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Boomerang Guy

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Status Replies posted by Boomerang Guy

  1. Do y'all know when you get like a writer's block, but it isn't a real writer's block; it's just that you're writing an absolute slag heap of a fight scene and your fingers are moving so slow it puts iOS download times to shame?

    'cause that's what's happening right now.

  2. I would like to thank school for distracting me from my 3 year shardiversary ten days ago.

  3. Hello everyone, its been awhile since a was here. One of the reasons it took me so long to get back on the shard was that I was intimidated by all the notification that would probably be there. But I'm not going to bother with them. So assuming there are still any active sharders here that remember me, this is just me letting y'all know that I'll try to be here more often. ^_^

  4. Hello everyone, its been awhile since a was here. One of the reasons it took me so long to get back on the shard was that I was intimidated by all the notification that would probably be there. But I'm not going to bother with them. So assuming there are still any active sharders here that remember me, this is just me letting y'all know that I'll try to be here more often. ^_^

  5. Hello everyone, its been awhile since a was here. One of the reasons it took me so long to get back on the shard was that I was intimidated by all the notification that would probably be there. But I'm not going to bother with them. So assuming there are still any active sharders here that remember me, this is just me letting y'all know that I'll try to be here more often. ^_^

  6. Hello everyone, its been awhile since a was here. One of the reasons it took me so long to get back on the shard was that I was intimidated by all the notification that would probably be there. But I'm not going to bother with them. So assuming there are still any active sharders here that remember me, this is just me letting y'all know that I'll try to be here more often. ^_^

  7. Hello everyone, its been awhile since a was here. One of the reasons it took me so long to get back on the shard was that I was intimidated by all the notification that would probably be there. But I'm not going to bother with them. So assuming there are still any active sharders here that remember me, this is just me letting y'all know that I'll try to be here more often. ^_^

  8. Hello everyone, its been awhile since a was here. One of the reasons it took me so long to get back on the shard was that I was intimidated by all the notification that would probably be there. But I'm not going to bother with them. So assuming there are still any active sharders here that remember me, this is just me letting y'all know that I'll try to be here more often. ^_^

  9. Hello everyone, its been awhile since a was here. One of the reasons it took me so long to get back on the shard was that I was intimidated by all the notification that would probably be there. But I'm not going to bother with them. So assuming there are still any active sharders here that remember me, this is just me letting y'all know that I'll try to be here more often. ^_^

  10. Well, happy birthday I guess.

  11. Well. Here I am. As you might be able to tell, I have made the very difficult decision to basically stop using the Shard. My life has just gotten too hectic, and I was spending way to much time on here instead of other things that I needed to get done. So, I've decided that I'm just going to check in every month or so, and maybe post some of the art that I've worked on in the past little while.

    As you might have seen, I've changed my name and there my cover photo and profile pic are both made by me. I have been spending almost all of my free time doing animation, and have some really fun projects that I'm working on. I am pretty close with the rock bud that I was working on a while back, and I'm planning to have another stormlight scene done by my shardiversery. 

    I have also been working on my book, and it's coming along nicely; I've done a lot of worldbuilding and some writing. 

    Also piano. At this time, it's kinda hard to keep up with piano, but I'm really trying to play at least an hour each day and I'm having fun doing that as always.

    My Cross Country season still hasn't started, but we have a tentative date for a meet set for mid February, so hopefully that happens.

    Ummm. I guess dramawise, I've gone on some dates, went to a homecoming, and it looks like (fingers crossed) that prom will be happening this year. That just reminded me. I saw while looking over my brothers shoulder one day that @DramaQueen was back! How's it going?!

    I guess that's all. I'll be on the Shard for the next hourish, and then check again tomorrow, but after that I probably won't be on until mid February. 

  12. Hey McWafy! Could you possibly rearrange your signature, or move some of it to your About Me? We're trying to keep them shorter. ^_^ 

  13. The fire, don't bring me back to the fire, don't make me go back I can't go back I can't Roshar no not Roshar please don't don't bring me to Braize I'll kill you I'll spit on your bones I'll die a thousand times again don't take me don't put me under their knives don't BRING ME BACK TO THAT AGONY 

    The others, where are the other Heralds? I...I'm safe here, right? The Shard isn't one of their delusions rasping red and trickling black their mouths promise we can be safe if we just. let. go. ...right? 

  14. Book recommendations:



    I posted this last night... or tried to. Technology is great, you know.


