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Status Updates posted by AonEne

  1. I just need to keep a work in progress here real quick don’t have time sorry for the notif 

    Oh, Cassie thought, and tried to hide her wince. She hadn’t even thought of what it would be like for Joy, unable to show herself to anyone else and with her Radiant, once her only link to the world, not able to see her or feel her emotion pulses either. She’d only focused on the fact that it wasn’t much of a change for herself, not having verbally interacted with her spren much. Wow, that was awful of me. “It’s okay, Flid.” 

    Turning to Leona, she mustered a shrug and said, “I summoned my Blade - by instinct, I guess - when the Nightwatcher did...this.” She gestured to herself vaguely. “And I could see it then, so I guess it doesn’t count when it’s a Shard? But I’ve never tried to summon Plate.” 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wyndlerunner


      Sometimes, You just got to make use of what you have on you at the moment.

      Excited for the official post to go up!

    3. AonEne


      Yeah, normally I’d have stored it somewhere else, but I didn’t have time. 

    4. AonEne


      All righty doing this now

  2. Huh, apparently my subconscious ships Kaladin and Kelsier, despite how much I tell it that wouldn't work at all. :lol: I dreamed of training montages and having a minor hero-worship-crush on your teacher. Not gonna lie though, Kaladin dying, becoming a Cognitive Shadow after Kelsier rushes him to Stormlight, having a Dramatic Moment with Syl ("You're not my Knight Radiant anymore, Kal, but I will always be your spren"), and then having training montages in a swimming pool (no, I don't know either) trying to outwit Kell and his Avengers team RoW 


    Why the Ghostbloods became like the Avengers I haven't the slightest idea but there were some sweet moments with them - I wish I could remember details of the car chase/captive escape for you

    all sounds like a crack-taken-somewhat-seriously fanfic that I'd absolutely read. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AonEne


      You tell me... 

      I want my dumb fantasy gay soap opera

    3. Condensation


      That was... amazing.

    4. The Awakened Salad

      The Awakened Salad

      Oh my gosh I would totally read this :lol:


    (please Brandon what in the Almighty’s tenth name is a Dawnshard. Please) 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ark1002


      also, you're now in the top 20 most upvoted on the shard

    3. AonEne


      This is true! 

    4. AonEne


      Back in my day we didn't know what a Dawnshard was! okay we still don't really know but like. yeah :P

  4. Whilst reading RoW to my mom (we've been going a bit slowly and are still in part one) if we read multiple chapters in a RoW row I'll sometimes see if she can remember how the epigraphs go -


    Lecture on fabrial mechanics presented by Navani Kholin to the coalition of monarchs, Urithiru, Jesevan, 1175

    and at first I tried having her fill in blanks of like the month and stuff but that's way too much to remember even after you've heard it a few times, which I can't blame her too much for so I got simpler (she couldn't remember Navani's last name and it hurts because the Kholins are everybody in the books) but I say all of this to let you know that today she complained to me that I hadn't read it to her in a while and said "HOW WILL I LEARN WHAT NAVANI IS TEACHING THE MONARCHS?" and that's it, everyone, that's it

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Honorless


      Edit: {no edit button on status; nudge, nudge}

      You meant she forgot for a mo that you were reading her a book and thought like she missed an episode on TV, didn't you, oops.

      Also, is that a demigirl flag I spy?

    3. Doomstick


      hey, my mother and I just finished OB together!

    4. AonEne


      She wanted to know what was going on and was just unhappy I hadn't read to her in a while :P

      Yep, demigirl dragon for pride! :D I did ace dragon last year and pan puppy is on Discord. 

  5. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE, and HAPPY HOLIDAYS! I love you all, and I hope you have a wonderful day! 


    I claim you all as my platonic Valentines, so there. I love you all dearly and if mailing things wasn't expensive, I'd mail you all treats.

    Except for Truth who I'm claiming as my non-platonic Valentine - every day is a Happy Day with you. I love you.

    *groups hugs everyone except the people who don't like hugs* You're not alone, this day or any other! Ene is here to be a friend if you need one! I love you all!

  7. Right now, I am deliriously happy(ish). This is for multiple reasons, but the biggest currently is that after 450 pages of a Google Doc and 238 pages of Sharding, I am caught up with editing Knights of the Cosmere.

    I don't even care if anyone reads this, I'm just gonna go be exhaustedly, gloriously joy-filled.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ashspren


      My upvotes ran out, but wow. Dedication.

    3. AonEne


      It's been SEVEN MONTHS AND SEVEN DAYS since I started. Isn't that supposed to be auspicious? Well, it worked. :lol:

    4. Borio Singaldi

      Borio Singaldi

      Fantastic. Seven stars for you.



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wind


      THIS IS SO EPIC!!! Is it for sale?!

    3. AonEne


      It looks like it's still being made, and they have copyright concerns of course, but if they do end up selling it I might buy it.

    4. AonEne


      Also don't ask me questions, ask the creator :P

  9. @Tesh @Aragorn

    Let me find the thread

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AonEne


      Personally, I don't fully agree with this, but there is a point to it and I'm not about to argue with a mod.

