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Everything posted by apepi

  1. I personally think something like this could kill Odium, we know for shards going against something you agreed to do creates a hole(?) in the shard and makes it weak. If Odium allows Kharbranth to fall, when it was promised that they would be safe, then it severely storms up Odium.
  2. My on going theory is that the Sel shards don't have as much of a rhythm on Sel unlike the other planets on their shards because they are stuck on the cognitive realm instead of the spiritual(?). So it should be easier to create anti-light there.
  3. Galivar(and presumably the other kings?) are also turned into stone.
  4. Well...I am not sure if it is an intentional change, but it does happen.
  5. I have always considered truespren somewhat to be equivalents to perhaps the god metals, they all (could)have them. There could possibly be spren attuned to Ruin or Harmony/etc. And the spren were already there, it might be easy to take a little investiture and turn it into something useful to you, instead of creating something new. They are also considered servants of them, a shard gotta have their servants to do their bidding. Though...I wonder if it is a choice? It seems to be the case to be, as it appears that shards can choose to change their own metals if they wish?
  6. The real question might be if Talenel has the same illness as the other heralds, or he is just effected by the torture that he went through?
  7. I believe that cognitive shadows have a hard time staying sane/true to their nature due what happens to their...spirit(?). We have seen this happen to other beings besides just heralds, with the fused(Rabionel talks about the reason making her daughter fused was to see if it helps those have those close to them be more sane), and we have seen it somewhat happen to vessels, with the shard slowly morphing someone into that shards intent. Rashek also seemed to go more insane/unhinged after living for a long time. I am not sure that we have seen it with the Returned, I don't remember any of that, and Vasher seems fine. Hoid has lived a long time, though we don't know if he is a cognitive shadow like the others. Nut it seems to me that their is some key to figuring ti out, though for some reason I feel like Vasher seems to know about the key to figuring it out(it might have been hinted in RoW?). I think it has to do with the intent of the investiture that made them a cognitive shadow. Maybe Honor dying caused the Heralds to have the effects that they have. Maybe like a sort of withdrawal from his investiture, it caused them to rubber band and now they shot too far and the effects kind of make them want to do the opposite of what they were doing before? Just my take.
  8. The small theory about gemstones I have is the perfect gemstones create a vacuum, like Navani did to separate the tones of Roshar. And that is what makes the gemstones perfect, the imperfect ones have 'holes'. And it would make sense for the Ghostbloods to collect them to try to transfer investiture. They could even perhaps be used to transfer other investiture than just light?
  9. Do we know if there are more shardblades than shardplate?
  10. I have always assumed that Stormwardens have somehow bonded Windspren to learn when the storms would happen next. Also, there was some stormwardens that were part of Gavilar's expedition.
  11. Do twins share the same weakness as well as powers or no?
  12. She goes to New York. David helps her change. Though she was once 'crazy', she is no longer. But she could can become crazy again.
  13. This is what I thought, it is not actually about David but someone else, maybe even Megan.
  14. Szeth, main guy from the last airbender Parshendi, Orcs from Lord of the rings but tamer/nicer looking and red Adolin, Arthas from Warcraft(precorruption) Pattern, an imp from Warcraft expect looking all black/inky Syl, A blue neverland fairy or a nymph Dalinar, Ulysses S Grant
  15. Ah, I knew he blew up some, but did not know which. Hawii might be the nicest state to live in now. Only one High Epic and they are waterlocked? Does not seem too bad.
  16. Without death point, we would have never discovered Steelheart's weakness. So how is he not important?
  17. Could easily drown someone.
  18. How about absorbing their powers also absorbs their weakness? Does not seem so strong now eh?
  19. Brown eyes here. I do remember during Kaladin's eyes was talked about being lighter than the king's/etc was.
  20. Shallan talking about riding 'horses' not understanding how she would get sore, and it turned out that she has only rid ponies in circles and not horses.
  21. I always thought he wished for him to forget about his love for Navani or something like that.
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