  15. Physics is unimportant:




  16. Who wants some WAFFLES? :D.

  17. Hey! All you! Go to king of the thread and vote for @EmiTheNinja as soon as the poll's up.

  18. Heh, I forgot to give that here earlier, so here you go. A dragon and a Kippy :P



  19. Hello fellow nerds, geeks, & fans of the Cosmere and all the Sanderson! 

    I am sure that you have all missed me tons and am glad that I am back for a breif time.;):P (Well, I mean... hopfully you are.^_^

    Assuming you care, i will update you all on my ready status...Progress? Well witchever word i'm sopoased to use you get what i am trying to say.

    I am Almost done with Warbreaker and I am LOVING IT! I was not expecting to love this book so much. Though, I guess I should've expected that from any of his books, am I right?:D

    I FINNALY obtained a copy of the Scriveners Bones again. I did not want to spend money on it (at least not yet) and i could not find a copy ANYWHERE.

    I started reading Oathbringer but stopped to read Warbreaker because I got strong suggestions to read warbreaker before I read Oathbringer and Specificly Rythm of War. Cuz Now I know Nightblood is very prominant in BOTH series.

    I own but have not started; Legion: The Many Lives of Steven Leeds. And from What I have heard I am super exited to read it.

    I have White Sand Vol. 2 & 3. But I can't find the 1st one at all. (or at a reasonable price)


    Well, thats all i can remember right now. (and thats impresive considering my extreme ADHD brain!:P)

    I have to go so I cant keep writing. I might be get back on later today. maybe.

  20. Hello fellow nerds, geeks, & fans of the Cosmere and all the Sanderson! 

    I am sure that you have all missed me tons and am glad that I am back for a breif time.;):P (Well, I mean... hopfully you are.^_^

    Assuming you care, i will update you all on my ready status...Progress? Well witchever word i'm sopoased to use you get what i am trying to say.

    I am Almost done with Warbreaker and I am LOVING IT! I was not expecting to love this book so much. Though, I guess I should've expected that from any of his books, am I right?:D

    I FINNALY obtained a copy of the Scriveners Bones again. I did not want to spend money on it (at least not yet) and i could not find a copy ANYWHERE.

    I started reading Oathbringer but stopped to read Warbreaker because I got strong suggestions to read warbreaker before I read Oathbringer and Specificly Rythm of War. Cuz Now I know Nightblood is very prominant in BOTH series.

    I own but have not started; Legion: The Many Lives of Steven Leeds. And from What I have heard I am super exited to read it.

    I have White Sand Vol. 2 & 3. But I can't find the 1st one at all. (or at a reasonable price)


    Well, thats all i can remember right now. (and thats impresive considering my extreme ADHD brain!:P)

    I have to go so I cant keep writing. I might be get back on later today. maybe.

  21. Hello fellow nerds, geeks, & fans of the Cosmere and all the Sanderson! 

    I am sure that you have all missed me tons and am glad that I am back for a breif time.;):P (Well, I mean... hopfully you are.^_^

    Assuming you care, i will update you all on my ready status...Progress? Well witchever word i'm sopoased to use you get what i am trying to say.

    I am Almost done with Warbreaker and I am LOVING IT! I was not expecting to love this book so much. Though, I guess I should've expected that from any of his books, am I right?:D

    I FINNALY obtained a copy of the Scriveners Bones again. I did not want to spend money on it (at least not yet) and i could not find a copy ANYWHERE.

    I started reading Oathbringer but stopped to read Warbreaker because I got strong suggestions to read warbreaker before I read Oathbringer and Specificly Rythm of War. Cuz Now I know Nightblood is very prominant in BOTH series.

    I own but have not started; Legion: The Many Lives of Steven Leeds. And from What I have heard I am super exited to read it.

    I have White Sand Vol. 2 & 3. But I can't find the 1st one at all. (or at a reasonable price)


    Well, thats all i can remember right now. (and thats impresive considering my extreme ADHD brain!:P)

    I have to go so I cant keep writing. I might be get back on later today. maybe.

  22. Yknow how sometimes you have A Plan and then your brain SQUIRRELs off the beaten path?

    Oh Ene you wanted to write some song parodies? Here's two more ideas for ya

    Oh Ene you had a Mistborn fanfic to write? Here's an even more enticing one

    Like, how am I NOT supposed to write Vin being raised by TLR??

  23. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  24. Happy (Early) Birthday!!!! Thanks for everything you do for the Shard!

  25. Happy (Early) Birthday!!!! Thanks for everything you do for the Shard!

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