    3. King Aragorn of Gondor

      King Aragorn of Gondor

      Thank you!  I was unaware of this announcement and will take heed of it in the future.

      *says goodbye to spiked cookies one by one by name*

    4. Tesh


      Honestly, it's probably a good thing.

      Newcomers were no doubt thoroughly confused relatively frequently.

  10. There are no images in your album, what did you mean to put there? 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran

      Didn't make anything. Also I can't figure out how to delete/edit albums, if you OGs would help me out...?

    3. AonEne


      I’m not an OG, a few years too late for that, but I don’t think it’s  possible to delete them. 

    4. AonEne


      *rereads old status updates* oh hey this is actually possible, I know now 

  11. You know what we need? Adorable Ozzy and Spook pictures. :wub: Thus you have been charged, forsooth and stuff.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Zath


      No, no, look at this face:

      Okay, okay, that's enough looking.  It's nap time.

    3. AonEne


      CRAZY EYES :wub:

      Is this da pupper or da doggo? :wub:

    4. Zath


      That was Ozzy, AKA not the puppy.  I'll post some Spook pictures eventually.

  12. When you get around to posting the art that’s been sitting in your room for a year :ph34r:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Zephrun’s Imperium

      Zephrun’s Imperium

      Oh. Ugh, forgive me. It's Friday. 

    3. Zephrun’s Imperium

      Zephrun’s Imperium

      Wait a second, no it's not, because your art was already created. Mine, I have to get around to actually drawing it.

    4. AonEne
  13. I know I just barely posted a status update and there might be another later today if DND goes like usual, but I have to share this, it's too good :P

    I'm reading a religious AU called The Book of Joby and the Creator is just the best. I mean you'd think of course he would be, but the mood he is the GREATEST. Paraphrased: 

    Lucifer: ugh why do you entertain those vile filthy animals 
    God: can you not just let me feed seagulls in peace? I was having a good day and then you come along and ruin it. 

    Lucifer: *ranting furiously* 
    God: ,,,your point? 

    Angel snaps at Lucifer, he snaps back not to interrupt his betters 
    God: hey man weren't we talking 
    Lucifer: i WiLL nOt be MOCKED - 
    God, levelly: what were you just saying about interrupting your betters (BURN) 

    Lucifer: I still think Judas failed solidly and we AGREED that if I won Jesus - 
    God (direct quote): "I never suggested that Jesus would stay dead. It's hardly My fault you didn't think to inquire about that ahead of time." 
    Lucifer: Well what was I supposed to think, you said dead, dead is - 
    God: evidently not lmao get good son 

    *seagulls poop on Lucifer's shoe as he disapparates* 

    Fantastic prologue! Also, the clothes the Creator and angel are described as wearing sounded cool. 10/10 would read again - wait I should read the first chapter first, shouldn't I. That was not the entire experience of the book oops 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Awakened Salad

      The Awakened Salad

      This is basically how I see Ruin and Preservation's relationship towards the end, so I ship it

    3. AonEne


      Ati: I still think Vin failed solidly and we AGREED that if I won Kelsier - 
      Leras: I never suggested that Kelsier would stay dead. It's hardly my fault you didn't think to inquire about that ahead of time. 
      Ati: Well what was I supposed to think, you said dead, dead is - 
      Leras: evidently not lmao get good son 

    4. The Awakened Salad
  14. @I Am Witless @Darkwalker Witless! Why did you @ me? Now I have to stare in misery and wait until someone else explains...

    Oh, wait. No. Status updates exist. ;)

    Darkwalker, KotC is a roleplay created by @Tesh. There's a Wiki, but that Wiki currently sucks. (I can say this because I made it.) There's also a transcription, which does NOT suck! (I can say this too, because I made this too.)

    We're in the climax of our second RP, with RP3 on the way. I'd be happy to put in a good word for you in the chat if you want in for RP3.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Darkwalker
    3. AonEne


      Does that mean you want me to put in the good word, or just thanks for telling you? Or thanks to Kidpen for @ing you?

    4. Darkwalker


      I would love to have a good word put in for me thank :-)

  15. Aaaah I wanna sleep on a wolf! Cute :wub: 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AonEne


      Oh, that’s a dog :P whoops. STILL ADORABLE. 

    3. Honorless


      Oh no that's a wolf, a werewolf in fact, I've read they're very cuddly

    4. AonEne


      *facepalms* I misinterpreted what you meant. Good job, Ene. 

  16. No one: 
    Absolutely no one: 
    Spambot: The proposed volume of the enhancement is 2 tablet laptops consistently 

    No regular tablet pills, folks, you need to consume TWO LAPTOPS every day. This is how you diet. 

    Logic TM 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Random Bystander

      Random Bystander

      I saw that, and I died.

      I laughed so hard, I almost peed myself.

      It's just so ridiculous. 


    3. Frustration


      Spambots are hillarious.

    4. Lunamor


      Aw man, I’ve been having 2 iPads!

