 

    @Voidus, you and your care and thoughtfulness have never ceased to be there, and I hope I get to talk to you, read your RP, and hear about your campaigns and kiddos being cute forever. 

    @firstRainbowRose and @little wilson, meeting you two at the last Dragonsteel Minicon was so fun and you're both so nice! I'm excited to see you both again. Mi'ch, you are incredible and don't forget it. Kendra, sometimes I just think of you and your offers to talk about stuff and it's...steadying. <3 

    Working with all of you continues to be an honor and a joy, and hanging out with you more so. On to non-staff! 

    IT'S TIME FOR ME TO TALK ABOUT THE BENES. @The Awakened Salad @Tesh ARE YOU GUYS READY TO BE DELUGED IN LOVE? I hope so because you're my best friends and more important to me than all the world. Specific compliments elude me when everything applies, so...reread our platonic wedding vows, kiss your pet, and know that you are the beaniest FAB Squad ever and I will never, ever forget you and our conversations and hangouts. 

    You are skilled, you are loved, you are interesting, and I will always listen to you. May dragons, avi. :wub: 

    To the many people I've met in-person at various times over the past year - I absolutely loved it, for the record, and you are as awesome as sour Skittles. 

    To those I've talked with after absences, I'm overjoyed to speak to you again. Special shoutout to @Ashspren - chatting with you on Discord has been great, Ash! 

    @Robin Sedai, I don't know you super well yet but you're really kind and I hope your life is going well. I always look forward to singing Hamilton with you :P 

    @Wyndlerunner beep. *boops your nose* 

    @#1 Taln Fan, you are awesome and amazing and funny and don't you ever let yourself forget it! 

    All of you reading this deserve individual statements, but I'm too tired to do something more elaborate - totally lost track of the days and wasn't writing this one in advance. No way I could keep up the giant lists forever, anyway. You all take care of yourselves, you do deserve it - and I know it's hard sometimes, or most of the time, but it will get better, I promise. No matter what. Keep hanging on. 

    I haven't been very active on the forums this past year. I mean, I've been on, but only about ~500 posts outside the games is telling. Still, despite that, I've had a grand time both here and on the server. I've graduated, gotten a job, and become a different person in many ways this year. I'm fairly happy with who I am now, which is nice, lol. 

    I won't apologize for this not being more ornate, I'm too tired. Knowing the lot of you is an adventure, and I never want to give that up. 

    *toasts you all with a glass of eggnog* Love ya. May this next year be better than this one, and with less hardships for those we love. 

  5. Hello hi yes I'm back with another book recommendation.

    If you are in the US, you have got to read Lies My Teacher Told Me by James W. Loewen. (If you're not in the US, it'll just show you how incredibly racist and biased the US history curriculum is in US high schools is! So It could be fun for you guys as well.) :P

    You have to read it.

    The author takes the twelve most commonly used US history textbooks in high schools and analyzes them for the things that they leave out or lie about. And then he also talks so much about super interesting things and it just adds so much nuance to what's usually taught in schools and it's just so good.

    He also talks a lot about why this is such as issue (racism and whitewashing history are a couple big ones) and why this leads to a lot of people finding history boring.

    Stuff like this is why I personally love history. I have had an awesome teacher who was willing to dive deep into things, go beyond the curriculum, challenge common misconceptions, made us question, think critically, and just AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I love it so much.

    Just, please, take the time to at least look into this book. It's written in a super entertaining way, it's jam-packed with information, and it will honestly make you a better person.

    (Oh also, I love the term "whitewashing history." It's so interesting. Cause there's the "whitewashing" where you cover up the "blemishes" or the "imperfections." The things that make (in this case) the US look bad. Then there's also another meaning. "White"washing history. Focusing on history from the white European perspective. Ignoring or invalidating other points of view. (I've had people recommend to me An Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States although I haven't read it myself yet, so that might be worth looking into if you guys are interested in this.))

    So yeah.


    If you find history boring this might change your opinion.

    At the very least it will leave you a better informed citizen.

