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Boomerang Guy

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Status Replies posted by Boomerang Guy

  1. Is anybody else struggling to get anybody to read the Cosmere? Or just Sandserson at the least? My friends just wont read it. Their either busy or just don't want to. If I didn't have the Shard I think I would go insane. These books (namely the Cosmere (specifically Mistborn and Stormlight)) are my burning passion! I HAVE to share it with people! 

    So is anyone else struggling to get people to read the stuff? Or am I the only one who is having a problem with it.

  2. Look at them SPAMBOTS


    (Note: not all the users shown are spambots. But the majority of them are).

  3. I missed my Shardiversary.

    By how much? I hear you ask. Well, as of yesterday, I will have missed it by a month.

    Thanks to @Knight of Iron for remembering his, though. He said "two years!" and I was like "wait."

    Anyways... two years! Yeah! Woo! Didn't even die a little bit.

    So... time to do some summons. Spoiler box mode: activate!



    The best moderator and the mostest chill! I don't see you here often, but anytime you show up I get a massive burst of serotonin, so... yeah! Keep being the Ene you've been!

    And get back to posting on the RP subforum already, dagnabit



    I'll go youngest to oldest with the clan.

    Hello, my child! You're an amazing person; beautiful inside and out! I'm really glad that I've gotten to be your friend for so long, and I really hope that I'll get to keep knowing you for awhile. Thanks for confiding in me and letting me be a helpful, supportive friend :)



    Heya, Shortie! I guess I'll activate my Ultimate Grammar for this one. I really miss roleplaying with you all the time, and I hope we'll have more time to do that together in the future. I hope you realize that you're super cool and whacky, which are both equally awesome things.



    I don't get to talk to you enough! You're off being super responsible and adult-y and stuff, which means that you only pop in to clarify a rule. I hope we'll get to chat more in the future, because you're scudding amazing! I hope college treats you well; but if it doesn't then remember that I can snipe it for you.



    My other child! Kippy lass! You haven't been on the Shard in awhile, and we're never on Discord at the same time, so I reeeeeeeaally miss you. I hope you're getting lots of love out in the Land Deprived of Root Beer; and if you ever need any extra, then I've got plenty right here.





    I have spoken.

    @Spren of Kindness


    Heyyyyy, Lassie! I kinda miss you, 'cause you aren't online super often anymore. I hope it isn't weird to say that I really really hope that I get to meet you in person someday; you seem like a really awesome person--plus I'll finally get to hug a real Hugspren!

    @Enter a username


    It's been two years but I still have pretty much no clue who the scud you are. That's probably intentional on your part, but what I do know is that you're a kewlbean and hanging out with you is fun! Which is good enough for me!



    I guess being unintentionally cryptic must run in the family, because despite you being a super bubbly manifestation of pure euphoric bliss, I dunno what your deal is. You're also super fun to be around, though, so... yeah! Cool!



    It's the Man, the Myth, the Legend! You are one scud of a lad, with a billion facets to your personality that I can't even hope to ever fully understand. How you came to be so cool and talented and awesome is unknown to me. Keep doing what you're doing and keep doing it with us!

    @Boomerang Guy


    I know you for your love of penguins, waffles, and a number of other things. As such, I only have one thing to ask of you:


    Do you and Toph have a rocky relationship?


    You do?


    That's rough, buddy.






    Imma start doing people in pairs now...

    @Chasmessian and @Scarletfox


    You two are the goofiest dynamic duo ever! I love logging onto your SMP and streams to hang out with you guys. One of these days you're gonna conquer the world in the name of friendship and chill LoFi beats to study to, and I'm gonna be all for it.


    Also lemme know when the wedding is, okay? I wanna be the flower boy.


    @Mystic Syn


    Yes, I recognize that you are not a pair. Or maybe you are. I dunno. You seem to have twice as much awesome in you than most folks :P

    I love your art, I love your writing, I love your whacky personality. Stay awesome, kid. You're a kid, right?

    @Tani and @Merciful


    Writing camp buddiesssssssss!!! I miss you guys every day and all the time. I hope that we'll get to meet up again sometime and have more antics and hijinks :D

    @Zephrun's Imperium and @The Ward's Guard


    *Insert mischevious stream of teasing here*

    To Star: Stay cool! Thanks for being you and not being dead.

    To Guard: Git gud. If you wanna marry this lass one day then you need to achieve anime-tier power levels.

    (I jest, I jest. Mostly)



    Yet another Man, yet another Myth, yet another Legend; the bestest bud and the coolest lad! I think I've said before that I have about infinite respect for you, and you really do deserve it. I feel like I connect with you on a number of levels, so maybe I'm just being narcissistic here, but you are really awesome and I feel like you're gonna do something amazing someday. 'Til then just keep being the way you are, which is already amazing enough for me.

    I guess I'll toss down all my RP bros (and sisses. Sisses? Sissies? Is that even a decent female conjugation of the word "bro"? I'll just go with "guys, gals; non-binary pals."): @AmazingGoob @Danex @Experience @Matrim's Dice and @Random Bystander


    Post on Siren's Call

    Join Fellowship of the Thing

    Stay nerdy

    I'll see you in the future

    Goob: Try not to die, watch out for sharks

    Danex: *Trademarks puffballs*

    Exp: Milestone system is superior

    Mat: I beat Hornet and Mantis Lords without getting hit. Git gud.

    Randby: We live in the same city. Where do I go to stalk you (nicely)

    @revelryintheart and @Knight of Iron


    It's Tooth Bro and Fullmetal Alchemist Junkie! Two whacky folks who I know and love.