  17. I'm on the last episode of The Magnus Archives and I won't spoil it but I'm feeling more emotions than I was at the end of RoW 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AonEne


      Done now, don't know what to think, honestly 

    3. Szeth's Facepalm

      Szeth's Facepalm

      That was my reaction too ;-;

      Here's an incredible TMA animation to sooth the pain:



      It gives me chills every time.

    4. AonEne


      Oh yeah, this is one of the good ones. Thank you! This fandom is so talented, man. S5 spoilers for those who don't know. 

  18. This popped into my head last night: 

    *tortured voice* “why does everything I touch break?!” 

    “Well, stop throwing plates at the window, then” 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AonEne


      I do try not to throw things around the house XD 

    3. Emi


      I guess that’s a good decision. 

    4. Lunamor


      This has Alcatraz vibes :lol:

  19. WHERE YOU BE, friend?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AonEne


      But then I'd have to look up the fancy e and the spelling and augh. Friend is easier, and Ap is even easier than that.

    3. Doomstick


      Unless you’re on mobile... then autocorrect will do it for you 

    4. AonEne


      Lucky mobile users.

  20. Pssst, 


    go save the world from Darkstalker 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Doomstick



      WoF spoilers (second series)




    3. AonEne



      Did I translate it correctly? Or did Wikipedia lie to me? 

    4. Doomstick


      yep! it is generally used as raccoon, but it's a joke word, so it isn't used that much

  21. Quote

    [escort agency] fully understands your feelings and brings you a wide class of dating buddies for a true girlfriend experience in Ludhiana. 

    "dating buddies" 


    You may only enter this website if you are at least 18 years old- if not, you cannot enter the site. If you are accessing this website from a country that prohibits access to adult content or any associated activities, you do so at your own risk. It is your responsibility to comply with local laws. 

    Says the spambot advertising sex on a book fansite lmao 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chinkoln


      How do they even work? Do they literally just search the web for sites where they can post? Are they only semi automatic? It just doesn’t make sense. And also, do they really generate income?!? There is no way they bring in more customers than it costs to keep the bot running

    3. AonEne


      I have no idea, these things are weird and I don't code them. 

    4. Adonalsium'sSpren


      Ludhiana is in india btw, its a pretty big city. Messy tho

  22. My dreams wrote a love story, but I’m forgetting most of it...there were dragons, someone could turn invisible? Other magic too I think. People were definitely turning into dragons. I was more awake when I came up with this last snippet, which is why I mostly remember it: 

    “[something about his family/kingdom being gone or disbanded? Idk] I’m not a prince anymore.” (In answer to some question she asked him about...something? It was like, resolution-wrapping-stuff-up conversation topics) 

    (She’s being tentative about saying this) “Well, instead of being a prince, you could be a [dream logic just insists that her country had some special royal titles - they lived by the sea, I’m not sure how that affected it but it did].” (Translation: if you had that title, you’d be part of our family) 

    (Him giving her a surprised and mildly hopeful and half-amused look) “Isn’t it usual the man who proposes to the woman?” 

    “It’s also usually the prince who saves the princess, but [jokingly references adventures during which she was the protagonist...I think...or one of them? My dream was telling this in the third person so I don’t know okay]” 

    “Hey, I totally saved you once or twice.” 

    “Once or twice can’t measure up to [more vague references, she saved him more times and from bigger dangers :P]” 

    (They’re both grinning now) “Are you offering, then, to give me more chances to save you?” 

    “You’d need them to catch up, but my guess is I’d be saving you too.” 

    “So let’s enter into a relationship [joking tone, referencing something that happened at the beginning? I lost that thread] to save each other. For years to come.” 

    “Fine by me.” (End) 

    So yeah, definitely needs refining and reworking and I’d need to figure out the entire rest of the plot lol, but I liked the potential of some of these ending lines of banter (I freaking love banter. Best type of humor), so I’m leaving it here. 

  23. Questioner

    So, the Shardplate, are those also spren or <specific> spren?

    Brandon Sanderson

    It's a RAFO!

    Footnote: The attentive reader will notice that Brandon's response suggests that Shardplate is made of RAFO. This is, in fact, unlikely to be the case.
    Shadows of Self Chicago signing (Oct. 12, 2015)

    That footnote though 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Doomstick
    3. Doomstick


      shardplate is made of RAFOspren

    4. Mat


      I also saw a similar crempost proving Hoid's true name: Here

      (Language warning found in the comments section of the post)


  24. Sometimes you want meaning and wordplay and satire and sarcasm and stuff in your humor... 

    ...and sometimes you just wanna watch the Lego Movie 

    And wanting both types is okay :P 

    I feel like I need to keep telling myself this. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wyndlerunner


      No seriously though. The Lego Movie is dang smart humor. (Also, the sheer amount of Lego fan directed humor is utterly astounding, and as a Lego fan, I appreciate it)

    3. Kidpen


      To be fair, The Lego Movie does take a very high IQ to understand.


    4. AonEne


      Okay, fair enough, there’s a lot of humor in there that kids probably wouldn’t get :P 

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