    Lies My Teacher Told Me, James W. Loewen.

    (Also my psych teacher (he used to teacher world history as well) said this is one of his all-time favorite books, my AP World History teacher uses this to help teach Columbus, and my AP US History teacher listens to the podcast.)

    (A few other history books that I've read and that I've loved are Flyboys by James Bradley, Becoming Evil by James Waller, We Wish To Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed With Our Families by Philip Gourevitch, and Asperger's Children by Edith Sheffer.)

    (Also I'm only about 70 pages into Lies My Teacher Told Me and this is how much I'm already loving it.)


    1. JesterLavorre


      *Interesting. Dang mobile and not being able to edit my typos.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. Hello hi yes I'm back with another book recommendation.

    If you are in the US, you have got to read Lies My Teacher Told Me by James W. Loewen. (If you're not in the US, it'll just show you how incredibly racist and biased the US history curriculum is in US high schools is! So It could be fun for you guys as well.) :P

    You have to read it.

    The author takes the twelve most commonly used US history textbooks in high schools and analyzes them for the things that they leave out or lie about. And then he also talks so much about super interesting things and it just adds so much nuance to what's usually taught in schools and it's just so good.

    He also talks a lot about why this is such as issue (racism and whitewashing history are a couple big ones) and why this leads to a lot of people finding history boring.

    Stuff like this is why I personally love history. I have had an awesome teacher who was willing to dive deep into things, go beyond the curriculum, challenge common misconceptions, made us question, think critically, and just AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I love it so much.

    Just, please, take the time to at least look into this book. It's written in a super entertaining way, it's jam-packed with information, and it will honestly make you a better person.

    (Oh also, I love the term "whitewashing history." It's so interesting. Cause there's the "whitewashing" where you cover up the "blemishes" or the "imperfections." The things that make (in this case) the US look bad. Then there's also another meaning. "White"washing history. Focusing on history from the white European perspective. Ignoring or invalidating other points of view. (I've had people recommend to me An Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States although I haven't read it myself yet, so that might be worth looking into if you guys are interested in this.))

    So yeah.


    If you find history boring this might change your opinion.

    At the very least it will leave you a better informed citizen.

    Lies My Teacher Told Me, James W. Loewen.

    (Also my psych teacher (he used to teacher world history as well) said this is one of his all-time favorite books, my AP World History teacher uses this to help teach Columbus, and my AP US History teacher listens to the podcast.)

    (A few other history books that I've read and that I've loved are Flyboys by James Bradley, Becoming Evil by James Waller, We Wish To Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed With Our Families by Philip Gourevitch, and Asperger's Children by Edith Sheffer.)

    (Also I'm only about 70 pages into Lies My Teacher Told Me and this is how much I'm already loving it.)


    1. JesterLavorre


      I have heard about it before, I think. I’ll definitely add it to my list. As the homeschooled kid of a science teacher, that could be very Inter to me for a variety of reasons.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  7. Y'alls-

    Turning Red is amazing

    That is all

    1. JesterLavorre


      I will join the “Turning Red is amazing” camp. It’s no Coco, but definitely my favorite Pixar for the last couple years.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  8. Well. My first ever D&D session had to be postponed because of a crazy person running around with a knife. At least, I think that's what happened. It's a long story. 

    I wrote some updates as this whole thing was happening. It was intended to be like a diary entry, I guess. But what I wrote feels very sarcastic, and it's kind of entertaining now that the situation is over. (The situation itself wasn't entertaining, though.) But here's everything I wrote while trapped in a classroom: 


    Uhh. Class was supposed to have ended five minutes ago, but now we are apparently "sheltering in place." And there's police outside the school. What a fun day. (12:20 PM)

    I am going to be writing updates as this happens because it's kind of interesting. There’s also going to be timestamps because why not.