    Also coordinate with Scarlie and Goaty, aight? I'll be able to flowerboy both of your weddings at the same time.




    I know this guy. He goes to my school.

    Hi, mate! Whassup? Seeya in Philosophy.

    Who'm I missing...



    Twenty bucks says I'll win for rep today.



    Good luck with your fancy orchestra gig! And don't shrink.

    @Ed Venture


    Uhhhhhhh... I dunno. Don't die, I guess. (I'm bad with specifics when it comes to the folks I don't talk to eighty hours a day).



    M u l l e t



    We should worldbuild together more often...

    And... hm. That's it, isn't it?

    (I'm being sarcastic. OF COURSE IT'S NOT).



    You're amazing and wonderful and so smart and talented and best and ahhhhhh


    I get to chat with you every day and it's the bestestestestestest thing everrrr


    You're the most wonderful person in the history of people


    Not to diss the other Sharders here but you're way bester than all the other Sharders here


    I got you


    Love you, darling :wub:







  4. School is hard...

    Stress is hard...

    Anxiety is so very hard...


  5. School is hard...

    Stress is hard...

    Anxiety is so very hard...


  6. Another No Way Home Trailer!!

  7. Well, massive su dump, here we go.

    1. On Saturday I have the most important race of my life, and it will determine whether I go to state or not. Not feeling any pressure at all, especially because I absolutely threw my last race which doesn’t help.
    2. I enjoy seminary, but boy is it so much more enjoyable when your crush is there as well.
    3. Gonna be at the brando mini-con next week, if anyone else is going lmk! I’ve been rereading the stormlight books and now I’m literally saying storms when I want to curse so that’s fun.
    4. Trimester just ended, it was the worst in my life i think. Pretty sure I didn’t get any A’s. It’s ok tho, we’re doing better. 
    5. Writing was going well at the beginning of november. Then my brain was like nope. So that’s not happening.
    6. Just got my car back from the shop after the deer I hit destroyed it. So happy about that.
    7. More stuff probably but eh
  8. This thing is short, and more than a week late, but hey, it exists. Kinda.

    Let's see short list this year, even if you're not mentioned you're still cool.

    ENE! You are totally epic and I love working and talking with you. @AonEne

    @Ed Venture You are totally awesome and amazing. Keep being you. Thank you for listening.

    @Serce Forts you are such an amazing friend. sorry I don't remember to talk to you. I don't really remember for anyone :P

    @FriarFritz You're cool. Also, wow. just thinking back on the last year. You're cool.

    @LewsTherinTelescope punny! It's been awesome to get to know you better (also sorry if that's more me lurking than interacting (drat I'm being self conscious AnYwAyS)) and you're pretty cool. Thanks for helping out.


    Life updates: I have a white build your own lightsaber, three part time jobs (don't worry I only work one consistently), a fancy gold pin award... Let's see. I'm decorating Boop my aloe vera for Christmas and I now have another plant, Anna the amaryllis. We'll see if I manage to not kill that one. Haven't killed my aloe yet not for lack of forgetting to water though. It's basically a cactus, it's fine, riiight. Divorce happened :/

    Inktober exists, I'll probably finish it. eventually.

  9. Man, I really need to be on here more... 

    Who all is going to the minicon? Thoughts on the new logos? 

  10. Hey remember Condensatlon?

    that was funny.


    *keyboard smash*

    ignore me

  11. So I'm not here as consistently as I used to be so I guess I missed something.

    Whats with the blue hats?

  12. Hey remember Condensatlon?

    that was funny.


    *keyboard smash*

    ignore me

  13. A lot of stuff has happened in the last few weeks. For example: I was a Ravenclaw for Halloween! I read all 3 Reckoners novels! I’m sewing a turkey! I'm doing my 3rd read-through of the Stormlight Archive! Yaaaaaaaaay!

    So, anything interesting happen on your end of the computer?

  14. ok I don't think I can ever post on FGaRS again

    because I synced them up. Posts is now exactly 3,000 ahead of content. so I'll hit thousands at the same time and I don't have to worry about trying to do both! Just hit 15,000 content? Good job, I just hit 18,000 posts as well!


  15. So I'm not here as consistently as I used to be so I guess I missed something.

    Whats with the blue hats?

  16. So I'm not here as consistently as I used to be so I guess I missed something.

    Whats with the blue hats?

  17. In case y'all were wondering, the schwartzchild radius of an electron is 0.0000000000000000000000000000135 (1.35E-29) yoctometers.

    That is all.

  18. I'm feeling kind of sick. It's nothing too bad--just a cold or flu-- but I still feel pretty miserable.

  19. oh, I forgot to say, my nose randomly decided to bleed in the middle of the fourth movement of the last piece I played yesterday. I blame the horns

  20. All Avatar and Stormlight fans unite, and see what I have found!

    Kaladin Meets Zuko" iPad Case & Skin by zogoart | RedbubbleI love this SOOOO MUCH!!!

  21. All Avatar and Stormlight fans unite, and see what I have found!

    Kaladin Meets Zuko" iPad Case & Skin by zogoart | RedbubbleI love this SOOOO MUCH!!!

  22. All Avatar and Stormlight fans unite, and see what I have found!

    Kaladin Meets Zuko" iPad Case & Skin by zogoart | RedbubbleI love this SOOOO MUCH!!!

  23. All Avatar and Stormlight fans unite, and see what I have found!

    Kaladin Meets Zuko" iPad Case & Skin by zogoart | RedbubbleI love this SOOOO MUCH!!!

  24. Wait it's you!!!


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