    Update 1 - My teacher is trying to play something on the TV. This is probably a bad idea because I'm pretty sure we're supposed to be hiding, but whatever. He asked if we wanted to watch Encanto, but now we are sitting in silence. (Which I’m kind of happy about because I don’t want to be hiding while Camilo is screaming "SEVEN FOOT FRAME” in the background) (12:30 PM)

    Update 2 - I am filling out things for a D&D character sheet. I was supposed to play D&D for the first time in like 30 minutes. But now that’s probably not happening today, so I’m writing some snazzy backstory stuff for my character (12:33 PM)

    Update 3 - The class next to us is blasting Michael Jackson songs super loud and singing. I can hear everything through the walls. Billie Jean could potentially be the soundtrack to someone's death. (12:40 PM)

    Update 4 - The police just sent the teachers emails telling us what is going on. There’s a suspect hiding in the park right next to the school. We have been notified that we could be stuck in here for hours (12:43 PM)

    Update 5 - There’s starting to be confirmation that the suspect has either a gun or a knife. The plot thickens. There are also kids walking outside my classroom door right now and I’m just like “WHY?? What are you doing??” I would never want to be in a survival situation with these people. (12:50 PM)

    Then everything sort of ended at 1:20. The police were still outside, though. And then, because it's Spirit Week, we came out of the classrooms and just went to our event/rally as if nothing had happened. Like, how are we supposed to be enthusiastic for a school event after being nervous for over an hour? School is weird.

    The whole day feels like a weird dream, to be honest. 

    I'm still not even sure what happened. I think people were saying that the suspect had a knife? They had a weapon of some sort, at least. No one was hurt but it was still such a strange few hours.

    Anyway, that was my day. How are all of you doing?

    1. JesterLavorre


      That is scary. I’m glad you’re okay, though! Too bad about the d&d.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  9. My goodness. Shardiversary. Four years ago I joined this website...wow. Four years ago I was in freshman year of high school??? Where did the time go!? I'M A SENIOR NOW?? WHAT??? NO. HELP.

    I guess...I really need to thank you all for giving me a lot of the reasons I'm still kicking nowadays. Thank you for helping me become...me. Who I am. Venture is now a pretty neat person, I think. Go me. Thank you. Go you.

    So, in no exact order, the reminders of love and affection to the many many people who have influenced me over the course of my time here, beginsssss now.

    @Condensation Hello There. Dang, wow. It's good to see you nowadays, y'know? We didn't know each other as well as we could've a short while back, but I'm so glad that we get to talk a lot more. You're such a creative person, and even through all the life stuff you’ve been having to mess with, you’ve still been Connie, my dear friend, the Grammar Queen (I sorely apologize for any future typos). I’m genuinely proud of you Con. I still owe you Wendy’s don’t I…hm…Regardless. You're amazing, and I am the better for having met you.

    @Emi Do you know how in awe of you I am nowadays? I have seen you grow so much as a person, I'd be tempted to say you're almost unrecognizable. But I could never forget your endearing presence: anime, art, and all. And can I say dang your art is getting good. I know you won’t see this for a week or two, but you’ll be in my mind the whole time. I’m glad that you have such great friendships nowadays, and I am glad that I number among them.

    @FriarFritz What can I say? You mean a lot to me. Not just because you recommended Arcane to me. I've always loved how passionate you are, how much you care for people. I make an effort to emulate the ideal you provide every day. Thank you for giving that to me. Thank you for the reminders and small acts of kindness, they give me such joy. Also ditch the poptarts pleaseeeeeeeee? 

    @JesterLavorre I actually managed to play Magic: The Gathering with someone, even if it was only online, and you’re really good at it too! Also. Also also also. Sleepless Domain is pretty good, huh? Thanks for being so willing to spend your time with me. Maybe I can get you hooked on a few dozen more hundreds of webcomics. 

    @King of the Oreo I love ya kiddo. Whether you see why or not, I do. I’m afraid there’s nothing you can do about that. Sorry. You still are an amazing person. No matter what, always and forever. So take care. Things will get better. I’ll be with you, because I enjoy spending time with you.

    @Knight of Iron Thanks for letting me worldbuild with you, thank you for sharing your personal philosophy with me, thank you for being one of the strongest people I know, thank you for sharing your artistic talents. I wish you the best with your future. I’ll keep nagging you to eat more veggies though. I have a rolled up sheet of newspaper, so go buy some lettuce. I should have a few good recipes for you later if you want too.

    @Mist You’re managing a lot. College, life, just…so much is stacked against you. And yet you still manage to make time for others. A fact I admire…just……so much. You’re a powerful person Mist. Make sure to take care of that person. You are the priority, I promise. I’ll make sure to get some extra sleep tonight if you do too, okay?

    @Mystic Syn Synnie! I’m appalled that I don’t know you better. You truly are one of the great artists of our time, and more people need to give you the recognition you deserve! Drawing, writing, being an amazing friend. Plus you’re like…really super smart academically? You are so heckin cool, and we better spend more time together in the future. Maybe we can geek out about more movies, eh? Stay safe, things’ll settle down soon, I’ve got a feeling. 

    @Scarletfox Scarlie. You’ve shared a lot of kind words with me, and I cannot express to you enough how much they’ve meant. The fact that you’ve grown so much from the person I first met, the way you’ve taken charge in your own life. You’re a fancy professional streamer now! That’s crazy!! Don’t give up on the chances you have, you are so worth your time. Also and maybe I have more music recommendations for you later? 

    @Tesh Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I really….don’t have the words. There aren’t enough words to get across the scope of how much the friendship I've found with you has changed me. You’re way too hecking patient with me. But I’ve never seen you give up once. You’re always trying. You struggle with a lot. Sure, you can say it’s not much in scale…but you manage to stand up every day and overcome your own personal challenges. From musicals to writing to Greens, you are so passionate, so creative, so powerful. You are an idol of mine, and I am made better each moment by your friendship. We are going to see a performance of Come From Away one day. Y’hear? I’ll hunt you down somehow. 

    @The Awakened Salad Bonjour Soup, Agent of Chaos, Herald of Leafy Greens, The Longest Armed One, eldritch horror from beyond our reality. You’re neat. *pat pat* Cannibalism and drugs are a thing. Yep.

    @Vapor Hellllllooooo Vappie. *offers cuddles* I hope we get to see each other more often. We all care for you, regardless of whether you think so or not. So take care of yourself. If not for yourself, for us. 

    @Zephrun's Imperium Star. You were a good person to me, someone I really needed. Thank you for being there. We’re still friends. Keep on living. You’ve survived this far, plus you’ve got Ward nowadays. :P Plus you’re on an upward path. Thank you for keeping going this far. 

    @Blessing of Potency PO. Thanks for the chats. I’m really glad that I was able to offer a little bit of help to you, and I am really grateful for the kindness you’ve displayed recently. You’re a boss, insanely cool person, much gender envy, so gamer. I can’t wait to see you next time you’re online. You’ll have an amazing future, much romance, so video game, greatly awe inspiring.

    @Lord_Silberfarben Y’all mean so much to me? You know that? Goodness, I can’t even. You’ve really motivated me to learn more about myself, about people, about the world around me. I’ve relied on your friendship so much. I swear to you, you are never a burden. Stay safe, please. I wish time zones weren’t a thing, eh? You can crush school, I believe in you.

    @theTruthshaper You are going to take over the world one day. I see it now: Lady Truth, Queen of Eternity, First of her name, Empress of All, The Royal of Light, Phd. You got me into web serial novels. Worm, A Practical Guide to Evil, Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality. Not to mention all the fluffy stories I binged for weeks on end. They uh…cracked me up. You are definitely one of the most intelligent people I have ever met in my entire life, and I don’t expect that to really ever change. You just act so kind. I long to follow your example in life, because you are such a good person. Also you’re one of the very few people who read a webcomic I recommended, which is…woah. My regard for you is deep.

    @Ookla the Meta Wassap Meta. We aren’t the closest of people. You’re a scary adult, ack. But…..you’re a scary adult, you’re scarily mature, and that comes with a lot of power. And you’ve used that for nothing but good. You’re a great person, and I look up to you. Thank you for being my friend

    @AonEne Okay I’ll…admit. I had to brainstorm for a while to even begin this one...I just need to say that I really really care about you. You've struggled at times in your life, and you’re here today, displaying a love towards others that I can only describe as christ-like. You are one of the best people I know. You have been there for me, and I cannot possibly thank you enough for that. Even without trying you’re just so…you. Kindness and power and love are who you are. And you are so amazing because of who you are. Thank you for being my friend. Thank you so, so storming much. Thank you.
    Oh you thought that was it did you. Well guess what. It isn’t. Cause also you’re a Mod nowadays??? You’re on Shardcast nowadays??? I got to see your amazing face once upon a time???? You yelled at me when I pushed you away??? I want to steal your you-ness cause it’s just so amazing to me, but someone told me identify theft is not allowed, as cool as Beetle is, and I guess as cool as you are too. Anyways Yeeter Indeeder.

    @Darkfinder Vi, my buddy! Musicals and even though your name sounds really angsty, you really aren’t. You’re just…kindhearted. I’m glad that you’re doing well nowadays, keep up that pace. I believe in you

    And….if I forgot you….I’m so sorry. It was not maliciously done.

    What I would give to be able to teleport you all into a room and we be able to hang out in person.
    What I would do for the chance to make it so none of you would ever experience struggle.
    What I would say to change the minds of those who don’t understand you or help you.
    What I would….
    I would do a lot for y’all.
    Thank you for being my friends
    I love you all so, so much.

    Here’s to another year, may it bring you all the success and love you deserve.

    1. JesterLavorre


      Happy Shardiversary!

      We should try and play some MTG again sometime, once school and life in general calms down a bit for you.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  10. Kay.

    So... I have a question. Several, actually. And I'd rather like to not be cancelled.

    It concerns J.K. Rowling and the whole "transphobia" thing, so I'll drop them in spoiler boxes for anyone who wants to keep themselves out of the drama. I'd particularly like to ask any trans people here on the shard for their opinion:


    Does she actually seem transphobic to you?

    I'm definitely not saying that she's completely innocent of saying anything insensitive, but after reading over the most contested tweets and her massive 4000-word essay, the last thing I'm reading from it is hate. She isn't illegitimizing or persecuting trans people as far as I can tell; only presenting issues that actually make a lot of sense.

    Her main concern is with the safety of women in public. She takes no issue with actual transitioning of male to female; Rowling only said "When you throw open the doors of bathrooms and changing rooms to any man who believes or feels he’s a woman... then you open the door to any and all men who wish to come inside."

    Honestly, at this point I just think that most people are going by hearsay; it's a lot easier to say "J.K. Rowling is transphobic" than it is to read through every tweet and essay she's released. Again, she isn't completely innocent, and she hasn't directly apologized for any offense given, but I do not think that she is transphobic or hates trans people.

    But I want to hear what you guys have to say, because it's (very) possible that I'm just reading everything wrong--I'm not trans or queer or anything of the sort, and I haven't even known very many trans people throughout my life long enough to come to understand their struggles. I'm very much a vanilla male who's only (relatively) recently been introduced to all this stuff.

    I'm asking because I'm writing an essay about this, and would like some other opinions.

    1. JesterLavorre


      Okay, let’s see if I can sum up a bit of what I think most people don’t like.
      Going solely off my memory of what she said, I think the problem most people had was her excluding trans women from being women, or implying they are not “real women”. Using exclusionary language like “people with [x body part]” instead of women. And then implying or outright stating (again, I can’t remember specifics) that giving trans people more rights would be detrimental to women’s rights, so again implying she doesn’t think trans women are actually women.

      Also, how I understand it, the bathroom argument is worrisome on the surface, but flawed when you start looking into it. I have heard (though, if you write an essay on this, you should find an actual source, because I’m still just going on my memory here) that the statistics do not support that this actually happens. Even beside that, the argument doesn’t really hold up to scrutiny in other areas. What about lesbian, bi, or other women who are attracted to other women? Are they also dangerous in women’s spaces? And it’s not like harassment suddenly becomes legal if you’re allowed in women’s bathrooms. You should still get arrested. And it’s not like women can’t just be harassed outside bathrooms, or that men couldn’t just go into a womens’ bathroom illegally.
      So, a lot of people think all the bathroom argument really adds up to is fearmongering. Often unintentional fearmongering, but Rowling claims she has done her research into these sorts of things, so when she espouses things often cited as fearmongering and transphobic, this raises some eyebrows to say the least.

      Again, take this all with a grain of salt, because I am just going off my memory of what people are saying, and I am also a cishet guy, so I’m not exactly one of the effected groups here. But yeah, I hope that helps.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  11. I just rickrolled my entire class for educational reasons.

    That is all.


    ITS OUT!!!!!!

    1. JesterLavorre


      Not sure what the “Wheel of Tine” is, but YAYYYYYYYY!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  13. This thing is short, and more than a week late, but hey, it exists. Kinda.

    Let's see short list this year, even if you're not mentioned you're still cool.

    ENE! You are totally epic and I love working and talking with you. @AonEne

    @Ed Venture You are totally awesome and amazing. Keep being you. Thank you for listening.

    @Serce Forts you are such an amazing friend. sorry I don't remember to talk to you. I don't really remember for anyone :P

    @FriarFritz You're cool. Also, wow. just thinking back on the last year. You're cool.

    @LewsTherinTelescope punny! It's been awesome to get to know you better (also sorry if that's more me lurking than interacting (drat I'm being self conscious AnYwAyS)) and you're pretty cool. Thanks for helping out.


    Life updates: I have a white build your own lightsaber, three part time jobs (don't worry I only work one consistently), a fancy gold pin award... Let's see. I'm decorating Boop my aloe vera for Christmas and I now have another plant, Anna the amaryllis. We'll see if I manage to not kill that one. Haven't killed my aloe yet not for lack of forgetting to water though. It's basically a cactus, it's fine, riiight. Divorce happened :/

    Inktober exists, I'll probably finish it. eventually.

  14. So after watching Dune and a couple Star Wars films, I've gotten into the vibe of hard-science space operas, and I think I might try to write one.

    Would anyone be interested in updates? Joining in? Or maybe I could just make an RP to sate my weirdly specific creative urge. What do y'all think?

    1. JesterLavorre


      A Sci-fi space RP sounds fun, though I don’t have a great track record keeping up with my RPs…

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  15. Man, I really need to be on here more... 

    Who all is going to the minicon? Thoughts on the new logos? 

    1. JesterLavorre


      I like the new logos better than the old old ones, though it’s taking a little while to get used to the new layout of the site on mobile.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  16. To the people unfortunate enough to have read Iconar Collective, I have a question.

    How did you picture the Arcane Academy? I didn't describe it well (or at all) in the book itself, so I'm curious as to what you thought it looked like.

    If you take the author's opinion as canon, then I'm incredibly sorry. The reason why I didn't describe what it looked like was because I didn't know what it looked like. This would be simple enough for the readers, but later in the writing process I developed a headcanon that looked... well...




    Anyways, as many of you already know, I'm currently working on redrafting the darned thing; and with it I'm going to spruce up my world a little. Historically I'm really bad at writing settings, so I'm getting a little more down-and-dirty with that.

    In short, yes; this is just an excuse to show you guys another map I decided to draw.



    (Sorry for the bad lighting)


    1. JesterLavorre


      As we all know from Stormlight, air must be broken up into inhalation and exhalation.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  17. Dune: good!

    1. JesterLavorre


      The visuals and audio of the movie are both excellent, though the audio occasionally makes it harder to hear the people talking.

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  18. So, I got to thinking, because I had a crap time trying to sleep and that’s all I could do: Why can’t we see our piece of creativity the same way others see them?

    Well, first of all: We’ve seen that certain thing so much that we got desensitized to the idea and what we did with it. The idea is old to us, but it’s completely new to others and it fills them with excitement, much as it may have done when we first came up with the idea.

    Second: It may have to do with us putting a little piece of ourselves into that piece of creativity; that’s how I see creativity. For me, especially when it comes to writing a new character, that little piece of me is being shown through different ways. That piece of me can be hurt or praised, depending on how the audience reacts to it.

    And third: It may just have to do with some sort of anxiety we face. I feel like any person that is creative in any sort of way deals with a form of anxiety, that being different from anybody else’s (e.g., my anxiety shows through fast-paced thoughts, almost hyperventilating, but it may be different for Connie). Anyways, that anxiety can hold us back to becoming who we want to be or what we want our pieces of creativity to be.


    In conclusion: I need sleep and to stop thinking about these things late at night/early in the morning.

    1. JesterLavorre


      As a creative, you’ve also put a lot more thought and analysis into that work, so you can see all of the little things that could be better that any casual consumer would never notice.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  19. Inktober! For those who don't know, I've decided to do three of the Cosmere Inktober prompts a week, so here are the arts for week one! (Also, side note: this is my first ever status update in my over a year on the shard, and I can't tell if that's sad or impressive). Non-RoW Cosmere spoilers for all.

    Prompt: Invested


    I've been wanting to do a stained glass version of all the shards for a while, and this was a good excuse. Here's Ruin:


    Prompt: Broken


    Shallan's kinda messed up, ya'll.


    Prompt: Visage


    Shalash scratching out her eyes. I'm not as proud of this one, but it's okay.


    I'll probably hopefully post my shardiversary update soon! It's only two months late.

  20. I just took the Meyers-Briggs (or a free internet equivalent, anyways) and found that I am an INFP-T, or a "Mediator."

    I'm also reading through the description and boy is this thing accurate. Just the first two paragraphs summarizes me up near perfectly:


    Although they may seem quiet or unassuming, Mediators (INFPs) have vibrant, passionate inner lives. Creative and imaginative, they happily lose themselves in daydreams, inventing all sorts of stories and conversations in their minds. These personalities are known for their sensitivity – Mediators can have profound emotional responses to music, art, nature, and the people around them.

    Idealistic and empathetic, Mediators long for deep, soulful relationships, and they feel called to help others. But because this personality type makes up such a small portion of the population, Mediators may sometimes feel lonely or invisible, adrift in a world that doesn’t seem to appreciate the traits that make them unique.

    And then this:


    Introspective to the core, they’re exquisitely attuned to their own thoughts and feelings, but they yearn to understand the people around them as well.

    And then this:


    Few things make Mediators more uneasy than pretending to be someone they aren’t. With their sensitivity and their commitment to authenticity, people with this personality type tend to crave opportunities for creative self-expression.

    Heck, they even had a quote; and it was Tolkien!


    All that is gold does not glitter; not all those who wander are lost; the old that is strong does not wither; deep roots are not reached by the frost.


    1. JesterLavorre


      If I remember right, I’m an INTJ (which I think is “Architect”?), but that was three years ago, so who knows now.

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  21. Happy Spooky Month! It's time to get Spooky Scary Skeletons stuck in your head and start planning your costume - I'm sure you're all going as Sanderson characters. Right? Right?

    I'm hoping to do Inktober, but a) none will be impressive, and b ) I will get behind, especially on posting. So you may get an occasional update? If I make one that I feel is impressive.

    And yeah, I feel suicidal occasionally, especially with divorce things. If I need help, can I come to you guys?

    Love y'all,


    1. JesterLavorre


      Spooky month! I have resolved to only do three Inktober drawing a week, because otherwise I will not be able to keep up!

      And, yes, if you need help, we’re here to talk. Assuming I’m awake, cause time zones are weird.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  22. *depressed marshmallow eating*

    1. JesterLavorre



      I know it’s cliche, but Hot chocolate also goes well with marshmallows.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  23. Today I wrote two very important words on the Iconar Collective doc:


    "The End"


    1. JesterLavorre



      Congrats! That’s a major accomplishment. How many words did it end up being?

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

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